The Inbetween Cult

By MadelineTempleton1

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We scope every group; annoying jocks, girly cheerleaders, insane book smarts, suicidal emos, weird gamers, wo... More

chapter one - mustard-covered shoes
chapter two - wall
chapter three - hot coffee and big clothes
chapter four - since when?
chapter five - confessions
chapter six - torture
chapter seven - well
chapter eight - hang out
chapter nine - clean
chapter ten - it's yours
chapter eleven - babysitting
chapter twelve - stars
chapter thirteen - carnival
chapter fourteen - tears
chapter sixteen - make it up to me: part two
chapter seventeen - one month later
chapter eighteen - two months later
chapter nineteen - kiss me: part one
chapter twenty - kiss me: part two
chapter twenty-one - new
chapter twenty-two - hard
chapter twenty-three - what?
chapter twenty-four - forgive and forget
chapter twenty-five - epilogue

chapter fifteen - make it up to me: part one

21 0 0
By MadelineTempleton1


I arrive at Casey's house from my own quicker than you can blink. I had gotten her some flowers and donuts on the way over but still made it quicker than you can blink.

I knock on the door, as happy as ever because she doesn't hate me. Owen, the six-year-old, answers the door, and he frowns at me.

"You're the reason my sister's crying," he growls.

I sigh. "I know, but she invited me over and I brought these to surprise her." I take a glazed donut from the box and hold it out to him. "Want one?"

He hesitates, frowning at the donut, then back at me, then slowly takes it. "I still don't like you."

I smile and wink, walking in and kicking off my shoes after closing the door, giving Walsh and Tony each a donut before running upstairs and hearing music play from Kitten's room.

She must be playing her Mumford and Sons record because I can hear "Little Lion Man". I pause for a soft intake of air, then gently knock on the door, praying she's no longer crying. I hear soft pitter-patters of her feet on her hardwood floor and it makes me smile. The door opens not soon enough, Kitten standing in front of me in the sweatshirt she stole from me months ago on the third day we met.

"You wear that for me?" I tease.

She scowls. "Don't start, Beckett."

I gulp. She was still angry, obviously. I hold out her gifts. "I got you flowers and donuts."

Her eyes soften as she looks at me, then the food and flowers. "Stop buying me stuff," she whispers.

"No," I say stubbornly.

She frowns at me.

We stand in front of each other, just looking at each other for who-knows-how-long until I finally ask to come in, and she allows me.

We sit on her bed and dig into the donuts after she puts on a 1975 record.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask after a few moments of just chewing.

She sighs and shakes her head. "No. Not right now, at least."

I sigh and close my eyes.

I hurt her.

I hurt her so bad.

"Are you gonna hug me or what?" she suddenly demands quietly.

I look at her, stunned a little, but relief rushes over me and I wrap my arms around her, tugging her into my lap. She squeaks softly as she lands in my lap, her hand on my chest, and I bury my hand to the side of her neck and press my lips to her cheek. She gasps softly, making my heart tug, and her small hand suddenly rests on mine, her fingers gently sliding in between mine, slowly leaning into me, and I bury my face into her neck, hugging her tight.

"God, I'm so fucking sorry, Kitten," I whisper.

"Shh... " she whispers, sounding strained.

Please don't cry, baby.

Honest to God, I cannot handle anymore crying.

I pull her tight against my chest, holding her as if she would be stolen from me the second I loosened my arms even the slightest.

"I'm gonna make it up to you," I whisper. "We're gonna have our own day today."

She peers up at me with an adorable expression on her face. "Really?"

I smile at her huge, green eyes. "Yes, Kitten."

She begins to smile and she sighs, snuggling closer to me. "Good."

I groan softly, her scent taking me over, her body carved perfectly to fit into mine, my face burying into her neck, inhaling deeply. She shudders, her hand tightening around the back of my neck.

"Kitten," I groan.

God, she makes me feel a type of way I can't even handle.

"I - I'm still supposed to be kind of mad at you, Haze," she breathes.

"No," I whimper. I place a warm kiss to her neck and she gasps, groaning softly.

She's changed so much since I first met her.

She was so shy, so uncomfortable around us, so protective over herself. Now, she's kissing my neck and the corners of my mouth and sitting in my lap like it's normal. She's still hesitant, but not as much as before. 

I like it.

I place another kiss to her jaw, then one to the corner of her lips, and she tightens her other hand on my shirt.

I know she missed me. I hope she did, at least.

I missed her too, I'll be one billion percent honest.

I missed her a hell of a lot.

And now I'm with her.

God, I sound like a sappy idiot.

"Kitten," I groan. "Never leave me again. Never."

She slowly moves back and I look at her, her face sad again.

I groan.

"I could stay away from you for so much longer," she whispers. "It hasn't even been a full day, Haze."

She was right. I didn't know how she wasn't staying away from me longer, but I didn't hate it.

She climbs off my lap and sits on her bed, a good gap in between us. I guess she started thinking about what happened between her, Noah, and I.

I felt so bad after I punched Noah, I had to apologize, so I talked to his brother and he told me what hospital Noah was at. Noah and I talked for a while and he had told me tried to make a move on Casey but knew they should just be friends because he didn't wanna get in the way of me and her.

Even though there is and was nothing going on...

But I was still relieved.

Noah decided to call a truce after he punched me in the dick, and I guess we're kind of friends now, which is kinda relieving. 

But Kitten is still mad at me.

"Case, please don't be mad at me," I whisper. "What can I do to make it better?"

She sighs softly. "I don't know if it'll be fully better," She closes her eyes. "I almost finally had my first kiss, Haze, but you... ruined it."

I stared at her, my heart shattering all across her bed. I didn't want to ruin her first kiss for her, but she didn't understand that I had  to have her first kiss, it was mine, I wasn't gonna let anyone take it from her or me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "But you don't... understand, Case."

"What are you talking about?" She looks at me.

I sigh and rub my eyes, looking away and shaking my head. "Nothing."

She sighs and we both sit in silence, my skin missing hers. I groan softly as I look at how close her hand is to mine. After a few moments, I think she realizes I'm staring at her hand because she reaches over and I hold open my hand instantly, her hand fitting perfectly in mine.

I stroke my thumb against the back of her hand, her soft, cold skin making me feel tingly and comfortable. I know I don't deserve her in any way. Friend way, dating way, I don't deserve to even look at her. She's a queen, and I'm a peasant. She's Applebees and I'm McDonald's. She's a unicorn and I'm an ant. She's a chocolate covered strawberry and I'm a Tootsie Roll. 

She belongs with someone good, like Matt or Noah. She shouldn't let me do the things I do to her. But I'm too hooked on her now to let her go.

"So," she suddenly whispers. "You said you were going to make it up to me. How?"

I look at her and begin to smile. "Get dressed and you'll find out.



After I get dressed into some nicer clothes, I meet Haze outside where he's waiting by his car. I walk over to him and he opens the door for me, closing it when I get in, then walks around the car and gets in on his own side.

"So, where are we going?" I ask.

Haze smiles at the windshield. "I have an entire day planned for us. First stop, lunch."

I smile. "It's almost dinner time, Haze."

"Then linner."

I chuckle.

"Pick a song, Kitten."

I grab the AUX and put in "Smoke Away My Sins" by NOAH.

"Ooh," Haze comments as the song begins, slowing grinding his body to the music even though the beginning is slow and not supposed to be grinded to until the lyrics start.

I grin at him. I wish so badly I could be mad at him, but he just brings out this side that can't keep you from smiling.

He catches me staring and flashes me a sexy smile, making me laugh loudly and quickly turn away.

This idiot

Is incredible.


When we arrive at Red Lobster, we walk to the woman behind the small podium who smiles at us, smiling especially at Haze which makes me growl.

"Yes?" she coos, fluttering her eyelashes. "How may I help you?"

Haze smiles, folding his arms. "I don't have a reservation, but me and my friend were hoping you have a table."

"Oh, I'm sure we have something," She winks and I gag. Haze kicks my leg.

"Let me go check." And with that, the slutty waitress struts off, making sure her hips are swaying, but it looks more like she's trying to knock them back into place rather than try to turn Haze on.

"Mmm," Haze suddenly grins, looking at her butt.

I slap his chest. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He looks at me, confused for a second, then he grins at my scowling, red face. "You're jealous."

I scoff. "I could care less if you were so low, you had to flirt with a waitress, Beckett."

"Oh, you're using my last name; you're so pissed."

I scoff and turn away, folding my arms as the waitress walks back to us.

"Right this way, handsome," she purrs, and she walks off with only one menu, making me growl again.

This bitch is about to get her breasts kicked in.

We're seated outside, and after Haze and I sit down, the waitress hovers over him, needing to touch him as she writes down what he wants to drink.

"Two waters," he says, resting his hand on her lower back.


"Right away," She bites her lip, then walls off again, looking like Bambi with arthritis.

"You're so unbelievable," I scoff, leaning back against my chair and folding my arms. "No wonder you're always single."

"Aw, come on, Case, I'm just playing." he chuckles.

"Fuck 'just playing'! God forbid I even look  at a guy friend without you beating the shit out of him, but you go and start touching and staring at some random slut and you call it 'just playing'? Are you fucking serious?!"

He stares at me.

He realizes I'm actually mad.

"Case, come on, it's not that big of a deal."

I scoff. "'Kay, whatever, you have fun then." I go to get up but he latches onto my hand before I can. I pull away from him.

"Just stay," he says softly. "Please. I'm sorry."

I scoff again and lean back against my chair, looking away from him, my arms folding against my chest, thinking of things that'll definitely keep me out of Heaven.

A few minutes later, Slut walks back out and hands Haze the two waters.

"Anything else?" she coos.

I feel Haze look at me, and even though I don't look back, I can kind of see him from the corner of my eyes.

"Yes, my girlfriend didn't get a menu. Would you mind getting one for her?"

My eyes widen and I look over, Haze looking at Slut with the more serious expression. She looks at me, her eyes narrowed, her face sour.

Serves you right, hoe.

"Of course," she mutters, and she walks back off.

I look at my lap, my arms still folded, but I'm not glaring anymore. Just sitting.

"Better?" Haze teases.

"Fuck off," I mutter.

He chuckles with an obnoxious sigh, then grabs my chair and drags me over to him. "I think me just being overprotective of you but then doing whatever I want isn't the only reason you're mad," he states.

I ignore him.

"I think... Maybe... "

I glance at him. He's grinning ear to ear.

"I think you might be falling in love with me, Kitten."

I scoff. "Yeah, over my dead body."

"Aw, c'mon, think about it; you're furious I'm flirting with other girls, you can't stay mad at me for being a total dick, you turn into a totally different person when we're together, and/or when I do anything to you. The signs are obvious."

"Yeah, and all signs are pointing to the psych ward which is where you belong if you think I'm falling in love with you."

He clicks his teeth. "Worth a try."

Slut comes back with another menu, then walks off, waiting for us to order what we want, but I can't even concentrate on what's on the menu when I can't stop thinking about the "signs" of me falling in love with Haze.

There's no fucking way.

No fucking way I could love someone like him.

No way.


. . .

I hope.

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