Hero {Brendan Gallagher}

By hockeygirl19

65.2K 1.2K 206

Friends with benefits. No strings attached. That's what Stella agreed to do with the hockey-playing pretty bo... More

1 - Motivation
2 - Lucky Charm
3 - Lover Lover
4 - Missing Piece
5 - Interrupted
6 - Heartbeats
7 - You
8 - Hit the Refresh Button
9 - Jersey Jelousy
10 - Some Kind of Drug
11 - Far From Here
12 - Kind Of Like You
13 - Broken Down
14 - Honeymoon Phase
15 - Everybody Talks Too Much
16 - Home Sweet Home
Author's Note
17 - Christmas Gifts

18 - Travels

1.5K 26 11
By hockeygirl19

stellamariee My favorite holiday was well spent with my favorite guy ❤️

tagged: b.gally11
location: Montreal

4593 likes || 34 comments

b.gally11 My favorite girl ❤️

agally94 I think I'm gonna barf

natebeaulieu OMFG totes adorbs

cp0031 Merry Christmas you two!

habsfan24 My heart is MELTING

maxiedrew So happy to see you happy

stellamariee  @agally94 funny, I feel the same way when I see you!!

I smirked down at my phone as I hit send on a witty reply to Alex's comment on my post. Katie sat next to me, head leaned against my shoulder.

"Nate is a mess," she chuckled as she rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's comment.

"At least he didn't say he was going to throw up," I responded, rolling my eyes. We both busted into a fit of giggles. It was 5 in the morning, and the ready of the Canadiens' WAGS and I were waiting to board a plane to Boston.

The boys had left a few days prior to prepare for the big game ahead of them. It was hard saying bye to Bren after I had gotten used to him being home. Despite it only being three days since I'd seen him, I missed him terribly. Surprisingly enough, he was already awake in Boston.

Brendan Adam💛
Good morning Stels

Stella Marie💘
It's entirely too early for this, but good morning Bren :)

Brendan Adam💛
Three hours and you'll be here. It'll be 8 am and we can get breakfast. How's that sound?

Stella Marie💘
Sounds absolutely perfect

Brendan Adam💛
I miss you

Stella Marie💘
I'll see you soon😘

I locked my phone and set it down in my lap. The weight of my eyelids heavily overpowered the butterflies in my stomach as I slowly drifted into a peaceful nap.

"Stella, c'mon," Quinn gently shook my shoulders as she spoke. "Time to board."

It took me a moment to realize my surroundings, and I stifled a yawn as I reached for my passport and plane ticket. The girls and I shuffled over to the slowly moving line, all too tired to really converse.


When the plane landed, I felt like my stomach was about to bust with butterflies. A little under an hour and we'd collect our baggage, go through customs, and be reunited with our boys.

Katie and Quinn navigated us towards international baggage like a couple of seasoned traveling pros, dodging lost tourists left and right. We all stood around, waiting for the luggage conveyer belt to begin moving.

"This is taking forever," Quinn moaned, reaching for her phone.

Finally, the conveyer sprung to life and began moving. All of our luggage was easy to spot, as we had all placed a Montreal Canadiens luggage tag on the handles of our suitcases. In all honesty, we probably didn't need to bring a suit case full of stuff. However, we'd be in town for New Year's Eve, and even though our boys would have to go to bed shortly after the clock hit zero, we didn't.

Being girls, we couldn't simply just pack one outfit. We needed options, and we also needed plenty of warm clothes for the family skate.

After the last girl grabbed her bag, we booked it towards customs. Once our passports were checked and bags scanned, we were set free into the airport.

"There's supposed to be a guy with a sign that says Montreal Canadiens on it.." Katie trailed off as her eyes searched the crowd. I began scanning the large room as well, until my eyes landed on a stocky figure in the corner with a Blue Jays hat pulled down to shade his face.

"I don't know about the guy with the sign, but I just saw B," I told the girls excitedly before taking off towards Brendan. A smile spread onto his face as I weaved around people to reach him. As soon as I got close enough, I dropped my suit case and threw my arms around him.

"Hey there," he said, wrapping his arms around my body. I nuzzled my head into his neck, savoring the feeling of safety and warmth I felt in his arms. He leaned back and pressed a quick kiss to my lips before grabbing my suitcase for me.

"The rest of the guys are around here somewhere, waiting for the girls to find them," he said with a grin, glancing to another guy across the room who I quickly recognized as Nate Beaulieu.

"You guys are too cute," I commented, discreetly waving at Nate. "Where to?"

"I know it's not the classiest breakfast, but there's a Dunkin near by," he responded, taking my hand into his as we walked towards the exit.

"You know classy-ness doesn't matter to me," I told him, squeezing his hand. "I'll go anywhere as long as I'm with you."

"That was almost too cheesy," he chuckled.

"Yeah, I debated whether I should say it or not," I admitted with a laugh. We arrived to a car waiting for us outside. Brendan tossed my luggage into the drunk and told the driver what hotel the team was staying in.

The ride to the hotel was mostly silent; I spent the majority of it looking out at the city of Boston in awe. Big cities never failed to fascinate me, and the buzzing feeling they give me is hard to resist. Even leaving the salon after a day of work, looking up at the lit up buildings makes me happy.

When we arrived at the hotel, Bren paid the driver before grabbing my suitcase out of the drunk. The front desk secretary smiled warmly at us as we walked towards the elevator. The team was staying on the top floor. Brendan's room had a massive window that looked out over the Back Bay.

"Wow," I breathed, wandering mindlessly towards the window. "I think I'm in love."

Brendan softly laughed from across the room before he came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Beautiful, isn't it?"

He kissed the top of my head before resting his chin there.

"Yes, yes you are," he responded. I could see from his reflection in the window that he had a smirk on his face.

"I meant the view, but I guess I'll take the compliment," I said sarcastically, turning to face him. I placed my hands on his chest and tilted my head up to kiss him. His arms tightened around me, pulling me closer to him.

My stomach grumbling ruined our moment, and Brendan pulled back laughing.

"Let's go get some food, eh?"

I quickly grabbed my coat and hat before strolling out of the hotel room, hand in hand with my boyfriend.


"God, that's a hard one," Brendan said, his face twisting up in deep thought. "I think I would definitely rather have fingers as toes than toes as fingers," he finally answered. I glared at him.

"Are you kidding me?"

"No, I'm not kidding you. I wouldn't be able to do shit with toes as fingers," he told me. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but you're gonna look like a freak with fingers for toes," I fired back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Functionality over features, babe."

He leaned back in his chair with a smile. Once again, I rolled my eyes. We'd been at Dunkin for a little over an hour now, wrapped up in an intense game of 'Would You Rather.'

"Would you rather lick peanut butter off of Chucky's toe or eat a cricket?" he questioned, narrowing his eyes at me. I giggled, and my answer came to mind immediately.

"Listen, I'm sure Chucky's feet aren't the most sanitary sometimes, but I would definitely rather lick peanut butter off of Chucky's toe," I answered, busting into more giggles as I imagined that scenario. Brendan's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Are you kidding me?" he mocked my tone from earlier. "Seriously, you'd rather lick something off of his nasty toe??"

"No, I'm not kidding you," I returned his mocking. "I really cannot stand bugs, so there's no chance you'll find me putting one in my mouth."

"Yet you'd put Chucky's toe in your mouth?" he exclaimed, earning us some odd looks from around the small restaurant.

"If I had to choose between that and eating a cricket, yes," I responded calmly. An idea popped into my head, and I couldn't resist the urge to tease Brendan.

"You're ridiculous," he said, shaking his head. I took this opportunity to strike.

"Babe, you know what I'd really like to have in my mouth?" I questioned sweetly. I tilted my head to the side and strategically placed my hand on his thigh.

"What's that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. A smirk worked its way onto his face, and I knew my plan was working.

"A big d-"

"Stella!" he cut me off, his eyes wide.

"What? You didn't let me finish. I was going to say a big donut, silly."

Brendan sighed, putting his head in his hands.

"You are gonna be the death of me."

"Oh, hush, you love it," I responded, not thinking about the words as they rolled out of my mouth. Brendan looked up at me, eyes shining.

"Yeah, Stels, I do." He leaned across the table and pecked my lips before he stood up to get a donut for me. 

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