Love, Fights...and Everything...


269K 5.9K 528

Maddie and Mason are about to head off to NYU for university. They both got in and Maddie is going into photo... More

1 week to go
Girls night in
Old times
Drive me crazy
Hang out
You're obsessed
Kinda boring
A lot of drama
Night in
5000 words
No sleep
Back home
No way
Next day
She needs her bestie
5 hours
So In Love
Just a little bit of everything
Chill day
Ice cream
Fun night
Why now!?
No sleep and the beach
Lukes place
Not a big deal
Oh shit.
Everyone knows
Our life
Will you........
Wedding day
Here We Go Again.

Not again..

3.7K 85 7

  "Where are we gonna go now!" Lila chirps as we walk out of the mall.

"Home" the guys both say.

"Uh...NO we've only been to the mall for 2 hours now we need to do something more fun" she tells us.

"Why? None of us even know what to do" Mason groans.

"You guys should since you've been here pretty much a month" she sing songs.

"And we don't get out a lot" he says back.

"Because you're perverts who have nothing better to do" she rolls her eyes.

"I'm insulted. You're talking about me too" I said.

"Yeah I know and I'm right" she said. "We should go to a party!" She said. Me and Mason both scoff.

"The only parties to go to that we know of are frat ones" Mason says I nod.

"So we'll go to one of your frat buddies party" she shrugs. "Is there one?"

"There's always is. But I'm not in the mood to see Justin" he groans.

"Who?" Mark and Lila ask.

"The guy that she was dared to go pretty much fuck in the closet" he says.

"Wow, when was that?" Lila laughs.

"A week and a half or 2" I said.

"Whatever, you don't need to talk to him you guys probably know manny people so we're going" Lila said. Last time I went to a party Mason and me fought hopefully this one won't be as bad. "and doesn't Maddie drink now?" She laughed.

"It was once" I comment.

"Twice now that you're gonna drink tonight" she nudges me.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because it's hell, and not worth it" I said.

"It's a frat party you have to drink we're gonna have fun" she tells me as we started walking to get a cab and head back to the dorms in guessing.

"Hopefully" I mutter under my breath.


At the party. Full of people of course. And what had happened before was Lila and I got ready then so did the guys and we left in time and all that. Now we're here and Lila is excited.

"Didn't you go to parties at your school?" I asked her.

"2 but they weren't as hype as this one" she laughs. We get into the crowded obnoxiously loud house. She grabs my hand. "Lets go get a drink!" She yells over the music dragging me to the kitchen. We get in there and she pours two cups for us while I look around.

"Here" she shoves the red solo cup into my hand. I stare at it for a little. "Come on I wanna see drunk you" she grins.

"Just a couple drinks" I said. I take a big gulp.

"You! You were the girl that helped me get to class" a sorta famille voice says I pull the cup away form my lips turning. It's that Austin dude.

"Oh, yeah" I nodded he does too.

"Maddie right?" He asked with a grin I nod.

"Austin?" I asked he nods back. "You obviously get around quickly, already coming to a frat party" I said he laughs. We have to talk loud.

"Well it is university I'm pretty sure they let everyone into this thing" he says.

"I guess" I shrugged I see Lila staring at us. "Oh, this is Lila my best friend she's visiting Lila this is Austin" I said. "And I'm pretty sure you're in my photography class" I point out.

"Yeah I am" he nods.

"Nice meeting you!" Lila grins. They shake hands.

"You too" he said. "You guys look great" he adds.

"Thanks!" She chirps.

"Well look what we have here Maddie" says the annoying familiar voice that belongs to Justin. I look up at him. He's got his annoying smirk playing on his lips. "Where's the boyfriend he might want to take you home since I'm around ya" he winks I roll my eyes.

"Please Justin, we all know I would stoop so low" I said he hisses like it burnt.

"Ooh, that one hurt a little, we all know Mason probably doesn't satisfy a woman like you" he smirked looking me up and down.

"Oh...sweetie" Lila turns to him on her fight mode. "Listen here long dick dong, get your greasy ass else where and leave us the fuck alone because we all know you got a pencil dick with your scrawny ass" she glares at him and I hold in my laughter his lips part.

"" he says smirking again. Does this guy quit. "I could always show you if you really wanna know."

"Never in a million years will I want to see something that probably looks like a hairless cat" she remarks.

"You're sassy, I haven't seen you around you New?" He asked her.

"Do you just not get the point?" I asked.

"Mads, I was-" Mason slows down then stops his sentence once he sees who's here and his jaw clenches. "What the fuck do you want Justin?" Mason asked.

"Oh cmon Mason, don't still be mad it was a long time ago in the past right?" Justin looks at Mason.

"Fuck of Justin not in the mood tonight" Mason mutters. I see Austin just staring like it's a movie.

"Fine, but your girls being a little slutty" he puts his hands up and Lila and my jaw drops.

"Come again bitch!?" Lila takes a step towards me he smirks at her.

"See ya later sweet cheeks" he winks at her and she glares. If looks could kill. Jason tries to walk away when Mason spins him around punching him. Everyone who was in the kitchen jaws drop. Including my own. He pulls Justinclose and whispers something to him pushing him away aggressively afterward. He grabs my hand pulling me along with him.

"Are you okay?" He asked once we were out of the kitchen talking loud so I could hear over music.

"Yeah, is your hand okay?" I laughed he nods.

"Wanna go?" He asked.

"No we just came plus Lila" I said. He nods.

"Just stay close we don't need him in our way" he kisses me lightly I nod. Lila comes out.

"You guys alright?" She asked.

"Yeah are you?" Mason asked her.

"I'm great, where's mark?" She asked looking around.

"He told me he was going to the washroom" Mason shrugs she nods.

"Well lets have some fun" she grabs my hand pulling me to where pipes where dancing I chugged the rest of my strong ass drink and dances with her.


I dance with a while bunch of people in the room to the loud music. I was wasted but whatever everyone was. It was fun.

"Lets do shots" a guy says to me I nod he gets me a shot glass and himself pouring the liquid in and we down them. It burns but I'm a little used to it by now after the bunch of drinks I've been having. Where's Mason. I need him. I see him sitting on the couch playing with his fingers. I smile and walk well stumble towards him. I pretty much trip and start giggling he catches me.

"Careful babe" he says pulling me onto his lap an amused smile on his face.

"you you aren't having fun" he points out.

"I'm good" he says.

"We can go have a fun time upstairs" I said with a smirk.

"You're very sexual when you're drunk aren't you?" He chuckles I shrugged kissing him before anyone could say anything more. I gripped his shirt in a balled fist. To be honest I wanted him. I tug at it he pulls away.

"You're drunk, and there's a million people here Mads" he tells me.

"Who cares if I'm drunk" I shrugged.

"I do" he tells me.

"I'm just drunk nothings big" I slur slightly. "Now lets go upstairs" I get up of his lap stumbling but he helps me regain my stability. He grab his hand pulling him up and dragging him with me. I walk up the stairs slow so I don't fall. I was wearing normal shoes but I'm drunk so who knows anymore. I open the first door in the frat house upstairs and it was thankfully empty. I pull Masson in with me closing the door behind us. I lean against the door.

"Maddison" he said slowly.

"Mason" I said back but giggle afterward.

"You sure you're really wanting this?" He asked.

"When have I not?" I asked and to that he smiled with a breathy laugh that was oh so hot. "You're too attractive I don't think it's good" I point out. He takes a step forward only inches away from me.

"Thanks for finally admitting it" he says.

"Why wouldn't I?" I laughed.

"You're stubborn" he says.i roll my eyes lazily. "But that's the thing I love most about you...sometimes" he said has leans in fully kissing me. His hands go to my waist while I ramble mine into his beautifully messy hair. I could do this forever I think. He kisses down my jaw to my neck. I love him too much.


I walk downstairs with Mason behind me holding my hand.

"There you guys are I was looking" Lila slurs.

"Sorry" I shrugged.

"Lets go" she grabs my hand pulling me away from Mason. She grabs a cup and thrusts it toward me I take it drinking it.

"BODY SHOTS!!" A guy yells out. A smile spreads across my face a guy grabs my hand.

"You in you gotta killer body!" The guy says with a grin. He was tall, buff and had really blue eyes.

"Sure why not" I shrugged. I've never had someone do a body shot off of me. I want Mason doing it. He would be totally hot doing it but he doesn't drink. Where did Mason go?

"K get on the table a lift your shirt" he tells me. I'm too drunk to even comprehend anything so I do what he tells me. I feel the guy pour liquid on me and some other things.

"Oh I volunteer to do that girl" and oddly familiar voice says and I try to look. When..

"What the fuck" I hear Mason's voice say. Shit. He grabs my arm pulling me up the liquid pouring down my stomach it wasn't that much but an annoying feeling. "What are you thinking?" He asked and yells over the music dragging me through the crowd. He pulls me outside. "What the fuck was that?" He tells once we're alone and there's only faint music.

"What do you mean?" I slur out.

"I mean what the fuck!? Why the hell were you doing a body shot!? Letting other guys do them off of you!?" He yells out.

"Stop yelling Mason" I groan.

"I'm not gonna stop ducking yelling when you just volunteered yourself to let guys do body shots off of you!" He says.

"Calm down just a little?" I asked.

"No!" He throws his hands in the air. "What you couldn't get enough we just had sex" he says and that's what pisses me off.

"First of all don't speak to me like that I can do what I want to do because this is my body!" I raise my voice.

"Really, so you're gonna go let some random guy lick your stomach!? Huh! Go ahead Maddison you want me to just stand there while another ducking guy is taking a body shot off of you huh!? Because I don't want to see my girlfriend getting touched by someone else's mouth and I have no clue why you would want to" he yells out. I was so drunk that everything was just too much to take.

"I'm sorry, ok I didn't realize what I was doing in drunk" I said.

"Yeah you didn't realize that the person was Jason either, you didn't realize because you are changing" he said.

"How am I changing, by having a couple drinks once in a while. I'm in university Mason I can start to do something's" I said.

"Oh you're in university so it makes it right to go and get wasted off your ass that you don't even know what you're doing?" He asked. "That makes no fucking sense to me Maddison none at all" he tells me.

"I cannot fight with you right now, I'm not in the mood not at all" I said.

"You're just passing this away like it was nothing Maddie, it was definitely something what if I was there taking a body she off of a girls body huh? What if. You would fucking break up with me over that I know you would. So don't tell me you can't fight with me right now after what you just did for all I know since you're so "drunk" what if it wasn't even me you slept with what if you were so drunk you didn't know! What then?" He yells and I hate that he's right.

"Ok in sorry, what else do you want from me. It was wrong I get that now god" I said.

"I want you to mean it Maddie" he said. "What is with you!? Who are you. You last year would never touch a drink you wouldn't never let another guy get even close to you before and now you're wasted not knowing what you're doing!?" He says.

"I haven't changed Mason at all. I've just gotten drunk twice and I know you don't drink or like it but that's not my problem I can have some fun" I said and I see the hurt flash through his eyes.

"You're right" he says calmly. "Just fucking right! Go back in there Maddie go let Jason take a body shot off of you do it go have fun because I'm obviously not fun enough to hang out with at parties cause I don't drink" he said he looks genuinely hurt and I'm a dumb botch like always lately.

"I didn't mean that Mason. I'm sorry I'm stupid it's not been true" I said taking a step to him he shakes his head.

"No you're right, go have fun with your friends Maddie" he says his jaw clenched tightly.

"Mason, I'm sorry please I'm being dumb and I'm out of my mind right now" I said.

"I said you were right Maddie it's fine" he mutters looking down at the grass like it's the worlds worse thing ever.

"It's not just listen" I said.

"No! You know what you can fucking listen this time. I am sick and tired of you constantly making me feel bad after our fights all the time so I'm the one always in the wrong. Yeah I admit I am at times but you are too. So you know what this time you are definitely wrong. So fucking wrong. Just go back inside and have fun because since I don't drink I don't think I should be in there because I won't have "fun" I'm sick and tired of this because in the end you'll know I will fucking come up to you apologizing for yelling at you when in all actuality you're wrong and you did wrong by this. Now just go have fun I'll be back at the dorm I'll keep it open" he tells me.

"Mason! Please I'm so sorry I always forgive you" I said.

"Because I'm not drunk off my ass not meaning it the way I should you don't even know what's going on Maddie I can tell you looked confused and dazed" he mutters.

"No I've sobered up, I am so sorry please just forgive me I hate it when we fight I was being dumb and saying some stupid shit" I said. I was still drunk but some of its gone away at least.

"I'm not gonna ruin your night Maddison, can you just go and have fun actually" he said. He's barely making eye contact he's mad, sad and annoyed I can tell. I know him too well.

"You aren't ruining it at all Mason, please forgive me" I said. I feel like crying now. He's really hurt and mad and I'm drunk and don't know what to do in life.

"I forgive you" he mutters his voice has no emotions SN he wasn't even looking at me. He's never like this.

"No you don't" I said. "Why won't you!?" I pretty much whine.

"Oh my god Maddie, why do you think? I'm hurt why else would I be mad. You first go and you're about to let these guys take shots off of you then you pretty much said I'm boring because I don't drink and you wanna have fun and I'm telling you to go fucking have fun I'm not gonna keep going because
you obviously don't get it you're too drunk to understand it's not going through your head so why keep repeating myself when you're drunk and this is useless" he said by the end he slowed down and sighed. "I don't know Maddie, but I'm leaving you do what you want to do" he said.

"It cannot be this hard to forgive me after last time I forgave you because you yelled at me for no good reason" I said.

"My reason was you letting them say those things to you, my reason was that if those were girls saying those things to me it would be a whole other story. My reason is that I love you and I'm obviously trying to keep you away from those types of people because they're all douche bags and assholes" he tells me.

"And you weren't an asshole before?" I asked and he looks up. His lips part them he shuts them into a tight line. I'm so dumb what am I saying. this is your fucking boyfriend why are you being a bitch. "I'm sorry, Mason please I'm being the dumbest bitch ever I don't understand" I said walking towards him again. He shakes his head.

"No it's fine you're right" he shakes his head turning away from me. "Like I said I'll leave the door open for you guys" he says getting into the car. The He sent over here for us. His car from back home.

"Mason" I said feeling the tears sting my eyes I gave the car he turns it on and drives off. He just left me. I'm such a stupid bitch it's like he as trying to hurt him.

I feel the tears come rushing down my face. What the fuck am I crying for I'm the one who kept hurting him. I turn back to the house wiping my eyes and going back in. I need to find Lila. Immediately.



She was being a bitch guys IK, ik it's a lot but we'll deal. SHE KEPT GOING LIKE BITCH STOP. even tho I'm the writer I'm shook anyways I hope you all liked this chapter and I want your thoughts on it. It was interesting I feel ya know. DRAMA guys we need that dorm we? Xoxo.


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