Too Good...

By livextoxdance

16.5K 411 67

Agent Six is good. Too good. So good she has been kicked out of every spy school in the United States except... More

Too Good...
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Authors Note: (BC?)
Chapter Nine
Chater Ten!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 1

1.2K 29 2
By livextoxdance

Agent Six's POV

I looked up at the big prison-like building in front of me and smirked. I could handle this. I readjusted the strap of my backpack (The only thing I brought that had all my clothes in. Hey, I was used to moving around. I didn't have much) I walked in to the lobby and saw an older looking man standing at the top of the stairs. He looked at me and smiled then started walking towards me. On instinct I tensed up and got ready to fight or flight if the need arose. 

He looked at me and said, "Hello Agent Six. Welcome to The Blackthorne Institution. You can call me The Director or The Boss although you won’t be seeing much of me. Follow me to your dorm room." He started walking away and I took that as my cue to follow him. He led me through the ancient castle and stopped at a door. He took out a key and opened the door to reveal a small room with a bed, dresser, closet, and desk with a new Apple computer on it. I threw my bag on the ground and turned to him.

"This will be your room. You can go anywhere except the room up the stairs and on the left. Now you've already missed first period so just go to second period. Right this way." He lead me through the school and stopped outside of a door. He knocked on the door and a familiar looking 50ish year old man came out. The Director and he started talking. I didn't listen to what they were saying and soon they both stopped talking.

The Director turned to me and said, "Do you want to introduce yourself to the boys or do you want Mr. Tate to do it for you"

"I think I can handle myself."

The Director smiled and gestured to the classroom.

The teacher opened the door and walked in followed by  me as The Director walked away.The boys looked up from their work and their mouths dropped. I guess I would too if I only saw guys all year round. I smirked and winked at a guy sitting in the front row who almost fainted. 

"Hello class. This is our new student. I hope you will make her feel comfortable and welcome." Then he turned to me and said, "The floor is yours."

I stepped forward and said, "I'm Sixteen years old. I have now been through every spy school in  North America. I have been on 366 missions all with different covers so I no longer have a name. They call me Agent Six and I could kick your butt any day." Even though on the outside I looked calm and collected, my inside screamed LIE!! I still remember my name.

"Alright class, any questions for Agent Six?"

Several hands shot up. The teacher turned to the guy that I winked at and said, "Yes Drake, You have a question for Agent Six?"

"Yes. Do you have parents?"

I swallowed before answering, "No."

"Carl." The teacher called to a guy sitting at the back.

"You said 'They call me Agent Six.' Who’s 'they'?"


"Austin." The teacher called.

"You've been on 366 missions?" He asked.

"Yup." I answered.

"But your a girl."

"What’s that supposed to mean!?!" I snapped.

The boy genuinely looked scared at my tone which is hard to do when you are a spy.

"N-Nothing." He stammered.

"Awe is little Austin scared of a girl?" A voice said at the back of the room.

My head snapped to where the voice came from and I said, "And I suppose you're not?" sarcasm dripping off every word.

"No actually. I'm not."

"Now Zach. Be nice to our new student." The teacher interrupted us.

I smirked, "Oh," I said, "Cammie's Zach." 

Zach visibly paled at that. "W-What do you mean?" He said but I could tell he was afraid I would reveal his secret. Everyone was now listening to every word I said, even though most were already.

"Spies have secrets Zach, and yours isn't mine to tell." I said.

"Alright class. Enough questions, Six please take a seat beside Zach at the back. The assignment is on the board, continue on with it.'

I looked at the assignment and smiled. I had already done this one at one of my old schools. I leaned back in my seat and propped my feet up on the table in front of Zach and I. Zach raised an eyebrow at my actions before shaking his head slightly indicating I shouldn't be doing that then he turned back to his work.

Mr. Tate looked up and said, "Is there a problem, Six?"

"Not at all."

"Then why aren't you doing the assignment?" He asked rhetorically.

"Because, sir, I already did it at one of my old schools."

He looked ready to kill which kind of scared me since he probably could.

“This once, Six. This once.”

“Oh Mr. T.” I said in a sing-song voice. 

He turned around and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“You can’t do that.” I said still in my sing-song voice.

He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths before opening them and forced a smile on his face.

“You’re right, Six. But you do have to get your feet off my table.”

I dragged my feet off the table making sure to be extra loud. I looked up and all the boys were staring at me.

“Now children. Back to work.” I said sarcastically while smirking. All the boys gave me bewildered looks and turned back to their pages.

Zach leaned over and wrote on my page, ‘What gives you the right to boss Mr. Tate around?’ I wrote back, ‘tell you later.’

And that was how I met my classmates.


A/N: 970 words and 5 pages on Word!!! WHOO!!!!!

Dilemma of the Day:

So as I was writing this, the power went out and I almost lost it all but I saved it.

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