Jemily or just Emily?

By faithforgottenland13

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⚠️PLEASE READ⚠️ PSA: I was in 8th grade when I wrote this and I believe it is very poorly done. Go ahead and... More

The Damn Bau
Those Damn Secrets
That Damn JJ
That Damn Emily
That Damn Time
That Damn Shirt
The Damn Unspeakable
Those Damn Good Friends
The Damn Case
The Damn Truth
Those Damn Awkward Moments
The Damn Attraction
The Damn Dinner
The Damn Past
The Damn Future
There Damn Official
The Damn Crash
The Damn Reality
Those Damn Mothers
Those Damn Moments
Those Damn Bad Days
Those Damn Bad Memories.
Those Damn Homophobes
The Damn Unexpected
That Damn Alcohol
Those Damn Hangovers

The Damn Tree

2.1K 39 13
By faithforgottenland13

"And that's when I decided I wanted to be an FBI agent." Reid finished his sentence.

"Prentiss what's up?" Morgan asked.

"Leave me the fuck alone Derek! Just shut up!" Emily stormed out of the room, Derek turned his attention to JJ.

"She's on her period." JJ told him.

"Did someone say period? Never mess with a girl on her period or she will-" Garcia was cut off.

"We get it Baby Girl." Morgan played cool.

About 10 minutes later.

"Sorry about that Morgan, I was feeling uncomfortable." Emily apologized.

"Don't worry, it's not my fault your on your period." He flipped his highlighter, "dammit this thing doesn't wanna land."

"Your such a child." Emily shook her head and walked off.

The team had just finished a case only a few miles away and it wasn't late so they were just chilling.

"Reid have you gotten any action lately?" Morgan said trying to get into everyone's business.

"I'm trying to read." Spencer turned the page.

"Of course you are. Your not avoiding my question at all." Derek said with such sarcasm.

"Morgan if you wouldn't mind, I have a life of my own that doesn't have to be thrown out in the open like you normally trick everyone into doing." He got up and walked.

"Oh damn, someone finally spoke up." Rossi laughed.

"A-am I really That annoying?" Derek said as everyone left the bull pen.
"Damn. Damn damn damn. Dammit." JJ kept saying when Emily entered the elevator.

"Whoa honey what is wrong with you?" Emily raised her eyebrows.

"The storm is so bad that a tree fell in front of my moms house which caused them to be stuck inside. I wanted to see him but I guess not. I mean there are windows."

"Doesn't Your Mom live like hours away?"

"Yeah Em, But the storm is bad." JJ reaches to click a button, "do people just not click buttons anymore?"

They heard lots of thunder, then some screams from the different floors. Then blackness.

"Oh shit are we stuck?" Emily started clicking buttons.

"Fuck." JJ leaned against the wall then slid down with her back against it.

The agents heard glass break.

"Ok is that just me or did we hear a tree crash through the Bureau?" JJ started yelling help, "At least it's just me and you."

"Yeah." Emily laughed a little.

"Hopefully no one got hurt." JJ said as she turned on her phone, "No service! The tree must have taken out the wires. Now this is a real dammit moment." JJ's phone died.

Emily took out her phone but it was already dead "Great no light!" Emily smiled with sarcasm.

"Your the only light in my life." JJ looked at Emily as her vision focused, "wow that was so so so set up it wasn't even good."

"Haha no Jen that was a good timing." Emily leaned against the wall and slid down.

Hours later.

Prentiss checked her watch, "You've got to be kidding me! It is 9:48 PM! When are they going to notice that people are in the elevator." Emily wondered as JJ got up and started banging on the doors.


She sat back down and laid her head on Emily's shoulder.

"Who knew that me and you would end up together."

"I knew." Emily said then she noticed JJ look up at her.

Emily leaned over and kissed her. Then she kissed her again. Then again. Before they knew it they were making out in the dark in a stuck elevator in the Bureau with a tree that shattered half the building and no one knew they were in there then all hey sudden they saw some light.

"Your so lucky it was me opening this elevator." Derek could only open a little.

"Get us out!" JJ and Emily ran up.

"I would but I can't. There's a tree that is in the Bureau right now and I don't think it's going to get up and walk away anytime soon." Morgan started getting up.

"Yeah and I don't think my period is going to get up and leave anytime soon. Do you wanna be the one scrubbing blood of the ground?" Emily gave him a look.

"Firefighters we have two young agents stuck in the elevator, could anyone get it open. One of them needs a bathroom now or there will be blood all over the ground."

"Yay he called us young!" Emily laughed.

"You are young, your mid thirties, I'm early thirties."

A/N- ok irl Paget Brewster is 48 and JJ is 39 but if your weird like me, when your dating someone you should be younger especially if your dating same sex but go ahead if you want to I don't care. Also, I think it's weird that Emily is irl 9 years older then JJ so yes, I changed There age. Now keep Reiding!

"Sir what floor are we in between of?" Emily asked the firefighter.

"5 and 6." He responded kindly.

"Ok cool."

The elevator was almost at the 5th floor but there was still some head space at the 6th floor were they could see people.

"Once I open this I want you two agents to exit onto floor 5 and take the stairs so floor 6 because your stuck here. The tree blocked anyone from 5 and up to get out of he building. Not many were injured but people had pretty bad concussions and broken bones."

"Damn, guess Mother Nature wasn't having it today." JJ shook her head and walked around.

The elevator flew open, "ok now out!"

"Thanks so much sir!" JJ crawled out.

"Before you go, how did you get up here?" Emily questioned.

"We have a latter." He responded.

"Oh right. Couldn't you just let people crawl down it."

"If it was an emergency then yes, but safety procedures aren't always the best to follow. I'm assuming you can relate to that but in a different way." He smiled.

"Yes I can. Thanks again. And nice hair, looks good on you." Emily crawled out.

He was a black man with hardly any hair but he shaved in cool swirls in the remaining hair to create a cool design.

"So babe, what time do you think we will be getting home tonight?" Emily asked JJ.

"Tonight? No no no, I think you mean tomorrow."


"Because Em, look at this tree."

The agents stood in silence. It was a huge tree. Large enough to break a highway in half.

"Do you have snacks?" JJ turned to Emily.

"Yeah, lets go find the team." The agents walked up the stairs.

A/N- That's it for this story! Thanks for Reiding!

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