Not Broken Just Unfinished

By DaieniajahCarter

180K 4.7K 863

"Maliya your beautiful . You deserve the world." Brandon whispered into my ears. I Stared into his eyes "your... More

From the start.
My Own
Lust or Love
Open Wounds
Biggest mistake
No love lost, No love found
Stalking you
Get to you
Forever ✨
Wasted πŸ’”πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™€οΈ
Can not save me?
Can I Holla at you
Tired of living with demons because their always inviting more.
Not Mine
Hush now
At the end of the day , I know im riding alone...
πŸ‘‘Rivals πŸ‘‘
Beautiful Scars
Blunt πŸ”Š
Part 2: Satan's Playpen
Pills & Potions
Lucid Dreaming
I cant do this anymore
Broken clocks
The remedy for a broken heart
Lights Please
Broken Mirror
Forever ever...
You did what you did , I felt what i felt, It is what it is !
Trap Royalty
Black Cinderella
One of a kind
I will
Gonna love me
Pretty little fears
Butterfly effect
Private property


4.6K 141 42
By DaieniajahCarter

Maliya POV
"Please leave mommy alone daddy please" I heard my daughter cry trying to pull his foot away from my neck.

He picked her up by her neck squeezing. I jumped off the floor on to his back. "BRANDON NO LET HER GO!!! YOUR KILLING OUR DAUGHTER PLEASE" I cried hitting and choking him. He flung her into a mirror then continued to beat me up. I watched as my daughter slid down the shatter mirror with a blank expression on her face.

He looked at her , laughed then left the room. I crawled over to her. She was laying in a pool of blood. I started searching for the gash or cut. "Please Jesus please" I cried. I saw a shard of glass sticking out the back of her head. It was lodged deep. I took a deep breathe trying to think. She wasn't crying , screaming or even breathing. I tried to scream but nothing came out.

I scooped her up rushing out the room. Brandon grabbed me. "We have to go" he yelled setting our apartment on fire. He snatched our daughter out of my arms tossing her body to the flames. Then running out with me in his arms.
End of dream

I jolted out of my sleep sick to my stomach. I rushed to the bathroom.
"Baby are you alright" Brandon mumbled sleepily rubbing his eyes.
I jumped away from him "I'm fine baby go back to sleep" I whispered trying to catch my breath. He looked confused "umm okay" he shrugged going back to bed.

I sat on the bathroom floor behind the door trying to muffle my cries. I'm afraid of him I'm afraid to leave him. I looked down realizing I was drenched in sweat. I took a quick 15 minute shower.

I put my hair into a messy bun throwing on a plain white tank top with some baggy sweats. I sat in the living room on the couch with my dream on repeat in my mind. My heart had never been this heavy before.

"Your okay" Boomed a deep voice I jumped basically running to a corner. I looked and saw it was dexter. "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you" he laughed ,but I remained in the corner. "Damn I know he fucks females up mentally but this is a new low" he mumbled sitting on the couch.

"I'm sorry" I softly said sitting on the couch opposite from him. My eyes burned  from not sleeping correctly since those dreams started. "Tell me about yaself" dexter muttered breaking the weed up on the coffee table. I looked at him like he was crazy "Brandon gets upset when I talk to other boys I don't think that's a smart idea" I said looking to see if Brandon was going to come out the room.

Dexter laughed "I'm not going to let him put his hands on you. I wasn't raised like that neither was he. Plus I'm his bro I wouldn't do that to him and he know that" he chuckled. I still just stared at him.

"Fuck it I'll go first. Uhhh my name is Dexter I'm 18. I've been through shit but ain't letting it defer my dreams ya feel me. I known Bibby since I was 15 though I moved out here with nothing. I left my mothers house because she just didn't see me." He stared down not wanting to look Me in my face. "My father he dipped saying I was a waste of space and his time. I moved here with nothing. Bibby saw me on day when I was chilling outside of a corner store brought me here ever since then we've been tight as hell. His mother started raising me as her own." He sighed deeply. We sat quietly for a few moments.

He offered me the blunt "peer pressure, peer pressure" he chanted. I laughed and accepted to get him to shut the fuck up before he woke the whole house it was only 1am . We smoked he made brownies and pancakes I made waffles topped with cherries , strawberries, & marshmallows. While we ate I figured it was safe to speak.

"Maliya Cahill" I whispered. He looked at me confused while he stuffed another brownie in his mouth. "My name it's Maliya Cahill. I literally just turned 18 now" I laughed pointing at the clock that showed 3:17am. "Ayyyyy you a Taurus just like me" he said smacking his chest. "My mom doesn't really give a fuck about me I took care of myself and her. She has a boyfriend he used to touch on me til I started to stay with brandon. I used to be a stripper I'm not proud of it but I'm definitely not ashamed it's not like I was a prostitute I just did what I had to do." I mumbled. "I feel you on that" dexter said dapping me up.

I helped him clean up "bro If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be" he asked wiping the table down. "Dubai" I said dancing in a circle. "Your really my son bro" he laughed.

I started feeling like I had to throw up again so I sat down. "You ight" dexter asked rubbing my back. "I think I'm pregnant" I mumbled trying to fight my tears remembering my dreams. Dexter stumbled back rubbing his face "Get ya stuff on" he said tossing me a pair of slides. I nodded.

At the store

"Damn why are there so many" I sighed. I went to asked dexter to help me pick one but I saw him dancing in the isle next to me . I started laughing he was whipping to elevator music.
I didn't know what else to do the sun was rising meaning Brandon would be up soon. I grabbed one of each kind. The cashier eyes grew wide. "Well damn" she mumbled. I felt a little embarrassed. "Shut the fuck up igh I don't say well damn when I peep you sucking dick in a back alley" he laughed. I covered my face trying to hide the fact that I was laughing. "27.34" the cashier scoffed. Dexter threw a 50 at her.

Brandon POV
I couldn't go back to sleep I tried but I heard what Maliya cried out in her sleep. It replayed over and over in my head she cried Brandon please don't your killing our daughter.
I rubbed the back of my head. "Damn could she be pregnant" I mumbled to myself. We don't use condoms but I thought if I timed her period and all that right I wouldn't get her pregnant. I called Alyssa she's the only thing keeping me from losing my mind right now.

Phone Conversation
Brandon- Heyyy baby
Alyssa- wassup bibby
Brandon- what you mean Bibby?? What's wrong with you ?
Alyssa- I haven't spoke to you in how long? Like nigga tell me the truth about how you feel about me. I'm to old for the games. Whose that bum bitch on ya page. That's "ya girl" huh??? She's ugly as hell.
Brandon- baby are you serious right now? Listen I love you imma be with you I just can't leave her like that because then she starts with threatening to kill herself . I can't do that you know I gotta soft spot for suicide.
Alyssa- I'm sorry baby I didn't know it was that bad. Damn
Brandon-yeah baby but I gotta go my mom want me to go shopping with her I'll call you when I get back... love you
Alyssa- I love you to

I laughed at how she was butter in my hands. I hurried and laid back down when I heard the door open. "Bro Maliya got something to talk to you about." Dexter mumbled twisting his hair. I looked at him lost "what you talking about" I asked getting up.

Maliya was sitting in the living room on the couch her eyes red from crying. "I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry" she cried. I glared at her crouching to her eye level. "What did you do" I growled grabbing her by her hair. Dexter ran over snuffing me. I stumbled back. I charged at Maliya. Dexter flung her behind him and started charging back. He held me back. "What did you do huh. HUH!!" I yelled.

"I'm pregnant" Maliya whispered placing her head in her hands. By then everyone was in the living room looking lost. I looked at the coffee table there were 19 pregnancy tests all different brands. I walked over each one displayed a symbol that stood for positive.

I sat on the couch "how long you knew" I mumbled. "Just now" dexter answered for her. Maliya just stood in the corner her eyes rimmed with tears. "We can't keep it" I chuckled. She scoffed walking to the room wiping her tears. Everyone in the living room looked at me with disgust. I kicked the coffee table over knocking all the pregnancy tests to the floor.

Alyssa POV
I started packing I'm going to Chicago to see Bibby. Fuck it he can't break up with her because she wanna act crazy I'll do it for him.
"Your making a mistake"my sister says standing in the door way.
"Bianca you don't understand okay I really don't have time to explain I gotta plane to catch." I said rolling my eyes pushing past her into the bathroom.
"Alyssa he doesn't mean you or that girl any well" she scoffed. I shrugged.
"Fine won't listen to me maybe you'll listen to Derrick" she mumbled.
I turned to see my little brother standing in the door way he's 10 months younger but he acts like he's my older brother or husband. I rolled my eyes.
"You already know what imma tell you" he said lowly
"Derrick let's not start this shit man. I'm happy can't y'all just trust me. He treats me like someone who belongs he makes me feel loved better than anyone ever had" I mumbled not able to look him in his face.
" I know... that's why I'm not going to stop you instead I'm going with you. We're going to drop Bianca off at my girl house." He said hugging me.
"I love you poot" I mumbled not being able to contain my smile.
"I love you more stanka" he laughed
Derrick has been our back bone since our parents left. When me and Derrick were 15 Bianca was 13 our parents just picked up and left. Which was fine by us they were interested in everything besides being our parents ,but since then everything has been a struggle the only things our parents left was this house.
"Y'all hoes get to go on a adventure but I'm stuck here this why I fucking hate y'all" Bianca screeched stomping to her room.

Derrick POV
This was the perfect opportunity for me to snatch Maliya and fix everything plus I get to make my sister happy everything is perfect. I threw random outfits into a duffle bag. "Aaliyah is at her uncles house so we're going to drop you off there igh B." I said getting in the car. Bianca didn't do anything besides roll her eyes. "I'll walk you in to make sure your comfortable" I said looking at her through the review mirror. She still didn't budge.
"We'll stop at Cinnabon to get you snacks" I mumbled feeling bad for leaving her by herself I hated leaving her. She had a smirk on her face when I looked back.

We walked into Omari's house he looked lost to why was I there with my sister and why was her bags there. I motioned for him to follow me to the kitchen.

"I'm going to get Maliya right now." I said. He looked at me surprised "Well damn. I'm still confused to why you brought your baby sister here" he said rubbing his chin. "My older sister is going to get Bibby imma go get Maliya" I said
Omari nodded then disappeared into his room. I shrugged "imma go igh I love you behave " I said to Bianca kissing her on her forehead. "I love you be safe please okay you and Alyssa still have to come home to me." She whispered. I picked her up hugging her "always bear" I said.
Before I could leave Omari came out his room with a bag. I looked at him like he lost his mind.

"Nigga I think the moment Maliya sees you she's going to make a scene." I growled. I wasn't even sure how the hell I was going to get her without making a scene. He didn't say anything he just got into the car. Alyssa dapped him up "hurry up poot" she yelled. I shook my head getting in the driver seat. This is about to be messy as hell.

We landed in Chicago almost 6 hrs later. "Ready" I asked Alyssa. "Yep" she said popping the p. She braided her hair into two braids out on a tank top with some ripped jeans.

"Why you put your hair in 2 braids" I asked her. "Because if that bitch start her shit imma put her out simple" she said confidently Omari looked at her then smirked. I shook my head remembering how she fucked Aaliyah and all of her friends up at the same time. "Alyssa I'm not going to let it get that fair." I mumbled as we pulled up to the house.

Omari sat on the stoop. While me and Alyssa just walked in. "Heyyy baeeee" she screeched jumping on Bibby lap. Everyone paused looking confused as hell. This dark skin boy with tattoos on his face and a small fro. Grabbed Alyssa off Bibby lap tossing her. I went to swing at him but I got punched in the side of my face by a light skinned nigga. He looked like the one Maliya shot in the club.

"Everyone chilll the fuck out" I heard Maliya y'all coming out of the back room.
I automatically put my head down. "Oh hi I'm Alyssa I'm Bibby's girlfriend you must be his ex." She said with a smile trying to shake Maliya's hand. She backed up looking confused. "Me and him been together for the last 3 weeks" Alyssa said looking around while everyone was looking at her.
Bibby rushed to Maliya "Baby I don't know what's going on" he whispered rubbing her belly.
"Nah baby I came down her to break up with her for you since you couldn't" Alyssa yelled.
"I'm his ex??? Nah sis I'm his baby mother and fucking wife. Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on" Maliya laughed tossing a pregnancy test at Alyssa.
Bibby stood in between them to stop them from fighting.
"Baby chill" he whispered to Alyssa grabbing her hands pulling her into a hug.
Maliya just shook her head walking back into the back room.
"Maliya... BABE" hubby yelled after her.
I went out to the porch telling Omari which window to jump through to get Maliya. I walked back in to Bibby kissing Alyssa. Everyone else looked stunned at what just happened.

Omari POV
I felt butterflies as I peeked through the window seeing Maliya on the bed. I bit my lip seeing how good she looked with blonde hair. Watched as she disappeared into a adjoining room. I silently lifted myself through the window. I sat on the dresser nervous of her reaction.
She just froze in the doorway.
"Baby please don't scream" I softly said covering her mouth.
She looked paralyzed.

"Put On ya shoes" I whispered pulling a gun out. She nodded doing as she was told. "DEXTER" Maliya screamed. I didn't know what else to do I pulled her by her hair out the window. I started cutting through back yards dragging her closely behind me. She softly cried. I kissed her deeply "baby were going to be over together now I realized how much I really love you" I whispered kissing her all over.

I was beyond happy when I got her into the hotel. "This is just temporary til I can get you home again" I said smiling. She just stared straight forward. I laid down on the bed pulling her down with me.
"Come On ma lets sleep your just tired." I whispered pulling her into my chest.

Brandon POV
Everyone was yelling and screaming in the living room. I was already stressed. I was mad because Maliya is pregnant, Alyssa bumped her damn head and pulled a pop up, dexter switching up over a bitch, now my mom on my case.

"Bitch you better get the fuck out my house before I drag you out" my mom yelled smacking the shit out of Alyssa.
She held her cheek "I don't have to go anywhere my man is here" she whimpered holding on to my arm. I pulled away from her sitting on the couch.
"Imma give your homewrecking ass 5 mins before I fuck you up" my mother growled at Alyssa then turned her attention to me. "What did I tell you your whole life about playing in dirt HUH?!?? I SAID IF YOU PLAY IN DIRT YOU GET UP DIRTY RIGHT!!!! There's a girl in your room whose in love with you no matter what who is carrying your child my GRANDCHILD. You... I'm just so disappointed in you" my mother said looking at me like she hated me. I looked away trying to hide the tears that were forming in my eyes.

Dexter was staring me and Alyssa bro down like he wanted to beat everyone's ass. "DEXTERR" we all stopped hearing Maliya scream. Me and dexter raced to the back room only seeing the room tossed and Maliya being dragged out the window by her hair. Dexter jumped out and started chasing behind the man that was dragging Maliya. I rushed into the living room choking Alyssa and her bro up "WHO DID YOU BRING HERE" I snapped trying not to black out. My mom rushed to the back room to see what happened.

Alyssa smiled "Baby we can be together forever now. She's out our way" she choked out. I squeezed harder making their faces turn red. When I looked over at her bro I remembered him. "Your that nigga who I beat up not to long ago in the club where is she" I aske calmly. He spit at me. I threw Alyssa into the wall and started beating his ass again. My mom cam rushing out of the back with a beat smacking and everything moving "THIS IS ALL YALL FUCKING FAULT FIND MY DAMN DAUGHTER" she screeched. We all laid on the floor groaning. My body stung every place she hit me at you could see welts forming.

Dexter walked back in with his face stained up from tears. "I lost her" he mumbled. He went into his room and came out with a uzi aiming at Alyssa head. "AYO TELL ME WHO THAT WAS BEFORE I SHOOT HER" he yelled. Her bro just stared not believing he would do it. Dexter laughed aiming the gun at Alyssa stomach "you know my sis is pregnant right" he growled shooting Alyssa In her stomach. She cried out in pain. I jumped back she instantly started spitting up blood. "Derrick tell him" she said trying to breathe.

"Ohhh your the ex best friend" dexter laughed shooting Derrick in the leg. "That was because loyalty doesn't mean shit to you."

"3....2...." dexter started counting. "Omari his name is Omari it's her mom boyfriend" Derrick cried not wanting him to kill his sister. "Thank you" dexter said smiling. "You'll let us go now" Derrick said trying not to breathe heavy. "Nah you took to damn long to answer you think your hard right" Dexter said shooting Alyssa 15times then shooting Derrick right through his chest.

I just sat on the floor trying to process all that happened. "Listen if my sis and niece or nephew gets hurt your going to be the next one we have a funeral for" dexter growled aiming the gun at my head before walking into the back room. "Get ya shit on we're going on a trip to find my sis" he yelled from his room.
Pappy shook his head before walking to talk to dexter. Herbo started picking the bodies up.
"I fucked everything up" I mumbled under my breathe getting up.

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