Animal Shelter (Kuroshitsuji...

By WickedReverie

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Based on manga only. When your mother decides to mess around with animal summoning spells, she accidentally s... More

Fluffy problems
Weakened spell
Super box
Team Kittens VS Team Ghosts
❤ Valentine's day ❤
End & Beginning [READ!!!]


459 15 0
By WickedReverie

— Combing time. Come here, Raven! — You called out.

Raven hurried to you. It's fur wasn't very long so you finished combing pretty soon.

— Come, Pirate!

— „What? You're going to use same comb that you used on my butler?! At least clean it first!"

— „My fur is clean, young master, you don't need to pick your nose so much... what a spoiled brat" — Raven mumbled.

— „Sebastian, I'm not a deaf. My bunny ears are quite sensitive."

— „My bad. I apologize, young master." — Raven walked away.

— „Where are you going, Sebastian?"

— „I'll examine their books, maybe I can find spell that can help us. You stay here and be obedient. If she'll decide to find me, distract her."

— „Fine. At least we have a plan now." — Pirate let you comb it's fur.

— Grey!

— „Will you feed me after that?"

— Stop licking your lips like that and come! You don't have to eat so often.

— „Hm. Don't tell me what to do, woman!" — Grey jumped on your lap and you began to comb it's long, soft fur.

— Cotton!

— „I already combed my fur with my claws."

— Hmm I guess your fur doesn't look messy anyway. Fine. Come to me, Goth.

Goth jumped on the bed but it was too high for it and it had to balance itself with claws to not to fall down, however, it's limbs were too weak. You managed to catch it before it could get hurt.

— Poor thing, — You hugged it to make it feel secure and calm down, then started to comb it's fur. Goth shivered when you touched it's limbs and you observed it, — Hmm, what happened to your skin? It looks like someone was torturing you using needles, or you were test subject or something. How could they treat a tiny kitten such as yourself like that?!

— „Please be quiet, I don't want my friends to know it." — Goth meowed quietly, quickly shook it's head and stared at you wide eyed.

— It's alright, you're safe with me, — You softly caressed it's small forehead, — Come, Muscle.

— „Messy hair is fine for a superstar, I'm good."

— I said, come! — You stood up and grabbed it, before sitting down on the bed again and combing it's fur. It shivered as well when you touched it's limb. — Huh? A bite mark? Looks like you get in fights. Dull!

— „There's no way I'll jump on lady's bed, especially when she's sitting on it. I'm not even wearing clothes! Stay away from me!" — Dull ran away and hid under the closet.

— „My my, Lawrence. You're not used to being around women even though you have so many sisters." — Barbie rolled it's eyes.

— „This one definitely isn't my sister."

You've pulled Dull's tail and it hissed but didn't try to scratch or bite you. You combed it's fur and called Barbie.

Barbie was purring during combing process and gave you disappointed glare when you stopped.

— Why are you looking at me like this? I don't know what did I do. Did I pull your hair too roughly during combing?

— „I need a ribbon. Give me a ribbon, don't you have any? What's wrong with your sense of style? Can't you tell that it would look amazing on me?"

— „Leave her alone, Redmond. She can't hear you." — Goth meowed.

— „Hm. You yourself were whispering to her, though. What did you say, I wonder. Did you confess?"

— „Don't be stupid."

— „By the way, she was saying something weird. Are you injured or something?"

— „Oh, it's nothing, I just scratched my arms and I didn't remember that I have a sharp claws now," — Goth lied.

— Chicky's turn! — You slowly combed the chicken to not to harm it, because it was too tiny, — Now I'll go, I'll be back soon.


— You want to come too? Fine, but don't run.

You and Grey left home and went shopping together. Grey ran towards the glass door and jumped it to shatter and make a dramatic entrance, but it just ended up faceplanting into door and sliding down.

— „Ouch. Sucks to be a tiny creature. I embarrassed myself in front of everyone, especially my woman."

— Don't jump around, there's glass!

— „I'm not blind or stupid, I just thought that I still could break it."

Grey was standing up on two legs every time it saw food and asking you to buy it. You've noticed that it wasn't following when you left shop and ran back, just to find it nibbling on something. You grabbed Grey and left.

— Now, it's time to collect some sand.

— „Sand? Why? It doesn't look tasty."

Finally two of you were back. You've filled a box with sand and put it on the floor for them to use as a toilet. Goth was the first one to jump in.

— „Violet, what is taking you so long?" — Muscle meowed.

— „I'm almost done."

— „Didn't you say that you were almost done?!" — Asked Muscle after half hour.

— „Yes, I'm done. Be careful, don't step on it."

Muscle peeked inside the box.

— „Whaaaat?! You were drawing all this time?!"

— „Of course, what did you think I was doing?"

— „But this box is not for drawing."

— „Well, now it is. Go and find newspaper."

— „But..."

— „Stay away from my masterpiece!" — Goth hissed and raised clawed paw.

— „Whoa, calm down!" — Muscle jumped back, — „You could tell me earlier to find newspaper."

Grey approached the box but before it could do something, Goth jumped on it's back and bit it's ear.

— „Ouch! Let go of me! What is wrong with you?!"

— What the hell?! — You stepped towards them.

— „This crazy brat doesn't let me use men's room!" — Grey whined.

— „He wanted to use my masterpiece as a toilet, he started it!" — Goth meowed.

— Hmm, could it be that you have rabies? But you didn't seem to be afraid of water...

— „No, look!" — Goth walked towards the box.

— Huh?! What is this?!

— „It's not easy to draw with paws, but it's obviously a wolf!"

— Were you a circus kitten before becoming a test subject?

Goth shook it's head, annoyed.

— „I'm a talented artist, not some circus animal! And tell him to respect my art, otherwise I'll use my claws to carve next drawing on him!"

— I'll take a picture of your art, so it will stay even after sand will be ruined. I don't know what else I can do.

— „Fine."

You gave them another newspaper, because Goth was hissing at everyone who was trying to approach the sand box.

— Time to sleep. You all will sleep on the carpet, well, all besides Goth. I'd let Chicky sleep on the bed too since it's tiny and fragile, but it will make bed dirty. Hmm, by the way, where's Raven?

— „I'm here," — Raven jumped in front of you. — „And it's not fair, you shouldn't let my young master sleep on the carpet and catch cold! I'm not paying you for that!"

— Why are you staring at me like that? Do you want to sleep on the bed too? Don't even dream. My bed isn't zoo, only Goth can sleep with me because it's very weak and obviously hurt. Well, Muscle has a little bite mark but it's almost completely healed and it seems strong too.

— „I'm fine! We can't sleep together, it's awkward. I'll sleep on the carpet!"

Goth tried to run but you hugged it.

— „I said this is awkward! Nevermind, it's warm and comfortable." — Goth purred and snuggled closer, yawning.

— „This is not fair, how come she lets him sleep with her instead of me?! I thought that she loved me, she gave me more food than others. I even let her give me a bath, and now she's sleeping with another man! Not just another man, but the man who attacked me! How dare she to cheat on me?! I'll jump on her head and wake her up when she'll be asleep!" — Grey pouted, — „And maybe throw my love rival out of bed."

— „That's ungentlemanly to jump on lady's head; besides she was giving you more food only because you were asking for more food. Also she doesn't even know that we're men, she thinks that we're animals, so get a hold of yourself, there's no need to be jealous." — Raven sighed, — „She even wanted us to leave..."

— „But we went on a date!"

— „You just clung to her leg..."

— „Did you just call me a clingy, butler?!"

— „Stop it, you two, you're bothering chicken."

As you and Goth fell asleep, Raven left the carpet.

— „Follow me, young master, we should check more books."

— „I'm in." — Grey said, — „I want to learn all spells so I can return my form and get back... and maybe turn into a rabbit and visit her again. She gives me delicious food sometimes. Are you coming, Phipps?"

— „I can't; chicken will wake up, cry and wake her up."

— „Carry it in your mouth."

— „Fine."

Everyone left the carpet, followed Raven and started checking books.

— „I hadn't seen anything useful," — Said Barbie after few minutes.

— „Me either" — Replied Muscle.

— „Same here," — Sighed Pirate, — „I'm going to sleep, we checked everything here."

Animals headed to the carpet.

— „Wait, where's Bluewer?" — Barbie looked around.

— „Probably stayed to read a book, like any bookworm would do," — Muscle sighed.

Barbie sighed and left the carpet again, Muscle followed it.

— „Lawrence, it's getting late, come and sleep."

— „Redmond! I'll read one more chapter before sleep."

— „What are you reading?" — Muscle peeked into the book, — „Hmm, it has spells!"

— „Yes, but I don't think that it's a spell book, Greenhill. You should read it too, this Hogwarts school thing reminds me of our school. It's fun."

— „I don't really like remembering our school that much. Let's go."

— „Fine."

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