Worth Solving {Dylan O'Brien}

De AintThatDevine

771K 17.8K 4.7K

Genesis and Dylan started talking over a wrong number but something compelled them to keep the calls going. A... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
For You, With Love

Chapter Thirty-One

10.9K 271 50
De AintThatDevine

A/N: My apologies for the wait, but i've been working on a few other things i'd like to start putting up. I'm here now though! This summer should be a good slate for me to work with, but at some times I won't be able to get on because I have a camp that i'm going to in July and i'm moving again in August and visiting my brother at his base right before. I'm not super happy with this chapter but then again I do like it, so mixed feelings I suppose? Let's get this started then. -Melissa xx


{Genesis' P.O.V.}

I rubbed the heel of my palm absently, scrawling words in deep blue ink for an hour straight while sitting on the stone steps outside of the English department of UCLA. My pen twiddled between my fingers, the red nail lacquer already chipped, although they always seemed to be in that state no matter what I tried. My thoughts that should've been on my assignment were drifting away from me, far enough that I couldn't reach for them anymore.

I'd had this feeling before, and I knew exactly what it meant.

All I could think of was a beach, a bookstore and bikes, all of them interlocking themselves with fiery characters and dip in the weather.

I was getting an idea for another book, and it was demanding itself to be known.

University, working on the new season of Teen Wolf and now I had a desperate need to work on a new novel. I was getting so in over my head.

I glanced around, the large stairset leading out of the English building practically empty. It was perfectly calm, and only a couple other people sat at different levels from me. I definitely didn't mind calm.

It might've been seen as ridiculous that I hadn't exactly made any friends in nearly two months at uni, but I found it to be an above average for me.

Shifting sideways, I rested my back against the stone used for railing of the stairs and flicked to the next song on my mobile. It felt like a My Chemical Romance kind of day to me, and so I would make it just that.

The doors of the English building seemed to burst open, my legs coming up to my chest as feet started to pound the stone steps in a mad dash.

I could never see the big rush to get away from the lessons. I always felt safe in the English class, whether it be Oxford or here, even.

I had an urge to get up and leave, able to feel the people passing staring at me. Although, I was thankful that I was nearly deaf from my music so I couldn't hear the whispers that I could clearly see lining their lips as they looked to their mates and then to me.

I balanced my notebook on my thighs, clicking and unclicking my pen until I thought I found my way back to my essay topic for class.

And then the name Quinn came to mind.

I pushed a piece of hair that had fallen from my braided side fringe back behind my ear. Avoiding the ear bud, I twisted my earring absently.

There was no way I could trick myself out of writing this book.

I crossed my ankles as I found a new page in my notebook and titled it in purple ink after switching out my pens on pure impulse. My vans scuffed each other but I ignored it as 'Quinn' in cursive topped the paper.

The crowd of students started to clear and so did the odd stares in my direction.

I was just glad that no one here knew the nickname I had while in secondary school. It was truly horrendous.

My headphones were suddenly tugged out and a voice came behind me. "Can you get out this weekend?"

I jumped a little, having to look to up and to my side. "Jesus." I mumbled, laughing at myself. "Hi to you too."

Dylan hung over the banister, watching me with a grin and my ear buds dangling from his hands. "Hi." He pulled himself up before jumping over the side and sitting next to me. "So, can you go somewhere this weekend?"

"Depends." I said, letting my legs stretch out a little as I paused my music and took my headphones from him. "Where do you have in mind?"

"That, is for me to know and you to find out." Dylan smiled cheekily at me. "So, this weekend? You and me? How about it?"

"I suppose I could see." I fixed the collar of his red plaid shirt that had flipped when he hopped over the wall, "Did you steal this out of Stiles' wardrobe today?" I asked, smiling as I found the eyes that I could get lost in for hours.

"I do own a plaid shirt. Everyone owns at least one." Dylan pointedly said, "It's a fact of this country."

I rolled my eyes, "And I guess I wouldn't know that because i'm not from here?" I quizzed teasingly.

"Exactly." He tugged at my side a little, pulling me close to him so he could wrap his arm around my waist. Dylan tapped the page with only one word on it. "Who's Quinn?"

I looked at the notebook with a little curiosity of my own. "I'm not quite sure yet."

"Ah, this is one of those writer things." Dylan nodded, "New book?"

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth a little with absence in my noticing. "I think so, unfortunately."

"Why unfortunately?" He lifted an eyebrow, unsure of what I meant.

"Because it takes a lot of time, and it's time that I don't really have." I shut my notebook and rested my head back on Dylan's shoulder. "How have the Maze Runner things been going?" I asked, flicking my eyes upwards to look at him.

He was absolutely beautiful from any angle.

"Pretty good. It's crazy because the movie doesn't release for like, ten months yet we're running around TV already." He said, looking out to the trees on campus that swayed in the slight wind of Los Angeles. "I'll have to take you to one some time. You should meet James. You two can get all authory or whatever it is that genius people like you do." He smiled down at me, "How was your day?"

"Other than Elizabeth waking me up at six this morning when my maths class wasn't until noon because she wanted coffee, it's been alright. We got another essay for English and it's going to take a while because whoever this Quinn person is going to be keeps interrupting my thought process."

He laughed a little before going on. "How was she yesterday with the photo shoot?" Dylan was moderately concern, "And how was that, by the way?"

"She wasn't too bad. Only interested in booking me for a range of things that I didn't even know existed. And, it was actually kind of fun." I grinned at myself. "A little weird though. Definitely weird."

Dylan copied my grin, "I know how you feel. The first one with the Teen Wolf cast was the strangest thing ever. It is really fun though."

"Yeah, you with no hair." I said, pushing at his hair that was flipped up perfectly in the front.

"Yeah, yeah." Dylan said, laughing as he used his free hand to fix his coif. "So, did anything else interesting happen while I was out?"

"I signed my first book yesterday." I smiled up at him, still leaning into his chest.

Dylan's face lit up, "Did you really?" He furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought that your book didn't release for a couple more months."

"It doesn't, but Maria, who did the covers, gave a copy to her niece. I met her in a bookshop yesterday." I pulled out the pen that Natalie gave me and put the purple one back into my bag. "According to Natalie, this is my autographing pen."

"Aww, did Gen make a friend?" Dylan cooed in a teasing voice, taking the pen and looking it over. "You should bring this to all your signings until it runs out. It's good luck now."

"Maybe I did make a friend." I stuck my tongue out before taking the pen back and putting it away. "But she had no idea it was me, me, until I was halfway out the door."

"What gave the elusive Genesis Venita away?"

"She tried to lend me my book."

Dylan nodded after a second, "That's not something that happens every day."

I laughed a little, "She kept talking to me about it, before she knew. She liked it." I looked up to Dylan, "She really fancied it."

Dylan smiled, watching me with an expression that I couldn't read. "You make it sound like it's hard to believe."

I looked at him in a small silence of my own, searching his eyes as if they had the answer. They often did.

"What?" Dylan furrowed his eyebrows at me, a smile outlining on his lips. "Gen?"

Without a word, I leaned up and cupped the side of his face, pressing my lips to his. I grinned a little, feeling him kiss me back. Pulling away after a moment, I kept my forehead on his. "There's isn't much that's hard for me to believe anymore. Because I have you."

And I knew it was true.

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