
By Horroryas

69.2K 2.8K 5.6K

BEST READ AT NIGHT You'll wake up - but you'll never know what happened. You'll wake up in somewhere that be... More

Chapter 2 - RIGHT...
Chapter 3 - Stop
Chapter 4 - Skipping
Chapter 5 - ehT
Chapter 6 - a twist...
ひ刀イノイレ乇り Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - .
C̴̛̭͂̑̈̆̉hapter 8 - C̴̛̭͂̑̈̆̉orrection
Chapter 9 - (Y/n)... can you hear me?
Chapter 10 - Haha... you're... you're ignoring me...
Chapter 11 | I know this is baaaaddd!!
Chapter 12 | Why am I awake?

Chapter 1 | His Greet

9.2K 293 554
By Horroryas


That one word is literally the best way to describe mornings...

However... I didn't know that...

My mind was empty...

I was unable to recall the last thing I had encountered.

I was unable to.... remember.

I was stuck in the complete nothingness where my mind had no escaping the cruel reality: I can't remember a thing. My instinct was to panic within my mind while my paralysed body layed there - still pretending to sleep.

I was unsure of what was happening.

'Was I even alive?' was the question.

Could I have died and now I'm elsewhere?

Somewhere above or.... below....

"(Y/n)!" There was someone in the distance yelling something I wasn't quite sure of...

"(Y/n)! Wake up! There's not much time!" The voice continued as I felt the voice's breath hit my face from exhaustion or worry.

It was a he... and his voice felt oddly familiar yet sounded new to me.

I felt my eyelids flutter open, to be met with a dark atmosphere...

Dark walls, doorless hallways and the uncomfortably leaking ceiling. There were decayed objects thrown carelessly across the floor. Wrappers, pipes and even old mattresses.

I was unsure of where I was and why exactly...

I was sure I was dead.

I looked infront of me to see a man's silhouette pacing back and forth towards a door-less hole in the wall, but then back to me.
He was dressed up almost like a cartoon character, if you'd ask me.

He had a black moustache under his nose, that was styled in a way to make the ends point upwards to his blue eyes. To the raven moustache, he wore a matching top hat... though the colour blue stood out on him the most. He had those electric blue eyes to match a blue sleeveless vest. Along to that, he had turquoise hair. What an odd choice to wear...

"Come on! Get up! We need to get out of here." He yelled to me in a whisper this once. There was worry in his eyes as they dug into mine...

"W-Why?" I weakly muttered to him.
His answer was a look of shock and worry on his face...

"Wilford? .... Wilford Warfstache? He's trying to kill you?"

The way he spoke, was as if he was trying to remind me of something I didn't even a have a clue about.

He waited for a sign from me...

A nostalgia of remembrance - or an enlightenment...

But I just layed still on the decayed mattress...

Afraid to give him an answer...

I watched him slightly relax in awe as he got no response from me.

"Y-You... you don't remember?" He whispered while his eyes stared at me in disappointment.

"Can you tell me where am I?" I mumbled as I finally stretched my back to sit up from this mess.

"(Y/n)... You've been kept here for years... Do you at least remember me?" He looked almost as if he was about to cry...

Why cry over such a small thing?

What do I mean to him?

I felt awful for something I was not in control of...

"I-I'm sorry.... I don't..." I took the courage to say.

One second he was looking at me as if I was his hope, the next, he closed his eyes, "His fucked up trick worked..."


"(Y/n)..." a voice suddenly made both me and the man infront of me jump. The man turned around to glace at the door-less hole with shaking hands... "I can smell you from here..." The playful voice somewhere outside the room continued, "come back to Mr. Warfstache..." a voice echoed down the hallway behind the door to my left...

I looked down towards the direction...

The man's voice felt oddly familiar.

Before I could question, the man infront of me grabbed my arm and pulled me up shakingly.

"Hurry, Hurry, hurry..." he muttered under his breath.

We started running down a hallway that I didn't know even existed.

The voice behind us was getting closer.

"(Y/n)?" The voice behind us said questioningly in a playfull tone, "come on! Stop hiding! It was just a joke!"

I could hear the man chuckle solftly behind us....

He sounded like an innocent man.... what is happening?

The blue man dragging me pulled me inside some small locker....

"Be quiet..." he whispered before he shut the door on me.

I could see him standing there outside the locker...

He faced the direction we came from...

And waited...

Before I could say anything, I could hear sudden footsteps.... coming this way....

Then a low chuckle...

"Ahhhh ~ Fancypants Jackstache! Last time I saw you - you was with my girl!" The same twisted voice spoke...

"I prefer Jameson Jackson." The man, who dragged me here, replied.

"Yeah, yeah - whatever ~ turn back into being a mime!" The other man chuckled.

"Will, leave her alone. She's innocent...-"
"DON'T CALL ME BY THAT NAME.." The man replied with a groan, then stepped forward to... Jameson?

The man... Will... he had a moustache too - but it was pink... what an irregular choice... pink...

But I didn't want to judge.

The man was handsome indeed. However, he also had pink hair.... on the top of his head though.... on his... pile of hair.... floof?

"Only Dark gets to call me by that name." He reached his hands up to his pink bow tie and fixed it, "and talking about Dark...." Will reached down his pocket....

Pulling out...

A gun...

"... he got really mad when I had to call him and tell him that I lost her." He continued.

Jameson looked down at Will's gun worriedly.

This 'Dark' being hespoke of, sounded like some demon, or the satan himself...

Perhaps the pink dressed man is not so innocent?

"So tell me then, Fancypants Jackstache." Will said mockingly, "Where is (Y/n)?"

Jameson remained silent.

He looked up at Will and....


Jameson suddenly turned black and white....

What the hell!!??

He moved at a very fast pace - he started to show things to Will with his hands, while he himself smiled uncomfortably.

I was dumbfounded watching the scene.

... these two weren't human.

Suddenly Will rose up a gun to Jameson's head....

My heart lost a beat...

The gunshot sounds exploded across the place...

And I let out a little gasp...

This was not only unexpected - but I also for a second believed that Will was the good guy...

Speak of the devil, Will faced the locker with a smile.... a joyful smile...

He put the gun down...

"Oh (Y/n)! And I was worried that you disappeared!" He released an innocent chuckle.

I stood frozen, and yet my legs were shaking. I couldn't breathe.

"Welllll ~ comee outt thenn!" He said as he wiggled the gun... playfully.

I could only take that as a threat.

I was in fear.... so I opened the locker door...

There he was - in full view...

He seemed quite muscular I must admit .... but those eyes... they looked straight into my soul....

"Good! Noowww.... apologise for kissiingg Jamesonn beforee!" He said in a sulking tone as his movements copied his tone.

"W-What?" I said in a slightly shocked tone.

"You heard me~" he said as he crossed his hands infront of him - looking almost like a child.

"B-But I didn't kiss a-anyone..." muttered.

He rose a brow....

He looked me up and down in slight confusion.

"Honey, do you know who I ammm?" He said in an almost serious tone, eventhough he spread his arms, pointed at himself and made a face.

I stared at him for a couple of seconds...

"N-No... not really..." I replied.

A grin suddenly stretched on his face.

"It worked!" He exclaimed proudly.

I was confused.... but I wasn't stupid.... I had a feeling that he was the one to blame for my memory loss.

"Leemmee show ya around heree!" He said excitedly as he took out his left arm towards me...

I hesitated.... and I was reluctant to go by his wish...

I looked down at Jameson on the floor...

Blood surrounded him.

I looked back up at Will, "why did you kill Jameson?" My voice barely made it out.

He took his hand back to himself and played with his faded pink pant straps.

"Wellllll ~ he asked me to killl himm... With his -" Will suddenly made a funny hand gestures.

He looked down at Jameson, "He'll still wake up soon though! I can count on that."

He looked back up at me and took his hand out again.... then just waited like a statue.....

Do I take it?

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