The Adventures of Sinbad

By MoonFlowerGirl1

9.7K 303 238

An old fanfic from a couple years ago. Pretty cringe, not gonna lie, but feel free to read it anyway. Fanfic... More

Chapter 1:Where am I...?
Chapter 2:His Name Is Sinbad
Chapter 3: Dungeon
Chapter 4:The Imuchakk
Chapter 5:Valefor
Chapter 6:The Argument Gone Wrong!
Chapter 7:Bad Sinbad
Chapter 8:Two Years Huh?
Chapter 9:Fairy Island
Chapter 10:Jealousy
Chapter 11:Mia's Djinn Equip
Chapter 12:Aftermath
Chapter 13:Guess Who Won?
Oh boy.
Chapter 14:Set Sailing
Chapter 15:Memories
Christmas Chapter Special
Happy New Years!!!
Chapter 16:Werewolf Goddess
Chapter 17:The Truth
Chapter 18:Farewell
Chapter 19:Mia's Past

Chapter 20:I Am Home

310 10 9
By MoonFlowerGirl1


Featured Comments:
"How could you 😢😢
Please let them be together" ~ Myrto15 ch. 18
"I really want a good ending for them 😢😢" ~ Myrto15 ch. 19

"😢" ~ huntersmoon1 ch. 18


"Another one asking for a blessing." A young girl sighed. "Great." A woman replied, pressing her cheek on her open hand. Her eyebrows twitched in annoyance as another sigh left the younger girl. "I'll tell them you politely decline their request." The girl turned, her baige hair whipping as she exited the room. "How do they keep finding this island..." The woman muttered, standing from her desk. Walking to a large window, she peered out of it to see the small children running around. "Goddess." A voice called. "Honestly Mae, I've told you a million times to call me Mia. Just Mia." She turned to face a short black haired teen who smiled softly. "Sorry. It's a habit I guess." Mae chuckled. Mia's hazel eyes softened as she watched the green eyed teen look around the room. "Mia are you going to the human town today?" Mae suddenly asked. "Yes." She nodded. "T-Take me with you?" Mae blushed shyly. "Of course, this would be the perfect chance for you to see what humans are like." Mia smiled. Mae nodded eagerly and left to get ready.

Mia made her way to her room and slipped out of her robes. She pulled on a short kimono.

Mia began pulling on her black stockings as the door opened. "Still trying to look young huh?" Mia scoffed. "Oh shut it Hunter." She pouted at the young girl before. Mia stood up after lacing her knee high, brown boots. Mia closed one eye and stuck her tongue out. "You're just jealous your flat as a plank." Hunter pressed her hands on her chest in defense, an offended expression on her face. "I'm in child form, thank you!" She shouted. "Whatever you say." Mia laughed as Hunter grumbled and disappeared into the crescent moon charm quickly. Making sure both tail and ears were gone, Mia hurried to the boat at the docks. Mae waved her hand high up.

"That's quite an outfit, Mia." Mae blinked, her eyes landing on her chest. "Exposing, I know." The charm on Mia's neck glowed. "Lady Hunter!" Mae squeaked. Mia huffed and crosses her arms across her chest. "I can't help that I grow." Mia muttered. Mae chuckled shortly and got aboard the boat. Mia followed, arguing with Hunter along the way. "Mae, your ears and tail." Mia reminded. "Oh! My bad!" She quickly hid her ears and tail, both disappearing into puffs of clouds. "There." Mae smiled.


Mia stepped off the boat as Mae followed closely behind, eyeing their surroundings. "So, where are we?" Mae asked nervously. "Well, I decided to ask the captain of the boat to take us to a kingdom he recommended. Ready to explore?" Mia smiled. Mae nodded and stood up straight. Mia looked arpund the town, taking in the happy citizens. A family walked by, their child laughing. "Up, up!" The child giggled. Mia stopped to watch for a moment. "Mia?" Mae called. "Sorry." Mia smiled weakly at Mae and made her way towards a few people. "Hello!" Mia greeted. "Oh, why hello there!" A man grinned. "You must be new here." Mia nodded. "Yes, I am." A little girl pointed at Mia. "You came just in time, a celebration is starting tonight." The man gave her a pat to the head. "Correct. You should join. I'm sure you'd like it." He offered. "Well then, I guess we'll join. Won't we?" Mia looked at Mae. "Of course!" Mae nodded.

Once the sun rested on the horizon Mia began making her way towards the sound of music and laughter. "Mae?" Mia spoke up. "Yes ma'am?" Mae asked. "Try not to drink too much." Mia winked. Once the scene of the celebration came into view they caught the eyes of the two from earlier. "Over here!" He called. They both hurried over to them. "The king is about to make an announcement." Both Miaand Mae nodded and looked ahead. "Here's to the people of Sindria!" Mia tilted her head in thought. The name sounded familiar. Mia looked at Mae who frowned. "I can't see the king." She whispered. "Neither can I." Mia sighed. A shy boy came up to Mae, awkwardly asking to dance. Mae looked at Mia who smirked and pushed her towards the boy. "Knock yourselves out." She laughed. Mae nodded and disappeared to dance.

Mia sat down on a ledge near where the tables full of food were. She leaned back and nearly fell backwards. She saw someone she thought she'd never see again.

Sitting there with young girls surrounding him was the one and only Sinbad, his violet hair unforgettable. "Still a womanizer." Mia thought with a smile. Her eyes wondered along a few people until pale skin and freckles caught her eyes. Ja'far had grown since the last time she saw him. Looking as serious as ever. He probably wouldn't be able to recognize her, with common brown hair and hazel eyes. Sinbad might not even notice her now that she thought about it. "Is that?" Hunter spoke in Mia's mind. "Sinbad? Yep." Mia responded, looking around. She couldn't hear Hunter as her eyes met yellow. Hinahoho, she realized. He blinked at her, squinting as if trying to remember something. Mia smirked at him and he frowned before grinning. Mia pressed a finger to her lips. She was surprised he remembered her. He nodded slowly. Slipping off the ledge she made her way into the crowd. Finding Mae enjoying herself. "Oh, Mia! You should dance." Mae smiled her face a little pink. "Mae did you get drunk?" Mia asked. "Me? Never!" Mae giggled.

Mia rolled her eyes and blinked once a shadow loomed over her. Mia looked up. "Oh my." She smiled, pressing her long sleeve pver her mouth, looking sly. "You've grown." She whispered as Hinahoho laughed. "You have too, lady Mia." He said softly. "Just Mia." They shared a chuckle. "How is Kikiriku?" Mia asked, turning around to face Hinahoho. "He's doing well. How have you been?" He asked as they walked toward a table to sit down. "I've been doing okay." She shrugged. "Sinbad hasn't been the same, you know?" Hinahoho suddenly said, looking toward his king. "I'm surprised you remembered me." She crossed her legs and arms, trying to avoid the topic. "At first I was doubting it was really you, but when I saw that necklace I realized it really was you." He chuckled. She touched the crescent charm. "I figured Ja'far would have noticed you first but..." Hinahoho didn't have to finish his sentence. Mia nodded slowly, looking to the side. "Who's this cutie you're talking to, Hina?" An unfamiliar voice asked, an arm wrapping around Mia's waist. Mia raised an eyebrow at the white haired male with tan skin, looking at Hinahoho. "Ignore him, he's drunk." Hinahoho chuckled weakly. "Sharrkan! Leave that girl alone you stupid swordsman!!" A female voice yelled. "What was that?" He asked, glaring at the blue haired woman that approached. "You heard me!" She wacked the one named Sharrkan over the head with her staff and huffed. She turned to Mia and smiled. "Excuse him and his perverted behaviour. I'm Yamraiha. Excuse us." She grabbed Sharrkan and dragged him away, arguing.

Mia laughed. "Quite a crowd." Hinahoho sighed. "Yeah, you probably didn't know Sinbad finally established his kingdom, did you?" She shook her head. "Well those two are one of the eight generals. Sharrkan is from Heliohapt and Yamraiha is from Magnostadt." Mia nodded and looked around. "Where are Mystras and Rurumu?" She asked. "They...they died, Mia." He muttered grimly. Mia felt her eyes slowly begin to water. She sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "I'm fine, don't worry." She smiled at Hinahoho's concerned look. "Well, I'm glad to see everyone else still alive and well, especially him..." She stood up. "Will you talk with him?" Hinahoho asked hopefully. "I..." Mia paused, looking toward Sinbad. "No. I'm sorry. I'm not ready to face him. Please give me some time, Hina?" She turned to Hinahoho. "Ahh, I can't say no to you when you say my name like that and give me that look." He rubbed the back of his neck, grinning.

"Thank you!" She hugged him. "Aw c'mon...Alright fine!" He hugged back and let her go. "I don't know how Ja'far will react. Nor Drakon." "Drakon? He's here?" Mia gasped. "Well, he doesn't look like he use to." Hina nodded toward a dragon humanoid. Mia held in a giggle and nodded. "Oh! I should mention Spartos is here as well." Mia nodded, remembering Mystras's younger sibling. "You look lovely by the way." Hinahoho smiled as she waved goodbye. Mia walked along a few people, blending into the crowd. She stopped when her eyes landed on a male, one she could only guess as Spartos. He had grown quite a bit, looking almost similar to Mystras.

He must have felt her stare as he looked at her. She didn't shy away, staring back before smiling and approaching. She moved from his left side to his right, holding her chin. "Yep, you're defiantly his younger brother." She concluded. "Did you know my older brother?" He asked, almost in shock. "Mystras? Yes I did. It's nice to meet you Spartos." She held out her hand. Seeing the caution in his eyes made her chuckle. "C'mon I don't bite, maybe a little." She winked. He finally shook her hand before crissing his arms. "Mystras mentioned you before when I was younger. Sorry for being abrupt. See you around." She waved her hand before walking off. He blinked in confusion, watching her disappear as quickly as she appeared.

It wasn't long before Mia found herself walking past the crowd in the center. She stopped, glancing over Sinbad. Her eyed met Ja'far's, her heart stopping. His eyes widened as Mia stayed calm. She raised an eyebrow like he was insane and looked away. Mae wasn't anywhere in sight, probably knocked out drunk.

Keeping as calm as possible she decided to go out into the empty streets of the kingdom to escape unwanted attention. She knew Ja'far wouldn't allow her to slip through their fingers once he knew she was here. Hinahoho did warn her Sinbad hadn't been the same and she guessed the generals probably knew. She stopped once she met a wall. Looking up she could tell she was at the palace. She easily jumped over the walk with the help of a few trees. She silently slid down and began exploring, avoiding the guards. She came across a pond with pillars making open archways. Letting her hands run over the smooth stone her eyes glanced over the small pond with various plants growing around it. "Don't be ridiculous, Sharrkan." A voice sighed. Mia quickly hid behind the pillar, her heart racing. "Oh shut it." Sharkkan huffed. "Had the celebration ended already?" Mia wondered in her thoughts. As they passed and their steps grew faint she mentally sighed in relief. Keeping her guard up she peeked around the pillar. The small open hall was empty, the perfect opportunity to get out and hurry home. She began making her way into the quiet halls and stopped. "I'm lost..." She muttered in her thoughts. "Why didn't I just jump the fence back where the pond was!?" She facepalmed silently.

She had to hurry before she was caught or worse. Shaking her head she focused on finding an exit of some sort. She found a window and jumped out. Running and weaving through streets she found herself back at the celebration, everyone saying their goodbyes. Finding Mae who was unconscious she sighed. She picked Mae up and wrapped Mae's arms around her neck, holding onto the bends of her knees. She made her way back to the boat safely and sighed, knowing Mae would have a major hangover.


Mia stretched, ready to change into her nightwear. "Getting Mae into her bed was a pain." Mia sighed, rubbing her shoulder. "My goddess!" A girl yelled, slamming the door open. "What is it?" Mia asked. "A man has requested an audience with you!" She squeaked. "I'll be right there." Mia told the girl. "Yes ma'am!" Nodding, she ran out of sight. "Damn, what now?" She muttered. She made her way to the front of the palace. She stopped once her eyes met molten gold.

"S-Sinbad!?" Mia internally screamed. "Ah, it's an honor to see you goddess." He bowed before smiling up at her. She composed herself, bowing her head. "You requested an audience." She spoke up. "Yes, I did." He approached her. "What is it that you desire, King Sinbad?" She asked, standing her ground. "My goddess!!" A few of the people shouted as Sinbad suddenly slung Mia over his shoulder. "Listen people of the island!" He shouted, making everyone focus on him. "I'm taking your goddess as my queen!" He stated, a large grin on his face. "Sinbad!" Mia gasped. "Put me down this instant!" She demanded. "I'm afraid I can't my dear queen." He chuckled, patting her thigh. Her face burst into a crimson. "Sinbad! YOU DAMN PERVERT!!" Mia screamed as he burst through the doors, laughing.

"Sin!" Ja'far facepalmed. "Ja'far! Tell him to put me down!" Mia shouted. "I apologize Mia, but even he won't listen to me." Ja'far sighed as he ran behind them. Mia groaned. Once he settled on the transport circle he waved to the distressed people. "Sorry about this!" He yelled. Sinbad turned to Ja'far who shook his head. "You realize they might try to wage war on us, right?" Ja'far asked. "Yep!" Sinbad responded. "Don't be so enthusiastic about this!" Ja'far yelled. Sinbad laughed in return. Mia pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance as they disappeared.

Once they appeared in Sindria they made their way inside the palace. The guards whispered to one another as Mia attempted to escape. "Put me down damn it!" Mia slapped his back. "Ouch." He complained. Mia pouted and crossed her arms. She squeaked as he dropped her onto his bed, she bounced on impact and winced when she landed again. Sitting up, she glared at Sinbad. "You've grown into a fine woman." He commented, taking in her appearance. Mia blushed and scoffed, covering her chest. "What you did back there was very stupid." She huffed. "I couldn't let you slip away again." He crossed his arms. "How did you even know I was here?" She muttered. "I saw you talking with Hina. From there I was watching you all night." She blinked. He was watching her the entire time? She stood up. "You knew the whole time?" She asked. Sinbad nodded. "I did. It was painful without you all these years. It was even worse that I could only watch until the celebration was over." She stared up at him as he looked down at her. "Sin..." She muttered. He took her hand with one of his own, lacing them together. His free one wrapped around her waist, pulling her close.

"Be my queen, Mia." He said with confidence. "But the people..." She whispered. "They can become allies with us. We will protect them from harm, so please." Her eyes widened. He was begging her. She could only nod, words unable to form. His eyes lit up in joy as a smile spread on his face. He pressed his lips to hers, a feeling she longed for. Her free hand cupped his cheek, holding him close. She didn't want his lips to leave her too soon. She could feel her heart warm up in excitement and joy. She rested her forehead against his, feeling at home. All the pain from leaving and being lonely seem to be a memory if the past as he held her close. "Never leave me again." He muttered. "I'll stay by your side till the end of time." She smiled, feeling at home in his arms.

"I love you, Sinbad."


And so this story comes to an end. It's been quite a journey. I'm blessed to have everyone who supported me. Thank you all so much. I never thought this book would get so much attention. It's sad to see this book come to a close but this isn't the end. There's a sequel for those who haven't read it yet. If I rewrote that, oh boy don't get me started. It could be better but I've decided to keep it as it is. Well, this is it. It was great sharing this fanfiction with everyone.

Thank you:










I could only list the ones who commented, sorry to those who voted and did not comment! >-<;

Maybe I'll see everyone in Magi:A Magi's Love.



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