Say I love you too //Jungkook...

By jeoonjkookie

5.1K 340 31

I fell in love with you at first sight. And i did again after so many years. ~You I thought you were really f... More

||Red Envelope||
||Hawaii Pt. 1||
||Hawaii Pt.2||
||Hawaii Adventures Pt.3||
|| sleepover pt.2||
|| Approval||
||Double Date||
||Its her...||
||what are you doing?||
||Chapter 2||
||wait them???||

|| "Your mine ,and only mine"||

173 10 1
By jeoonjkookie

[Your pov]
What the hell just happened....
He said he lo-loves me?

I'm ded I'm so ded . My heateu.....
My heart, my heart is gonna pop!

Aieeeeeee I'm so kiliggggg. (Homies where you at!!!!)

Anyways since we both confessed...
I guess we're a thing:/

You: Jungkook does that mean we are a thing?

Jungkook: what do you mean by that?

You: are we together?

Jungkook kneels down like he was to propose to me. And he held my hand looking through my eyes.

Jungkook: y/n, will... You.... Be... My girlfriend?

I'm tearing up please send help.

You: I do! I mean yes! I would want to be your girlfriend.

wtf y/n i do?!?

He got up and kissed me.

It was a soft and passionate kiss.

I don't want it to stop.

I broke it... Shit oh well.

You: it's so sudden we were only friends for like a week and this happened.

Jungkook: I love you

I couldn't resist to hug him.

You: I-I love you too.

We sat back down on the sand.

You: When it was the first day of school.
When I first saw you,
I thought to myself,
You are really handsome.
But then I realized,
You were a big fat jerk.
I said chuckling.

Jungkook: as first sight, I always think you were beautiful. I noticed how smart you are. And you were my ideal type. I regretted being rude to you.

You:oh okay...XD I switched the subject.
Jimin told me you were childhood friends?

Jungkook: yes he is . We were neighbours but then I had to move because of my parents.
I explained to him everything before I left.

You: what happened to your parents?

He looked away from me.He formed tears in his eyes. I held his chin and leading it facing me.

You: Jungkook? Please I will listen. I'm curious

His tears kept falling.
I regret him to tell me.
I was about to say never mind it's okay.
But he told me.
He told me everything.
He explained it like the way I explained what happened to my long lost sister.
He did it with anger and sadness.

Jungkook: They left me.
                    They left me y/n,
                They killed eachother
           It hurts, because I seen it all
        I've seen my father with a knife
              He stabbed my mother
Then he -he took the knife out of my mother ,
He was screaming and it made me scared.
As soon as he said his final words.
"I knew you never loved me"
He noticed that I was in the room,
He looked at me with his bloody face
He told me...
"I love you, and don't ever think it's your fault."
He stabbed himself.
I was there frozen,
I couldn't move,
I've never seen so much blood in my life,
"Appa.... "I said weakly. And couldn't stop crying
I've always loved my dad rather than my mother.
My mother would always abuse me
And my father would always comfort me and says sorry for not being there for me... I was 12 when I seen it. And now I live with my aunt. She became a mother to me. So I just call her eomma.

He started to cry.

It hurts seeing him like this.

He continued.....

Jungkook: I miss my dad.
I really do..
I hope he's proud that I found someone that I love.
Y/n don't leave me.
Your mine and only mine,
My mom hooked up with so many guys.
Please y/n please don't be like her
Love is not a game....

He's crying heavily now...
It looked like he was traumatized of what happened. I stupidly forgot Jimin said he had a bad past. Argh stupid stupid.

I cupped his cheeks. And I wiped his tears with my thumbs.

You: Jungkook it's okay ,everything is gonna be fine.

I kissed his forehead and gave him a good hug.

Jungkook: thank you my love.....

Author's note
Please tell me you cried during this. I cried while making this omo I'm so weird. Haha tell me what you think and tell me if I should continue... I know my first ones were boring but, I kept going. Anyways thank you for going this far!

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