Mischief // S.S. AU

By SadSire

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Avery Parkins loved her home town in Colorado, but she knew moving to California her senior year would help i... More



2.5K 55 2
By SadSire

"Hey Scotty," I stop us right in front of my house. "My cousin's not home." I say looking up at him. "You don't wanna go home, do you?" I shook my head no. "I don't want to but I do want to grab my makeup." He rolled his eyes and laughed at me. "Why do you want to do your makeup, you're beautiful. Plus we're going out tonight with the gang." I lead us inside, but not without peaking my head in to make sure nobody is home, first. "I know, but I want to take a good picture of myself for Instagram. Something this drastic has to be publicized." I joke.

"So you're agreeing with me when I say you're beautiful?" He nudges me slightly.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"If you say sooo." He mocks me from earlier in the day. I grabbed my makeup bag and walked over to the closet. "This won't take long I just have to grab my white shirt and black jeans." As soon as I had the items I needed, we rushed out of my house and towards Scotty's. "I'm sorry I'm so needy."

"You aren't needy at all." He shoots back.

"Shit," I say as I see Sarah's car "my cousin just passed us.." my chest is tight. I squeeze Scotty's hand tighter as we walk though his front door. "Babe, Relax. She probably didn't even recognized you." My face turned beat red. Did he just call me babe? Am I hearing things correctly?

"Yeah you're probably right." I finally spit out. "Do you wanna watch me do my makeup?" I ask him. "Sure, but you're not going to cover all those freckles, are you?" He asked. "I am, but only because I feel like it. I actually love freckles." He smiled at me through the mirror as I wet my beauty blender. "I'm glad you do."

I sat there and talked to Scotty for about an hour before my makeup was done. I had just changed into my white shirt and black jeans but I feel as if something is still missing. "Scotttyyy." I drag out his name as I walk into his room. "Yeah?" He looks up at me and blushes. "Do you have a flannel I can wear?" He walks over to me and kisses my head, not my face, I guess he didn't want to mess up the makeup. "Yeah.. uh- can I just say that you amaze me more and more each and every moment we spend together." He leads me over to his closer to show me his flannel collection. "I want that one." I point at the thin green one in the middle of them all. "Alright, here." He took it off the hanger and slid it on for me. The flannel was the perfect amount of warmth and smelled just like Scotty. I walk over to the mirror and examine myself. "I think it's instagram time." I say and make Scotty laugh.

Instagram post:

Liked by ssmith, DiggingDani, and 592 more
Yourfaveave: you know what? Fuck it.
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ssmith: what a cutie
Lea_b: I'm obsessed with your new look


"Everyone's going to lose their shit." Scotty said as we waited for David to pull up. "You can tell you're still you. You have that Avery charm to you, not to mention you always smell nice." He spoke with a light hearted voice which caused me to smile. "But now you're like, an actual badass. Which you've always been one, just on the low key."

"I've embraced my inner fuck it."

"Exactly. You embraced your inner fuck it. And it's a disease, let me tell you. I'm sitting here wanting a lip piercing and a few tattoos, now."

"Scotty Sire with a lip piercing? The girls are already swooning enough. Are you trying to kill me?"

"Only because you have officially killed me." He said with a wink.

I think we were so lost in looking at each other that David had to honk to get our attention. The sun was setting once again, which just shows it's the best time for an adventure like this.

"You have to be fucking with me right now." Liza said. "That's a wig. That has got to be a wig." Her eyes grew wide. "No no no wait that piercing! It's fake it has to be fake!" She looked over to David as if he set her up or something. "Ave holy shit." She said laughing and covering her mouth. "Is it bad?" I ask concerned. "No it looks bad ass, but .. we literally just saw you today." I slide into the back seat of David's car and thanked Scotty for holding the door open for me.

"Why'd you do it?" David asked. I gave him a look and he smiled back at me before answering his own question. "Fuck it, that's why."

"Next thing you know we're all going to be getting that slogan tattooed onto our body." Scotty joked. "Not tonight." He looked at me knowing I was about to ask.

"You're right. This is enough change for a while. I hope I really get to Sarah." Part of me believes I want to crush her, but the other part of me knows it wouldn't be a good idea.

"Well everyone's going to be suprised, that's for sure." David claimed. "And it'll be great video footage to get everyone's reactions."

"I'm very excited."

"About your new look or about your first mischievous adventure with us?"  Liza questioned.

"Both, for sure. I brought my camera for pictures and to record. Then again, this is highly illegal." I've never done anything this bad before. They say L.A. really changes people, but I'm not so sure if that's true. It's really just helped me find out who I am. I haven't even been here for a month and I've embraced my inner badass. In Colorado, I was constantly bored with everything. My boyfriend never wanted to do anything fun. The one time I snuck out to see him was so we could babysit together, but it's something I'm not going to admit to the group.

I'm glad I'm finally figuring things out for myself. I finally have friends who like to take risks instead of just sitting around all day doing homework. I finally have a guy who isn't going to sit there and scold me for smoking weed. Just a few days ago I was trying to push this part of me away. I was trying to hide it. But the thing about L.A, the thing about my friends, there's no hiding it. You have no choice but to embrace it. And I'm loving every second of it.

"Alright. We're here." David said while parking the car. We all piled out one by one to be greeted by Heath, Zane, Gabbie, and Toddy. I'm assuming the others don't come here very often. I can tell Matt is very against it.

"What the actual fuck." Toddy said while everyone came up to surround me. "Who are you and what have you done with our Avery??" I can feel Zane and Heath touching my hair. "It's real." Zane says in shock. "It's not a weave." Todd was reaching for my septum but I backed up. "Please don't. It's going to hurt for a few days."

"So.. fuck it?" Heath asked me. I nodded my head. "Fuck it." He gave me a big grin and we began walking towards a fence. "So how often do you park in a back alley way, climb fences, and smoke pot on rooftops in Colorado?" Gabbie asked me. "Oh you know, it's obviously an everyday thing." I respond with sarcasm. Everyone laughs as David and Toddy start to climb the fence first. I examine closely how they do it so I know what to do when it's my turn. When they got to the top they swung their legs around and just jumped. I noticed there was a 'keep out' sign just a few feet from where we were climbing.

"You think you can manage?" Scotty interrupted my thoughts. I must have zoned out for a while because everyone else but Gabbie and myself were on the other side. "Don't underestimate me, Sire." I say as I begin to climb, Gabbie following shortly behind me. "I would never." He said as soon as I jumped down. "That's what I thought." I slipped his hand into mine as we followed everyone to the building we're going to be sitting on. "I can tell you're really excited for this." Scotty tells me. "You're letting your inner badass really show." I just shrug my shoulders at him wondering if it was a good or bad thing. "It's fine, though," he continues, "everyone else kind of gets in the same mood when we do these things." He let's go of my hand and walks over to help Toddy and Heath move the large trash bin. "We use it to help us get on the ladder." Zane explains to me.

Once again, David and Todd go first. One at a time they put their foot on the side of the trash can to boost them up on the top. Then, Todd grabbed on to the bottom of the ladder. He used his feet to walk up the wall while pulling himself up by moving his hands up one bar at a time, very slowly. After Todd was up quite a way, David followed. This time I follow closely behind Scotty, Just in case something happens. He gives me his hand to help me up on the trash can and I kindly accept. He made pulling me up seem very easy. I knew he had muscles, I've seen him shirtless a few times for crying out loud, but I didn't know he was that strong.

He ushers me towards the ladder first, but I can't reach it. He laughs at me as I jump and grab the first bar. I put my feet on the wall and try to push myself up. "I definitely wore the wrong shoes for this." I say right before I slipped and let out a small scream. Luckily, Scotty was right behind me to catch me. David, Todd, and Gabbie all look down from the roof and Zane and Heath looked down from the ladder. "My shoe just slipped." I tell everyone, Scotty's arms still around me. They saw that I was okay and they go back to climbing or setting up our spot on the roof.

"Here let me help." Scott said taking his arms off of me just to pick me up by my waist. I grabbed on to the first bar once again and moved my way up as Scotty helped me. "Thank you." I tell him and begin to climb up the squeaky, rusty ladder.

"Your first time!" Liza screamed. "Careful babe, don't be too loud." I noticed that David called Liza babe Even though they weren't dating, the same thing that Scotty did to me earlier. "I did it." I say letting out a large breath and walking over to the edge of the building. There was a wall surrounding the edges, but I was still cautious, just in case. "It's beautiful, right?" Scotty said from behind me. He wrapped his arms around me as I looked at the breathtaking view. "Very" I respond in awe. We couldn't see the stars because of the city lights, but it was still such an amazing sight to see. "I feel powerful." I stare out at the city for a few more minutes with Scotty holding onto me. I want to be in this moment forever. I turn around in Scotty's arm to face him. I'm going to do it. I'm going to kiss him. "I feel like I co-"

"Alright guys, smoking time!" David interrupted. I let out a small sigh as Scotty grabs my hand and led me to the others. I was too focused on the view that I didn't notice David and Liza had set up two large blankets on the ground. Heath was sitting there rolling a blunt while David prepared the pipe. I sit down right in front of Scotty so I can lean on him. "So Ave," Gabbie spoke. "How do you feel?" I watch Liza take a hit from the pipe and pass it to David. "I feel- I feel powerful. I feel like nothing else matters." David offered me the pipe and lighter and I gladly accepted. "I feel like nobody else exists." I take a hit from the pipe and let out a small cough. "It's just our little happy group." I pass the pipe to Scotty and sat up so he could hit it himself. "Like there's no trouble in the world, right?" Scotty spoke before taking his hit. He let it sit there for a moment before blowing a large puff of smoke into the air. "Just like that."

"It's like our own little secret, ya know?" Heath said while finishing up the joint. He licked the paper and sealed it together. He grabbed a lighter out of his pocket and took the first drag, trying to hurry so the pipe doesn't catch up to the blunt. "I wish it was this calm all the time."

"Now I understand why you guys do this. A few weeks ago if you would have told me I would be climbing roofs and partying at strangers houses I would have never believed you. Colorado Avery and California Avery are like- they're complete opposites." Scotty started to play with my hair as I spoke. "Is that a good thing?" He asked. "I like California Avery a lot better. I'm not really afraid of anything. I feel like without you guys I would still be lost Colorado Avery. I doubt she's ever coming back again. She always dreamed of being daring and rebellious, but she would never allow it." Scotty then started to rub my shoulders making me feel way more relaxed than I already was. "Colorado Avery was always scolded for smoking weed." I said as I took the blunt from David. "By your parents?" Zane asked. "No," I took a hit and gave it to Scotty. "By Daniel."

"Your ex boyfriend?" Heath asked. I nodded my head. "He was very boring. I mean caring about your grades is great, but he let school run his life. I have a pretty good GPA but still know how to have fun." Scotty pulled me back so I could lean on him again. "He wasn't a bad guy, or a bad boyfriend or anything." I admitted. "I just couldn't do it anymore."


"My parents are home." Scotty said while we parked at his house. "Should I drop Avery off first, then?" David asked. "Uh... Ave?" Scotty looked at me with worry. "Yeah, it's probably for the better." I tell David. He nods his head and moves a few more feet. "I'm sorry." Scotty tells me with an apologetic tone. "It's not your fault, it's fine b." He smiled at the nickname. "Here I'll just walk home." He tells David and gets out of the car to hold the door open for me. David nods his head and drives off.

"Walking me to my door?" I asked him. "What a gentleman." He slips his arm around my back this time instead of holding my hand. "I try my best to make you happy." He says with a slight blush. "Scotty Sire, you are one perfect human being."

"Am I really?" He asked with a smirk as I took his arm off of me so I could hold his hand and lean against the wall. "Of course you are." He put his arm above me so he could lean over me, which caused my breath to hitch. "What were you saying on the roof?" He asked me leaning in a little bit closer. "I was saying- I uh-" Scotty Sire is one confusing human. One moment he's adorable and giggles at everything I say, and the next he has me seduced on my own porch. "You?" He whispered, making me realize that I still haven't answered. "I was going to say that I wanted to kiss you." I finally let it out. "Well Ave, I was going I say the sa-" I heard the sound of the doorknob turning and flipped out. "Shit" I said and pushed him off of me as gently as I could. It took him a moment to realize that the door was starting to open.

"Avery Parkins." The door swing open very fast. I wasn't prepared for this at all. I'd much rather have Sarah standing here in front of me. I'd much rather have my mom. I'd prefer anybody but the one person who was looking at me with disbelief. I dropped Scotty's hand slowly.

"Um- Daniel," I say in shock, "why are you- what made you-" he cut me off after looking directly in my eyes. "Are you high?" The L.A. part of me wanted to run. The L.A me wanted to grab Scotty's hand and not look back. But right now, I couldn't find the L.A. part of me. How could I When the very thing that made Colorado me was standing right In front of me?

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