A Persona User? In Highschool...

By PhantomSystem

163K 2.3K 1.2K

[DISCONTINUED] Lucis Ferron was now in the world of Highschool DxD with the powers of Han Jee Han from The Ga... More

Chapter 1: So yeah this happened
Chapter 2: School huh? Great.
Chapter 3: Meeting The Occult Research Club
Chapter 4: Seeking the Truth or at least some part of it.
Chapter 5: Being scolded and calling forth what is within
Chapter 6: Persona and a Pervert
Chapter 7: A Night with a Strong Priestess
Chapter 8: The Elder Dragon Valphalk and Interrogating the Goth Lolita
Chapter 9: ???
A/N: Voting
Chapter 9.5: A Door Leading To Ones Dark Self
Chapter 10: Meeting a Fucked up Exorcist
Chapter 11: Finding out the Truth
Chapter 11.5: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 12: A Choice
Chapter 13: The Student Council and a Quick Meeting
Chapter 13.5: Looking back at what happened
Special Chapter: Santa is Real! And He's a Girl!?
Chapter 14: What does it take to get a Familiar? A lot apparently
A/N Voting Ends
Chapter 15: Going up Against a Rank: B Divine Being
Chapter 16: An Pleasant Day Along With An Unpleasant Encounter
Chapter 17: What Does It Mean To Be Strong
A/N: Happy 2018, plans and Sneak peak at whats to come
Chapter 18: A Deal For My Freedom... Or So I Thought
Chapter 19: 60 Days of Hell
Chapter 20: Friend vs Friend
Chapter 21: Dragon vs Dragon
Chapter 23: Facing Calamity Itself
A/N: So... I Think I'm gonna remake this story.
Extra Chapter

Chapter 22: Know Loss

3.6K 67 24
By PhantomSystem

~11:30pm, Night of the Rating Games~


The ORC members were all in the clubroom awaiting for the clock to strike midnight, all of them were either standing, sitting or keeping themselves busy by doing something to calm them down.

Issei and Asia were sitting in one couch. Issei had a serious look with his hands firmly on his knees, while Asia had her hands clamped together reciting something in attempt to calm herself.

Over to the side was Kiba sitting on a free chair, polishing his already polished sword, at another free couch there was Koneko wearing and adjusting her fingerless gloves.

And over to the front there was Akeno standing next to Rias, she was still smiling but it held some seriousness in it. Rias had her hands clamped together on top of her desk, she leaned forward covering her mouth, she was blankly gazing at nothing as she held a serious look as well.

It was quiet, the ticking sounds of the wall clock was the only thing heard, Lucis was standing near the door leaning against the wall, next too him was Altera in her casual attire but she's wearing the sweater on instead of it being tied on her waist.

Lucis let out a heavy sigh before speaking up. "Alright!" He began getting everyone's attention. "What's with all this tense sensation in the air? There's nothing you guys should even worry about. I mean I trained you guys so there's a zero percent chance of you all losing." I saw everyone's mood lit up by my speech.

"So chin up and prepare to beat Riser's ass!" Lucis finished as they all raised their fist and let out a hearty cheer.


The clock struck 11:50pm and just like that a magic circle appeared revealing a very Familiar French maid.

"Ojou-sama, its only 10 minutes before the raring games begin. I presume all your preparations are finished?" The maid asked the Gremory heir. "Yes, were ready."

Grayfia nodded. "I see," she then looked at Lucis. "Are you sure you won't be joining?" Said boy chuckled and lazily wave his hand. "Nah, I'm good."

The maid nodded again at Lucis. "Then those who'll participate please step inside the magic circle." She instructed and the rest followed. They all stepped inside the circle and once the clock struck midnight, they disappeared leaving Lucis and Altera inside the clubroom.


I was currently in a private room secretly watching Rias-tan's match, I had heard from Grayfia that Ferron-Kun had successfully trained them. I was now about to witness the results of all their hard work.

A magic circle appeared next to me and appeared my beautiful wife, Grayfia. "Ah Grayfia, how is she?" I asked her, curious of Rias's growth.

"Ojou-sama's power couldn't compare to once she was before, it was almost like she was a different person and the same can also be said for her entire peerage." She finished while not looking away from the match.

"I see. I honestly wish that Ferron-kun joined this match, I would have liked to see his true strength." I said, wondering how strong Ferron-kun is. I can already tell he is already stronger than me by a large margin. Rias is lucky to have gotten his hands on him. 

"Don't get on his bad side, Sirzechs-sama. I sense that he's not what he seems to be." She said.

"I understand, Grayfia. I'll be careful."

"I hope so."

Throughout the match we sat and watched in silence, and within the span of 30mins the match ended with Rias's peerage dominating Riser's peerage. Her members didn't suffer any major to moderate injuries at all and if they did her bishop would always heal them instantly.

We were shock to see how strong Rias and her peerage had become. It was nothing compared to before. I guess Grayfia wasn't joking when she said 'its like she's a different person', and all of this is was because of Ferron-kun's training. The entire fight was practically one sided.

"Amazing, he is truly amazing."


We were all standing around a fallen Phoenix who was all by his lonesome with so many severe injuries all over his body, but thanks to his healing factor they kept healing all the same and every time he does heal we just injure him more.

The match was incredibly one sided. We honestly were surprised at how easy it was, almost none of us have had any injuries. We were stronger than them and it was all thanks to Lucis's help.

"So what now, buchou?" I turn to see issei in his balance breaker stepping on Risers chest preventing him from getting up.

I turn towards Riser. "Yield, Riser." I said to him, its obvious that we won but his arrogance was getting the best of him.

"*cough* Nev-" was all he said when suddenly Ravel, his little sister came up to me.

"Please stop, we'll forfeit the match. Just please don't hurt him anymore." She looked at me with pleading tears eyes. I looked at the others and they all nodded.

"Very well." I said and signaled issei to get off him. He did and Ravel instantly went to his side. That was the last thing we saw before we were transported away.

We were now in sort of resting area just after the Rating Game. Due to Lucis's insane training we were all barely tired, none of us seemed out of breath and this includes Asia.

"Phew. I never thought it would be that easy." Issei stated as he deactivated his balance breaker and sat near Asia. "It wasn't much of a challenge either." He added as some of us chuckled.

"That's right. When I fought against those Pawns and the Rook I thought I was done for, but no. I just took care of them with the slightest of ease." This time it was Kiba who stated his opinion. I look over to issei nodding his head, agreeing with what he said.

"Well that's because Lulu-senpai trained us." We all turned to see Koneko who was eating a giant cookie. We then all looked at each other and can't help but think that she's right. If it wasn't for Lucis's training we would have definitely lost.

"That's right!"

"Yes, Lucis-san was big help."

"Indeed, Lucis-kun had taught us a lot."

"Ufufufu~ I have to reward Lulu for helping me~"

We all agreed that Lucis was a big part in all of this. We'll be sure to thank him for all his done, once this is all over. I giggle over the thought of Lucis just calling me by my name again. For some reason, when he says it my heart just flutters.


Me and Altera were heading home after everyone teleported to their Rating Game. We were now walking home, while walking I gaze up the stars and thought about what's my next move is going to be after this. I'm not sure where I'm going with my life, I currently have no goal except a mission to find and possibly kill a certain someone.

I stopped my star gazing and looked over at Altera who was walking right next to me. I looked down at her hand and grabbed it, it was cold.

"M-Master?" She stuttered from the sudden skin contact. She then saw me not being my usual self and got worried. "Master, are you alright?"

"Lucis. Just call me Lucis or Lulu if you want, Altera." I said as I looked at her red eyes. I held her hand tighter and brought her close to me. Once close enough I hugged her, she jumped a little but soon embraced it.

"I'm a little confused at the moment, Altera. Will you comfort this pathetic master?" I asked her. She held me tighter before looking at me.

"My master isn't pathetic, my master is an amazing, powerful and a kind person." She them broke the embrace but still held onto my hands.

"If there's anything in your way I'll help you get through it. I'll always be right here, by your side." My eyes widen and I let out a smile at her words.


'I don't deserve you, Altera.'

"Thank you, Altera."

"You're welcome... Lucis."

We headed home with our hands interlocked. It felt somewhat nice, this was a nice feeling. I wish it would last forever.

(??? POV)

I watch as two head to his home while holding each other's hand in the far distance. Away from Lucis's magical detection range.

"Hahahahaha... Get ready, Lucis. I'm coming for you."


-The Next Day-

"Are you ready, Val?"

"Born ready, partner."

I was dressed in a black formal suit with my hair tied in a low ponytail as I was in the bustling halls of the party revenue. I spoke to my partner about our preparation about the 'Separation' plan with a glass of wine in my hand. Everything was ready, all I need now was to wait.

I was currently in one side of the hall sitting in a chair looking at the partying Devils with a sinister smile creeping up.

"Ah." That's no good, I can't show it yet. I have to be patient, or else I won't be able to enjoy this. After that I returned to my normal stoic face and took a sip of my wine.

I was sitting alone as with all of the devils ignoring me, makes sense because I didn't even appear in the rating games. It didn't really bother me, it actually works in my favor. The less people noticing me the better.


"A Skill had been created through special action."

Presence Concealment (Passive/Active) lvl: 1/10 MP cost: 10mp per activation and deactivation - a skill that hides the user's presence both physically and magically. 5% success rate, percentage goes up when skill is leveled up.

I maxed the new skill and activated it. This time even fewer people to no one was noticing or even glancing at me.

'This could come in handy.' I though as I discreetly observed my peerage mates.

Kiba and Koneko were crowded by a bunch of fan boys and fan girls. Issei and Asia were both together, issei was talking to a oddball of a person but nonetheless I recognize.

"Sairaorg Bael." The son of the king of Devils and soon to be king. He's also Rias's cousin if I remember correctly.

I don't need to look at his stats, because after the plan is unveiled, I won't be needing my limiter anymore.

"Hello. Are you enjoying the party?" I heard a voice from my side, I had already sensed some people watching me before I've obtained and activated my new skill. I guess the presence Concealment skill won't work if they already have they're eyes on you.

"Not really. This kind of stuff just isn't my style." I replied to the question as I turned to face the person.

I saw was a girl who in her late teens with a slender physique and soft white skin. She has golden hair which seems to be pale in color. Her elegant face has a happy smile on it and she wears a Taisho style Kimono consisting a hakama and long leather booths.

"Woah. You're beautiful." I unintentionally said. The moment I realize what I said, I covered my mouth and looked away. That was a dumb slip up, since when I was entrance by a girl with this caliber of beauty.

"*giggle* Thank you for the compliment, Lucis Ferron." She blushed a little as she said my name, to which I'm wondering how does she know me.

"I'm sorry but who are you and how do you know my name?" I went back to serious mode and asked how did she get that information while I took a sip of my fine wine.

"I'm Okita Souji, Kinght of Sirzechs Lucifer and I heard your name from Grayfia." I nearly choked once I heard her name. But looking at her closely, she actually looked like okita from F/GO. I guess this kind of coincidences can happen from time to time.

"What would you want with me, Soujo-san? Not to be rude or anything but shouldn't you be spending your time with someone more... interesting?" I said, this is just mainly to get her to leave. As much as I want to talk to her, I really want to be alone right now.

"But I already am." She says as she took the free seat next to me.

"What do you mean, Souji-san?" Did she hear about Altera from Grayfia? Or did she know that I trained the winning team.

"Please, just call me Okita. And to answer your question, I'm here because I heard that you made the white demon your familiar and trained Ojou-sama's peerage."

I let out an annoyed sigh as I was on the money again. I don't really like this kind of attention. "So it's because of that you wanted to talk to me?" I asked while facing the leader of the shinsengumi.

"Yes, that's exactly it. Tell me Lucis-kun, do you use swords?" My left eye twitched a little as she just used my name so casually.

"Okita-san, please refer to me as Ferron. I don't like people using my first name without permission." I said sternly.

"Ah gomen. We just met and I'm already using your fist name." She apologized as she bowed to me.

"Well, as long as it won't happen again it's fine and yes, I do use swords." I replied, she shoot up and looked at me with stars in her eyes.

Something tells me that she's going to be easy to deal with if I talk about swords and just swords with her.

"Really? What style do you use?" She energetically asked.

"I'm self taught. I don't have anyone who can teach me proper swordsmanship." I lied, I actually know a lot of styles through the help of skill books I get during my dungeon raids.

"Well if you like maybe I could teach you." She offered as she just waited for an answer.

"I'll think about it." I replied as she just showed me a smile.

We continued to make small talk as we enjoyed each other's company. It still shocks me to see Okita Souji be a girl but I got over it quickly for cute is justice. 

"Everyone, may I have your attention!" I heard a rather familiar voice from my left making me turn to see the readhead yondai Mou.

"That's my master, Sirzechs Lucifer-sama, 1 of the current Mous and original heir of the house of Gremory." Okita stated.

"Yes, we've met. He honestly looks Feminine when I first met him." I commented without a care. "You're one to talk, Ferron-kun." I heard Okita giggle, while it was honestly cute I felt a little insulted with her witty remark. So I decided to mess with her, I took a picture of her giggling face and saved it to my phone.


"Umu. Pretty cute if I say so myself." I commented as I looked at Okita's giggling face from my smartphone. Okita has a red face and tried to get her hands on my phone. Key word is tried. I kept raising it out of her reach with an amused expression.

"Delete that! Delete that right now!" She said as she call flustered and desperately trying to reach for my phone, while I just kept it up.

"Nope, it's too cute to get deleted." I teased her as she was red as her master's hair.

"Now as you all know, this party is to celebrate my cute's little sister's victory over the Rating Game against Riser Phoenix. And as you all have seen if you've watched the video yourselves then you'll know that the match was an almost one sided victory." I kept an ear open at lucifers speech in case he says something important. While in the meantime I'm playing keep away with Okita.

"This is because of a certain individual had trained them, and because of this individual, Rias and her entire peerage became this strong. Lucis Ferron-kun, will you please come here?" Lucifer finished and looked at my direction, following his lead the crowd also looked at me. Me and Okita stopped and looked at the crowed, then noticed that I was on my back while Okita was on top of me still reaching for my phone.

Okita instantly got redder and got of me, while I sat up straight and dusted of myself a little before making my way to Lucifer. I gave Okita a wink before leaving which made her ever more redder.

As I made my way to him I noticed a looked of confusion coming from my peerage mates as well as from Grayfia, well the girls also held faces of intense jealousy except for asia of course, I have yet to actually interact with her.

I stopped a few feet from Lucifer whose smile faltered when I just looked at him with an emotionless stoic face.

"Lucis Ferron-kun... for being the one responsible for training Rias and her peerage to reach a new level of strength and power and being able to make the White Devil your familiar, is very impressive for someone so new to our world." As soon as he said that, murmurs began to fill the halls. "And as such, you deserve a reward that fits with this increase in your reputation."

I stayed quiet as all of this was going according to my predictions. I could my smile creep up, but I held it in not wanting to look suspicious.

"You can have any single High Class she-Devil here, even my little sister, and you will be put into an arranged marriage with them."

"Sirzechs Lucifer." I began getting his attention as well as everyone else's. "You are an utter moron." The room was silenced as I saw the look of bewilderment from lucifer's face and I don't even need to look around to know that everyone else is shocked at my statement.

"I would have thought that after Rias's engagement with Phoenix you would have learned that arranged marriages don't work. And now your not just offering a bunch of she-Devils but even your own sister on silver plater..." I paused as I got close to his face. "Again."

He gulped at my very intimidating presence. "So I'll refuse this so called 'reward' for there is only one thing I desire." I stated as I took 2 steps back but still facing him.

"A-and that would be?" The Mou stuttered a little as he saw my psychotic grin plastered in my face.

"My Freedom." I didn't need to look around to know that everyone was shocked to hear this.

"This again, Ferron-kun? I thought we had already talked about this." He said regaining his composure but still held a look of worry, not knowing what would I do next.

"Oh, I'm not asking for permission..." I paused as I released my limiter revealing my true power, shocking every devil here.


A massive burst of energy exploded from me as a small blue silhouette appeared in front of my chest, I quickly grabbed it and forcefully ripped it off. "I'M TAKING IT!" I finished as a blue mutated pawn piece appeared in my hand. My Devil Piece was now in my hand, I noticed it contained a portion of my power inside it. I sense the looks of shocked and surprise from lucifer's face as well from everyone in the room.


Name: Lucis Ferron

Profession:The Gamer and Student of Kuoh Academy

Race: Human

Tittle: The Strongest

Fame: None

Level: 999

HP: 99,999/,99,999
MP: 99,999/99,999

STR: 9,999
END: 9,999
AGI: 9,999
INT: 9,999
WIS: 9,999
MAG: 9,999
LUCK: 500

Skill Points: 99,675
Money: ¥286,582,693

'Success!' I ignored my luck stat that slightly raised and continued with the plan.

"ONE MORE!" I bent forward and revealed my Sacred Gear, Valorous wings. It started glowing as a deep black and silver aura began to come out of it. A few seconds later a blinding light shined throughout the hall, once it died down I was on one knee panting, I looked back to see a familiar looking dragon towering the party halls.

"The Valorous Dragon Rises once more." I said as I got up. Normally taking out a SG from a body would kill the host, but it's me so something like this is a piece of cake.

Surprises were coming non-stop today as silence filled the once noisy halls. I looked over to Rias and her peerage. I tossed her the blue Mutated Pawn piece. "A farewell gift."

She had a look of shocked and disbelief she saw the pawn piece roll towards her. She then looked at me. "W-why?" Was the only words she uttered.

"Why? WHY? Isn't it obvious?" I asked her as I began to laugh hysterically. Was it really not obvious? "It's because I don't want to be a slave... Gremory." I enjoyed the sight of her dropping down to her knees, in tears the moment I said Gremory.

'Next Phase'.

"You wouldn't believe how much self control I did to put up with all of you. But it doesn't matter now. I'm free and that's all that matters." I said as I got on Val's back. I took one last look at my 'friends'? "C'mon Val, let's Bail."

Val's wings turned 180° and blasted a hole through the hall as we exited through it. He spread his wing and we flew, up in the cold night sky.

"Are you sure about this, partner." Val asked while I sat on his head.

"Oy oy, your not a Sacred Gear nor you are bound to me anymore. So I don't think you should be calling me partner, Lucis is fine." I replied to my Dragon Friend.

"Your right, you are my friend, but even so, you will still be my partner." He said. I kinda teared up when he said that. Stupid mushy dragon. "So, was it really alright? And don't dodge the question."

I smiled at his concern for me, who knew this ferocious dragon could be so caring. "It's better this way. I don't want them getting involve in the upcoming battle."

The dragon chuckled. "Whose the worrywart now?" I pouted as I bopped his head, which resulted in him laughing. I chuckled a little as I let my hair flow in the breeze.

"The next few days are gonna be a bitch."

-A Few Days Later-

-Student Council Room-

"What?" Sona asked with wide eyes clearly not liking what I said.

"I want to drop out of school."


A/N: Just gonna say this now, I might not post regularly again since I've been very busy in the real world. But don't fret, I'll keep posting whenever I'm free. Oh and those who follow my Fate/GO fanfic, the next chapter is coming in 2 or 3 days.


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