By MaydayJune

406 19 0

In the Godless City of Seattle, Washington there is no place for innocence or miracles. With war raging betwe... More

Prologue: Welcome to Seattle, the Godless City.
1. The Thing About Justice.
2. Nothing About This Job Is Pretty.
3. In The Demon's Arms.
5. Don't Let Them See Your Face.
6. In Bed With Russia.
7. Saying It Out Loud Is Not Enough.
8. A Killer Christmas.
9. A Series Of Consequences.
10. Meet My Beast.
11. Showdown.
12. Rearrangements.
13. The Truth Behind The Dagger.
14. Chaos In The Godless City.
15. A Wolf In A Storm.
16. Inside The Wolf's Head.

4. It's Getting Hot In Here.

13 1 0
By MaydayJune

A grunt escapes Genevieve's mouth, the first one in the time that Owen has been barreling his fists against her body.

"How about you start spitting some information, Dagger." he spits out, repulsed at her nickname. Blood is covering his fists and sweat is covering every inch of his body. He has been torturing Genevieve for an hour now but she isn't budging like he wants to.

Genevieve really wants to tell him to go fuck himself a thousand ways. But her training is imprinted in her brain. Don't speak. Loyalty to the Silence.

Another punch comes straight for Genevieve, this time it hits her straight on her cheekbone, cutting her skin. Her vision becomes blurry and the ringing in her ears block the mumbled curses coming from Alonso and Peter, but she doesn't move or complain. Gidea is planing different ways of skinning Owen alive for even hanging Genevieve upside down like a pig.

"You used to cry and scream...and beg so loudly," Owen whispers only for Genevieve to hear. She remains stoic, void of any emotion. "What happened, baby girl?"

The Russian stares intently at her, frowning at her closed eyes and calm demeanor. There is something oddly strange and deadly about the girl. Owen is not holding any strength back when he hits her, she should've been crying in pain by now. Her face is visibly bruised and blood taints her lips as well as the right side of her face. He can only imagine the state of her body underneath her clothes. Sure, the Russian doesn't know her endurance with pain, but it almost seems as if she is enjoying every bit of it.

Genevieve opens her eyes and looks directly into Owen's cold blue ones. With her eyes, she silently taunts him. Owen stares back, his face contorts into one of anger.

Owen acts impulsively, not liking at all to be taunted. He gets out his pistol and points it straight between her eyes."You're dead meat, baby girl."

Messiah rolls his eyes at his messenger's lack of self control, "Put your-"

A loud sound echoes throughout the house, interrupting Messiah. Everyone turns towards the noise. Genevieve doesn't avert her eyes from the pistol in front of her but acknowledges the sound.

"What now! You can't torture anyone in peace these days." Messiah stands up from his spot in the middle of the room and points his gun at the entrance of the living room, motioning with his gun towards one of his men to go out, "Go fetch, boy."

The man nods quickly and starts walking out of the room. Shouts and gunshots fill Genevieve's ears a second later accompanying the sound of a body collapsing on the floor. Messiah's men barge into the room stepping over the body with their guns out, they shout at their leader to get down and take cover.

"What the fuck did ya'll do!" Messiah shouts as he jumps over one of his men to push him in front of him to shield himself from the bullets coming from every direction.

Something shatters the only window in the room. Every pair of eyes widen when they spot the grenade roll to a stop in the middle of the room.

"Fetch! Fetch! Fetch!"

Messiah frantically orders. A young man, no older than thirty rushes towards the grenade and throws his body in top of it.

The grenade goes off in front of Genevieve, making her wince, the noise deafening. The ringing in her ears grows and her blurry vision comes back but tainted red. She watches as The Breeders go insane, shouting and shooting in every direction. She loses sight of Owen and Messiah.

Half of the living room is gone and the rest is painted with the death of the young breeder and they can see outside into what appears to be a beat up neighborhood.

All of a sudden, Genevieve feels her body falling down as she sees the floor getting closer and closer to her face. She doesn't stay to think of who freed her from her restraints. She quickly pulls out the knife inside her thigh and frees herself from the rope around her wrists. She looks around to take in the scene in front of her. Most of Messiah's men are either dead on the floor, injured or fleeing.

"Let's go! Dagger, Come on!"

She turns in the direction of Alonso's voice. She starts limping towards him, the pain in her stomach stopping her from going any faster. She sees someone approach Alonso from behind and in a second her knife is already whizzing through the air, ending deep in the man's forehead.

Alonso cuts the distance between them after seeing the man collapse dead on the ground. He grabs Genevieve by the waist and helps her out of the house following the rest of their team out into the street.

Alonso lets out a yelp and crumbles to the ground, dragging Genevieve down with him. "Fuck! The-They shot me." he looks around, spotting the Breeder with a handgun looking more shocked than Alonso.

"I'm going to burn you alive you motherfucker!"

Genevieve ignores Alonso, trying to free her body from under his arm.

She turns behind them to see the shooter standing on the sidewalk. She spots the outline of a gun in the back of Alonso's jeans and reaches for it. She aims and shoots. Her eyes look for targets to shoot at. She kills 5 breeders in 5 seconds not blinking once. She drops the empty gun on the ground and turns back to Alonso.

"My ass, Dagger. They shot me in the ass!" Alonso exclaims when he feels Genevieve pat him down for injuries.

Genevieve can't help but roll her eyes. Alonso is clearly full of adrenaline, so he doesn't feel Genevieve's hands as she turns him around and literally digs the bullet out with her fingers.

"Did you just--"

"Gidea!" She looks around her, trying to find him. She needs someone to carry Alonso. She can only assume the extend of her injuries and she knows she can't carry him to safety. If they remain in the middle of the street they're going to get killed.

"Behind you!" comes Gidea's voice from her right.

Genevieve grabs the nearest object within her reach and turns around throwing it at the man approaching her with the same baseball bat that Owen was carrying. The distraction works to give her just enough time to stand up and kick the man between the legs and throw a punch to his face with enough force to knock him out. Gidea appears at her side and hands her a gun. She frowns in distaste at the weapon but uses it nonetheless to kill the Breeder. Guns are just not her favorite thing.

"I'll take Alonso." Gidea announces as he throws Genevieve her daggers and mask.

She quickly covers her face and walks behind Gidea. They abruptly stop when a Nissan titan slams the breaks in front of them. Adriaan shouts at them from the roof of the truck to get in. Genevieve notices the missing Russian at the wheel along with the other two.

A bullet flies right next to Gidea's head and that's all they need to get quickly inside the truck. Genevieve throws herself in the backseat while Gidea gets in the back with Alonso and Peter.

"What are you waiting for! Go!" Adriaan slams his palm against the roof of the truck. The missing Russian floors the gas and they spring forward away from the breeders.

"You're either going to fly the fuck away or a bullet is going to end up inside your anus!" Alonso shouts over the roar of the engine at Adriaan. Adriaan huffs in annoyance, he's had enough with people wanting to kill him for the day, he doesn't need Alonso acting as his mother right now. The sound of tires screeching against the pavement grabs their attention.

"Shit! They're following us!" Adriaan slams his palm against the roof repeatedly. "Someone hand me a--Oh, Thanks!"

The Russian in the passenger seat hands him a shotgun through the window as he shoots behind them with a gun on his other hand. Genevieve looks in the rear-view mirror and curses when she counts five cars right on their tail.

"Follow the traffic, Kostya!" The Russian in the passenger seat orders.

On the truck's roof, Adriaan gasps. "Are you fucking nuts! It's broad daylight!"

"Now you worry about that when your ass is literally hanging from the roof?"

"At least I didn't get shot in the ass, Alonso!"

Genevieve and everyone else apart from Alonso and Adriaan seem to be the only ones trying to form a plan to escape unscathed. From the driver's seat, Kostya can tell that the bantering between the two grown ass men is getting on the girl's nerves.

"Shut up! Kill them before we get on the highway!"

For the first time since they're together, Genevieve shouts orders. The nameless Russian tries to hide his surprise while Kostya invests all of his attention on driving. The remaining Russian is still unconscious next to Genevieve, but no one pays him attention at the moment.

"You Americans speak too much." Ruslan grunts while loading his gun.

"Americans? Did he fucking called me american?" Adriaan protests loudly over the commotion.

"You should have left them behind, Ruslan." Kostya argues, changing lines to enter the highway and almost pushing two cars off the street in the process.

At the rear of the truck, Peter tries to shoot the driver on the car behind them, but with the continuous movement of the truck he keeps missing. "We're in bed with the Russians! If they don't kill us, the Eagle will surely do!"

"Shut up and shoot, Peter!"

"That's what am doing, Alonso! That's what am fucking doing!"

"My instinct told me not to." Ruslan replies to his brother. They both share a look that's screams, What the hell did we got ourselves into?

"Dagger, do I need to remind you that one of them almost shot you in the fucking head?!"

"For fucks sake, Triosky." Genevieve opens the door on her right. Half of her body hangs outside the truck while the weight of her legs holds her up. She shoots the front tires of the car behind them, making it crash against the side of a containment wall.

"Yes!" Adriaan fist-pumps the air, shouting ecstatically, almost loosing his balance in the process. "That's how you shoot, Triosky!"

Gidea is the first to catch on the breeders intentions before two cars flank them on both sides. "Hold on!"

Even with Gidea's warning coming seconds before, they're too late to react. The breeders slam against them, making Kostya lose control over the truck for a second and Adriaan ends up rolling on top of the breeders. He grabs tightly onto the sides of the car, trying not to fall.

On both sides, the breeders roll down their windows and point their guns straight at them.

"Get down!"

Bullets start flying through the windows of the truck and Genevieve pulls the legs of the unconscious Russian to hide his head from the incoming bullets. It's only fair to save an unconscious man from dying. Once he's up and going, he's all by himself, Genevieve thinks.

Adriaan jumps back on the roof of their truck, reaching down to punch a breeder in the backseat of the car on his left. "Get them off! They're gonna drive us off the highway."

"Someone grab the wheel!" Kostya shouts.

"Jesus!" Alonso quickly shouts back. Another car approaches them at fast pace and starts shooting. "I can't die today!"

With Ruslan fighting someone on his right, the only available person to grab the wheel is Genevieve. She jumps forward and grabs the wheel while Kostya opens his door and reaches over to open the other car's passenger door and try to pull the Breeder out with his foot still on the gas.

Genevieve struggles with her hold on the wheel and shooting people behind her at the same time trying not to shoot Gidea, Alonso or Peter. She decides to focus on driving, hoping that one of her partners in the rear can hold the back while they hold the front. She pulls forward one leg at a time, avoiding Ruslan's face in the process.

Kostya receives a punch to the face causing him to slam into Genevieve and her to slam into Ruslan, momentarily losing control and making the truck swerve to the right.

"Fuck!" she curses. Tired of the whole situation already she pulls the rest of her body forward, landing on top of Kostya. She hands him the gun she's holding and takes out her dagger. With smooth and fluid movements she reaches over to the Breeder that punched Kostya and buries her dagger in his neck. Kostya shoots the driver right after, successfully separating them from the car on their left.

"Comfortable?" Kostya raises his eyebrows, noticing the position they are both in. He can't see her reaction due to her mask covering her face except for her captivating green eyes.

"No." she replies flatly. She moves to go back to her previous spot but the breeders start shooting their windshield. They get slammed from behind and Genevieve goes flying forward. She manages to grab onto the shattered windshield, barely hanging on. Broken shards of glass start digging into her palms causing her to wince, blood already pouring out.

"Dagger!" Adriaan shouts. He extends his hand towards Genevieve. She thrusts her body forward and encloses her hand around Adriaan's. He pulls her up on the roof with him.

"You're welcome."

Genevieve nods her head in response and crawls to the back of the truck with Gidea, Alonso and Peter.

"Can someone kill the bastard behind us, for fucks sake!" Peter ran out of bullets five minutes ago and is now ducking to avoid a bullet to his head.

"Wake up your buddy, we could us an extra hand over here." Gidea shouts to no one in particular.

"If you haven't noticed they gave him enough drugs to put down a horse!" Responds Adriaan.

"Bazooka!" Alonso points behind Peter.

"Wha- Oh Shit! They have a bazooka!"

Genevieve's eyes widen when she sees the weapon poking through their car's windshield. She spins around, goes back on the roof and crawls back towards the shattered windshield of the truck. "Behind us!"

Kostya looks on the rear-view mirror and curses. Genevieve takes the initiative, reaching forward and turning the wheel all the way to her right, slamming against the other car just as the bazooka is fired.

"Triosky! Do your fucking job and get them off our ass!" She commands him.

"On it!"

Ruslan, with half his body out of the truck, slams the head of the breeder driving against the wheel, knocking him out unconscious. They lose control of their car and they drive off the bridge. "Get off the bridge! We're going to have the police on our tail in less than five minutes."

Alonso hands Peter a shotgun, the last weapon fully loaded. Then proceeds to dramatically pass out.

"Alonso is out!" Peter shouts with a tinge of panic in his voice at Gidea.

"Fuck. We're two people down."

They get slammed for the second time, causing Genevieve to almost end up dead on the asphalt. "Triosky, I'm losing my patience!", she grunts.

"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

A familiar escalade appears on their left side. Genevieve's eyes narrow as the windows of the black escalade roll down to reveal five men with skull masks on.

"I assume they're with you?" Ruslan guesses right, causing all of the Stilte's faces to go white.

"We're fucked."

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