Yandere Brothers x Reader

By danimax1029

734K 21K 14.2K

It's exactly how it sounds. Both your younger brother and your older brother are madly in love you to the poi... More

Authors note
Tomo Ending
Hiro Ending
Alternate Ending


32.2K 1K 400
By danimax1029

Tomo pov.
Y/n fell asleep on the car ride home from the amusement park. I was driving while Hiro was playing video games in the back seat. My eyes kept wandering from the road to my sisters peaceful sleeping face. The slow rise and fall of her chest calmed my beating heart but did not temper the boiling rage I was trying so hard to conceal deep within me. It was that boy Max that had me in such a mood. As a general rule I disliked boys hanging around my dear Y/n but this guy was different. The way he looked at her made my blood boil. There was just something about his overall demeanor that I found unsettling. He was different from other guys but that did not matter to me. I would treat him the same as any other pest that came near my sister.
As we came to a stop light I took the opportunity to slowly reach over and pull the folded scrap of paper out of her pocket. I glared at the scrap as I caught eyes with Hiro in the rear view window as he stared at me curiously. As the light in front of us turned green I reached back and handed the scrap to Hiro.
"Get rid of this." I whispered as he took it from my fingers and I turned back to the road and continued driving. I watched as Hiro rolled down the window slightly and tossed the paper out of the moving car where it was caught by the wind and swept away into the darkness of the night. As Hiro quickly rolled up the window Y/n stirred in the seat next to me as she rolled her head towards me and her eyes fluttered open slightly.
"Are we home yet?" She asked drowsily.
"Not yet. Go back to sleep." I said as I reached down and grabbed hold of one of her hands while keeping one hand on the wheel. She looked at me curiously put did not pull her hand away as she leaned away from me to rest her head against the car window. Soon the rise and fall of her chest fell back to its peaceful rhythm as she drifted to sleep.

Time skip: Your pov.

I couldn't find it. I couldn't find it anywhere. I pulled my jacket pickets inside out and dug through the contents of my small bag but it wasn't anywhere. I couldn't believe I had lost Max's number again. It was like some weird twisted joke. I thought maybe I had left it in the car so I ran downstairs to go check only to run face first into Tomos chest as he was standing outside my door.

"Breakfast is ready." He said it a smile as he looked down at me. "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

"I think I left something in the car so I am going to go check." I said, walking past him. Before he could answer I ran down the stairs and grabbed the car keys before going outside. I unlocked the door and scrambled into the passenger as I began to check the seat and the floor for any sign of the piece of paper. After twenty minutes of searching I begrudgingly gave up and wandered pack inside where Tomo and Hiro were waiting for me in the kitchen with a huge stack of pancakes. Hiro gave me a quick 'good morning' before returning to pour more syrup on his already sticky pancakes. The sweet liquid ran down his chin as he nearly choked himself on unesarily huge bites. I sat down next to him as Tomo handed me a plate.

"What had you so active this morning?" He asks as he sips at his black coffee.

"I lost Max's number." I mutter.

"Who's Max?" Hire asks between bites.

"He's the guy we met at the park yesterday, my old camp friend. I can't believe I lost his number." I sigh.

"Don't worry about. You don't need him." Tomo says.

"He's probably a jerk anyway." Hire adds.

"How can you judge someone you don't even know. He's not a jerk and its mean of you to call him that." I say to Hiro. His face immediately falls as he grabs my shirt with sticky fingers and pleads for my forgiveness.

"I didn't mean it! Please don't hate me!" He cries as big tears start to well to the surface. I immediately cup his cheeks and stat to clean his chin with my napkin.

"I forgive you already so calm down." I mutter as I wipe the syrup from his face. He gives me a big toothy smile before turning back to his pancakes and covering his face in syrup again.

"I know its not good to judge but you have to admit that you don't really know this boy, Y/n." Tomo states.

"I know him. We used to be good friends."

"You knew him as a kid but he is grown up now and a completely different person. You should be careful."

"Careful? Careful of what?"

"He could be nuts!" Hiro chimes in. "He could be a real weirdo or maybe even a pervert!"

"He's not a pervert!"

"You don't know that!" Hiro yells. I sigh loudly as I quickly finish my pancakes and put my plate in the sink.

"Thank you for breakfast Tomo." I say with a smile as I run back upstairs and grab my phone off of the nightstand. I also gave him my number so there is a good chance he will text me. I just have to be patient but then again what if Hiro and Tomo is right. I don't really know Max anymore. What if he hates me? My thoughts are interrupted as Tomo enters the room.

"Do you want to go out to lunch today? There is this new burger place that opened up downtown."

"But we just went to the amusement park yesterday. Aren't you being a little wasteful?"

"Is it really so wrong for me to want to spoil my little siblings? Besides I just got a bonus from work so we are good."

"I guess it could be fun." I mutter as Tomo leaves the room. I had no idea just how eventful today would be.

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