A Dragon's Mermaid

By GreenEyedKoneko

220K 7.7K 664

Book 1 in The Beasts Mate Series. This book contains 18+ content, so readers must be 18 years of age or older... More

A Dragon's Mermaid
Chapter One 🌊
Chapter Two πŸ‰
Chapter Three 🌊
Chapter Five πŸ‰
Chapter Six 🌊
Chapter Seven πŸ‰
Chapter Eight πŸ‰
Chapter Nine 🌊
Chapter Ten πŸ‰
Chapter Eleven 🌊
Chapter Twelve πŸ‰
Chapter Thirteen 🌊
Chapter Fourteen 🌊
Chapter Fifteen πŸ‰
Chapter Sixteen 🌊
Chapter Seventeen πŸ‰
Chapter Eughteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Nineteen 🌊
❀️Chapter Twenty πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-One 🌊
Chapter Twenty-two 🌊
Chapter Twenty-three πŸ‰
Chapter Twenty-four 🌊
Chapter Twenty-five πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-six 🌊
Chapter Twenty-seven 🌊
Chapter Twenty-eight πŸ‰
❀️Chapter Twenty-nine 🌊
Chapter Thirty πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-one 🌊
Chapter Thirty-twoπŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-three🌊
Chapter Thirty-four πŸ‰
Chapter Thirty-five 🌊
Chapter Thirty-six 🌊
❀️Chapter Thirty-seven πŸ‰

Chapter Four 🌊

9.2K 353 24
By GreenEyedKoneko

The warm rays of the sun hit my arms, chest and legs. Today is a nice and sunny day, so I decided to wear a blue sun dress with iliac flowers, and rose gold sandals. Waverly is walking next to me with her hair up in a high ponytail. She has on a white sun dress with mint green stripes, and gold sandals.

I laugh softly as Waverly takes in the scenery while we walk through the neighborhood. Her eyes are wide with amazement as she takes everything in. We arrived to the surface two days ago. Yesterday we spent the majority of the day touring the university Waverly will attend. It is a nice campus and she seemed very happy. Today I decided to show her around the neighborhood and where I work.

"What do you think of the neighborhood so far?" I ask.

We walk down the old stone road that leads to the pier. Shops, cafes, and restraints are on both sides of the street. Many people are out and about since it is close to noon.

"It is really different from back home. The sky seems never ending, and there is so much color. Well a different type of color than back home," said Waverly.

I nod since that pretty much sums up my first impression of the surface. Oh and that everything, especially the skyscrapers, was gigantic! Now I have gotten use to life here and things just seem normal. It has been fun to watch Waverly's reactions because I think of myself when Zarya, Marina and I moved to the surface.

"I thought so as well, but you will get use to life here," I said.

We make a sharp left turn at the end of the road, and start to walk down the pier. The sand and blue water is directly across from us. I feel a sense of calm wash over me when I hear the sea waves. I spot the salon once we get to the mid section of the pier. From the window I see Mia talking to a customer, and Jayson dancing as he curls a clients hair. I laugh at his goofy antics as I pull open the door, making the bell chime.

Mia turns her head and smiles at me, " Welcome home Avalon".

Jayson turns around and waves his hand that is holding a comb. "Welcome back boss lady!" He shouts as he goes back to dancing and working on his client.

The rest of my staff far is working turns my direction and says helllo. Waverly hides next to my side as she takes in everything.

"Guys this is my sister Waverly. She is visiting for a few days before her college classes start up," I said.

"Hi Waverly I am Mia. Do you want anything to drink sweetie?"

"It is nice to meet you, and no thank you I am fine," said Waverly.

I smile at Waverly as she gives Mia a shy smile. "Just let Mia or myself know if you want something to drink,".

"Un I will make sure to do that. Can I take a look around the salon?" said Waverly.

"Yes, let me show you around the salon. It is a bit small compared to other salons but I love it," I said.

I love the salon with everything that I am. I managed to start a business out of college and it was not easy. I pulled through it and managed to still have my salon . I think that the location, advertisement and loyal customers have helped.

I walk Waverly through the salon that consists of six hair stations, five manicure and pedicure stations in a separate room, and a small wing that has two rooms for facials and wax, and two rooms for massages. At the back of the salon there is a narrow staircase that leads to my small office. I take Waverly to my office and pour us each a glass of water.

I sit in my white fake leather chair  that is behind my glass desk while Waverly sits on the small white coach that was several blue throw pillows. Three of the walls are paired white and the wall behind me is aqua, the floors are a hardwood.

"The salon is really great and I can see why you love it so much," said Waverly.

"I really do and I am happy that you finally got to see where I work." I said.

I have told my family about my salon and even shared some pictures with them. They have an idea what it looks like, and I have wanted them to visit for a long time. I am excited that father and mother will be visiting soon. The last time they visited me was for my college graduation.

"Avalon, how did you know what you want to do with your life? I feel like should know what I want to study because my classes start in a few weeks," said Waverly.

I hum as I move my seat and smile at her. "I always liked styling my friends hair in high school. Then I started to make my own shampoo and conditioner because they did not have any of the products from back home. I started to share the products with my hair and I enjoyed it," I said.

Waverly nods," I never knew that. Well you are really good at up.dos. I can never get my hair to stay up in your pretty buns".

"It just takes practice and I could teach you. I think that it is ok that you are unsure of what you want to do. Enjoy your first semester and take your time to figure it out," I said.

"Thanks I will do just that and relax a little," said Waverly.

"Awesome! Now how about i do your hair before we head home. I can give you a beaded up do," I said.

"Oh that would be great!" Waverly said as she stands up.

I laugh and get up from my chair so that we can go to my chair downstairs. Waverly settles in my chair and I take out a thin comb to brush her hair. I make sure to get the tangles out and set it down. I grab a hair tie and several bobbie pins. I take a section of her hair and tightly brad it. I take three other sections of her hair and braid them, making sure to place a Bobbie pin where it was needed.

I take  all of the sections and move it to the left. My hand spins her hair into a bun on the left side of her head. Once the hair tie is in place I put a few more pins in her hair to secure the bun.

"Oh I love it! Thank you so much," said Waverly. She smiles in the mirror as she looks at her new hairdo.

I smile at her as i work on cleaning up my station, "You are welcome and I am happy to do your hair whenever I can".

"I will make sure to take you up on that offer once I am settled with my housing and classes," said Waverly.

We say goodbye to everyone and head home to make dinner. When we get back Marina and Zarya are already cooking dinner in the kitchen. We decided to make some human dishes for Waverly to try so she will become accustomed to the food. There are a few restaurants run my merepeople, but it is difficult to get a table unless you make a reservation. From the aroma I can tell that they are making pasta with a creamy sauce with shrimp sautéed in garlic butter.

I open up a bottle of red wine since it goes well with pasta after I make some garlic bread. Waverly set the table while we got everything ready. Zarya makes sure to fill Waverly's plate first. Then we each fill up our own plate and sit down at the table in the kitchen.

Waverly happily digs into the food and I am happy that she likes the dish. I take small sip of my wine as we make small talk. Waverly has opened up a little after a bottle of wine.

"I know that we were not mates but I really loved him. We were together for almost three years and now it is going to be weird to be alone," said Waverly.

"You are not going to be alone Wave. You are going to make a lot of new friends, you have Avalon and us," said Zarya.

Marina nods in agreement, "Yep. Plus I am sure that your mate will be hotter and a much better man than your ex".

"They are right, you will be so busy adjusting to life here and your classes that you will forget about him," I said.

Waverly bites her lip,"I guess so. I know that i do not want to date again, so maybe I will just wait for my mate".

"I think that is a good idea. I was never really into dating, and I suppose that is a good thing. My mare seems like the type that could get jealous," said Marina.

Zarya grins, " You should wait for your mate hit that does not mean that unmated women cannot have some fun".

Oh I am not liking the sound of this for some reason. Zarya is very sweet and I know she is trying to cheer Waverly up, but she likes to have a bit more fun than Marina and I do.

Waverly blinks as she looks over at Zarya, "What so you mean by that?"

"What I mean is that we can go to a bar. We can get some drinks, eat some yummy snacks and go dancing," said Zarya.

Marina blinks, "Oh it has been a while since we have gone dancing".

I sigh at the thought of going to a bar because it is not my scene. I do love to go dancing with the girls, but I hate the men that try to pick up a partner for the evening. It happens too often given that we are mermaids. Human and supernatural men are drawn to mermaids due to our sexual nature. Some men can take no for an answer but most cannot. I look over at Waverly and see the excited gleam in her big eyes. This is definitely something new because father is not keen on his daughters going to such places. While I may not like it I will go for Waverly.

"Oh alright we can go. Zarya you can decide where we are going," I said.

We go upstairs to change into some clothes that are more suited for a bar. I change into a baby blue top with a sweetheart neck and mesh sleeves, tight black jeans and pink-beige colored sandals. Waverly changes into a black dress with pink heels. Zarya changes into a tight little red dress and black stilettos. While, Marina has on a knee length yellow dress and white sandals.

We hop into Marina's car and Zarya tells her directions to the bar. We have never been to this one together, so I think Zarya recently found this bar. The drive is short and we soon find ourselves standing in line at The Lair. The bars name makes me laugh since it has to belong to a supernatural. Well or a human who is mates to a supernatural.

My eyes narrow when I see a head of wavy hair and I grab a hold of it. She groans lowly and turns her face. I narrow my eyes when I am staring directing at Coralia, who should be at home right now.

"Coralia! What are you doing here? I know that father did not give you permission to be here," I said.

Coralia lowers her head and her shoulders slump down. "I am not but I just really wanted to visit the surface!"

Waverly sighs along with me as she stare at her. Father is going to be beyond furious when he finds out about this.

"When did you get here? I did not feel your presence," said Waverly.

"I got here this afternoon and walked around a little until I reached Avalon's house. I cloaked presents and followed you here," said Coralia.

I sigh as a place a palm against my cheek. "I will make sure to contact mother and we will discuss your punishment tomorrow. For now you can come with us," I said.

Coralia smiles brightly and jumps up and down. "Yay! Thank you Ava," said Coralia.

"However, you will stay near Marina, Zarya and I at all times. You are also not aloud to drink anything beside water and cannot accept a drink from a stranger," I said. I keep my voice stern to give her no room to argue. Her shoulders lower a little and she mutters a soft "Yes".

We walk into the bar and I am surprised at how sleek it looks with a hint of elegance. The walls are painted a soft beige with red-brown stones scattered across as an accident. The floors are a sleek black while the dance floor is made of a dark hardwood. Black leather couches and chairs are scarred around with glass tables in between them. A small stage is against the wall by the dance floor, where a DJ is playing music.

We decide to sit at a table near the dance floor. That way we can people watch and be close to the dancing when we feel like dancing. A server comes to our table and asks us what we would like to drink. The bars signature cocktail, the flaming ruby, peeled my interest and I order it.

A few minutes later the server returns with our drinks and all I can say it looks pretty. He actually set the cocktail on fire, and now it looks like a ruby red. I grab a hold of the glass and take a slow sip. I am surprised at the sweet taste with a hint of tart from the berries. I continue to take a few sips in hopes that it will calm me down. Oh God please do not let some male get all over me again.

"This place looks more elegant than I thought it would," said Waverly.

Coralia nods softly as she sips her water and looks around the bar.

Marina nods as she sips on her cosmo. "I agree. I feel a little under dressed now," she said.

Zarya shakes her head as she sets down her blue moon martini. "I thought so the first time I was here, but according to the workers the bar attire is laid back," said Zarya.

"That is good to know, when did you come here though?" I ask.

Zarya smiles," When you were visiting your family and Marina was having dinner with her mate. I could smell him all over you when you got home Mar," said Zarya.

Marina's face turns a bright red as she holds onto her drink. "Um... He cooked me dinner and we cuddled while we drank our coffee," said Marina.

"Oh I am happy that your mate likes to cuddle! I hope that mine at least like to cuddle in the winter," I said. I hate the cold because I always feel cold. During the winter I have on two or three blankets on while I am under the covers.

"So am I and I think that we just get cold in the winter because we cannot be in the water and the sun is away," said Marina.

"Would you suggest that I invest into winter clothes then? I have no need for those type of clothes back home," said Waverly.

"Oh definitely, I will take you shopping for fall and winter clothes in a few days," I said.

Coralia scrunches her nose at the thought of the cold. "Well if father ever lets me visit again remind me to never visit during winter," said Coralia.

"Oh enough of this talk that is getting you down! Let's finish our drinks and hit the dance floor," said Zarya.

She quickly finishes off what was left of her drink and stands up from her seat. The rest of us slowly finish our drinks and then get up to join the girls. The music fhe DJ is playing is upbeat and makes you want to sway your hips. Waverly and Coralia dance together while I dance beside them with Marina and Zarya.

I smile as I look at my sisters and friends have fun, so I decide to let loose a little and have some fun. Zarya must sense this so she turns around and starts to grind on me. Marina and I laugh at this, and she joins in on our dance. I sway my hips and let the rhythm take over me.

The DJ starts playing a fast pace song that has some people really get into it. Zarya and Marina are dancing close to each other while Waverly and Coralia as swaying, probably all tiered out. I shrug my shoulders and start to swing my hips as I head over to my sisters.

Before I can get close to them I feel hands wrap around my waist. My back is pulled against a hard muscular body. His body presses against mine and I can feel cool leather on my arms and rough jeans against my legs. The smell of a male, a male lion, enters my nose. Oh fuck. Male lions tend to me drawn to mermaids. We act like catnip that gets them in a list filled haze. I am going to have to get him away from me quick.

I cringe as I feel mine grind against me and move his lips close to my ear. "You smell so delicious sweetie. How about we get out of here and go to my place" she purrs lowly in my ear.

I shiver in disgust at the thought and as his hands touch me. I grab a hold of his hand and grip it tightly. I pull him away from my body and turn around to glare at him. He is taller than me, 6'3", with blonde hair, brown eyes and a muscular build. From the corner of my eye I can see Zarya and Marina hide my sisters behind them. From the distance I can see two of his friends approaching us.

"I have no interest in going home with you tonight. I am spending the night with my sisters and friends," I said.

He grins at me as his friends stand behind him. "You May have come here to have fun with your girls, but I can make your evening sweetie," he said with an irritating cocky voice.

His friends nod behind him, and the lion with mocha skin and curly hair stares at Zarya. "In fact, we would love to get to know you ladies as well," he said.

"Look our friend is right. We came here to have fun and are not interested in you lions," said Zarya.

"That's right! If you cans here to find a partner for the evening there are plenty of other women here," said Marina.

"Oh come on sweetie. Call of your friends and we can go enjoy ourselves," said the arrogant lion that cannot seem to get it.

It seems as if he cannot take no for an answer as I glare at him. The stupid dominant male grabs my waist and I quickly slap his hand away.

"Come on now sweetie do not be like that. How about you come with me for the evening. You smell so good and I would love to eat you," he said.

"Listen, I am not interested in you and that will not change. I suggest that you leave me alone and go find a woman that is interested in your offer," I said. My voice not as sweet as it usually is due to my anger.

I feel my blood boil at this and I just want him to leave me alone. He moves over to touch me but I grab his arm before he can touch me. I push him away and I get myself into a fighting stance. It seems like this will be the only way to get through to him because talking cannot seem to do that.

He comes closer to touch me again and I get my hand ready. I lean forward and then start to move my hand towards his face as I jump up. Just because I am shorter than him does not mean that I cannot slap him! When my hand is about to make contact with his face I miss.

My eyes widen in surprise when I see a hand around his throat as he is lifted into the air. Huh. He is in the air? How is that possible because I cannot do that. That is when my body shivers and a mouthwatering scent takes over my senses

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