Born to Be

By jenniferrcerda

1.5K 41 1

In a world where you are born already destined to someone, Lucy Hale a normal teenage girl meets a transfer s... More

Born to Be- Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

105 5 0
By jenniferrcerda

The bell rang and I headed off to the lockers to get ready for track. As walked to the lockers Harry popped in front of me out of no where.

"Hey track girl." He smiled and so did I.

"Well hi to you too." I said stopping and standing with him. I felt so comfortable around him I don't know if it was cause of the way he acted around or something else, but I felt like I could be myself.

"Where are you going?" He said.

"Track remember?" I shook my uniform in front of him and he smiled again.

"Oh like to exercise!" He stuck out his tongue in a disgusted face that made me laugh.

"Oh please like you don't? You look so fit!" I said pushing his torso lightly. When I touched him heat went through me as I felt the hard muscles tense under my touch.

"So you're already checking me out?" He raised an eyebrow and had a smirk on his face.

"I...uh...." My face started to flush and I never felt this way before.

"It's okay." He stuck up his hand in my face basically telling me to shut up. "Wanna go see something cool?" He said his face glowing.

"I have practice!" I said turning around before he stopped me.

"Oh come on!! Just miss one day!! I found this place the other day and it's really cool!" He didn't let my arm go. "Please?" He said and I bit my lip looking around to see if I saw my team anywhere.

"Okay." I smiled and he did too. He grabbed my hand and dragged me all the way to the student parking lot and to his car.

"Get in." He unlocked his door and I hopped in, I buckled up and watched as we started to drive away. I couldn't believe that I was ditching practice for him.

I smiled and he glanced over and smiled too.

"What is it?" He said stopping at a red light and looked at me.

"Nothing." He kept smiling and so did I as I turned away.

We headed up towards the mountains and now I was really wondering where I was going. I looked out the window as I saw the ocean beyond the cliff we were driving up on.

He finally stopped and parked by the edge of the cliff and I got out looking the view. He came around to where I was standing, grabbed my hand and we walked up a little more to the mountain.

There was one Large Oak Tree and grass under the tree. If you stood in the right area you would get the perfect view of the ocean and the sun's glare. I stood under the tree looking out.

"It looks better when the sun is setting." Harry's voice startled me as he hovered next to me and shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I wish I could see it." I said.

"You can...if you want." He said looking at me and I gave him a puzzled look. "Stay here till sunset with me." He turned to me and I smiled.

"I don't know If I can." I said honestly. My parents would probably kill me.

"Oh come many times can you say that you did something you weren't allowed to?" He said and I thought about his question. He was completely right.

"Okay, I'll stay. But you have to take me home." I laughed and so did he as I sat down on the grass and looked out at the ocean.

We both sat next to each other as the sun started to go down. It was 6 o'clock and the sky started turning an orangish color and it was starting to get cold. I rubbed my arms and Harry glanced over.

"Are you getting cold?" He said turning to me.

"A Little." I said honestly and he stood up. "Where are you going?" I said confused.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." He walked away and for some reason I was sad that he was gone, I wanted him next to me at all times and I didn't want to loose him.

I felt weird thinking this way considering I wasn't suppose to unless my necklace lit up. He walked back with a blanket and a smile.

"Here." He said sitting down and wrapping the blanket around both of us and we were closer than before. I decided to just lean my head on his and he just let it and rested his head on mine.

The sun slowly set down and I looked up at Harry who looked down at me. I watched as his green eyes caught the suns gleam and it the side of his eyes. leaned into him and he did too, before I knew it our lips met and I was kissing him. We pulled away and I stood up.

"I shouldn't have done that." I said standing up throwing the blanket off of me, leaving Harry with his blanket still over him. "I'm sorry can you take me home?" I said starting to walk down to the car.

"Wait what....Lucy! Why?" He walked after me trying to get me to stop, but I was already in the car by the time he got close.

"Please...take me home." I said.

"Why did you storm off like that?" He said.

"You're not my soul mate...I can't kiss you." I grabbed my necklace and held on.

"I thought you didn't believe in that??!" He spat.

"I don't...I mean...I do..I...I don't know." I said closing my eyes and tightening them.

"I can't believe this." He said.

"What?" I turned and looked at him and he started the car.

"I thought you were different. You told me you didn't believe in this mubbo jumbo!" He started to drive back to the road.

"Harry..." I said trying to touch his arm but he pulled away.

"Where's your house?" He simply said, i sighed and told him.

The whole ride home was a quiet one and I felt like I ruined something great. He pulled up to my house and and didn't say anything.

"Thank you." I said before getting out of the car. He drove off and I felt an emptiness inside of me.

I walked up to my house door and opened it.

"Lucy?" My father said from the kitchen.

"Yes father?" I said closing the door behind me.

"Come here, your mother and I have great news." He said and I walked inside and sat down in front of where my mother and father were sitting.

I had to admit I had a good life, my mother was a lawyer and my father was the CEO of a great company. I never suffered and they never seemed to disappoint me.

"Now we know we said we would let you have some slack but... we just happen to find your soul mate." My mother said and I looked at her confused.

"What? How?" I said.

"Well, apparently ever child has a certain shape and certain color, we were doing extensive investigating on who your soul mate was. He will be coming in a few weeks to meet you." My father said. I sat there and didn't know what to say.

"Where does he live?" was all I could manage to say.

"Now he lives in Australia, and his name is Tom." My mother said and I just sat there.

"I need to go to bed. Good night mother and father." I said and my father stood up kissed me head followed by my mother.

"Good night sweetheart."

I headed up stairs into my room and into my bathroom. I undressed myself and turned on the water. I stepped in there and stood there thinking about what happened today. I wish everything with Harry went better, this necklace shouldn't mean anything to me.

I know Harry probably won't give me the light of day or want to go get ice cream tomorrow. I washed my hair and body and rinsed myself off before stepping out.

I was going to meet my soul mate in a couple of days?? This was not good, 1. because I think I like Harry and 2. I don't know If I believe in this whole soul mate thing.

I changed into my PJs and laid down, maybe tomorrow will better. I just hope this year isn't ruined.

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