Redemption of the Dragon King

By adventreader221

59.8K 667 179

It is not known by many, but the truth is that Acnologia was not always a monster. He was once a human that h... More

Acnologia vs Fairy Tail-The one sided fight
An Unexpected Reunion
A Family Quarrel and the Unexpected Arrivals
StoryTime, and a Chance to Change
Catching up with the fairies
Drunken Beach Night and Family Reunion
A long overdue conversion
Learning about a father's past
A chat between Sky and Apocalypse
Shocking Revelations, The Trial of Power, and The Fated Meeting
Father-Daughter Bonding Time
Let the Games Begin
Day 1
Day 1 after
Day 2
Confession and Assault on Sabertooth
Day 3
Day 3 pt 2
Rage of the Dragon King
Operation: Fairy Stars
The Battle Royal Rages On, Darkness Descends
Dragon Invasion: Arrival of the Promised Time
Invasion Part II: Battle of the Slayers and the Mages
Invasion Part III: Battle of the Kings! Acnologia vs Ghidorah!
Invasion Aftermath and Nightly Confrontations
Celebrations and a Declaration of War

A Lucky Break Appears and A Romantic Evening

1.9K 25 5
By adventreader221

A/N: Hello everyone, sorry for the very LONG wait. But Life happens. College sucks, and finals suck as well. We can all agree on that so lets move on. I am thankfully now on vacation and hopefully will get enough time to start typing chapters again for BOTH of my stories. Next update will be Neo Uzu or both. Not sure depends on when I can finish both of them.

Anyway, some more world building here, and most importantly, you get hints to what I have in plans in this story of what Naruto will face.

Also Wendy OOC will become more apparent here and as the games progress. She will have dark moments and the story itself will get darker as we progress. However, I REPEAT Wendy will NOT become a dark character like Naruto. BUT she will have several moments throughout the story, ESPECIALLY during the GMC. This arc will have several dark moments. There will also be some friction between Wendy and some members, especially about Naruto and some of her actions in the future.

But no story is without drama between friends (Especially Wendy and Carla), right? But at the end everything will be alright.

Alright, enjoy the chapter.

A lucky break Appears and A Romantic Evening

It was the middle of the afternoon and Team Natsu, Levy, Juvia, Happy, and Charla were all glooming in saddness. Reason being? All of their time for training time had been taken away in a flash. Now only five days remain before the games begin. There was no way they could train in five days to compensate for the three months lost.

Now they were all sulking, wondering how they could fail so miserably. For the last few hours Wendy has been trying her best to cheer them up, "Come on guys cheer up! I am sure we can think of something!" she shouted hopefully to cheer up her depressed friends. However, her cheering seem to get their moods even worse with all of her friends having blank faces.

"How could this have happen?" Erza asked.

"Our precious training time..." Natsu started.

"...Three months. Just like that..." Gray continued

"What are we gonna do?" Lucky asked out loud. Levy sighed dejectively.

"I guess we'll have to cancel entering the games this year." she said. While Juvia sighed sadly.

"..*SNIFF*..Now the gap between me and Lily has grown even more."

Charla just looked confused at Happy's remark.

"You care about something like that?" she retorted. Wendy just grew a sweat-drop at how depressed her teammates are. Her sweat-drop got bigger when she heard that Jet and Droy say there magical power has not increased at all.

'Three months and nothing has changed. Hell, Droy didn't even lose any weight. Ugh, I think these seven years has been the worst for these two.'

She then looks to see her teammates still depressed and sighs.

'There has got to be a way to get out of their funk.' before Wendy could contemplate further, Erza rose from the sand with a fire in her eyes.


Lucy, Levy, Juvia, Natsu, and Gray all cowered together in fear.

"We are gonna die!" they all cried fearfully. Wendy's sweat-drop just got even bigger.

'No training that Erza can come up with, will EVER surpass what I went through with tou-chan.' she thought with a shiver.

'Sheesh that was a nightmare.' she thought before deciding to intervene on behalf of the others.

"Erza." she called getting the scarlet mage's attention.

"While I appreciate a good training camp as much as the next person, we can't cram three months of training into five days. Not unless you have a way to open a portal to Hell or another dimension with time differences." she said while keeping the last part to herself.

Everyone looked at Wendy strangely. Wendy began to fidget under their gazes.

"What?" she finally asked.

Natsu pointed a finger at her.

"Y-Y-You don't have a problem with E-E-Erza's t-t-t-traning camp?!" he stuttered out.

Everyone stood shock when she shook her head.

"Not really. I wouldn't mind having a spar with all of you, but that would never compensate for the time everyone has had. Plus it we would be a great chance to test myself against everyone." She finished off with a smirk.

Everyone looked at Wendy as if she grew a second head. None more so then Erza. She would never admit this to anyone, but she knew she can be rather harsh with her training regiments. But she feels like that's the only way to get her team to catch up to her skill level. Plus, she feels like that's the best way to bond with her friends. So she had odd ways of showing her affections, sue her. However, she then focused on something Wendy said. She peered into her magical reserves and her eyes widen at what she felt.

'What the hell?! Her magical reserves are off the charts?! If I have to guess they rival both Gajeel and Natsu, and those two have some of the largest reserves in the entire guild just below myself, Laxus, Gildarts, and the master.'

Erza's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

'There's no way she could have gotten this strong on her own. Someone must have trained her, but the question is who?'

Before they could question Wendy any further, a pigeon came flying down and landed on Erza's head. Everyone looked dumbfounded until they notice a note on the pigeon's leg. Erza slowly took the note from the pigeon and it soon flew away without missing a beet. Erza opens the note and reads as everyone huddles around her to also read the note.

Fairy Tail~

Come to the suspension deep within the west woods of the beach resort.

An old friend.

Wendy narrows her eyes. This was way too suspicious. For all they know this could be a trap.

'We should probably handle this with some caution.' 'Agreed.' spoke Dark. She was about tell the same with her friends, but face-faulted when she saw everyone walking to the destination. She could hear a smack inside of her friend, which was Dark facepalming at the stupidity of Wendy's friends.

'Thank the dragons tou-chan is not here or else he would have bashed them over the heads for their naivety.' She thought in exasperation with Dark agreeing before following her nakama to the meeting spot.

[A few minutes later in the forest]

The group arrived at the meeting spot, only to find the bridge in ruins.

"What the hell?!" Natsu yelled.

"This was a bad idea." Wendy exasperated.

"Was this a prank?" Gray asked.

"What should we do?" Erza muttered quickly.

Suddenly the group is shocked when time seem to flow in reverse as the bridge rebuilt itself.

"The bridge rebuilt itself?!" several shouts from the group.

"Hold on...this magic..." Natsu muttered.

"It feels familiar." Gray finished.

'This is Arc of Time Magic!' Wendy shouted mentally, remembering her father telling her about it.

The group slowly goes over the bridge with some apprehension. The group then goes to a small clearing in the woods and sees three cloak figures.

Natsu slammed his fists together.

"Alright, who the hell are you guys?! If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!"

The figure in the middle began to speak as the three began to remove their hoods

"Thank for coming. Its been seven years.....Fairy Tail." The middle figure finished as his hood was removed revealing Jellal Ferdenands. Meredy and Ultear Milkovich.

Everyone looked at the three in shock.

"J-J-Jellal." Erza stuttered. Said man smiled at the scarlet mage.

"You haven't change a bit Erza. I guess you heard about my prison break, right?" he asks in the end. Erza nodded slowly. She knew all right. It was a few months ago, she corrected herself. Bisca and Alzack told her about it. Gray also nodded remembering when Lyon visited him, and told him about Ultear and Meredy doing the jailbreak.

"Too be honest, I had no intention of breaking out, but Ultear and Meredy had other plans."

Ultear nodded.

"You should have seen him; he was rather stubborn about it, but Meredy and I managed to get him to agree."

Meredy shook her head. "I didn't do much. Ultear did all the work."

"Meredy?!" Juvia shouted in shock. Meredy got a big smile on her face before waving at the water mage.

"Hello Juvia-chan, it's been a while." Juvia a small smile on her face.

'After everything that's happened to her, she could such a wonderful smile. I'm glad for you, Meredy.' Juvia thought in joy that her former enemy, now friend seem to be happy now.

"H-H-Hold on...weren't those two members of Grimoire Heart?!" Lucy exclaimed fearfully.

Natsu and Gray got tensed.

"Does that make them our enemies?" Natsu asked.

"Stay on guard." Gray said. Wendy and Erza got tense, but that was deflated by Ultear's giggles.

"Enemies. We were enemies. But we are not friends, sadly. Merely acquaintances making some small talk." she said with a sad smile.

Everyone listen to her intently.

"The sins we have all committed can't be wiped away so easily. So we have pledged ourselves to save as many lives as we can. That is our way of atoning for our sins. Jellal was the first person I saved, because he was one of the many that suffered because my actions."

Erza than spoke up, "Jellal." said man looked at her.

"Your memories. Have they returned?" she asked, feeling very tense at what the response will be.

Jellal nodded. "Yeah. All of my memories have returned." Erza stood there shocked.

"It happened about six years ago. For the first year of my sentence, the constant beatings caused my memory to slowly return up my jailbreak."

He looked up at Erza, his eyes glassy filled with regret and shame.

"E-Erza I really dont know what to say. After everything I did the fact that you worry about me is a miracle upon itself. I was planning to utone for my sins with myexecution, but Ultear and Meredy gave me this alternative."

Wendy then looked at Jellal in wonder. "Does that mean you finally found a reason to live?"

Jellal nodded. "I found several reasons to live now. By the way, Wendy I am not the Jellal that saved you." Wendy shook her head before she said she found out already.

"The three of found a common goal with one another. We created a guild. An independent guild. One that is not a dark guild, but not associated with the council either. We call ourselves, Crime Sorciere." Jellal said shocking everyone

"Crime Sorciere?! Who hasn't heard of you guys?!" Droy exclaimed.

"Your guild has been known for destroying several guilds and demons all round the country." Jet added with Wendy nodded in agreement with what was said, since she heard all this before. It really helps to have a dad that keeps up with the current events of the last seven years.

All three nodded.

"Thats correct." Ultear said.

"We have one objective. To destroy all dark guilds, evil demons and anything related to Zeref."

"Evil demons?" everyone asked in unison.

"Yeah over the last seven years, there has been an increase of demons attacking several human civilizations and everyone that lives within it. No one can explain what caused this change, but its causing a lot of tension in some areas of Fiore. Many think it has to do with Acnologia's reappearance. Others think its a sign that Zeref is rising again. Regardless these demons have become a threat to everyone around the country and several parts of the world. There have even been rumors of Kaiju appearing in some areas of Earthland." Jellal said in a grim tone.

"KAIJU?!" Levy, Juvia, Jet, Droy, Erza, and Lucy screamed in shock.

Natsu and Gray looked confused,while Wendy looked deep in thought.

"Um guys what are Kaiju?" Natsu asked. Everyone looked like he grew a second head.

"Natsu, Kaiju are gigantic demon-like creatures that have been around for millions of years. They even predate almost all sentient life on Earthland, possibly even the dragons. These beings are considered to have legendary status and many are said to rival and surpass even a dragon's power. Some have even been worshipped as gods."

Everyone turn to look at the one who explained in surprise. Wendy scratch the back of her head in embarrassment from all the staring. She was still not used to being the center of attention.

'And you're doing a great job avoiding it!' Dark sarcastically remarked.

Wendy knew she's screwed up with the suspicious looks that many of her friends were giving her. Before they could voice it, Jellal spoke again.

"That's correct. Lately, more and more sitings of creatures that match Kaiju have been appearing all around the world, especially some in Fiore, yet no one can understand why this has only begun in the last seven years."

"Do you think it has something to do with Acnologia?" Natsu quickly. He wanted to know if that bastard lizard had something to do with this. However his hopes dropped when all three shrugged.

"Honestly no one is sure. Ever since his attack on Tenrou, he's disaapeared once again. No one has seem him again since that day seven years ago."

Everyone from Fairy Tail, minus Wendy, clenched being reminded of that day. Jellal sighed know how frustrating it has to be for them, but they needed to get back on track.

"Our objective is to hopefully destroy all dark guilds and all remnants of Zeref and hopefully stop the creation of dark guilds from ever occurring again."

"Really?!" Natsu sounded excited.

"That sounds amazing." an impressed Lucy said. Gray looked confused.

"But wait...If your intentions are righteous, why not become an official guild?" he asked. Said members looked a bit sheepish.

"Because I am a fugitive." Jellal with a teasing smile.

"Plus Ultear and I are former members of a dark guild." Merely said sheepishly.

"The reason we called you was not just to catch on what's been going on." Ultear spoke up, "We heard you were planning to enter the Grand Magic Games, right?"

Everyone sweat-dropped "Y-Yeah."

If they notice it, none of the three mages called them out on it.

"Well, we would like you to do us a favor. We want you to be our eyes and ears during the game."

Everyone titled their heads. "Why do you need us to be your eyes and ears?" Levy asked, but Wendy had a sneaking suspicion on what they were about to ask of them. Her fears were confirmed by Jellal.

"During the years of the GMC there have been malevolent magical force accumulating around the capital city. This accumulation has always occurred during the GMC only, and not during any other time of the year."

Wendy narrowed her. It was just like her father warned her. There were dark forces in the games, and her father told her that it has some link to the royal, but without any proof she can't barge right at them with any accusations.

"Malevolent magical force?" Natsu asked in slight concern.

"But the GMC has a collection of guilds from all over Fiore, right?" Lucy questioned, "So there's bound to be one or two magixal forces." Lucy finished. Jellal and the others nodded in agreement.

"You're right and I would be inclined to agree with you, but suspicious magical forces have signatures similar to Zeref. It could him, one of his followers, or something just as evil. We have been able to tell."

"Zeref." Natsu growled with gritted teeth. He remembered meeting that bastard and how he nearly killed Evergreen and Elfman. The bastard even had the nerve to act as if they know each other. But the more he thought about it. The more it feels like Zeref does seem familiar to Natsu. It was the same feeling he had with Wendy and Gajeel. But no matter how hard he tried nothing came.

Wendy was in her thoughts as well. Everything her father warned her about was coming to pass. She wanted to say Raven tail or the royal was the cause of the malevolent force, but she knew Crime Sorciere would have mentioned them if they had been suspicions of them; meaning they were not the culprit, and without any proof, they can't accuse them of anything.

"We want you guys to confirm whether or not the magical source has any connection to Zeref." Ultear explained, "From there we may be able to find a link that may lead us to Zeref, and hopefully stop him once and for all." Jellal finished.

"Of course wether you win or not is a completely different matter. We're hoping that you guys win, and we'll be rooting for you all from the shadows." Meredy said with a smile.

"It sounds like a wild goose chase, but we'll still help you." Erza said with Wendy and company nodding in agreement.

Ultear smiled. "We appreciate it."

"As for compensation for assisting us, I would like to give you something."


"Rent Money?!"



Ultear sweatdropped at the different answers she got. She shook her head saying they were all wrong.

She held her crystal ball to them.

"With my new and improved Arc of Time magic, I can increase your magical ability."

"Eh?" everyone said, except Wendy who had a good idea of what she was talking about.

"You see everyone has a container inside their bodies that determines the absolute limits of their magical powers. When it becomes empty we are unable to perform magic anymore until its refulled again. This happens when our bodies converts the raw eternano we absorb from the atmosphere into magical power to re-fuel our container."

Everyone nodded in understanding the explanation.

"However, research in the last few years has shown us that there is a part of the containers that is not normally used. A dormant power that sleeps within every mage. It has been given the name....Second Origin."

'I was right.' Wendy thought.

'I'm gonna enjoy how you plan get out of this.' Dark replied.

'Hush you.' Wendy said.

"My magic has the power to evolve your containers to incorporate those dormant portions. In other worlds by giving you the power to Second Origin I can give you all a boost to your magical powers."

"YES!/No thanks." Everyone screamed in jo-...wait. WHAT?!

Everyone turn to Wendy with shock expressions. Wendy scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. She may be able to talk more freely, but she still got meek when she had so much attention towards her. Dark smacked her head again for Wendy's blunt way of replying to Ultear's offer. Her dad was really was rubbing off on them.

"Wendy what?!" Her team screamed.

"Hehehehe. I said no thanks. Why I appreciate the gift I don't need it." she said. Everyone looked like she lost her mind. Why would Wendy deny such an offer.

"Wendy why would reject this? This could really help us." Lucy said trying to figure out why the youngest member of their team was acting so strangely.

Wendy shook her head.

"The reason is because I don't have a second origin available to me. At least not the way you think." Wendy replied, but kept the last bit to herself.





WWWWHHHHHAAAAATTTT?! Everyone screamed. Wendy had to slightly cover her ears from all the screaming.

"You must be wondering why I can't achieve Second Origin, correct?" The all nodded.

"Well the truth is that I have an odd medical condition that I was not aware of. This condition became apparent to me by by my sensei who trained me for the GMC."

Now that rose some eyebrows. Someone actually train Wendy?

"He said due to some complications during my birth, my second origin became lost to me." Wendy explained to her friends, even if the entire thing was a complete lie. Although it was better to lie then tell them the actual truth for now.

'Yeah sorry about absorbing your second origin .' Dark muttered, but Wendy mentally said she was not at fault.

That was an interesting thing that her father discovered during their training trip. Naruto had every intention of unlocking second origin for Wendy, but discovered like Ultear, she none. They were all perplexed until he realized what happened. When Kurama's chakra began the merging process, it took more than her dragon half and dark side. It took her second origin with it.

So technically she still has it, but until she fully mergers with Dark Wendy, all that power would not available to her. But she was fine with that, since having all of her father's training and second origin would make her a bit OP and throw off the team dynamics. She was the support with offensive capabilities. But if she began being a front fighting all the time, there would be no one to assist the others when they truly needed it.

Wendy shook herself from her thoughts when she heard Erza call her name.

"Sorry Erza, can you repeat the question?" she asked.

"Wendy who was the one who trained you?" Erza asked. She was curious at who was able to make Wendy so strong and knew about her condition. Wendy beamed a huge smile.

"My tou-chan trained me."








'This is becoming a theme with them when it involves us.' Dark deadpan.

'Hai.' Wendy replied back.

"Your WHAT?!" everyone screamed, especially Carla.

"My dad came after you guys dissappeared. We had a long talk and at the end he offered to train me for the GMC, which I took."

Now everyone stared at her dumbfounded, especially the Fairy Tail members. Wendy's estranged father, the same father that Wendy claimed to more powerful than any one of them actually came back to Wendy and offered to train. Carla looked aggravated at this. She did not like that Wendy was hanging out with a suspicious stranger. Regardless of their blood relation. However, before she could verbally voice her displeasure, she felt Wendy give her a glare that screamed 'drop it'.

Carla growled mentally at this. Its has always been like since they were in Cait Shelter. Every time she spoke negatively about her father, she would voice her displeasures to her. However, her time in Fairy Tail has given her more confidence in herself and it seems being with her father has increased it even more, if she is willingly able to glare at her now.

"Wendy how was the training with your dad." Levy asked. Everyone got a bit apprehensive when Wendy shivered from the question.

Wendy gulped before answering, "Well I can tell you it was literal hell, but it was beneficial. Honestly, it makes anything Erza could do look like a summer camp." Everyone from Fairy Tail paled from that. Her father couldn't be that crazy, right.

If only they knew.

"What's he like?" Erza asked. She was curious of this individual. She wanted to know more about him. Wendy hummed.

"Well I can that my dad is....." Everyone closed in anticipation.

"Complicated." Cue face-faults from everyone. Wendy chuckled at her friend's reaction.

"Sorry guys, but my dad kinda asked not to delve too much about him. He's a rather secretive person."

Natsu then asked something. "Well what can you tell us? Can you at tell us what he taught you?"

Wendy hummed again. "Well I don't want to spoil the surprises, but I can give you a few hints."

Everyone listened on intently.

"He helped me complete my dragonslayer training. Since I never finished my training with Grandeeney, he rectified it. He also taught me some spells with my wind affinity and taught some things about seals, and some other fallbacks if I couldn't use magic. Finally he taught me how to be a shinobi."

Everyone tilted their heads in confusion.

"Shinobi?" Wendy just giggled and just said that would be a surprise.

"Did you just train for three months with your father?" Lucy. She was very curious of what Wendy did with the father she had not seen in a eight years. Wendy shook her head.

"No. Besides training, we just talked. I told about my life. My adventures with Fairy Tail, and all the friends I made. He was really happy that I was so far having a good told me everything about himself. What he was like. What he has been doing. Where he was all this time. I learned everything about him. He can be rather quiet and cryptic, but he does worry about me and those close to him. Its just he has a hard time showing it sometimes cause its been such a long time since he shown his softer side. But I managed to see it a lot. He even took me to carnival and it was best day I could ever ask of him."

Everyone smiled at that, except Carla. Good for Wendy. She deserved to have quality time with her father, and they were glad that her dad went to great lengths for her. Though Lucy and Erza felt a slight tinge of jealousy. Lucy never had a good relationship with her father, and even when things were looking up, she disappeared for seven years and he passed away in that time. Although she was glad he did love her, but she of love to hear it from his mouth. Erza was in a similar. She never knew either of her parents and wondered if either of them loved her unconditionally like her family did in Fairy Tail. On some days, she would look up into the stars and always wondered what could have.

In two distinct locations and far-off locations, a blond haired man and very beautiful red-head sneezed.

Ultear said that while this gossip was fun, they should get back at everyone getting second origin.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Natsu shouted as he withered on the ground in pain.

Everyone, minus Meredy and Wendy looked on in shock.

"Was it suppose to be this painful?" Lucy asked in fright, and worry for Natsu. Ultear giggled at the question.

"Come now. You didn't think unlocking one's potential would be so simple? It was gonna be one hell of a journey."

Wendy nodded. "You can say that again." shivering from the phantom pain. Sheesh, her dad knew how did dish out pain.

"I feel sick looking at this." Lucy said.

"How bad is the pain?" Gray asked.

"You really should not ask that." Wendy said.

"Want to have a sensory link?" Meredy suggested.

"HELL NO?" Meredy just giggled, Wendy sweat-drop.

'Ah, Meredy you even gain a sense of humor. Even if its a little sadisitic.' Juvia thoguht

"I'm gonna cry." Levy said.

"Lets get the hell out of here." Droy.

"Aye." Jet.

Wendy just sweat-dropped at the two, before she notice two others were missing.

"Where are Erza and Jellal?" she asked. Ultear hummed in thought.

"I think the two went somewhere to talk in private." she replied. Juvia perked up at this before getting an idea in her head.

"Lets go somewhere in private too, Gray-sama." she said as she grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

Gray looked a bit worried, but he couldn't hide the small blush on his face. Meredy smiled.

'At least those two are making progress.'

Erza and Jella were on a sandy beach with Jellal on top of her. How the hell did this happen? Well the two decided to talk in private. The main topic being about Simon and Jellal's idea about redemption and whether or not he deserved to have it. Erza did not like the bullshit he was spewing and that ended with the two of them rolling down the small cliff.

Jellal's eyes soften.

"You always were right." he finally said. Erza shook her head.

"No I'm not. I always tried to stay alive, no matter how clumsy I was."



The two inched closer and closer until their lips met. It sent a jolt a pleasure between the two. Erza moaned as she deepened the kiss with Jella returning it with vigor. Apassion awoken between the two. A passion that had been waiting to wake up for several years, and now that passion has awaken.

Needles to say it was a night neither could forget.

[Later that Night]

Everyone was in their rooms, moaning in agony from the phantom pains of unlocking their potential.

Erza, Wendy, and the others were outside.

"You made all unable to move for the rest of the day. Damn lightweights." Erza said fondly.

Everyone just sweat-drop with Wendy giggling awkwardly.

"Hell how are you still moving?" Meredy asked, completely baffled that the crimson-haired mage was walking like nothing happened.

'Wouldn't be surprised if second origin was opened from the beginning.' Jellal and Wendy thought with Dark humming in agreement.

"Regarding the tournament, I'll try and be in the shadows to root for guys." Jellal said.

"I really want to watch the torunemnt." Meredy pouted.

"In disguise?" Ultear teased.

"Nevermind." she replied with everyone else giggling/chuckling.

Erza and Wendy waved them goodbye.

'This isnt so bad as our answer.' she shought.

"Ne, Erza." Happy called out.

Erza then looked to see Happy drawing something.

She looked to see a heart with a single word in the center.


"When is the wedding and when can we expect kids?" he teased.

Next thing Happy knew he was sailing in the air straight to the moon.

Erza looked to see Wendy blushing a very bright shade of red.

'Damn, we need to step up our game, or our sister is gonna beat us.' Dark remarked, but was ignored by Wendy. Wendy then got a mischievous idea in her head.

She looked up and gave Erza a cheeky grin; a grin Erza did not like since it reminded her too much of Mirajane.

"Why Erza I did not know you wanted to get married so badly, can I be one of the bride's maid or maybe even the flower girl?" Erza blushed a shade of red even deeper than her hair.

"I am NOT desperate to get married!" she screamed to the heavens.

A/N: Hoped you enjoyed the read, and please review. Next Update is Neo Uzu.

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