The Masters Heir

By SebastainMichaelis55

88.6K 2.8K 1.7K

{COMPLETE} Danny was used to neglect. He had lived with it since he was 5. In fact he didn't even know he was... More



8K 235 149
By SebastainMichaelis55

Danny was sitting in his room doing his overdue math homework. His parents had left a few hours ago to visit jazz at her new place. Danny of course was supposed to be going along but his parents had forgotten. Again. Danny didn't mind his parents forgetting anymore. It had been going on for 9 years. 5 year old Danny didn't know he was being neglected and neither did 14 year old Danny. Danny had finished his last question as plasmius phased through the wall and into his room.

The Masters Heir Chapter One-Taken To Safety

"Great the frootloop is here." Danny muttered.

"Now, now Daniel. Is that anyway to greet your 'uncle vlad'?" Vlad teased.

Danny sighed. "What do you want Vlad?" Danny asked giving him one chance to explain why he barged in.

"Just passing by. I'm surprised however. Why haven't your parents bust through the door yelling GHOST! yet?" Vlad asked genuinely confused.

Danny hadn't bothered to answer and closed his many books and gathered all his writing and correction tools. He opened his backpack sitting beside him and put everything away. Once he was finished he put his bag on his desk chair and left the room. Vlad took notice of this and de-ghost himself to follow after Danny.

"Daniel where are you going?" Vlad asked him slightly angers he just walked away from him.

"To get a snack, why do you care?" Danny retorted.

"Answer my question." Vlad said growing impatient.

"I did." Was Danny's simple reply as he turned the corner.

"My first one Daniel." Vlad said in a duh time.

"They left 4, maybe 5 hours ago." Danny said in an uncaring tone.

Vlad was taken aback. They had left him alone for up to 5 hours!?

"And that doesn't bother you they've been gone so long?" Vlad questioned.

Danny just shrugged his shoulders. "They always leave without telling me. Usually I would go, but they always forget. I'm kinda used to being here without anyone. The phone never rings when they aren't home so that's kinda nice too." Danny said really just not caring, why did Vlad care anyway?

If answering the frootloops questions will get him to leave, Danny will answer as many questions as Vlad wants.

"Done asking questions now?" Danny asked a question of his own.

Vlad wasn't sure if he was done with question time or not but he did have a reason for coming here, mainly to relay a message but this was more important.

"I did come here for a reason you know. Just passing by wasn't the full reason I came however this may be my priority." Vlad said deciding he was done asking questions.

"Why did you come then? It's not like you actually care about me. You have no reason to." Danny said uncaringly.

"It's not important now my boy. What's important is getting you ou-" Vlad was cut off before he could finish.

"NO! I'm not leaving! Especially not with you!" Danny yelled.

"DANEIL! You are not safe here!" Vlad yelled back.

"Yes I am! What would you know!? Again, you don't actually care about me! You have no reason to care!" Danny once again yelled getting angrier.

"Daniel I know more than you think I do!" Vlad quickly snapped before continuing on, "depending what you just told me and what I'm about to ask I will not give you a choice in the matter and you will come whether you like it or not! Now dear boy I need you to tell me one thing."

Danny began to get angrier."I don't need to tell you anything!" He yelled.

"Daniel please. Just corporate and stop being difficult!" Vlad yelled.

"What do you want, you stupid frootloop?" He asked angrily.

"Have your parents ever noticed when you come home with cuts or broken bones little badger?" Vlad asked.

"No my ghost powers heal me." Danny said in a duh tone.

"Don't dodge my question!" Vlad warned.

"Why would I-" Danny started. "You know about dash?" He asked.

"Daniel I always ask your teachers and schoolmates about you. They won't lie to me I'm the mayor. I make or break their lives. They'd never dare to lie to my face." Vlad said using his own duh tone.

"Why would you do that!? That's just plain creepy!" Danny said with a slight shiver.

Vlad just looked at him with a 'stop stalling and dodging questions' look.

Danny squirmed a little under Vlad's glare. "Alright fine. No they don't. Happy now!?" Danny finally gave up.

"See Daniel this is what I mean by unsafe. Parents don't leave their children alone without calling for hours on end little badger, they don't not notice when your hurt, upset or being bullied, they don't favour one child over the other and the most certainly don't let their children play with dangerous experimental equipment." Vlad pointed out the obvious. Again.

Danny looked down at his feet. He knew Vlad was right but he didn't want to believe it.

"Fine! Your right! So what!? What are you going to do about it?" Danny yelled. He was still confused on how he knew about jazz being the 'good child' but it was fairly obvious.

"Little badger your coming with me whether you like it or not. I am not leaving you here. I will make up a story for any prying eyes." Vlad said firmly.

"Why did I know you were going to say something absurd like that?" Danny questioned.

Before Vlad could answer Danny turned around and headed back up the stairs now carrying the soda and snack sized chip bag he had grabbed during the conversation that was just had.

"Is there anything direly important to you in this room that cannot be replaced?" Vlad asked.

Danny simply pointed to his Fenton thermos. Vlad walked over to it and grabbed it.

"Why do you like this thing so much?" He questioned.

Danny simply shrugged as Vlad walked over to him. Danny looked with a 'no way I'm moving frootloop' look. In retaliation Vlad picked him up and again hauled the half ghost teen off. Danny thrashed around for a bit before giving up.

"Fine you win"

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