The Daughter of the Sons • So...

By xXTyAngelXx

64.1K 909 24

Have you ever witnessed someone being shot? Probably not. But for 16 year old Kayla Teller, it's what happens... More

• Chapter 1 • Drunk Love •
• Chapter 3 • Dead man talking •
• Chapter 4 • Fundraiser Fun •
• Chapter 5 • Surprise •
• Chapter 6 • Part 1 • Shoot up •
• Chapter 6 • Part 2 • Shoot up •
• Chapter 7 • Drink Away •
• Chapter 8 • Birthday •
• Chapter 8 Outfit •
• Chapter 9 • The truth •
• Chapter 10 • Slut •
• Chapter 11 • School Shooting •
• Chapter 12 • Weak •
• Chapter 13 • I want you back •
• Chapter 14 • I love you •
• Chapter 15 • New Arrival •
• Chapter 16 • Deal with the devil •
• Chapter 17 • You had it coming •
• Chapter 18 • The truth came out •
• Chapter 19 • No goodbye •
• Chapter 20 • Ohana •
sequel ??

• Chapter 2 • A daughters return •

5.5K 55 1
By xXTyAngelXx

"So as you know the Mayans took our guns, unfortunately not Tigs 2 Mexican girls and now we could have a case on our hands but anyway we need those guns back. I heard from Laroy that the wet backs have a storage unit not far from Lodi and that's where I'm guessing they're keeping our guns" Clay said, leaning back in his chair taking puffs of his cigar every now and then. "I'm guessing you want us to make a run then?" Opie asked and clay nodded in reply. "Opie, once we've got the guns loaded into the van you're gonna blow the place, Juice, Hap, Jax and Kayla you're gonna get the glocks from the unit to the van, Me, Jax, Chibs, Tig and Bobby will get the AK's and Halfsack will drive the van with Piney." Clay informed us and we all nodded. "These guns need to get to Stockton before Sun down tomorrow. We do this tonight" He continues and slams the gavel down.

"Hey, I'm gonna make a McDonalds run and bring some food back for everyone" I say to Jax and he nods. He told me to wait a minute and reached into his pocket, taking out two 20 Dollar notes. "There's a lot of guys, which means a lot of food" Jax said and I take the money and smile.

Not long after I got back, everyone was tucked into their food. Especially Tig. "God you'd think that man has never ate before" Halfsack said to me as I took a bite of my burger. "When Tig isn't having sex he comforts himself by eating" I reply and we laugh.

A few hours had passed and it was 11pm, meaning it was time to head to Lodi. "Right everyone, let's get a move on" Clay shouted through out the clubhouse. Everyone got ready, putting their bullet proof vests on and a black hoodie. (Everyone's outfit is pictured above) .

We all sat on our bikes, turning our engines on. I put my glasses on and then put my helmet on. As soon as everyone was ready, we left.

The journey to Lodi wasn't bad and we all made it their in one piece.

As soon as we got there everyone was getting into their position, Piney and Halfsack stayed in the van, Opie got the explosives, and everyone else went to the door.

Jax shot the door lock with his pistol, silencer attached. We all went in and saw the Mayans standing around a table, crates surrounded them. "Sorry, must've been the wrong unit" Clay said sarcastically, gun pointed to Alvarez, president of the Oakland charter. "Clay, I know why you're here" Alvarez said, a smug look plastered onto his face. "For our guns, we want them back" Jax told him while putting emphasis on the 'our'. "Glocks and AK's, nice little present we got I must say" Marcus (Alvarez) replied while walking over to a crate. "Yeah, we'll need them back if you don't mind" I said, gun pointing at one of his men. "Maybe if you put the guns down we could work something out" His VP said, looking over to Marcus while raising an eyebrow. "Down" Clay ordered and we all slowly put our guns back into our Holsters. As soon as we began to put them back the Mayans has gotten there's out, resulting in us getting ours back out.

There was a shootout and luckily clay had managed to hit Marcus' arm. "Kayla cover me" Opie shouted and I ran in front of him, shooting at one of the Mayans. I felt a shooting pain in my neck and dropped my gun, taking my hands up to my neck. "KAYLA" Jax shouted and ran over to me, he picked me up and took me behind a crate.

"Alright, alright" Marcus shouted to his men and they stopped shooting. "Now we're even" He continued, pointing to me.

Jax had his hands over the wound as I lay still. "Clay, we need to get her to a hospital" Jax said, his voice unsteady. I could feel my eyes starting to get heavy but I tried my hardest to keep them open and stay conscious. "Cmon, stay with us" Jax said as clay lifted me, bridal style. Jax's hands stayed on my wound and I got carried to the van. Before I knew it, my eyes had shut and I was unconscious.

Jackson's P.O.V

"Half Sack you take Kaylas bike" I shouted, passing him her helmet. He nodded and jumped onto her bike, starting the engine. I stayed in the back of the van with Kayla and made sure that she wasn't dead. Her eyes slowly opened and I smiled in relief. "We say that you were doing shooting practise and I accidentally got in front of a bullet" She struggled to get out. Her eyes kept fluttering open and shut. I nodded in reply.

The ride to the hospital was tense, Kayla kept coming in and out of consciousness while Piney drove as fast as he could.

"Help us please, my sisters been shot" I shouted while we ran into St. Thomas, Kayla in my arms. 5 doctors came running with a stretcher and we placed Kayla on it. "We're gonna take her into surgery" One of the doctors told me and I nodded, wiping a tear that had rolled down my cheek.

"Jax, I gotta roll, Dawns showed up at the clubhouse looking for me" Tig says to me and I nod. "Yeah, go. We'll be fine" I reply and he replies with a simple nod, walking out the doors.

"Are you Jackson Teller?" A nurse asks me. "Yeah, what's happening with Kayla?" I ask worriedly. "She's in surgery, we've removed the bullet but we need to stitch up some of the veins it hit. We need to ask how this happened" She says and I sigh. "Me and a couple of my mates were shooting rounds in the woods, little late night practise and she accidentally walked in front of us, the bullet hit her and we rushed her here" I lie, the nurse nods and writes it down. "I'm Nurse Osbourne, I'll be the nurse in charge until she's released" She tells me and walks away. This is gonna be a long night I think to myself and sit back down.

Tigs P.O.V

I go to take a seat but I'm disturbed by my phone ringing. I take it out my pocket and see Chucky's name. I sigh and put the phone up to my ear. "What's up chuck" I answer. "Em, a girl named Dawn is here looking for you. She said she's your daughter" he tells me. "Yeah, I'll be at TM in 10" I reply and hang up.

I take a walk over to Jax and see him sitting with his head in his hands. "Jax, I gotta roll, Dawns showed up at the clubhouse looking for me" I tell him and he nods in reply. "Yeah, go. We'll be fine" He tells me and I give a little nod, walking out the double doors.

I show up at the club house and park my bike. Dawn was sitting on one of the benches. She looks up and notices me walking over. "Daddy" She smiles and runs over to me, giving me a cuddle. "Hey baby girl" I say and give her a kiss on top of her head.

"So why suddenly show up?" I question, taking a smoke from my packet. "Fawns in pretty bad shape, she's suffering from Bulimia Dad. We want to get her help but it costs $12,000 and I don't have that money, neither does Fawn" She told me, her head on my shoulder. I sighed. "Can I go up and see her?" I ask and she she shakes her head. "She's too embarrassed to want to see anyone. I'm the only one she wants to see" Dawn tells me and I nod, understandingly. "I don't have the money right now but I can have it in a couple days" I say. "That's fine, we all just want the best for her" She replies, taking a drink from her beer.

The night was long and Dawn ended falling asleep on a couch in the clubhouse. I stayed with her until I eventually fell asleep.

So I'm not sure how long this is gonna be but I try and aim for my chapters to be around 1,000 words. Hopefully no writers block too as I have my chapter ideas written in my notes. If you like this book please tweet it to some of the guys who were in SoA, it would be much appreciated!! Also share it with your fellow SoA fans :)

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