Johnny Depp pregnancy series

By head_over_hiddleston

222K 3.6K 193

Just a cute, fluffy series about you having johnny's baby #8 in #depp More

1. Talking about it
2. Finding out
3. Telling Him
4. Morning Sickness
5. Telling your Family
6. First ultra sound
7. Starting to Show
8. Cravings
9. Mood swings
10. Gender predictions
11. Finding out the gender
13. He hears you talking to baby (his POV)
14. Picking a name
15. shopping for baby
16. He leaves to go film overseas for a couple of weeks
17. While hes away in tour
18. He arrives home
19. How you fall asleep
20. He talks to the baby
21. Talking to his mum
22. Last ultra sound
23. Sore and uncomfortable
24. Labour
25. The birth

12. First kick

7.2K 129 5
By head_over_hiddleston

You and Johnny are having your normal Saturday night movie marathon. "What movie do you want to watch now lovely?" Johnny asks, you had just watched the note book and the latest pirates of the Caribbean, little to say that you loved all of your fabulous husbands movies. 
You were scrolling through the Netflix menu to find something to watch. " I don't know baby"  you reply back. "Would you like anything from the kitchen love?" Johnny asks as he gets up to go get something to drink from the kitchen.
"No thank you j" you reply. You get up to get some blankets and your pillow from you and Johnny's bed.
You sit down and get comfy once again "HEY J CAN YOU PLEASE GET ME SOME ICE CREAM WITH PICKLES?!" You yell. " OF COURSE BABY" he yells back.

*five minutes later*

"Here you go baby girl" Johnny says as he  sits down. You get comfy on the sofa with Johnny, as you lay on his chest with both of your hands on your enlarged baby bump.
"What movie sh-" You say as you felt a small tap underneath your hand.
"D-did she just kick?! Did our baby girl just kick!" Johnny says excitedly, "y-yeah she just did!" You scream.
"Omg baby girl can you kick again for daddy?" Johnny says with absolute happiness with his eyes.
"Omg Baby, she kicked. I -I can't believe it, this is actually happening" Johnny says in complete love.

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