Just My Luck

By Keet126

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Félix and his mother have moved to Paris in hopes of a new start. Félix is ever the cynical one, knowing that... More

1. New City New Start
2. Fuko is a Brat
3. Chloe is a Little Turd
4. Paws
5. Never Let the Flying Magical Spirit Cat That Embodies Bad Luck Bite You
6. yay. Christmas.
7. My mom must be a wizard
8. Oh no... She's Back...
9. Fuko's Talent is Breaking Things
10. Cats and Poetry
11. Paws' dad has duck butt hair
12. Gotta have hairspray
13. ...
14. Things can always get worse, can't it?
15. The Claws Are Out
16. Fuko Slept All Day Today, Mostly
17. Goats and Llamas
18. Secret
19. I Can't Believe I'm Doing This
21. *sighs* MY EX
22. When I Say My Bag Has Everything, THAT INCLUDES FIREWORKS
23. Reporter at School
25. Claude's New Suit
26. So Apparently I'm Everyone's Big Brother
27. Fuko Wears a Bell
28. I have a love/hate relationship with music
30. My Brother's Duet
31. I Fight a Bear. Kinda
32. Catastrophe
33. 16 Hours of Sleep and I'm STILL Tired
34. Paws Goes on a Date
35. I've Got Too Many Problems
36. I Punch Trash-Dad
37. Where's Félix?
38. Goatee Man
39. To the Rescue!
40. Epilogue

20. Even Superheroes Use Bathrooms

40 1 4
By Keet126

Okay, wow. I actually had this 70% done the monday after Thanksgiving break, and then finals hit me like a highspeed train. I know that I essays are expected out of an English major, but seriously, having two essays that are 7-10 pages in length due are not fun to write! I'm still sleep deprived!! But wow, my marching band went traveling on the last few days of finals (another reason why I'm so stressed out, I had to reschedule a couple finals!) and let me just tell ya, Trombones are super fun to be around, but sometimes they do some really weird stuff! Like now I've got a really funny story to tell people involving Trombones and acorns. (Don't ask)

Anyways, I'm excited for these next couple chapters! I've got some good stuff planned! Evilistrator is coming up soon! I get to have uber mega fun with felix bad mouthing a certain someone, what felix's mom told him will be revealed, oh this is so exciting!! 

Also, I'd like to thank everyone for the 800+ views?! Like WOW!! I'm so touched! thank you so much! Also, I found out some people have been binge-reading this and like, again, I'm super touched, I had no idea my writing was binge-worthy! 

On a quick note, apparently one of my readers is from FRANCE?! I'm honestly freaking out?! Like, I have a french citizenship myself, and I've taken plenty of french classes through out my life, so I'm trying very hard to make the culture feel authentic and very frenchy (since I grew up in america, not france), BUT NOW THAT SOMEONE FROM FRANCE IS READING THIS IM JUST. WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW PRESSURE'S ON!!! I will try to keep this as frenchy as possible!! 

Anyways, thank you guys so much! I love you! Expect new chapters to be released on Mondays while I'm on winter break!


Honestly, I was still shocked at having accepted Paws' request to play my cello for him. I had no idea how it happened. I hadn't even told my mom yet, and I wasn't quite sure I was going to. I didn't even know why, I just flat out refused to.

I gave myself a small shake. I was at work now, I needed to focus. I went back to reshelving books. I guess a part of me was also worried at what the heck Fuko was doing since it had been a while since she wandered off.

When I went into the next aisle, I saw that somebody was trying to do some studying before school started. The boy looked familiar... he came here to check out a lot of art books. What was his name again? I searched my memories for the name that came up when he gave me his ID to check out books. Ah yes, that's right, Nathaniel.

"So," I asked him as I filed books next to his table, "What's the little artist doing here at this early in the morning?" I asked him casually.

Nathaniel jumped. Clearly, he hadn't been expecting me. "Oh Félix!" he saw me nervously, "You're not going to um, make fun of me are you?"

I raised an eyebrow at him, "That depends... What are you doing?"

Nathaniel sighed and plopped his head down on the desk, "Mme Mendeliev said that drawing isn't a good skill to have, unlike understanding science. So I'm here trying to understand it but..."

I scowled at that. The world often took artists for granted, not realizing that they lived in an artistic world. "You know what someone told me once?" I asked Nathaniel.

"What?" he asked me uninterested, his chin now resting at the table as he gazed emptily across the library.

"Anyone can draw," I said.

Nathaniel immediately looked up and glared at me. I didn't blame him, in a way I had completely devalued his skill. I almost expected him to rebuff or argue back, but he could see I wasn't done talking.

I continued, "but if that is true, why doesn't the world have master artists like Leonardo da Vinci or Michelangelo running around?"

He glanced down at his sketchbook, as if the answer to my question would be there, but when it did not provide him with answers, Nathaniel looked back up to me.

"It's because drawing meant something to Leonardo and Michelangelo that it didn't mean to other people. The same way that drawing means something to you, but not Mme Mendeliev," I told him.

"So, wouldn't that also mean that science means something to Mme Mendeliev that doesn't to me?" Nathaniel asked.

"Yeah, I guess it counts for vice versa too," I leaned on his table with both hands and casually looked at the ceiling, "Sometimes people don't understand or even see that meaning, but it's there, and that's what makes your art special," I straightened and then looked at Nathaniel in the eye, "Don't let Mme Mendelieve convince you that your art means less than her science, because it doesn't."

Nathaniel was looking at me with a strange expression. Maybe it was awe, maybe it was a new realization, maybe he was touched. When he opened his mouth to speak though, my phone interrupted him.

My phone's buzz alarm went off to remind me to remind whatever students were in the library that they had five minutes to head to class. Currently however, the only student in the library this morning today was right in front of me, staring at my pocket.

"You've got five minutes til class starts," I informed him, "and I'm required to tell you to get to class," I walked back over to the book cart.

"Oh right!" Nathaniel began hurriedly Packing up his things. "Today is career day," he mentioned with quiet enthusiasm.

"Career day huh?" my thoughts immediately drifted towards trash dad of the year and his poor kitten son.

I watched Nathaniel as he carefully stored his sketchbook.

"You know Nathaniel," I pulled a book from the cart to file away on a shelf, "if you need any help with your science, you can just ask me."

Nathaniel hugged his backpack to his chest, "But I heard that you don't like helping students," he murmured, "that you shoo away students who ask you for help."

I rolled my eyes, "My self-appointed, side job is to help you students understand what you're learning. Most of the mooks who come asking me for help, just want answers. They don't care about understanding the subject. If you're serious about understanding science to get better grades, then of course I'll help you."

"Uh, thanks, I'll keep it in mind," he assured me and left the library.

After a few moments of staring after him, I walked out the door and looked down at the commons. Sure enough, there were plenty of parents there with their kids, all heading towards classes.

For a small moment, I found myself feeling hopeful enough that I'd see Paws' dad. He would've been easy to find had he been there due to being tall. Alas, my hope was ill founded. That man was nowhere to be found. "Stupid Agreste," I muttered under my breath before walking back into the library.

As the door shut behind me, I couldn't help but feel as if maybe I should go try and find Fuko. I had a hunch she was getting herself into something really sticky. Not that I was worried for her exactly, but more at the mayhem she might cause because of it...

I snaked through the various aisles of the library, making sure to check all the shelves. Théo walked out of the back room, and saw me.

"Lose something?" he asked me.

"In a manner of speaking, yes," I told him without stopping my search of the last aisle.

"What was it? I could help you look," he offered.

I was stroking my chin puzzled. Where could Fuko have gone?! "And then have two library employees not doing their jobs?" I snorted sarcastically, "Probably better if you man down the fort while I go looking."

Théo looked around awkwardly, "Oh okay..."

"Thank you," I said when I realized I forgot to thank him for his offer.

Théo looked at me shocked for a moment, then he smiled assuredly, "At least tell me what it is so I can keep my eye out!"

Pretending I didn't hear him, I began heading towards the door, "I don't think it's in the library, I'll be back," I left through the library doors.

Great, if Fuko was somewhere in the school, oh dear, I didn't even want to think about it! Before I began pondering where I should look first, I saw Paws just outside of his classroom.

Fuko would have to wait... I headed down the stairs and towards Paws. As I walked towards his direction, it appeared that he was trying to make a phone call. He hadn't yet seen me because his back was to me.

I silently approached Paws from behind. Apparently his call had gone to voicemail. He left a message and sighed sadly.

I had to keep myself from yelping in surprise when his kwami flew out and asked Paws if he was okay.

"Yeah whatever," Paws sighed dejectedly, "nothing new." He turned around to head back into class, and jumped when he saw me. His kwami did a nose dive to be under Paws' shirt. "Félix! I didn't hear you coming!" Paws told me.

I wanted to ask him why his kwami hid around me even though I knew his secret, but that was was for another time.

"I heard it was career day," I told him. Even though that wasn't the reason I had left the library, I had indeed intended to come check on him.

"Oh," he looked down, "yeah, it's no big deal," he scowled.

Using his shoulder, I pulled him into a hug. "It is a big deal," I told him. Especially to me. I glared at an imaginary Gabriel Agreste as if he were behind his son. Jerk dad.

Paws hugged me back briefly before breaking it, "Thanks Félix," he gave me a small smile, "I gotta get to class now."

"Come hang out at the library if you need to alright," I told him as he opened the door, "I can also take you out to ice cream later with Nino, alright, or catch a movie."

Paws gave me a grateful nod from over his shoulder before heading to class and closing the door behind him. Fuko appeared out of nowhere, hovering just over my shoulder.

Before I could say anything to her, Fuko's ears drooped sadly as she watched him enter, then peaked through the window. Then she immediately perked up, "Are those croissants?!" She exclaimed excitedly.

I barely managed to snatch the tip of her tail in time as she dived to squeeze herself under the door. "No no no! Absolutely not!!" I hissed at her furiously. "Remember the last time you ate something?! You. Set. Paris. On. Fire."

"Just a little lick..." she struggled against my grip.

"And where have you even been?!" I snapped at Fuko, "I was looking for you!"

"Oh you know..."

"Félix! There you are!"

I jumped, startled, accidentally releasing Fuko. "No!" I hissed as she took her opportunity to dive under the door.

I looked up at where the voice was coming from. It was Mme Dubois, she was waving at me from the library entrance. "I thought you were filing books!" she said, "I need your help! The copy machine broke!"

"UuuAAahhhhhh," my voice cracked uncertainly, then I heard a crash in the classroom behind me. "Fuko!" I hissed quietly through clenched teeth, briefly glaring at the ground. Then I looked back up at Mme Dubois, "Of course, I'll be right there..."

"Hurry!" She replied, "I have three teachers who need worksheets waiting!!"

Brilliant. Fuko must have also been playing with the copy machine while I was busy talking to Nathaniel!! There was no way I could leave her unsupervised on a day she felt particularly mischievous! But how could I just barge in the class and look for an invisible cat?! Not to mention the copy machine issue... I sighed, frustrated, bringing my palm to my forehead. I hated my luck.

Fuko zoomed out from under the door, "Leggoleggoleggo!" she said alarmed as she zoomed down the hall. Oh great, what did she do this time?

"Fuko! Get back here!!" I whispered angrily after her and ran to catch up. I snatched her out of the air, and immediately began heading towards the library, "What did you do to the copy machine?!"

"Copymachine?Whatcopymachine, Ididn'tdoanything!" Fuko mumbled all too quickly.

"Fuko..." I gritted my teeth.

"Oh!! Right! That copy machine! Well I may or may not have um... explored inside it today?" She gave me the best cat equivalent of a sheepish grin.

"Ugh! I don't believe this!!" I groaned.

"It's not that bad! Maybe you can fix it!" She said hopefully.

"Goodness help me," I began ranting, "one of these days I'm going to skin you alive and turn you into an ugly hat! Or or I'm going to flush you down a toilet! Ooh I know, how about I shave all of your fur off!"

"Nooooo," Fuko groaned and tried to escape my hand.

I aggressively shoved her into my pocket and closed it shut with the button while going up the stairs towards the library. I jumped backwards alarmed when I opened the library doors. There were papers flying everywhere. Théo and a teacher were running around yelping as papers were occasionally spat out by the machine in random directions. The other teachers had tilted some tables on their sides and were hiding behind them as if they were shields. Mme Dubois was frantically pressing cancel on the machine. Why hadn't it occurred to anyone to simple un-freaking-plug it?!?!?

I groaned and hid my face. I didn't even know it was possible for a copy machine to be regurgitating paper that aggressively...

"Félix!!!" Mme Dubois ran up to me and grabbed my vest hysterically, "I'm so glad you're here!! The copy machine declared war on us seconds after I called you up!"

Théo was so busy trying to avoid being shot at with papers by the machine, that he ran face first into the other teacher that was running around frantically. The two stumbled backwards until they tripped and slammed into a bookcase.... Which began dominoing across the room.

Oh great. This was my life now. Playing dominoes with bookshelves while copy machines regurgitated paper everywhere. Beautiful.

"Oh no!!" Mme Dubois yelled, "What are we going to do?!?!?!"

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!! I'm so sorry!!!" Théo covered his mouth with his hand at the sight of the falling bookshelves.

"Quick," I said completely deadpan, "nobody panic."

The copy machine let out a loud pop, and stutter, then it hissed. Papers stopped billowing out of it, and some smoke suddenly leaked out of it. The fire sprinklers turned on. I sighed tiredly.

"You know Mme Dubois, I'm no expert but I think we might need to get the principal involved... as well as insurance," I muttered crossing my arms. "And maybe a new copy machine while we're at it... as well as a new library."

That's it, I was going to throw Fuko in the trash later. Preferably one that had a moldy sandwich in it.

"I'll go get M Damocles," I offered and headed out of the library.

"How bad was it?" Fuko asked through my pocket.

"Well," I began sarcastically, "at least I'm not trapped in a flooded bathroom with twenty people!"

"Hey! You can't just walk in here!" I heard a voice from the commons.

"I can go wherever I want, whenever I want. I am the law," came a robotic voice.

I immediately ran to the railings, and grabbed onto them as I leaned over to see what was going on. There appeared to be a two meter ish tall blue robot in the middle of the commons?

"Well, I'm the authority around here!" M Haprèle said, bravely walking up to the weird robot with his broom.

Wait a second...

"You are guilty of obstructing the path of justice!" The robot-man pointed his arm at M Haprèle and shot some beams at him. A blue and red light wrapped around his wrists. "I sentence you to move around." The robot man blew a whistle, and M Haprèle began being whisked around by the lights on his wrist.

"WAIT! I CAN'T CONTROL MY ARMS!" M Haprèle yelled panicked as he was dragged around the commons.

"Great, an akuma, just what we needed..." I commented dryly, before dashing to the principal's office. Just one of those days, wasn't it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the akuma going up the stairs, but I paid him no attention. He wasn't heading in my direction and he didn't seem to have spotted me.

I burst into the Principal's office and was surprised to see Mayor Bourgeois there.

M Damocles snapped his gaze at me irritably, "Félix! Please knock if you need to come see me! I'm in the middle of an important meeting!"

"There's an akuma in the school," I pointed to outside his office. "We need to evacuate," I told him calmly.

Mayor Bourgeois glanced out the door, "I don't see anything!" he declared.

I looked out myself. Where had he gone?

"This isn't the time to be playing tricks!" the mayor scolded me.

M Damocles seemed uncertain, and stroked his beard, "Granted, Félix does like to joke, but I don't think that this would be one of those times-,"

"We have more important matters to attend to!" The mayor insisted marching back over to the principal, "My daughter's bracelet was stolen! If it's not returned to her by this evening-,"

I missed the rest of what he said because something appeared from behind me from the doorway, and before I could even react, a blue arm slammed me into the wall. I sank to the floor, too dazed to make out what the akuma was saying.

"OW!" Fuko squeaked from my pocket, suffering from our physical connection.

I groaned and rubbed the back of my head while an exchange between the mayor and the akuma happened.

The akuma pointed his arm at the mayor, but a red yo-yo wrapped around it. The akuma turned and looked at Ladybug who must've been standing further down the hall.

"Ladybug. Paris has a new righter of wrong. Your services are no longer required," it said robotically, while changing his aim and began shooting lasers at her.

"I can't let you go around accusing everyone of any little wrongdoing!" I heard Ladybug say from further down the hall.

I felt someone grab my left arm. "Are you okay Félix?" M Damocles helped me stand.

I suppressed a groan, "Sure," I muttered, "who doesn't like being thrown into walls." I felt a bit disoriented, but now was probably not the time to worry about that.

M Damocles peered down the hallway to see what was going on. I followed to look over his shoulder, my head still throbbing. "Where's the mayor?" I asked while we watched the akuma firing lasers after Ladybug into the commons.

"Mr. Rogercop?! I need you help!" Chloe whined to the akuma. Okay, this girl was hitting new levels of stupid.

"Down there!" M Damocles pointed to the mayor fleeing the building.

"Coward," I snorted.

"Hey! Come back!" Chloe demanded after Rogercop went after the major and dashed down the stairs after him.

M Damocles put his hand on my shoulder comfortingly, "Well it seems like the akuma is leaving the school premise, I don't think the students are in danger any longer. Why don't you go to the nurse's office?" he asked me kindly.

"First things first," I scowled still rubbing the back of my head gingerly, "the library is having some issues...."

M Damocles raised an eyebrow.


"Oh boy," I sighed as I walked to a café. Thankfully, today had been a half day of school, rather than a full day, but I got held on overtime to help out with the library issue. I think I would've been held for longer had M Damocles not released me himself upon the insistence that I had been slammed against a wall and deserved some time off after working so hard.

"Are you mad at me Félix?" Fuko asked me sheepishly. I had since let her out of my pocket because she was getting nauseated by the motion, and since we were physically connected, it extended to me. She had also taken to laying down on my shoulder since flying around was also leaving her nauseated and dizzy, and by extension, me as well. Yeah. Great day today.

"No!" I snapped at her sarcastically, "Why would I be mad?! You've only given the akuma control over the Parisian police this time!" I hissed furiously at her, before rubbing my temple irritated. "Oh not to mention that disaster in the library! And of course, Paws and Ladybug are now outlaws!"

As I passed an alleyway, I heard a startled yelp and some scurried footsteps as someone attempted to hide behind a dumpster.

I noticed a belt on the floor that led to the hiding place. Oh my, Paws was hopeless.

I walked over towards him, "Chat Noir," I sighed, "you need to work on your stealth skills," I peered over him from the dumpster.

Paws looked up at me meekly, "Heh heh."

Ladybug appeared from behind a trashcan, and immediately wrapped me up in her yo-yo, "You can't tell anyone we're here!" she said.

"Look, I'm having a hard day, okay. First the copy machine starts spitting out papers, then it starts smoking which led to the library getting flooded, and then while I was trying to tell the principal of the school I work at about it, I got slammed into the wall by an akuma, could you please not tie me up with a stupid yo-yo of all things?!" I snapped at Ladybug.

Paws immediately stood up, and held his hands defensively, "It's fine my lady! I'm sure he won't do anything!" Then he looked at me uncertainly, "Right?"

I stared at him deadpan. I was so going to lecture him later about stealth. "If you guys need a place to hide in order to come up with a plan, I can help you," I offered.

Ladybug yanked on her yo-yo and I found myself free, "Wouldn't you get in trouble?"

I rolled my eyes, my bag alone had various items illegal in France. "Come on you yahoos." I led them through the alley as a stealthy shortcut to get to my mother's apartment. It was still under construction as per the fire, but we could probably hang out there until they had a good plan. I didn't believe anyone was doing construction at this time.

"Thanks!" Paws immediately thanked me.

"Whatever," I sighed. Fuko kept looking at Ladybug curiously.

As we walked, Ladybug spoke, "Just tell me one thing, why are you helping us?" she asked doubtfully, as if I were the last person she expected to receive help from. Interesting question, did she know me in real life?

I snorted, "I'd help any superhero who was trying to formulate a plan to overcome police and an akuma whilst in a dumpster."

We reached the end of the ally. I held out my arm protectively, and checked the street for any witnesses.

"Alright, go!" I told them, "To the stairs!"

The superheroes lept over me using their tools and were on the stairway in a heartbeat. There had only been a mere second when there weren't any cars or pedestrians looking in this general direction, and the two had made it easily to the other side. Not that I thought any Parisian would rat them out, but.... Yeah, this city was just a little bit loopy.

I calmly walked over as to not draw attention to myself. I also felt a little lightheaded after rushing through the ally, so I honestly didn't really want to move any faster.

"Up here," I led them up the stairs and up to the apartment which I unlocked.

I closed the door behind them after they filed in.

"What happened?" Ladybug gaped at the missing wall.

"Oh good, they got the framework for the wall in," I commented. Even Paws was peering at it curiously. Wait, hadn't he been here before? I knew Fuko led him to my mother once, but had she been in the apartment or was this his first time here?

I walked over to the sink to see if they had the water working. Meanwhile Ladybug turned to me, "What happened?!" she asked again.

"The uh," I turned on the sink, and lo and behold, the water was indeed running! I snapped my fingers trying to recall the word that suddenly slipped my mind, "The uh."

"Fire?" Fuko suggested helpfully.

"Ah yes, the fire, that fire that happened, what was it? Last month?" Was it actually last month? Six weeks ago? Eight? Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought.... I gave myself a shake to clear the fuzziness.

Ladybug looked surprised, "I didn't know it was where you lived..." she looked around the apartment sadly as if she had just learned some sort of reveal.

I raised an eyebrow, "Why would you know? It's not like we know each other," I looked at her intently.

"Oh right!!" Ladybug looked flustered, "Of course not! Ha ha!"

I smirked. I didn't particularly care about her identity and therefore didn't put any effort into figuring it out, but it was interesting to know that I knew her civilian form. I had a hunch she was probably a student, just like Paws. I wouldn't even be surprised if she even went to the same school considering how fast she appeared with Rogercop running around.

"Anyways," I found a dish towel since the fire had only affected our wall, and dried my hand with it, "The water is running, so if you guys need to use the bathroom or anything, you can," I told them, "I also have snacks," I patted my bag. "Including Camembert," I smiled slyly towards Paws' direction.

His face lit up, "Oh awesome! I'll definitely take that!"

Ladybug gave him a weird face.

Paws immediately straightened his face, unsure of what to say, "Uhh," he said awkwardly, "it's for um... Actually, I think I'll pass?" he chuckled nervously.

"Humph," I smiled warmly at him. I'd probably give it to him later or something.

"Although, I do actually need to use your bathroom," Paws pointed to the bathroom.

"Go right ahead," I gestured at it for him. He dashed in, and as soon as the door closed, there was a green flash of light through the cracks.

"So what's your plan?" I asked Ladybug while leaning on the counter tiredly.

"I-I don't know," she admitted and looked down sadly.

"May I suggest you wait here until nightfall, that way it'll be easier for you to maneuver around on rooftops unseen," I rubbed my eyes tiredly. This day was just one unpredictable turn after the other, and as someone who liked predictability, it was absolutely exhausting.

There was a flush from the bathroom.

"Can we really stay here that long?" Ladybug asked.

"Sure," I shrugged with my eyes still closed. "Besides, sun's gonna set soon, so."

I heard the door open, and I heard Paws' voice, "You okay Félix?" Uh oh, looks like I'd have to cover for him, and invent some story on how Chat Noir and I had met before. He said my name with far too much familiarity.

"Long day," I muttered.

Before I could further explain myself, my phone rang.

I answered it tiredly after seeing it was my mom, "Yeah?"

"You're late!" she scolded me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. Ladybug seemed to be staring at me intently, as if wanting to know who was behind the call.

"You know I told you to come to Claude's apartment at four!!"

"You did?" I checked my watch. Uh oh... it was 15:30... an hour and a half later.

"Don't pretend you forgot!" she scolded me through the phone. Goodness, I could even imagine her with a spoon! "You're intentionally being late!"

"Sorry," I sighed tiredly, "It's been a long day."

"I don't care how long it's been! Unless the library was flooded-,"

"It was," I interrupted her.

There was a shocked silence, "Wait what?"

"Long story short, the copy machine broke, let off smoke, which triggered the sprinklers and flooded the library," I explained.

Ladybug, who had gone off to plan with Paws, suddenly looked in my direction completely baffled and shocked.

"Are you still taking care of that now?" my mom asked.

"Uh..." I wasn't quite sure how to answer her. I didn't want to tell her I was helping out Ladybug and Paws, but I was having a hard time come up with a response on the fly.

"Get your butt over here now!" she ordered me before hanging up.

I put my phone back in my pocket, trying to remember why exactly my mom wanted me over at Claude's apartment so badly.

Ladybug tilted her head, "Who was that?"

"My mom," I leaned on the counter. Fuko laid down on it to sleep. Ah yes, I wish I could just curl up and sleep too.

"You have a mom?!" was her immediate reaction, then Ladybug slapped a hand over her mouth, "I'm sorry!" she immediately apologized, "I didn't mean for it to come out like that!"

Paws doubled over laughing.

"You know Ladybug, there's this weird thing that happens in real life called having a family. I know it may sound weird or whatnot, but I didn't exactly just pop into existence you know."

"I know!" Ladybug facepalmed, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to ask it like that!"

"Just figure out how you and M laughs-a-lot are going to infiltrate town hall."


Ladybug and Paws left as soon as it was dark enough to travel unseen. I left the apartment, and went towards Claude's.

"Where have you been?!" My mom demanded as I walked into Claude's apartment. "I asked you to be here hours ago!"

"I was helping some friends with an emergency," I waved her off.

"You have friends?!" Claude mocked me.

"More than you last I checked," I retorted.

Claude shrugged playfully, "I'll go grab a bottle!" he offered and left his living room.

My mom crossed her arms, "The Agreste boy?" She asked disdainfully.

"He's got a horrible father," I reasoned.

My mom opened her mouth, as if to argue, and then her expression changed, "Can't argue with that," she agreed. "Listen Félix, I want you to meet Adalie! She's a wonderful young lady I met a few weeks ago who's been interested in meeting you." Was my mom trying to hook me up?! Adalie looked to be around my age, with thick lustrous black hair braided down her back.

Adalie nodded in my direction and smiled warmly, "Pleasure!"

I. Was. So. Not. In. The. Mood. For. Socializing. I've. Had. A. Long. Day. Couldn't. Anyone. PLEASE. Leave. Me. Alone?!

"No, no, please," I bowed my head respectfully, "the pleasure is all yours. If you'll excuse me," I attempted to leave to Claude's guest room.

My mother grabbed my arm to prevent me from leaving, "Tsk, oh don't mind him," my mom smiled before giving me a stern shoulder slap, "He's all bark and no bite!" she joked nervously.

Adalie smiled amused.

I stared across the room completely deadpan.

"Who's all bark and no bite?" Claude walked in the room with a bottle of wine.

"Monique was talking about Félix!" Adalie gestured to me.

I blinked.

"You're kidding right?" Claude stared at my mom, "He's like a lot of bark with super extra bite."

I glared at Claude out of the corner of my eye, "You got a problem?" I growled.

"Hahahahaha, nope!" Claude laughed nervously, subconsciously reaching for his abdomen, "I'll uh, just go over there and grab us all some glasses!!" his voice was at a higher pitch than normal as he found a convenient excuse to leave the conversation, remembering first to drop off the bottle at the nearest table.

My mom immediately gave me the look. "Félix... what did you do to Claude?"

"Hmmm...." I looked up thinking about it. Had I done anything to Claude? Ah yes, there was that occurrance. "I may have punched him once....?"

"You what?!" My mom snapped at me.

"Or twice."


"You're digging a deeper hole there for yourself there bud," Claude laughed, now setting down some wine glasses, and poured the wine.

I nonchalantly took the second glass that Claude filled and took a small sip.

"Félix!" My mom looked at my outraged, "You can't just go around punching people!"

"I don't," I answered calmly, "It was a special occasion."

"Félix-," my mom began to lecture me.

"Now hold on a second," Claude interrupted her, his eyes darted nervously to me before going back to her, "I kind of provoked him, I deserved it," Claude lied.

I gave him a surprised eyebrow, but did not challenge his story. What was Claude doing? Why was he covering for me? Claude gave me an assuring glance. What was even going on?!

My mom sympathetically grasped Adalie's shoulder, "I'm surrounded by children," she sighed exasperatedly, "I'm sorry."

Adalie laughed, "It's fine! I have two older brothers! This is much nicer!"

Suddenly, a swarm of ladybugs flew around me, and then left out the window. Looked like Ladybug had finally dealt with the akuma. Just like that, I magically felt a whole lot better!

Everyone stared at me.

"Félix... were you somehow involved with today's akuma...?" my mom asked me, both worried and slightly angry that I didn't say anything.

"Oh yeah," I said casually, "while I was telling M Damocles about the flooded library, the akuma kind of slammed me against a wall."

"WHAT?!" my mom shrieked.

I shrugged. "I guess that had done some damage? Who knew!" I took a sip of wine.

Even Claude was gaping at me, "Who knew?!" Claude echoed me, "Félix, why didn't you tell us?! You might've been hurt!"

"Oh I'm pretty sure I was."

"FÉLIX!!" my mom yelled at me.

"Anyways, this has been fun," I stood up, "but I've had a long day, so I'd like to shower and go to bed if you don't mind, thanks." I didn't care how rude I was being, I got up and left. I'm pretty sure that I was entitled to that much after today. They must have thought so too because nobody stopped me.

Boy oh boy, what would be my next disaster? I hoped it'd at least be funny.

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