Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter...

By panswendy

559K 11K 4.5K

Based of the TV series, Once Upon A Time. Melody, the daughter of Prince Eric and Ariel, has been kidnapped b... More

Lost Love (Robbie Kay/ Peter Pan)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Not an Update
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Not an update
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
More news
Chapter 44
All About You!
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
New Fanfiction Idea
Don't Hate Me
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
I Swear I Will Update Tomorrow
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
I'm Awful
Sorry Again
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
2 years later...

Chapter 37

5.8K 100 69
By panswendy

It has been a couple of days since the whole 'Felix' incident. It was absolutley humilating. I can't believe that even happened. Felix makes sure to throw in a sex joke any and every chance he got. Peter would laugh along with him while I dug my head into Peter's chest to hide my blush.

"Darling?" Peter whispered in my ear. I jump back , slightly startled by his sweet words. He sat down next to me on one of the camp fire logs. We have camp to ourselves tonight, because Felix was picking up the first of the new round of lost boys.

"I love you Peter," I whispered as I leaned into his lean chest. A single tear was dripping down my soft cheek. This whole thing about finding new lost boys really hits my heart for two reasons.

The first is that the parents of these kids are absolutely horrible. They don't understand what they have. Those are your child born of your blood! Only the heartless are those sickly parents. That lead me to my other reason.

Whenever I pictured my future, one thing would always be the same. I have always wanted kids, but I can't know. I can't even live off of the island. And if no one grows up on Neverland, the fetus wouldn't grow. I can never have a baby.

The whole thought of it made more tears drip from my eyes. Peter immediatly picked up on my depressed emotion and pulled me in with a tight hug.

"What's the matter darling? I have you Mel. I will always keep you safe," Peter consoled me.

"It's nothing," I responed holding on to my love.

"It's obviously not nothing. Look at you. I can't stand seeing you sad."

"It's stupid, Peter. You wouldn't understand."

"Well if you tell me, I could attempt to understand. And nothing you can say is stupid, because nothing about you is stupid. You are flawless in every way."

"I just always wanted to have kids," I breathed, pausing for a little bit. "I guess now, with Felix leaving to get kids from their terrible parents is just getting to me."

"You want to have kids? With me?" He asked. Disbelief was obvious in his voice.

"See, I told you it was stupid. I'm just going to get more extra firewood now."

"Melody wait."

I popped up from my seat and whipped the tears from my face. This is humilating. I pulled my arms around my waist and started to walk into the forest.

Peter's calls kept coming, and I kept ignoring them. If he really wanted to talk to me then he should be following me.

As if on cue, Peter appeared infront of me. He grabbed my chin, forcing me to stare into his beautful green eyes. I tried to look away, but his eyes somehow glue me to my spot.

"Melody," he breathed. "I love you, and you know that."

Great this is the rejection I have been waiting for.

"I would do anything for you, darling. Anything. I swear once the new boys come to the island, they will be our family. We will raise them together. You and I will be their parents, darling. We won't need kids of our own," He told me, never breaking eye-contact. Thats his excuse, isn't it.

He may love me, but he will never want to be strung down to me. I must have looked too much into our relationship. Stupid Melody, Stupid! A couple of tears escaped my eyes and I quickly dried them away.

"I get it. You don't want to have kids with me. I totally understand," I murmured, pulling away from his strong hold.

"No, listen to me. I don't want to bring another child into this messed up world. I know that whom ever it may be, he or she will be strong, because they have you as a mother, but I could never do that to him. I have had so much experience with hate and sorrow. I don't want anymore of that," He yelled at me.

"I told you, I get it," I snarled at him. Picking up sticks as I started to walk away wasn't the best idea in the world.

"Stop this! I love you Mel! I always will! Please just let this go. We have the entire island for ourselves tonight. We can't ruin it," He spoke, pulling on my arm again.

"Show me."

"Show you what?"

"Show me that you love me Peter. Show me that I am the only one that you will love. Show me that you will do anything for me. Prove me wrong," I yelled out him. All of my anger that I have stored was about to blow. "Prove to me that this thing that we have will last forever. Right now, I don't believe a word that you said. These days I have suffered have really taken a toll on me. The universe is constantly trying to pull us apart! I am starting to believe that their is a reason for it!"

"What are you trying to say?" Hurt was laced in his voice.

"What if we aren't meant for each other? What if the universe is doing all of this for a reason? I cant help but think that I am not supposed to be with you and its killing me! I love you so much, so freaking much, but this is tearing at me. Tearing at my soul. I don't know how much longer I can take this endless pain," I cried. What has happened to me? It was only minutes ago when I told him that I loved him, and now I am screaming at my beloved Peter. This is our first fight and I am not enjoying this at all.

"Melody please. Don't say that! You can't say that. There is so much love I have for you, so much that I want to shower you with. Nothing can or will pull us apart. No matter want happens, we have found our way back to each other. Please don't even think about ending what we have. I love you too much to let you go," He cried. Tears were starting to form in his eyes. I had to look away.

"Maybe thats the problem. You love me too much. Peter you have become blind from your surroundings. Everythign around you, around us has fallen apart! My family is gone and so is Henry! All of your lost boys have disappear, but you don't even care! They were your family, but you don't care! I need to leave. I need time by myself," My voice was trying to stay strong, but my emotions were strung high. I am so going to regret this in the morning.

"I'll go with you," He murmured, setting a hand on my shoulder. I recoiled back and stepped away.

"What apart of 'alone' don't you understand? I promise that I will be back in the morning."


I hiked to the mermaid lagoon after my fight with Peter. Of course my family was there and they all comforted me in my fragile state. It was hard, it is hard. I wish I never said those things to Peter. I was a monster to him.

I fell asleep on the sand not long after the mermaids left. The sand was a little cold and damp, but I managed.

"Melody?" I heard a familar voice say in disbelief. He woke me up from my light slumber. I openned my eyes to see Felix standing above me.

"Hey," I responded in my grogy state.

"What are you doing out here? I thought for sure you would be in Pan's bed the entire day because you were sore," He smirked.

"Now is not the best time Felix. Peter and I had our first fight last night. I don't know why I am telling you this though. It's just," I could finish my thought. Memories of last night swamped my head and tears started to stream down my face. I thought I cried out all of my tears last night.

"Shh, it's okay Melody," Felix hugged me tight as I cried into his shoudler. "I'm here for you, always. I know what will cheer you up!"

"And what would that be?"

"You can meet your new family. There are some familar faces in the bunch," He smiled and kept an arm wrapped around my waist as we walked back to camp.

I tried to push the memories of last night to the back of my head. It was hard to do, but as we made it to camp I became numb at the thought of families.

A bunch of rowdy teenagers clouded the camp. Felix pulled me tighter to his side as we made our way to the tabels. Deja Vu hit as I remembered my first day on this island. Peter was introducing me to his old lost boys. I smile played on my face just thinking about how Peter was showing me off to all of his friends/family. I truly don't know what to call them.

Felix helped me up on the high table and he pulled me closer to him again. I smiled and rested my head on his warm chest. He looked down at me before he got the boys attention.

Felix's POV*

I wish that it has been always like this. I love the way her green eyes sparkled as she looked up at me. I couldn't help but let a smile appear on my face. This is the way it should have been. Her warm and soft hands made there way under my jacket and around my waist.

She was clinging onto my side like a little, lost puppy. So sweet, so innocent, so pure. I will be her protector. I will even act as her older brother if it means that I see her more often.

Damn it! I sound like Sebastian. I am not him though. He didn't put her needs infront of his. I will be the best damn boyfriend that Melody has ever seen. One day she will love me as much as I love her.

I know she is hurting. Pan is going to pay for what ever he did to her. I know that Pan is still in love with her, but so am I.

"Lost Boys!" I call to the crazy crowd. "I have someone very special to share to you." I pulled Melody in tighter so that the new boys would know not to mess with her. "This is Melody. She is the one and only beautiful Lost Girl." That made her blush a little. I smile to myself and continued on. "You will treat her with respect as you do with myself and Pan. If Pan or I catch you disrepecting her in any way, shape, or form, then you will be punish. Am I understood?"

"Is she getting the D?" One of the lost boys in the back hollered. I growled a little in response and I noticed that a tear was falling down Melody's eyes.

With the pad of my thumb, I quickly whiped the tear away and pulled a loose strand on hair behind her ear. She smiled up at me as I smiled back.

"Get a room!" The same voice yelled.

I cletched my jaw and rolled my eyes.

"Who said that?" I growled. The boys made an alse leading me directly to the source.

His face was familar. Where is he from? I should know who he is!

"Henry?" The sweet sound of Melody's voice rang.

She sprung from my grasp and ran from me. The place where her arms clung onto my hips became cold and vuneral. I grunted as she clung onto Henry instead of me.

Melody POV

Henry! I haven't seen his face since he dragged me to Felix's castle. Ha, I remember when Felix was actually evil. Now he is so sweet. I couldn't imagine a life with out him. I smiled at the memory.

"Henry!" I cheered as I wrapped my arms around his tall frame.

"Melody, you're still here?" He joke as he swung me around in a circle with my feet off the ground.

"Wait, why are you here? You aren't lost. You have Emma," I spoke in confusion.

"She left with Hook last week. She left me with Regina who has been crazy. Her head is going before her body," Henry teases, setting me down.

"Melody we should get going. Pan has some games to play with the new boys," Felix sounded from behind me.

I was startled for a second, but relaxed as his warm hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Good bye Henry! I'll see you at lunch," I cheered, holding on to Felix as we walked into the forest.

"Be safe you two! Don't do anything that you wouldn't do in front of your grandmother!" Henry teased.

I barried my head into Felix's chest and breathed his welcoming scent. Even though I couldn't see Henry and he couldn't see me, I am still embarrassed.

"What shall we do?" I sweetly asked Felix.


Thanks for reading! Sorry I was M.I.A. for forever! Yikes! My grandfather passed away on May 19, 2014 at 4:53 pm. The funeral was held today.

Also my great uncle passed on May 20. so a lot had happened to me....

Urg I want school to be over already! My last day is June 6, three days before my BIRTHDAY!

I really hoped you enjoyed the chapter!

Ahhh Peter and Melody!! :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Poor kiddies!


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