My Controlling Mate

By petunia2k15

60.7K 1.5K 280

Annabelle was just a regular girl who hated being the center of attention. She just wanted to go through high... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Hi im back
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

11.8K 206 9
By petunia2k15

Ok so this is my attempt at writing a werewolf story.... So no judgey. Lol.
I jumped when I smelled it. Her. Her scent. My mate. I've been waiting for this day ever since I shifted! Her Scent is getting really strong. She must be the new neighbor that moved in. My wolf is screaming like crazy!
'Would you stop that!'
'Of course not! You're finally going to meet our mate!'
'Just stay in that little corner in my head, I'm going to meet her at school. I have to be ready first.'
I got ready and drove to hell. I actually feel sad as I drive away from her.
Annabelle's POV
I slammed my hand on the snooze button.
I've been dreading this day, the day I start my first day in my new school.
I got up from the floor..which sucks because I just moved in last night and didn't have time to put my bed up cause I was too tired.... And I past out on the floor....
Anyways, I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I blow dried my hair and then curled it. I put on a black skater skirt with my favorite croptop with white flowers on it. I put on my white flats and my favorite bracelet that my mom gave me before she died. I grabbed my white backpack, my phone, a granola bar, and left for school. (A/N picture of her outfit on my Instagram is at the end of the chapter for this story)
I sped walked to school, considering that I was 5 minutes away from being late.
I made it in time and walked in. The school was old fashioned. It was pretty big on the inside. I walked to the front desk to get my schedule and hurry to class before anyone sees me. I'm very shy. Ever since my mom died..I lost my confidence.
"Hi I'm Annabelle, the new student" I told the lady.
She was old and seemed nice. Her hair was short and curly and she was wearing a cute suit.
"Hello! Welcome to west ford high !(A/N I made that place up.. Unless it's an actual place.. Then forget I said anything) we are very excited to have you here and you're gonna love this school! It's Jacobs right?" Wow she's a really fast talker.. Even I had to catch my breath.. Says a lot about me doesn't it? -_-
"Yep Annabelle Jacobs" I replied with a smile
" awh that's a pretty name. You better watch out for the boys here, once they lay their eyes on you- " she was interrupted by a tall lady.
"Oh petunia, stop scaring the poor girl on her first day!, here sweetie, your schedule. Hope you enjoy your first day!"
Haah..petunia? I LOVE that name! I laughed to myself as I was trying to find locker 2034.
Great, now I know for a fact that I'm completely lost.
I went up to a nice looking girl and asked her where my locker was.
"Hi! You must be the new girl! We're gonna be such great friends!!! You're locker is right next to mine! Come I'll show you!!"
I started laughing at how excited she was. It turns out, me and her have the same schedule. I was grateful for that.
"So what's your name?, I'm Annabelle." I asked her, on my way to math.
"Annabelle, that's so cute! My name is Jemma. Jem for short."
Jemma had long hair like mine. She had dark green eyes and was about the same height as me. She pretty much liked the same things as me. Like the same bands, and store and all that stuff.
Once we reached math, it got all silent. I hate being the center of attention. Why can't people just mind their own business?
I quickly sat down next to Jem, and about 20 mins into class, a boy walked in, and then later on came his posy.
But my eyes only landed on him... The boy in the blazer and for some reason it pained me to look away. He had quaffed brown hair. Hazel eyes...just like me. He looked like an asshole though. Like the bad boy of this school. Which explains why he came in so late. I had a feeling that I wasn't gonna like him. But for some reason, I just couldn't look away...and neither could he. What the hell is going on? It's like he trapped me.
"Care to take a seat, Blake?" Mrs. Smith (math teacher) said.
"Care to shut up?" He answered
She looked pissed.
He smirked, I could tell he was entertained by her angry expression.
He came to the guy sitting on my other side and whispered something in his ear. The boy quickly got up and ran away.
Blake took his seat next to me and class continued. He turned and looked at me.
"What's your name?" He asked
I honestly was scared of him. I looked down, pretending to be reading something. But through the corner of my eye, he was smirking.
"I'm not gonna ask again. What is your name?" He asked .. Getting a little aggravated.
"Uh..i-it's a-Annabelle" I replied.
Ok so I stutter when I'm nervous, sue me!
" cute." Was all he said before the bell rang.
Thanks for reading! :)

Instagram for story-imthebadboysmate

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