My Favorite Accident

By bau_basscannon

12.6K 283 137

Kirstie ran away from both an emotionally and mentally abusive marriage.That both her and her 2 year old daug... More

Chapter One♥️
Chapter Two♥️
Chapter Four♥️
Chapter Five♥️
Chapter Six♥️
Chapter Seven♥️
Chapter Eight♥️
Chapter Nine♥️
Chapter Ten♥️
Chapter Eleven♥️
Chapter Twelve♥️
Chapter Thirteen♥️
Chapter Fourteen♥️
Chapter Fifteen♥️
Chapter Sixteen♥️
Chapter Seventeen♥️
Chapter Eighteen♥️
Chapter Nineteen♥️
Chapter Twenty♥️
Chapter Twenty-One♥️
Chapter Twenty-Two♥️
Chapter Twenty-Three♥️
Chapter Twenty-Four♥️
Author's Note♥️

Chapter Three♥️

653 12 3
By bau_basscannon


I ended up crying myself to sleep.I woke up around 12 at the smell of bacon.Turkey bacon of course.I was about to roll over when my knee connected to a little head.Avery shot up and started screaming.I regretted it immediately.I sat up and pulled her into my arms.I repeatedly apologized and peppered lots of kisses on her head.

Me: "Mommy's so so so so so so so sorry."

Avery: "My head still hurts."

I carried her downstairs and placed an ice pack on the growing egg.

Me: "Better?"

She was on the island holding the pack.Her little head nodded slightly due to the pain.

Me: "You must have a headache too now.Right?"

Avery: "Yeah.."

I gave her something for it.Alexa came back in and took the bacon out of the oven.

Alexa: "What happened Precious?"

Avery: "Mommy kneed my head.

Don't worry.She didn't do it on purpose like daddy does."

The whole room went silent.Even the birds outside stopped chirping.

Alexa's eyes fell on me.

Alexa: "Kirstie,honey."

I teared up and ran up to the room.I hated that she said that.I never want to explain that to anyone.I heard the door open hoping it was Avery,but it wasn't.

Alexa: "Kirst.."

I continued to lay down.

Alexa: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Me: "Not really."

I nodded.I told Alexa everything.

Except that one thing.She wasn't only my stepmom,but my best friend too.I didn't tell her about how Jeremy was both an emotional and physically abusive towards us both.

How he came home drunk almost everyday.How he threw Avery against the wall and went to me when he got tired of her.It was so bad that he actually...

I teared up more at the memory.It would be even worse if I told him I didn't want to do it.He would just pin me down and please himself.

There were times when I actually cooperated so the pain wouldn't be so bad.I was sobbing.Alexa sat down beside me on the bed and rubbed my back.

I heard the door open again.I didn't need to look up.I knew it was my dad.And it wasn't because of his deep sigh.He sat his phone down and sat at my feet.

Dad: "I'm sorry baby girl.Jeremy told me everything."

I sat up and glared at him.Words came out of my mouth like vomit.

I didn't even think before they came out.

Me: "It's pretty sad that you don't even believe your own daughter.

You called that scumbag.And guess what?He told you the same God damn thing!It took me 6 months to get the guts to leave.It wasn't just the cheating!He abused Avery and I in all the ways you could think of!"

Dad just sat there shocked.I looked at Alexa and smiled.She was crying.

I hugged her tight and she kissed my head.

Me: "Alexa,thank you for having us.

We love you so much,but I think it's time for us to go."

She nodded and squeezed my hand.I grabbed mine and Avery's bags.It was easy since I didn't even put our stuff away.

I let Avery say goodbye and we got into the car.I hooked Avery up and put our stuff next to her on the seats right next to her.I got into the driver's seat and hooked up myself.

It hurt not to say goodbye to my dad.I pulled out and began driving somewhere.Saying goodbye would hurt more.I wiped tears that managed to escape.

I looked back at Avery surprised.

She was still wide awake playing with two of her bears baby talking because you know she's still kinda of a baby.There is literally a bag she has for her stuffed animals.No joking.I cut off her their conversation.

Me: "Aves?"

She looked up.

Avery: "Yes mommy?"

Me: "Do you want to see Bela?"

Her little face got excited.I had to laugh.She loves my mom.

Me: "And Auntie Graycie!"

She nodded excitedly.So much that I literally thought her head was going to fall off.As much as she loves my mom.She loves my sister even more.


I woke up in a room that wasn't mine.I immediately remembered.I was at Kevin's.We all got drunk:

Kevin,Esther,and I.We didn't want to drive back home.That was a ten minute drive and anything could've happened.I chuckled at the drawn shut curtains.Thank you Kevin.The sunlight would've made my hangover a million times worse.

It was fine until I remembered why I wanted to drank last night.My stomach became uneasy.I ran to the bathroom just in time.I lifted the seat and everything I ate last night ended up in the porcelain.Which wasn't that much.I tried to get mind off from Aleen,but that just added onto it.I threw up more.

Kevin: "Damn,you had a night last night."

I jumped and my head hit the falling sit.I didn't hear him come in.He put the seat back up and noticed it wasn't the alcohol that made me sick.He knelt besides me and rubbed my back.

Kevin: "It's okay man.Think about barbecue and Josh.And Essy."

This happened often.I would stress out about something and it made me physically ill.It doesn't help much either if I barely have anything in my stomach.I was still throwing up,but not as bad.

Kevin: "How about this?Let's have a Meat and Potatoes Jam Sesh."

That stopped it.I flushed the toilet and cleaned myself off.I gladly took the Tylenol he offered and thanked him.As soon as we walked out Esther ran to me.

Esther: "I heard you throwing up.

Are you okay?Do you want me to beat the shit out of the bitch?"

I put a finger to her lips and smile.

Kevin: "He's okay Essy.I talked about family and barbecue."

Esther: "You guys are going to have a jam sesh.Aren't you?"

Our faces answered her question.

I sighed and was about to talk.

Esther: "Oo,-.."

Me: "No."

She pouted and looked at Kevin then back at me.

Esther: "Why not?"

Me: "Because I said so."

Kevin: "Let's talk about this over breakfast because we haven't had it yet."

He pulled our hands downstairs.My eyes were pulled to the beautiful breakfast.I smiled and turned to Kevin.

Me: "Aw,you love us."

His eyes widened and began to ran.

I ran after him.Around the table,

over the coffee table,and under the fort.

Kevin: "Avriel,don't you dare."

I was just going to give him a sloppy kiss on the cheek,but since he was being a little shit.

I made my lips extra wet and kissed him right on the lips.He immediately pushed me away and wiped his lips.

Esther was behind us laughing.I leaned forward and whispered into his ear.

Me: "Don't you wish it Essy?"

He blushed and pushed me away again.I laughed and carried me to the table.Him and Esther sat down.

We dug in and I moaned.

Me: "This food gives me better orgasms than Aleen did."

Esther made a face and Kevin spit out his water.

Kevin: "Really Av?Right After Grace?"

I nodded and blew him a kiss.

Me: "You know ya love me."

Kevin: "Yeah,like a toothache."

Me: "You must really love them then."

I winked at him and out of the corner of my eye I see Esther smile.

Just times like this makes me happy.Two people I love the most out of the world.Just moments with them.Kevin and Esther used to date.That's how I met him and we instantly connected.Much like how Darien and I did.That started this whole fiasco that went on for 8 months.It's all fine now.

Kevin: "So,how are things except the whole Aleen shit?"

Esther: "Great.Zoe's pregnant."

Kevin: "Really?"

Esther: "Josh FaceTimed us.And someone's first words.."

She glared over my way and Kevin looked over at me.I stopped chewing and swallowed my bite.

Me: "What?"

Esther: "Oh,are you sure it's yours?"

Kevin chuckled a bit and shook his head at me.If you know me.I am not passionate about anything.Except hating Zoe.

Me: "Oh I'm bad?What's bad is Josh telling us he had her get a DNA test."

Kevin: "He did?!"

His eyes widened and almost choked on his hash brown.Him and I laughed while Esther rolled her eyes.

We went upstairs leaving her to do the dishes.I tapped onto Kevin's beloved drum.Which I was forbidden to touch.

Kevin: "Avriel.."

I raised my hands up into defense not turning back.My fingers grazed the keyboard.The keyboard that left the last good memory of Aleen and I.I quickly shook off the memory not wanting to get sick again.I smiled.A good memory came about.I played the chorus to a song we worked a while back.I just kept replaying it.

Kevin: "You wanna finish it?"

We only got halfway done it.The reason why.It was supposed to be Kevin's birthday present to Esther,

but they broke up a couple weeks before.It's been so long we forgot about it until now.

I turned around and looked at him.

Me: "You sure?We don't have to.I know.."

He nodded even though his eyes were glazed with tears.That's what I love about Kevin.His heart.He'll do or let others do whether he gets hurt or not.He always put others before himself.I was always mad at Esther for breaking up with him.

Because he did little things for her.

Like he would pretend to like a movie or got to a restaurant that he wasn't very fond of.

He loved her to death.And..I think he still does.

I sat down at the keyboard.My fingers sat still for awhile before I started playing the intro.

{A/N:Ik this is an acapella song,but pretend it has keyboard}

''Oh oh oh oh oh oh' {2x}

'I counted the stars tonight

Oh how they shine so bright

I gather them all so we perfectly align

While we gaze from far away

And separately watch the day

Come rising across the horizon in our minds'

I had to stop and look to Kevin.He was crying.

Me: "Kev,I know the memories of the song.I can stop."

Kevin: "No continue."

Me: "Alright,but you have to join in on your parts."

He nodded and indicated for me to continued.I turned around and started playing again.He joined in on his parts.

'But now I know

My heart is strong

Where you belong

Is by my side (Lalala lalala)

So will hold

Cause time is cold

But in your soul

I'm standing by'

'Oh oh oh oh oh oh' {2x}

Kevin chuckled and I turned.

Kevin: "Is that all we got down?"

He wiped a tear and I smiled sadly.

Me: "Sadly.Do you want to finish?"

Kevin: "Are you kidding?Of course brotha!"

He let the door shut behind him and pulled up a seat next to me.

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