Endless // Namjin

By MrsWorldwideHandsome

475 40 61

"I see." "What Jungkook? What do you see?" "I see him." "Jungkook who is 'he.'" "He is the one....yes him... More

Chapter 1- A Crack in the Ice
Chapter 2- What Meets the Eye
Chapter 3- Questions, Questions
Chapter 4- Blizzard
Chapter 6 - Alone (Not Edited)

Chapter 5 - False Warmth

47 5 14
By MrsWorldwideHandsome

"Namjoon-ah~" A soft voice called out to the sleeping boy. The said boy only groaned and shifted his head away from the voice. "Namjoon-ah~" It called again. Namjoon started to slowly flutter his eyes open, only to shut them tight due to rays of sunlight shining above him. "Come on, sleepyhead. Wake up." The almost angelic voice convinced him to force his eyes open. All he could see was a shadow with sunlight peaking through behind.

"Who-who are you?" He whispered, feeling strangely attracted to the shadow.

"It's me silly!" The shadow began to gain features and color. With his eyes now adjusted to the blinding light, Namjoon nearly cried at the sight above him. There stood Jin looking down fondly at him.

"Jinnie..." He brought his hand up to cup the older's face.

"Alright, you lazy bum!" Seokjin yanked Namjoon's hand, pulling the boy off the ground. "It's time to get up." Namjoon was now fully awake and observed his surroundings, which were now flowers with the occasional tree.

"W-what?" He stuttered, looking down at his fingers which were no longer blue. He then gripped his ears that had no more ice on the tips. "Where are we?" He gasped, spinning around and patting all over his body for any signs of ice or frostbite.

"What're you talking about, Joon?" Jin leaned over and grabbed Namjoon's hand, pulling the younger closer.

"I don't think you get it, Jin! We were just in an ice storm and now we're in a flower field!" Namjoon stressed, throwing his hands in the air in confusion.

"I know, sweetie. I can see that." Jin laughed, moving to grab Namjoon's other hand to pull him into a tight hug. Jin nuzzled his nose into Namjoon's neck, not noticing how tense the other got.

"What do you mean, 'I can see that?'" Namjoon whispered, his arms stiff against his sides.

"I can see that we are in a flower field." Jin pulled away. His hands, however, still rested on the sides of Namjoon's waist. "I don't think any of them really compare to you though. I'd rather look at your eyes; what a beautiful brown." Namjoon remained unmoving, his eyes clenching closed.

"You're not Jin...." He muttered.

"What was that?" Jin's normally blue eyes flashed white.

"I said," Namjoon pushed the older away, "you're not Jin."

"What do you mean?" The older tried to step closer, but only caused the other to step farther away. "Of course I'm Jin, who else would I be?" He smiled and cocked his head, causing the bottom of his neck to be revealed. Namjoon narrowed his eyes at the small red symbol painted there. He cursed himself for not noticing sooner. Before saying anything else, he lurched forward, plunging his hand through Jin's chest. Jin's eyes widened before he gripped the sides of Namjoon's arm in pain. "Joon... why?" He choked out.

"You had me fooled for a minute, but you must really take me for an idiot." Namjoon pushed his arm deeper into the other's chest. "But there's one thing you missed." He leaned closer to the older's ear, "Jin can't see." He smashed the heart of the creature that no longer took the appearance of Jin, but instead, was now a hairless creature with pale blue skin and white eyes. The flowers around Namjoon soon began to fade along with the trees. The illusion disappeared, sadly bringing the warmth with it. Namjoon was back to the freezing cold.

He looked around and noticed that he was still where he last remembered. He then snapped his head up, his breathing increasing. "Jin!" He called out, panicking when he saw the pool of blood staining the snow beside him. "Jin! Please answer!" He could feel the tears pricking at his eyes when he saw said person not too far away from the pool of blood. He rushed over, pushing off the good amount of snow that covered the other's body. He immediately pulled the older closer, resting his head against Jin's chest.



It was faint, but Namjoon could still hear it; the faint beating of his mate's heart. It was there now, but it wouldn't be for long. He quickly snatched the wounded boy up and ran as fast as his legs could take him. Which, considering his condition, wasn't very fast. Namjoon slid into the coven, snow flooding in through the hole in the window. Paying no mind to it, he limped forward, trying to quickly make his way towards the closest medical room.

"Help!" His hoarse voice weakly called out. "Help!" The yelling was burning his already scratchy throat, but he couldn't care less. While rushing through the hallways, he couldn't help but notice the icy blue walls and the eery quiet. All he could hear was the pounding of his footsteps and the faint dripping of melting icicles. He eventually made it to a room and rushed Jin to the small bed.

"Hang in there baby, we'll get you fixed up." He limped over one of the drawers in the room. Digging around, only to find bandaids and rubbing alcohol. "Come on, come on..." He opened another drawer, finding medical tape. He dug through a few other drawers, until he finally decided to open a cabinet, immediately finding pressure bandages.

He moved over to Jin, setting the supplies he gathered on the medical tray next to the bed. He carefully tried to pull Jin's shirt over his head. "Never thought I'd be doing this so soon..." he tried to crack a joke to relax himself as he threw the shirt somewhere behind him. He noticed the sharp object, which was an oddly shaped knife, still lodged into Jin's stomach. Namjoon wanted to vomit and wallow in self-pity, but stayed determined.

He slowly removed the knife, cringing when more blood pooled in the wound. He quickly snatched the pressure bandage from the medical tray, trying to efficiently wrap Jin's stomach tightly. He didn't know how to properly treat the wound, but he knew that he needed to at least stop the bleeding.

"This is gonna be tight, baby. Stay strong!" He pulled the bandage tighter, already noticing the blood soaking through the front. He took several pieces of medical tape and secured the bandage in place, sighing in relief when he still noticed the rising and falling of Jin's chest. "Hopefully this will work..." he sat down on the edge of the bed, not noticing his leg slowly healing.

"If you're an ice witch, you better make it through this..." Namjoon panted, coming off of his adrenaline rush. He looked up at Jin's face, and then to his uncovered chest. "This is probably the wrong time," he sighed and moved to a chair next to the bed, "but you have cute nipples." He pulled the chair up to the side of the bed, gripping Jin's hand as he rested his head down. "Your ass better wake up so I can say it again when it's the right time."


I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! Not gonna lie, I've had no motivation whatsoever. This chapter is kinda a filler, but I sorta actually have a plan now! Please don't forget to vote and comment! What are your thoughts on this chapter?

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