Yandere Brothers x Reader

By danimax1029

734K 21K 14.2K

It's exactly how it sounds. Both your younger brother and your older brother are madly in love you to the poi... More

Authors note
Tomo Ending
Hiro Ending
Alternate Ending


35K 1.1K 755
By danimax1029

Its saturday and we are still at the amusement park. Hiro went on a whole bunch of rides but what he really wanted was to go on the big rollercoaster that the park had just put in. Unfortunately the guy operating the ride wouldn't let him on because he didn't meet the height requirement which really bummed him out.

"I know I'm short." He mumbled as we sat at some picnic tables eating our lunches. "I never thought it was a bad thing." He groaned.

"Who cares if your short?" Tomo asked as he bit into his sandwich.

"Don't worry about it Hiro. You're still a kid. You're still growing." I say.

"I don't want to be a kid anymore." He moans. I give him a sympathetic look as I ruffle his hair and give him a quick side hug.

"Enjoy it while it lasts. There will come a time when you wish you could be a kid again." Too says. Hire looks at him confused but quickly shakes it off as he continues eating his lunch. All around us are happy family and groups of kids enjoying themselves. At a table to our left an older couple and their son are planning out the day ahead over a park map and at a table to our right a bunch of boys around our age are talking and laughing loudly as they joke about and enjoy themselves. I keep trying to ignore the group of boys and focus on my brothers but my eyes keep darting over to look at this one taller boy in the group. He has long, bright red hair, a freckled face, and tan skin. He is wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans with a bray shirt and a blue sleeveless hoody which shows off his bright green eyes. He looks familiar to me but try as I might I can't figure out if I know him. Does he go to my school? Is he a friend of my brothers? I don't think so cause if he was he would've come over by now.

I glance over once more and this time our eyes meet as he smiles at me cutely. I blush a tiny bit and quickly look back at my food. Then I hear footsteps and I look up to see that the boy has left his group and is standing right in front of me.

"You're Y/n, right?" He asks. His voice is sweet and thick like maple syrup but has a childish tone to it that highlights his youth.

"Yes. Do I know you?" I ask.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot. We met a long time ago. Back at summer camp."

An image of a scrawny red headed boy in a bright blue sports jersey flashes through my mind as my eyes light up in recognition.

"Max!? Is that really you!?" I practically scream. Back when I was a kid my parents would send me to these summer camps and over the years of attending I had made great friends with this kid Max. He was a lot shorter than guys our age and was really skinny so he didn't have a lot of guy friends but the two of us got along great. During the four weeks of camp there we were inseparable and did absolutely everything together.

Max's face lights up as he sees that I remember him and he quickly jumps on me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and mashing his face into the back of my hair.

"I can't believe you remember me! I can't believe your here!" He says, his voice muffled by my hair. He pulls away and has the goofiest smile on his face as he is practically vibrating with energy.  "Who's your friends?" He asks, gesturing towards my two brothers who, by the looks plastered on their faces, are not happy at having our family day interrupted. I flash them an apologetic smile even though on the inside I am far from sorry. I can't believe I actually met Max after all these years.

"These are my brothers Hiro and Tomo." I say. Max greets my brothers politely and Tomo gives him this big fake smile while Hiro ignores him completely as he concentrates on stuffing his face with food.

"He's shy." I whisper to Max while gesturing towards Hiro and he gives me an understanding nod before he turns and gives his full attention back to me. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper and quickly scribbles down some things before handing it to me.

"Here is my phone number, email address, and cell number. I would really like to keep in touch unfortunately I can't really hang out long right now." He says as he gestures with his thumb to the group of boys waiting at the nearby table. I take the paper and write my phone number on the bottom half before ripping it off and handing it to him. He beams as he takes the paper and folds it neatly before placing it in his pants pocket.

"I look forward to hearing from you my dear." He says with a small bow followed by a snort and a giggle as he turns and runs back to his friends. His friends give him playful jabs in the arm before pulling the tall boy deeper into the park. I watch him leave before looking down at the paper in my hands as a small smile bubbled to the surface of my lips. I can't believe that had just happened. I am giggling with excitement as a small cough drags my attention back to the table. Tomo is sitting with his elbow balanced on the table and his chin rested in his hand as he stares at my blankly with a dull, bored expression.

"Who was that?" He asks with a smile but his eyes are far from smiling. I can't help but shrink back slightly as I shove the folded paper in my pocket.

"Remember when mom and dad used to send me to those overnight summer camps?" I ask. Tomo nods in understanding ad gestures for me to continue. "Well that was Max. He was one of my really good friends from summer camp. We used to play all day together and when we left he gave me his phone number but I lost it some where on the ride back home. I always wondered what happened to him and I can't believe he was so close by!" I finish my sentence beaming but my brother looked far from amused. He fiddles with his fork for a minute before pushing away his salad and standing to throw away the remainder of his food.

"Hiro, do you want to go on some more rides?" He asks with a smile. "We still have a few more hours to go before we have to head home."

Hiro jumps from his seat and runs to throw away his food. Tomo in the mean time takes my food away for me before taking me lightly by the hand and leading me to follow Hiro as he runs to the nearest attraction.

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