RagLak - Kuch Uss Tarah [✔️]

By _Hxl1m4_

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Kuch Uss Tarah is a few shots based on Ragini and Lakshya. RagLak ♥️. A small short story describing that lov... More

I Love Ragini
Jhoota Sach
8 Lakhs
His 'Bad Luck'
Tum Hi Ho
Khwaab Sa
Humari Kahaani
Epilogue: The End


941 74 60
By _Hxl1m4_

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting everyone. ♥️

Just before starting:

My new story, do check it out once you have time please:


Check out my Dayani's (shiniyi )
story, it's amazing. Based on RagLak, Yuvinkle and ShivIka. She writes more, press on the tag and it'll lead you to her page. 😋

Sorry for any mistakes, errors and inconveniences. . .

Shot 2: Kasam

The rain had started to limit itself as the wind blew, Ragini rushed towards the bus stop and Lakshya follows. Ragini glances around worriedly, Lakshya sees her worried and holds her hand.

"Ragini, clam down." Ragini looks at him and then jerks her hand away.

Lakshya had never seen Ragini this worried, she starts walking back out in the rain and Lakshya walks behind her.

"Ragini. . ." Ragini increases her speed and Lakshya stops, seeing her walk away.

The rain continues to shower down but not as much as it had earlier.

While Ragini was walking, she sees few boys in a jeep that was going past her, as the jeep passed her, she sighs a relief and increased her speed but soon the jeep reversed and Ragini looks to the side while walking.

"Madam, it's not safe for you to walk alone, that too on this rainy day. We don't mind giving you a lift." Ragini ignored them and looks away, she releases a sigh after they went away.

Soon a hand pulls Ragini and she shockingly stares at that person, he sniffs Ragini, making her feel uncomfortable. She tried pushing him away but his grip was too strong on her.

He pulls Ragini closer while Ragini struggles to free herself. She silently cries while pushing that man with her other hand.

"You smell delicious." He huskily utters, making her feel disgusted.

Ragini drops her back and punches the man in the eye, he stumbled back, releasing her hand and touching his eye.

"Ahhh!" He hisses and she bends down, picking her bag up hurriedly and running from there.

As she ran, she bumps into Lakshya, it was a shock for her at first but when she looks up, she sighs a relief and hugs him.

Lakshya was worried, he hugged her back protectively and looked forward, staring at the man who looks at him with one eye mute. The man rushes away after sensing Lakshya's anger through his glare. Ragini was sniffing as she silently cries, she wanted to say something but couldn't, something was holding her back.

"Shhhh, Ragini. . ." Lakshya tries to calm her but he exactly didn't know how to.

She felt protected in his embrace, her inner feeling was giving positive vibes when he is with her, she knew nothing wrong can happen to her if Lakshya is besides her.

Slowly the rain started disappearing, leaving few drops to shower before the final exit. Ragini was much calmer than before.

"Ragini. . ." Lakshya trialed off and she realised what she was doing, instantly
parting away and avoiding eye-contact.

"Are you okay?" He asks and she nods positively, though he knew it was a lie.

She yet again started distancing herself and he followed, deciding not to leave her alone. Sensing him behind her, she felt a little relief knowing she will stay safe until she reaches her destination.


Kavya, after reaching her house, happily jumps on her bed. She closes her eyes and hugs her pillow while blushing.

"Lakshya loves me." She mummers to herself, making it sound like the most beautiful thing she has ever heard "Kavya and Lakshya, Lakshya and Kavya." She adds, now making it sound like the two beautiful joined names on this earth.

A phone call interrupts her loving dream and she looks to the side, her smile increased and she answers it, putting it on speaker.

"Anuuuu!" Kavya happily chirps.

"How are you Kavya?"

"I'm feeling awesome, you sayyyyy."

"Wow, you sound happy, what happened?" Her friend Anu, from the other side of the phone asks and Kavya blushes, burying her face in her pink fluffy cushion.

"Kav. . ." Her father stops as he stands by the door, hearing Anu speaking from the other end.

"What happened Kavya? Kavya? Are you there?"

Kavya finally lifts her head up. "Love happened Anu. Finally Lakshya admitted that he loves me!"

Anu gasps "What? Really?! Wowwww! Congrats!"

"Yeah, he said he loves me but was too scared to admit it because he thought I might reject him! But little does he know I love him too." Kavya blushes as she reveals.

Her father curves a smile and walks out of the room, leaving Kavya and Anu to talk.

"Did he say that to you directly?" Anu asks.

"No, but I heard him talk to Karthik and Nikhil."

"You heard them talking? Kavu, what if it's a misunder. . ."

Kavya interrupts "It is me! It has to be, who else has he been with since childhood?"

"That is true. . . Well congrats Kavuuu, don't forget to invite me to your wedding functions. For now I need to go but I'll be back soon."

"Enjoy." Kavya responds and the phone disconnects.

Anu's words did affect Kavya, now that she thinks wether Lakshya was talking about her or not. But she decides to shrug those thoughts away as she was the only friend of Lakshya in childhood.


Ragini has reached her house, just before moving inside, she turns around seeing Lakshya smiling at her. She wanted to say thank you but before she could, Parvati walks about and Lakshya darts away as fast as he could.

"Ladoo, you took ages, I got worried." Ragini, who was earlier confused by Lakshya's sudden move turns to the side, understanding why he had ran.

"You're going to catch a cold, come inside. Quick." Parvati adds and takes her inside.

'I don't know how to thank you Lakshya. I shouldn't be feeling this, it's not acceptable.' Ragini says in her mind and looks down at Parvati while walking back inside.


DP, who was walking down the stairs with RP and Sanskar receives a call and he attends it.

"Yes Mr Malhotra, how can I help you?" DP answers as he walks inside the hall.

Sanskar moves away and towards Swara who was walking towards the laundry room with a basket in her hand.

RP takes a seat on the sofa and Sujata walks towards him with a tray of a glass of water. He takes it and starts gulping it down, Sujata, seeing DP busy on the phone keeps his glass of water on the table and walks away.

"What?" DP surprisingly says, making RP look at him. "Are you sure?" DP continues and that's when Lakshya jumps inside the mansion, creating a noise.

"Hoo! It's freezing!" He shivers and gains DP and RP's attention. He was all soggy and wet due to the rain.

"I'll talk to him." DP utters and disconnects the call.

"Lakshya." Swara gasps and he turns to her. "Go upstairs now and get changed or you'll fall ill!" She adds, walking out into the hall with Sanskar.

"On my way." Lakshya responds and turns around, before he could move, DP stops him.

"Stop." He turns back around and looks at DP.

AP, Sujata and Parineeta walk out of the kitchen while RP, Sanskar and Swara look at DP.

"Actually, go get changed first." DP declares and Lakshya sighs, rushing up.

Adarsh walks inside and as he heads to the hall, he slips and falls down. Everyone gasp in shock and cover their mouths expect DP and RP.

"Ahhh!" Adarsh hisses in pain.

"Adarsh Ji." "Adarsh." "Adarsh Bhaiyya." Everyone utter in shock and walk towards him.

It was Lakshya's fault, the water which dripped down his clothes by the stairs caused Adarsh to slip and fall.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He lies and tries to stand but couldn't.

"Ram. . . Call the doctor." DP orders and RP nods, looking at Sanskar who shakes his head and takes his phone out.

"Swara, clean the water on the stairs before anyone else can injure themselves." Sujata orders and Swara nods positively, walking away to get the equipments to dry the water.

Sanskar helps Adarsh stand and with the help of RP, takes him to the sofas.

AP worriedly caresses his hair. "I'm fine Maa." Adarsh responds.


Lakshya was in his bathroom, taking a shower while singing.

"Dodooo dadaaa" He hums a tune and as he scrubs his chest, Ragini hugging him takes over his mind and a smile curves on his lips, he seemed to cherish himself in the shower while remembering Ragini.

"Tu nazm nazm sa mere
Honthon pe thehar ja
Main khwab khwab sa teri
Aankhon mein jaagun re. . ." Lakshya sings while standing in the shower.

[stay on my lips
like poetry.
let me wake in your eyes
like dreams.]

"Tu ishq ishq sa mere
Rooh mein aake bas ja
Jis aur teri shehnaai
Uss ore main bhaagun re. . ." Lakshya in a romantic mode sings as he drowns him self in Ragini's memories.

[come and stay in my soul
like love,
I run in the direction
where there is your clarinet playing]

Swara, who was walking past his room hears him singing. She then shakes her head in disbelief at his antics and walks away but just before leaving, she sees DP standing in Lakshya's room and creases her forehead in confusion but she had to rush to dry the water before anymore injuries occur.

"This means Mr Malhotra was right, Lakshya likes his daughter but I need to ask him before coming to a conclusion otherwise he would drown my name and respect if he runs away from this marriage." DP mummers to himself and exits his room.

DP knew how much of a rebel and wild his son was, he had once experienced embarrassment by forcing his decision on Lakshya and now he doesn't want to experience more embarrassment in front of everyone which can harm his family respect. He knows Lakshya will have it his way, anyhow so just before fixing the alliance, he would want to ask Lakshya if he wanted it or else Lakshya would say no the day of engagement and in front of many people, DP would be bowing his head in shame.

As DP walked down, Swara had finished mopping and the doctor entered.

"Down there." DP pointed and the doctor nodded, walking towards Adarsh who was covered around with his loved ones who were concerned.

Swara was about to leave but DP stops her.

"Swara. . ."

"Yes Bade Papa?" She turned and DP hesitated to say but inhaled his courage.

"I want you to do a favour for me."

"You don't need to ask Bade Papa, I will always stay available to help."

DP nodded and then says "I want you to find out who Lakshya loves."

Swara's eyebrows arch as she stares at DP. "Find out who Lakshya loves?" She repeats but a little confused.

"Yes, Mr Malhotra is saying that he loves his daughter Kavya but I'm not very sure if he is even in love, but hearing him in the. . ." He, in a low tone utters and hesitates to complete further.

"In the bathroom singing a love song, you suspect he might love someone and you want to make sure it's Kavya, right?" Swara completes and DP nods his head, Swara then curves a small smile.

"Don't worry Bade Papa, I'll do my best to find out." Swara adds and DP tries curving a small smile but couldn't.

Sanskar had seen the two talking secretly and wonders what it might be.

"What are you saying Doctor?!" Sujata's loud gasp grabs Swara and DP's attention.

"It is the truth Mrs Maheshwari, he had twisted his ankle." The doctor says and Sujata worriedly shakes her head.

"No doctor, this can't happen."

"Sujata. . . He twisted his ankle, hasn't fractured it." AP utters and Sujata makes a confused face.

"So he hasn't broke his foot?" Everyone shake their heads negatively and Sujata sighs a relief. "Thank god."


Ragini had walked out of her bathroom after having a shower, Parvati walks inside the room with a tray of hot and piping tea.

"How are you feeling Ladoo? Better?" She asks and Ragini nods positively.

"I saw him, he thinks he was sly to run before I could see but my eyes caught him just before he rushed away, who is he?" Parvati asks as she looks at Ragini who avoids eye-contact.

Parvati walks towards Ragini, "Lakshya?" She asks and Ragini looks at her, seeing the answer in Ragini's eyes, Parvati understood it was indeed Lakshya, who Ragini used to write in the Diary Parvati had burned.

Parvati releases a sigh "Look Laado, just do your best to ignore and stay away from him and the boys in your college. I don't want any danger to fall upon you."

Ragini's eyes moist and she looks away, shaking her head positively and Parvati moves a little back.

"Have your tea or it'll get cold." She utters just before leaving the room and Ragini looked at the door with an upsetting frown glued to her face but she has to understand and respect her Grandma's views, all she wants is to protect Ragini.


Lakshya was all ready to head downstairs to eat dinner and leave and as he was walking down, he sees Adarsh resting on the sofa with his twisted foot resting on the cushion.

Lakshya whistled as he walked down the stairs and into the hall. Parineeta walks out with a plate full of food and hands it to Adarsh, who smiles at her.

"Khmkhm!" Lakshya fakes a cough, getting Parineeta and Adarsh's attention.

"Secret romance hmm?" He teases and Adarsh glares at him while Parineeta walks away with a shy smile.

"Come King Ji come, take a seat, what would you like?" Lakshya looks at Adarsh with confusion after hearing his words.

"What are you saying?"

Adarsh forms a serious expression "Because of you I fell down and twisted my ankle!"

"Me! What did I do?!" Lakshya retorts and Adarsh sighs.

"Don't act like you didn't do anything. You were the one who walked in wet and allowed that water to soak down. I bet you did it purposely so this can happen." Adarsh yells and points at his foot.

Lakshya annoyedly looks at Adarsh "I wish I knew but I didn't! Accuse me as much as you want but it wouldn't change the fact that now you're good for nothing!" He tauntly remarks before walking out.

Adarsh was angry and Parineeta, Swara, Sanskar and DP witnessed this, DP shakes his head in disbelief while Parineeta felt bad that Lakshya insulted her husband.

"Lakshya. . . Where did he go?" AP asks as she walks out.

"Let him go Annapurna! He was causing a problem!" DP says in his stern voice while walking towards the sofa.

Sanskar places his hand on Swara's shoulder and she turns towards him.

"What happened Swara? What are you thinking?" Sanskar asks and Swara, who was deciding wether to tell him or not gives in, she takes him to the corner.

"Bade Papa has set me a secret mission to solve, I can't do it alone that's why you're gunna help me."

"Secret mission?" Swara nods and tells Sanskar what Bade Papa thinks.

"And we need to find out if he loves someone or not and if there is someone in his life, is it Kavya or someone else." Swara finishes off and Sanskar shakes his head in understanding.

"Mission on." He utters, indicating he's with her in this mission.

Both smile at each other.

They see Lakshya enter.

"I'm not leaving until I get food." Lakshya, like a small child utters and walks down and past Adarsh.

Lakshya takes a seat on the dining table while the rest join him except Adarsh as he couldn't move.

DP looks at Swara and Swara understands.

"Lakshya, I wanted to ask you a question." Swara says and Lakshya looks at her while AP was serving him food.

"Go on, ask."

"How do you find Kavya?"

Lakshya's expressions change and he looks down at his plate.

"She's alright, a good friend and a nice girl but too clingy. I feel like she wants to control my every move and always asks where I am which annoys me, like she's not my mum to ask me where I'm going. She's starting to behave like those typical wives and I don't like them. She is my friend but I'll never make her my wife, Kasam Se." [I Swear] Lakshya utters with annoyance glimpsing in his voice, surprising everyone.

"Ohh." Swara says and Lakshya looks back at her.

"Why did you ask?" He asks and Swara didn't know what to say.

"We thought you love her. . ." Sanskar answers but was interrupted.

"Are you serious? Nick and Karthik say she loves me but I. . . No offence to her, I don't love her. She's too extra at times and always clinging on to me." Lakshya expresses and Swara looks at DP, who had got his answer.

Seeing everyone stare at him, Lakshya says "Maa Ki Kasam and everyone's Kasam, I don't love Kavya." [I swear on Maa and everyone, . . .]

Unaware of Kavya standing by the stairs, everyone continued to have dinner on the table while Adarsh sees her. Kavya had started crying right there but runs out before anyone else could notice her.

"This Lakshya can never keep his mouth shut." Adarsh sighs in disbelief to himself as he felt bad seeing Kavya's tears.

End of shot 2

Up Next - A depressed Kavya to commit suicide while at night, Lakshya to enter Ragini's room, there he finds out the truth she had been hiding, but will his feelings change after finding out that shocking truth?

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