Nothing Hurts Worse Than Indi...

By Harmoniser

8.9K 97 17

The saddest part about Camren, is that we watched two best friends slowly but surely slip away. Neither o... More

Sorry's not enough
I Hate You
The Truth

Nothing Hurts Worse Than Indifference (Fifth Harmony FanFic-Camren)

2.9K 22 2
By Harmoniser

One year. One retched year.

That's how long Lauren Jauregui and Camila Cabello have been ignoring each other. Sure, they may friendly at times, but they never act the same as they did before.

They never take constant pictures together, anymore.

They're barely seen alone in public.

They never burst out laughing just by looking at each other.

They never have meaningful and deep conversations at night, anymore.

Only glances and looks that desperately call for the other's eyes, now. Holding their mouths, not daring to talk about 'them'. Biting their lips, begging for one of them to one day come back to each others lives.

Waiting one day, for one of them to realise their feelings for the other. But will that day ever come?


Another deep sigh escapes Lauren's lips, anxiously waiting for the bed sheet to be draped over the sunny sky. Waiting for the time she will get to have, without Camila constantly on her mind. Waiting until she can drink herself to sleep and wake up to the reality of no Camila. She misses her so bad, like a child losing their favourite blanky. She needs Camila, like her lungs breathe in air.

Everyday both, Camila and Lauren, can feel them drift apart, they're a boat in the sea with no anchor.

A single tear slips down Lauren's face, as she stares at the last photo her and Camila took together. When she feels a cold-breeze brush her face, the fling of her bedroom door banging against the wall. Lauren instantly shuts off her phone and wipes her tear away, to look at the angered girl at her door, Camila.

"What is this?" The younger brunette hands her phone out in Lauren's direction. Lauren stands up from her bed, to get a better look. Lauren takes Camila's phone and inspects it. It illuminates the last tweet Lauren sent out, merely a second ago.

"Nothing hurts worse than indifference" Lauren's last tweet read

"What about it?" Lauren asked in a cocky voice

"Everything" Camila's voice shutting Lauren up. "What are you saying, nothing hurts more than indifference. Are you saying I hurt you, don't you think you don't hurt me. Are you trying to-"

"Not everything is about you" Lauren interrupts the young Latino. "What is our little princess offended, well sorry your majesty" Sarcasm releasing into the air, and Lauren does a little bow, to further more anger Camila.

"I'm tired of this, I'm tired of you" Camila erupts, pointing her finger at Lauren.

"Well, you weren't tired of me when you were staring at me, the other day" A smirk crafted on Lauren's face. Soon rubbed off, by Camila's hard hand on her now red cheek.

"How dare you, do you think you can make me have feelings for you and then one day fully ignore me. Am I some kind of disease to you or something? Why are you always leaving me?" The question rolling out Camila's tongue.

Lauren bows her head down, does she dare tell her the truth. Will she tell her why? Will she tell her things she's been going through? Will she ever tell Camila the truth? No, of course not. Why? Because she doesn't want to snap the thin string their relationship is clinging onto.

"No, Camila, of course not. I would never think you're some kind of deadly disease" Lauren not fully giving Camila a full question.

"Lauren, stop trying to avoid my questions. Why don't you act the way you did before, to me?"

Lauren blankly stares at Camila, giving her no emotions. All she is able to do is open close her mouth, like a fish, with no sound coming out.

"Please.." Camila gives pleading eyes.

"Do you really want to know why?" Camila bids at Lauren's question.

"Because I hate you" Hurt forming in Camila's eyes. "I hate you because you bring so much sadness in my life, but you make me so happy at the same time. Because I couldn't handle the hate from the 'fans' anymore. Them saying I'm some tramp, taking advantage of you. People hurting the people I love, because it's not you. I can't have a real relationship because they can't take the constant hate from the 'fans', saying things like he is disgusting or a fake boyfriend. Because people were starting to suspect something was there between us, when there wasn't. Saying I'm a lesbian, when I'm not. Sayi-"

"I get it, okay!" Camila bursted out, interrupting Lauren. "I'm a mistake to you, a problem in your life. I promise for now on, i'll disappear and I'll never come back" Tears dripping out of both of the girls eyes.

Camila turns away, wiping her tears away. It took at lest 5 minutes to make Lauren finally realise what she just did. She just made the best thing in her life slip through her fingers.

But this is the right thing, right? Lauren thought to herself.

This is for the best



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