Loved Beyond A wall

By tahiramaahes

54 5 3

In another dimension, a world divided in half, Sahira is the heiress to the throne of the Warrior of Nature... More

The warrior of Nature Chapter 1
Born To Be A Conqueror Chapter 3
Peace Before war Chapter 4
The End Of The Beginning Chapter 5

Born a Queen Chapter 2

9 1 0
By tahiramaahes


Sahira felt her heart dropped. She was not prepared to be a leader. It was true that she was the most powerful one among all of the warriors, her powers completely surpassing all of them but there were older  warriors and more experienced than her. The queen should have choosen one of them, she thought. Anguish invaded her body and mind. But she could not protest the Queen's decision. Not in front of the other warriors. She would have to wait after the end of the meeting to try to persuade her to choose another warrior as a leader.

"As you all know, Sahira will be the next Queen, and i think that she has proved time after time, that she is fit to be a leader"

'No',Sahira internally cries, 'i'm not prepared to be a leader. I don't want to lead them to their death'

"So i request that you all trust in her abilities to deal with the upcoming battle. I will discuss personally with her, about the plan to protect the Far East Land, and she will latter expose it to you. You can all dispose now. Thank you for your attention" The Queen finished.

"Hail to our Queen..Hail to the princess" the warriors shouted before leaving.

As soon as all the warrior cleared off the throne room, Sahira turns to her mother and said "My Queen, it is a highly honorable responsibility that you have bestowed upon me"

"I know my dear.You should be thankful and proud", she replied.

"But however",Sahira continued, "I cannot accept. I am too inexperience to be given such a role."

That when the Queen look upon sahira, with her eyes full of determination "You have no choice my dear. I have made my choice, and this is not a request, but an order. You are going to be the next Queen, and it is time that you step in your role. You have been trained. Much more than any other warrior. You have been taught so much too. I know you won't fail me. Moreover i am sure that the Ruiners' Leader is going to send his most fearsome warrior Sahira. I trust none other but you to end that miserable being's life. May Mother Nature forgive them for their sins."

Sahira could say nothing more. She could not defy the Queen further than this. The Queen was right, and furthermore it was a direct order from the Queen herself. Sahira felt fear for the first time in her life. Not fear for her life, but fear for the others. Fear that she will lead them to there death and disappoint everyone, including the Queen. She was used to being a warrior, to being ordered around. She gladly followed the older warriors orders, mainly Galinda, the leader of the troops in the Front Land. She had never in her life acted as a leader. And now she was much obliged to do so.

"Come my child, let me expose the plan to you" the Queen's voice break through her thoughts. And all she could do, was stand there and let the Queen exposed the plan. It was decided that they were going on the battlefield in two days. Two days was not enough for her. She better prepared herself the best she could.

She left the throne hall and went directly to the training section of their village. She did not have any faith in her ability to rule, but she knew she could have faith in her ability to defend and protect. Her powers have never failed her . Never. 

Since she started going into battle with the Ruiners, her troops never lost any battle. That was because Sahira was a fearsome warrior. It was true that in real life, she was silent,timid and reserve. But on the battlefield, she was fearless. Nothing excited her more than a battle. Her blood boiled with rage and power anytime she was on the battlefield. And every warrior in the tribe knew it. They respected Sahira for it. They knew that she was thirsty for blood and battle. She was a bloody fighter. And this was also the reason why none of them had protested against the Queen's decision. Because whatever battlefield in the Front land Sahira was sent to, she always came back victorious. So, maybe they never trusted Sahira's decision making power, or leading power, but they firmly believed in her brute powers. That was undeniable.

She arrived into the training room and decided to expose the plan to the other warriors. Things were now getting serious.

After exposing the plan to the other warriors, and discussing back up plan and talking about the management of equipment, Sahira decided that a check of equipment was necessary. So she took five warriors with her, including her loyal friend, Leonaya.

"I knew by the look on your face, that during the Queen's announcement, you were the most surprised among us." Leonaya said to Sahira.

Sahira looked at her. Leonaya had dark black jet straight hair cut short. Her eyes were a deep gray and her skin was as white and smooth as milk.

"Yes right. I would have never guess that she would choose me as Leader for one of the most serious battle" Sahira replied.

"I was not surprised at all" Leonaya responded, "in fact, i was expecting it. You are the most powerful one among us all. And in this battle, the Queen knows that the Ruiners will shake heaven and earth to get those stones and jewels. As she said earlier, they radiate energy, the same earthly energy that runs through our blood and gives us our powers and strength. The energy we were blessed with because of the fact that we love,nurture,respect and protect nature. The Ruiners on the other hand don't do any of this. So they have no power given to them freely by nature. This is the reason why they snatched it from her.  And this is the reason why they are going to send their most powerful fighters for this battle. Because they want and need those stones to have energy. And nothing can stop them but us. And we won't be able to stop them without you. And the Queen is well aware of that fact."

Sahira looked at her,bewildered.
Leonaya was highly intelligent and had a very precise and logical way of thinking. This is why, they were both loyal friends in life and allies on the battlefield. With her strength, she acted as a shield to Leonaya,and with Leonaya's intelligence, she acted as the shield of Sahira. She knew what decision to take, what move to take, at what time. Leonaya was a powerful warlord, and Sahira counted on her to be her counselor when she will be Queen.

"Yes but don't underestimate your abilities and those of the other warriors. I am sure that you and the other could win the battle in the Far East Land, with or without my help." She said.

"No, we are not underestimating us. You're the one overestimating our abilities. Were you aware that all the battles in the North land, in which you were not present, we lost? We not only lost the lands, but members of our tribe. And we were able to push the Ruiners back from some of the land with your help. Were you aware of this? "

Sahira shook her head. She had never heard of this at all. She guessed that those land had been taken by the enemies because the had great plan or made use of powerful weapon. Not because of the fact that she was not there during those specifics battles.

"Why are you saying that because i was not there,you lost those battles? I don't understand. I know many of you are great warriors, with superior powers. So why?" She asked.

"The reason is because you never came face to face with a specific Ruiner. The most powerful one we have ever face. Among us, among those who have seen him on the battlefield, we call him "The Destroyer". Sure, we never saw his face, but when we put facts together. It is coherent that it is the same Ruiner that is doing all the damage and killing many among us."

Sahira was shocked. She never heard any of this before.
"Why has no one inform me of this destroyer?"

"Because we were not sure if it was the same Ruiner doing all of this or not. And because we are not from the same troops that goes to fight on the same land. The Queens knows about it however. I thought she told you about it." Leonaya responded.

"She mentionned something earlier, but not clearly. What i want to know is how are you sure of the existence of the Destroyer if none of you had seen his face due to the protective gear we were during battles."

"Facts Sahira. Facts. Facts that i was able to collect and assemble in a whole."replied Leonaya,full of herself.

"Expose me those facts, i beg of you Leonaya. It might help me be better prepared if i ever came face to face with that Ruiner you nicknamed "The Destroyer". "

"Sure. I was going to do it eventually. Well,first of all, the first fact is that,like you also, the Ruiners only win battles were The Destroyer is present. Secondly, he has a method he used to attack, a technique he owned, that no one can copy. And we were able to observe the use of that technique in the battles he won only. Thirdly, he cannot be in two places at the same time. So there were time lapse in between each battle he won. We observed that he moved from the first battlefield to the last using the same technique. Fact four, he was present in the North Land only. He fights only there and is present only there because he protects their major energy store. And lastly, because you never came face to face with him to fight him. If he was a movable warrior, one that goes from Land to Land, you would have met him. Yet you never met him  on the battlefield and he never met with you, because you also you usually defend the Front Land. It is only in rare occasion that you moved from land to land,or you will have realize yourself when you would have met him that this Ruiner is no ordinary one. This is why i came to the conclusion that this Ruiner is the same and unique one, thus the reason why we call him the Destroyer. I swear on Mother Nature's holy gifts that this Ruiner is as powerful and bloody as you are Sahira."

Leonaya ended her explanations, as Sahira implemented all of this in her mind.

" So this is the reason why the Queen wants me as leader in the Far East Land. Because she knows about the Destroyer, and she trusted no one but me to end his reign on the battlefield."

Leonaya nodded. "The Queen knows they are going to send their most powerful fighter to seize that land. And she knows that they know that we are going to send ours too. So, this may not be only a mere battle Sahira. It might be the most terrific war."

"I understand. And i am going to bring that Ruiner down. I swear on Mother Nature's holy spirit. So, let's go in the equipment section. We have two days to see that all the equipment are fully functional." Sahira said, her voice full of determination.

"Yeah let's go" said Leonaya.

End of chapter 2?
So how was it?
Clear i hope.
Anything you did not understand,feel free to ask.

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