Late Night Conversations

By consequent

929 56 52

Stranger has disconnected. Curiosity killed the cat, and maybe, satisfaction never brought it back. More

00 | Extended
0 | Bewilderment & Confusion
1 | Andrew Caldwell Was Unwell
2 | Jumped To The End of His Life
2.5 | Mnemosyne
3 | Wannacide
3.5 | All The Right Places
4 | History Never Lies

1.5 | Endless Possibilities

83 6 11
By consequent

1.5 | Endless Possibilities

YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED to a stranger! You and your partner tagged 'suicide' as their interest!

You: Let's pretend my friend is suicidal. What should I do?

Stranger: duh. talk your friend out of it! before anything could get worse.

You: What if it's too late?

Stranger: then you can never turn back time.

Stranger: at least you were friends right

You: We weren't. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Stranger: what were you guys then?? fwb? lololol

You: ...

You: Acquaintances

Stranger: if this 'acquaintance' of yours was suicidal, you would be there to help. whatever friendship status.

You: What if it's too late?

Stranger: u just said that ;)

Stranger: ok, we can pretend. it's fun. let's pretend you had the chance to be a part of the people who talked to him before he did it

Stranger: maybe that person is crying and lost and all and you can totally see that he or she needs help right

You: He wasn't crying. He was perfectly calm to all of us. There was no anger. Nothing. Nada.

You: Not all of the people who 'plan' to engage in suicide show radical behavior of hopelessness, you know.

You:oh my god oh my god i'm so stupid

Stranger: hahaha calm down. idk. I don't know about these things really. I just tagged suicide for fun. ure acting like this did happen.

You: But what if it did happen????

Stranger: why are you overthinking things so much. calm down. everything is ok.

Stranger has disconnected.

{a/n} dedicated this .5 chapter to @apposite for her unwavering support and to be honest, I'm glad I stumbled upon her page by chance (thanks TFIOS account haha), and her comments + every single vote that she gave to this account of mine is very much appreciated! everything was sent to my lips that had formed into a curve upwards. whoa, so descriptive. much vividness. haha but yeah, i am rambling, but we should totally talk more!! i'm crazy (yeah crazy hilarious ok) though. but that's ok. we can be crazy together. i was actually going to dedicate a chapter of vertebrae to you, but that was taking soooo long and i wanted to say this as soon as possible! you deserve it as well


it's sad that school is starting soon and i'm seriously reading the picture of dorian gray twice against bridge of terebithia for our upcoming english EC and i'm actually starting to like classics

THIS CALLS FOR ME BEING A LEAF THAT IS TURNED OVER OMG ok stop babbling now, hypn0tic.

 and to 69 and her bear with an awesome butt, my friend who does not want to go to the charging station and saves her phone battery (seriously to starbucks we go, the extension we plug), and to the person who owns two accounts and had her main account commented into her secret account, you guys know who you are. aueheheheh

btw, you guys have no idea how much i want to add humor to this book, but i'm afraid i might give off the wrong message. i think it's 69 and the bear's fault. sorry for the inside jokes haha

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