A Thousand Year Old Heart

By Ann-jey

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"It isn't the same thing to call the Devil and see him come." After having managed to lure him into New Orlea... More

✴Chapter 1: The Diaries
✴Chapter 2: Calling
✴Chapter 3: Dead End
✴Chapter 4: If They Knew
✴Chapter 5: False Hopes
✴Chapter 6: Scandalous
✴Chapter 7: Mendacity
✴Chapter 8: Deceptive Eyes
✴Chapter 9: Confident Thoughts, Weak Minds
✴Chapter 10: A Game Of Catch
✴Chapter 11: Home
✴Chapter 12: Esther
✴Chapter 13: Bluff
✴Chapter 14: Straightforward
✴Chapter 15: A Penny For Your Thoughts
✴Chapter 16: Trust, Such A Fragile Word
✴Chapter 17: Behind A Closed Wall
✴Chapter 18: Closer
✴Chapter 19: Easy Target
✴Chapter 20: Red-Handed
✴Chapter 21: Whistle In The Wind
✴Chapter 22: Break The Ice
✴Chapter 23: Reflexes
✴Chapter 24: Remedy
✴Chapter 25: A Token Worth Cherishing
✴Chapter 26: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
✴Chapter 27: Square One
✴Chapter 28: Poison and Sarcasm
✴Chapter 29: Comparison
✴Chapter 30: Remember?
✴Chapter 31: The Greenhouse
✴Chapter 32: The Chemistry Of Two
✴Chapter 33: Late Night Talk
✴Chapter 34: Black Onyx
✴Chapter 35: The Guests
✴Chapter 36: Isn't That Good Enough?
✴Chapter 37: The Right Time
✴Chapter 39: Crestfallen

✴Chapter 38: Until

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By Ann-jey

He stared at her. Then back at it. At her. At it.

Davina had been gazing at the necklace for the last five minutes now, trying to figure out how she would exactly move the jewelry without directly touching it. It would be troubling if she was going to return back to that artificial world.

Kol, on the other hand, was lying on the bed and looking at Davina and at the necklace at once. After the moment they had shared, the girl was determined to get rid of that object once and for all.

"Darling, what are you doing? Glaring at the thing won't make it teleport you know."

"I know, I know," she huffed displeased, "But I can't just let it be. I have to hide it or destroy it. Whatever works."

The vampire shifted in his seat, running his fingers in circles on the covers he was resting on. He had a look of boredom on his face, his eyes gazing intensely at the girl for a long time, as if pleading her to give him the attention he deserved.

He didn't like being ignored like that.

"Little witch."

For the first time in the past few minutes, she looked up at him. She didn't notice his expressiosless face and how lifelessly he was staring at her.

"Why is that necklace getting more attention than me?"

Finally, it struck her. She detected the annoyance behind Kol's comment and, frankly, he had every right to be pissed; she was more concerned about that jewelry than actually spending time with him. And she had told him to stay, just so she could ignore him?

Eventually, she gave in. The edges of her lips curved up as she steadily approached him.

"Aren't you being an attention-seeker?"

A sudden spark lit in his darkened eyes, the mischief painting his cunning face. Ah there he is. It didn't take him long enough to turn back to his original flirtatious self.

He smiled widely, but without revealing his striking white teeth. It was a goofy smile, intentionally being humorous.

"When it comes to you, yes."

She laughed light-heartedly. Just one word from him made her forget all about that enchanted black onyx.

She sat at the end of the bed, her smile slowly fading away. She thought about something, something she felt like telling him now that things were like that between them.

"Woah. Troubling face." he cracked a smile, propping his head up.

"Yeah. Well, there's something I want to tell you."

"Little witch, we are just getting started and you're already using that heart-racing sentence?"

She smiled bitterly. "I promise this is a good something."

He sat up. He understood the gravity of the situation, thus his face turning serious. He had moved closer to her now, his eyes lovingly boring into hers.

Who thought Kol Mikealson's eyes could hold so much love and warmth?

"Remember about our deal?"

"You mean how I was supposed to help you with that gold dagger?"


"Darling, it's-"

"I no longer want that deal with you."

He leaned back, confused. He certainly did not expect that.

"A certain someone made me realise that I'm just wasting my time on meaningless things."

Hesitantly, she placed her palm on his right cheek, a compassionate smile accompanying the loving gesture.

"Love, what's-"

"I've never loved and hated so much the same person before," she randomly stated. "Someone I loathed but secretly cherished the most. It's a weird feeling, that one I have with you, Kol."

Kol blinked. He blinked once. He blinked twice.

And what he said next made her body froze in place.

"I know that we kissed back in that memory."

Mixed feelings overwhelmed her; she didn't know if she was utterly embarrassed, shocked, or just speechless.

Undoubtedly though, she did not know what to say next.

Just as her hand was about to drop, Kol swiftly placed his on top of hers and bit his lips amused.

"It was the only thing I remembered from back then. I only recalled it yesterday. For some weird reason, I had recollection of an event that never took place."

"You never said a thing to me about that."

He smirked, his eyes falling on her lips as he shamelessly stared at them with lust.

"Why would I?"

She mentally rolled her eyes. Typical Kol reply. Shrug it off with a question like that, eventually not directly answering. Pretty good at dodging inconvenient questions.

Her own thoughts were disrupted when his lips suddenly crashed into hers, leaving her breathless. She had to cut his kiss short in order to take a proper deep breath before going in again.

His plan to avoid giving any answers worked though. He had successfully managed to disorient the little witch, his arms snaking around her petite waist and pulling her on his lap. It made him feel at ease when he held her close like that, as if she was no longer capable of running from him.

But he didn't have to worry about that any longer.

Davina was astonished by the heat of his body. His skin felt scorching hot at every touch. It was the first time she had been so close to a vampire before, so it was rational to be taken aback by the newfound information. Vampires weren't cold. Their temperature was just like any other human's, perhaps even higher than normal.

She didn't even notice Kol switching them places. He must have used his vampire speed to control the situation, since he was the one now on top of her and she was trapped under him, his body towering over her. He had lifted slightly his body up though, just so his weight wouldn't crash her completely.

Kol slipped his hands under her blouse, gripping tightly the witch's hips. Physical contact. He yearned for that physical contact with her.

"You can't fool me," she giggled under his kiss, "Nor mislead me with your charm, Kol."

The Mikealson stopped moving, he just propped his body up with the help of his elbows. Davina noticed his pupils dilating as he pierced her with his intense gaze while he played with a strand of her hair absent-mindedly.

The girl narrowed her brows, her smooth voice travelling to his ears.


... And it wasn't just his stare. There was that devious grin crossing his sharp face as his clear brown eyes twinkled with amusement. Even with such smug look as that, he still looked as charismatic as ever. And the best part?

He wasn't even trying to be that moment.


"What happened?" she asked, wishing not to sound too desperate for another kiss.

His finger allowed the lock of hair to slip off and it was now placed under her bottom lip. He slightly pulled it down, her half-opened mouth tempting him.

He smiled.

"Nothing." he gave her a short answer, not willing to give any further explanation. Secretive till the end.

He rolled to the side and before Davina could move, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to his side. Willingly, the girl settled her head over his chest, his heartbeat soothing music to her ears. She felt calm, serene.

How long had it been since the last time she had relaxed like that with someone?

"Don't you dare fall asleep on me, darling."

She simply smiled.

"But you are pretty comfortable." Davina replied faintly, before sinking once again in her own thoughts.

She was on a dilemma here, whether she should ask what really occupied her thoughts ever since she returned from that fiction world or simply be left with no answers.

"Just spill it."


"Say whatever you've been holding back for a while now, little witch. I know you want to ask me something."


That was the the question though. Should she mention anything or keep silent?

There was a high chance Kol would get worked up if he heard it.

"... If I ask, do you promise to answer truthfully?"

"It depends whether your question deserves an honest answer." he smirked, indicating he was not taking the whole situation seriously, implanting even more doubts in Davina's head.

She sat up and furrowed her brows annoyed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Kol stared back at her and crossed his arms casually behind his head. His chest kept going up and down slowly while he suddenly released a deep breath he seemed to have being holding back for the past couple minutes.

Eventually, he relaxed the muscles of his face, wearing a much more neutral expression.

"Fine. For you I'll be honest. So what is it?"

Her gaze dropped on the wrinkled covers which had become a complete mess, her fingers fiddling with it. She was contemplating for a brief second, but in the end her curiosity got the better of her.

She had to ask.

"What happened between you, Kyle and Ethan?"

... Davina expected a reaction of astonishment, but this was beyond comprehension.

Kol's expression was undefined; she could not read any emotion or sentiment. There was plainly nothing that indicated some sort of reaction. In fact, he was so apathetic, that he was sitting perfectly still and just staring back at her blankly. If he hadn't blinked for a second, she would have thought he wasn't even conscious.

But his following words made her understand to some extent why he had such odd behaviour all of a sudden.

"I don't know who you're talking about."

... It was the first time she had seen Kol Mikealson on defense.

He knew perfectly well who she was talking about; there was no need for her to be specific. She could be only meaning the two people he had been once close to, even considered friends, the humans Kyle and Ethan from way back in history.

So, she had met those two too?

Kol sat up too. He stretched out one of his legs and let his eyes dart around the room for a second.

"You said you wouldn't lie."

... But Davina wasn't easy to fool.

He was aware of that.

"You didn't mention before you had met them though, either. You lied." the vampire sharply replied.

He had a reason to be angry here, too. Davina had simply neglected to mention such crucial information to him purposely. When he asked her days ago what she had seen in his head, she hadn't said a word about Kyle and Ethan.

She pursed her lips upset. "Days ago, you didn't trust me." she just let out a huff and turned her head away to avoid his piercing gaze, "Just, forget I even asked. I shouldn't have said anything after all."

There was awkward silence for a while. Kol's quiet and soft voice with his thick accent adorning it traveled to her ears after a few minutes passed.

"Did you talk to them?"

Davina hesitantly nodded.

Kol sighed. He seemed exhausted, as if the memories of those two were tiring enough for him to recall.

Seeing his frown, the witch settled gently her hand on top of his, earning his attention. A pair of brown eyes met hers, their intensity melting away once they found the comfort in the emerald ones of the girl's.

"If you don't want to tell me, I don't mind. Like I said, forget I even asked."

Kol's lips twitched, resisting the urge to form another smirk. Instead, he cupped with his free hand her cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb. No. He wouldn't mind telling her. If he was ever going to tell someone what happened with them, it would only be Davina.

His little witch.

The vampire's hand dropped and fell back on the bed. His eyes, focused now on the ceiling above them, darkening even more when every expression faded from his face.

"It's a story I had long forgotten until you reminded me today, Davina Claire. It's one I chose to shut out, once that had a very tragic end. Are you sure you want to hear it?"

Kol's body was tensed. His jaw was clenched, his fists were clenched, even his face seemed sharp and nervous.

The brunette, in order to take away his negative thoughts, laid back down next to him with her head on his heart. Kol seemed to appreciate the move as he began stroking her hair absent-mindedly which worked as a distraction from his troubling thoughts.


"Even if you end up hating me?"

Like a little child clinging onto someone, Davina gripped the Mikealson's blouse suddenly, pursing her lips in order to hide her frustration.

"I can't hate you after everything I've been through with you. You'll have to do much more than just scaring me with a story to get rid of me, Kol Mikealson."

He chuckled softly.

"Good. I wasn't certain you would actually say that, so I had to ask just in case." his teasing tone made both of them relax more, welcoming the silence the spacious attic had to offer.

Davina closed her eyelids. Yes. She would keep listening to him until the end. Until he wanted to stop.

Until she didn't have to listen any further.

"It all happened when we were all still innocent, naive humans."

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