The Truth, The Lies, and the...

By Directioner5340

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The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)
Chapter 1: The Truth, The Lies, and the Love
Chapter 2: What The Hell Happened Between You and Stiles?
Chapter 3: Atlanta Here I Come
Chapter 4: Flashback
Chapter 5: Cheesy Werewolf Bobble Head
Chapter 6: Marco's Back
Chapter 7: How Stupid Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 9: I'll see you soon
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday Banshee
Chapter 11: I don't want to live in a world without you
Chapter 12: DAD!
Chapter 13:I need to talk to Deaton
Chapter 14: Falling
Chapter 15: Please Wake Up
Chapter 16: Don't Ever Leave Me
Chapter 17: Who are you?
Chapter 18: Deal With a Demon
Chapter 19: 66 Pure Souls
Chapter 20: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 21:Blue like a Soul
Chapter 22: Not all hope is lost
Chapter 23: You gave us quite a scare
Chapter 24: You Called?
Chapter 25: I love you.... your sourwolf loves you
Chapter 26: Something that only you would know
Chapter 27: Time To Find A Necromancer
Chapter 28: The Funeral
Chapter 29: A familiar face
Chapter 30: You Seem A Bit... Upset?

Chapter 8: Oh are you in pain? You poor thing.

1.7K 77 7
By Directioner5340


I woke up before I opened my eyes, and it took me a minute to feel the chains around me and my bare back pressed against cold metal.  My eyes shot open and I was in shock to see that I was chained to a metal chair in just my pants, and then it all came back to me.  Marco was back.

I swiveled my head around to see where he was at, but it appeared that he wasn't here, that no one was here.  I was all alone.  I sighed in relief, but also fear for Derek.  What was going to happen to Derek now that Marco's controling him.  I can't just lose him to Marco....

"Morning twinkle toes" Marco grinned as he stormed into the room and took a squat in front of my chair "It's good to see you wide awake."  The sight of his face filled me with anger and I did the only thing I had the ability to do.  I spit in his face.  He eye flickered shut and his head flinched backward as he angry wiped at his face with his hands, with Derek's hands.  I closed my eyes and bit my lip in pain at the thought.

"I'm guessing you woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Marco sneered at me "or I suppose in this case, the wrong side of the chair."  I ground my teeth at him, but he just ignored me as he turned and shut the door.

"Sorry, it would be impolite to annoy the others with your screams" he explained with an evil grin as he flicked out a small pocket knife.  I felt my heart skip a beat and every instinct in my body told me to struggle, but I kept still.  I wasn't going to show him weakness.

"What are you gonna do, kill me?" I scoffed "go right ahead.  It's not like I even care anymore."

"Oh I'm sure you don't, just like all your supposed friends won't care about your death either now will they" he shrugged and I had to bite my lip to remind myself that it wasn't Derek saying this to me, it was Marco "No more needy and helpless Stiles that they all have to take care of, and it will all be thanks to me."

"Shut up" I growled but he just continued as if I'd never even spoke.

"And there might even be a celebration when they realize that Derek's gone as well, thanks to me again" he chuckled menacingly "Of course I always could pretend to be him and gain Scott and the others trust, it wouldn't be that hard really."

"Shut up!" I screamed.  I could handle him talking crap about me, but I'm not going to sit here as he just completely bashes Derek.

"You're right, you're right" Marco's sighed "I should probably get on with it."  With a flash, Marcos stepped forward and slashed the knife acrossed my cheek.  I had to bit my tounge to stop the tears and keep from crying out in pain.  I wasn't going to show him of all people that I was week.

"Wow, not even a peep from you" Marco's stated in mock pride "I'm impressed, but you will beg for mercy eventually, they all do.  That's my favorite part, it's the part where I finally slash their throat.  I couldn't help the quick jerk of my wrist as my heart started beating in a panic.

"I'd watch out Stiles, your wimpy side is showing" He scolded, shaking his head as he went for another slash, and this time it caught me in the shoulder and I bit down on my lips so hard that it started bleeding.

"Are we in pain?  You poor thing" he cooed in a faked concern "maybe this will take your mind off of it."  He pressed the tip of the knife into the top left of my chest and slowly dragged it down to my belly button while I screamed bloody murder and it was then when I was screaming, that I heard it.

"Nooooooo!" ripped from Marco's throat and I immediately knew that that wasn't Marco screaming.  Marco/Derek fell to the ground scrambling all around, they both seemed to be fighting for dominance.

"Derek!" I couldn't help but cry out in fear that he would get him self hurt.  I was struggling my damnedest against the chains, but it wasn't working.  I looked up just in time to see Marco or Derek stabbing themself in the stomach.

"Derek!" I let out a bloodcurdling cry as struggling even harder, the chains digging into my skin and drawing blood from the force of it.

"Stiles, Stiles, Stiles, it's okay" I heard Derek coughing as he spit a bit of blood "It's me, were gonna get out of here."  My body fell limp in my seat as I began sobbing with relief.  He was okay, we were both going to be okay.  Derek stood up, still clutching at his side in pain as he ripped my chains off with his bare hands.  I immediately shot out of my hands and pulled Derek's shirt up, eyeing his wound.

"Derek, why isn't it healing?" I sniffled.  Derek hesitated before answering.

"It's just deep that's all, it'll be fine in a few hours" Derek assured me when suddenly there was banging on the door, obviously the rest of Marco's pack trying to break in.  Derek's eyes scanned the room until he finally caught sight of a boarded up window up in the corner of the room.  He quickly gave me a boost up and I felt horrible because he was wincing in pain the whole time.  That wound is really starting to worry me.  Afterward, Derek pulled himself through the window and Derek began leading the way toward the road.

"Derek" I called out as I pulled on his wrist and he turned just in time for me to smash my lips into his, and he was quick to gently kiss me back.  This was definitely my Derek.

"What was that for?" Derek breathed as he rested his forehead on mine "I thought you still hated me."

"I could never hate you Derek" I whispered "I left you because I love you too much and I couldn't take the worry.  I love you Derek."  I saw a smile creep onto his face.

"I love you too, but we really have to get out of here if we don't want to become wolf food" He smiled and I nodded in agreement before we both took off toward the airport....


I sat on a plane next to Derek, seeing as how this was the quicker way to get back to Beacon Hills, and I couldn't be happier.  Derek was paying for his car to be shipped back.  So many questions raced through my head, and I didn't really want to wreck this peaceful silence, but I couldn't help it.

"Was what Marco's said true?" I whispered.

"Which part, because he said a lot of things Stiles" Derek chuckled as he kissed the top of my head and I looked up at him.

"The part about why you left during the night so much?  Were you really putting yourself in danger to keep me safe?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah, I was and I'd do it again in a heartbeat" he stated firmly.

"Derek" I sighed frustrated.  I hated the thought of Derek being in danger because of me.

"Stiles don't even try to talk me out of it, because it's not going to work" Derek sighed "I love you too much to lose you again."

"You never lost me Derek" I murmured into his shoulder.

"But I almost did, Marco's killed you once and you almost didn't come back" Derek whispered sullenly.

"Oh don't you dare be a hypocrite, you almost stayed on the other side as well" I sighed "Derek you almost killed yourself to get me back, how to do you think that made me feel?"

"Loved?" Derek offered, trying to bring some humor back into the conversation but I wasn't having it.

"Maybe you can't stand the thought of losing me, but Derek, I can't stand the thought of losing your either" I mumbled "Hell, I didn't even know what love was until I met you."  I blushed a little bit at the last part.

"I'm sorry Stiles, I'll try to be a little less reckless" he whispered "but don't think that I won't risk my life for you if it comes down to it.

"I know" I sighed, deciding to just accept his stubbornness "So is he gone, like for good now?"

"I don't know Stiles, he has until the full moon to find a permanent body" Derek shrugged "But lets not think about it, lets just relax and not worry about it until we have to."

"Oh my god, not worry about it?  Who are you and what have you done with my Derek?" I chuckled but Derek just shot me a serious look.

"That's not funny Stiles, I almost killed you back there" Derek shuddered.

"That wasn't you Derek" I defended him.

"Maybe it wasn't me, but I was still concious in there Stiles" Derek sighed as he bit his lips "I could see everything Marco's did to you, I could hear every cry of pain you made.  It killed me Stiles because I couldn't stop it."

"Hey" I whispered reasuringly as I cupped his cheek in my hand "I'm okay, I'm not dead unless there's something your not telling me.  There's no need to beat yourself up over it Derek."

"Your going to have a scar from this" he whispered as if he was somewhere else and he lifted my shirt, running his hand over the bandage across my chest.  We had stopped at a health clinic on the way to the airport and told them that I had fallen off a play structure at part of it caught my skin.  I grabbed his chin and forced him to look up into my eyes.

"I love you" I stated with confidence.  A small beautiful smile graced his lips.

"I love you too" he whispered with a small kiss on my lips and I went back to cudding in his side.


Hey guys, so here is Chapter 8.  There are still a lot more chapters to come and I'm going to try and update soon.  I hope you guys enjoyed!  ^_^

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