Please Don't Leave (Markiplie...

By Aubree2004

21.9K 932 529

Yeboi picture is from Shuploc on Deviantart. You are a girl who had ran away from your home town without a tr... More

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day 12 (Time Skip My boi)
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 16 (Midnight)
Day 17
Day 18
A Diary to be Kept ('Cause ye)
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29 (One)
Day 29 (Two)
Day ??
Day 32
Day 35 (One)
Day 35 (Two)
Day 36
Day 37
Day 39
Day 40
Day 50
Day 51
Day 52
Day 56
Day 57
Day 58
Day 59
Day 70
Day 71
Day 74
Day 75
Day 78
Day 80
Day 81
Day 88

The End.

286 15 21
By Aubree2004

The Twenty year old man, Timothy, walks over to the two graves stones of his mother and father, taking his father's black hair, and his mothers (Your eye color) Eyes. He sits down in front of them, holding the violin in his hand.

"Hey Mom, Dad." He says, talking to the grave stone with the engraved names.

(Y/N) (Middle Name) Fischbach, and Mark Edward Fischbach.

"I decided to take up violin, kinda like how dad took up guitar. And did that song for you, mom." He says, stammering a little. "...I-I decided to sing this song for you, 'cause I love you. And I wanted to thank you, for everything you've done for me. You've saved me, and your story has made me want to live... I wish I didn't turn out like mom though in those circumstances." He glances down at his long sleeved arm, and looks back at the grave stones.

He takes in a deep breath.

"...Here it goes."


You taught, me the courage..

Of stars, before you left.

How light, carries on.Endlessly, Even after death...

With shortness of breath, you explained, the infinite. 

How rare, and beautiful it is, to even exist.

I couldn't help but ask, for you to say it all again.

I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen.

I'd give anything to hear, you say it one more time.

That the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes.


...You taught, me the courage...

..Of stars, before you left.

How light, carries on. Endlessly, even after death.

With shortness of breath, you explained, the infinite.

How rare, and beautiful it is, to even exist.

I couldn't help but ask, for you to say it all again.

I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen.

I'd give anything to hear, you say it one more time.

That the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes.

I couldn't help but ask, for you to say it all again.

I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen.

I'd give anything to hear, you say it one more time.

That the universe was made, just to be seen by my eyes.




With shortness of breath, I'll explain, the infinite.

How rare, and beautiful, it truly is..

That we exist...

Timothy hics a bit, having started crying and haven't noticed the suited man sitting beside him, but he couldn't care..

"I still remember that day."

Timothy pauses, holding his breath.

"The day, your mother sacrificed her useless rodent life, for your useless rodent life. A sickening grin sprawls on the mans face, as his bloody tipped fingers lock. "A car crash, when you where ten. Off the road, of a highway. Your mother was the only one alive, and you and your father, MARK, died. She called for help, for hours on hours... But no one dared to come." The man turns to look at Timothy, who doesn't dare to look at him. "...She stayed there for three days with your rotting corpses, starving to death, until I came."

"I wanna make a deal, she said."

"I will let you take control of me, do whatever you want with me, just let Timothy live." And so I took it. She's with me, and your father." The man looks at the tombstones. "...In my void, they lived, but they still felt the pain, your mother died from starvation, but in my void, no one ever actually dies. She lived on with Mark, She lives on, with Mark. Still rotting corpses, for ten whole years. Why?" He chuckles a bit, leaning his head back. "'Cause of you, of course. Your mother is dying, in never ending pain, for you."

Timothy breathes heavily, and drops the violin, wrapping his arms around him, and begins to sob.

"...Good day, Timothy." 

Dark stands up, and walks away.

. . .


That we Exist.

I made a thingy for this thingy. I also wanted to mention I'll be adding little things to this aftermath just because I can, also before I do that I'll be fixing up all the small grammar mistakes that I didn't call myself out on in the comments, so that'll still be there for comedic reference.
Enjoyyyy this phottoooo.

Edit/2: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA it is done. I can say now that I am complete trash and I smiled like an idiot over a few things and I may be a narcissist because I laughed at my own jokes.
BUT here's the thing I wanted to do.

(Imagine when Mark comes to save you from Dark, it was actually the moment Dark was supposed to be fighting with Anti; not canon):

Dark opened his mouth to say the next line to go against Anti but that was when Mark entered his void, Dark turned around and looked over to see Mark stumbling a bit until Mark looked at Dark with a glare.

"̸G̵o̴d̸ ̴d̶a̸m̵m̸i̵t̷.̴"̵ Anti commented, his weak casing shattering with ease as his body glitches out to look completely annoyed by the situation given, there was already Logan Paul humping the damn air it can't get any worse than this.

"We are trying to settle an argument here." Dark growled, and Mark walked over.

"Well I have another damn argument to settle for you." Mark snapped, Grizzly in the background was throwing bears but cooed at the comment.

"I WILL BURN YOUR CRUMPETS."  Blazing Phil ran his ass over and blazed fire right into Mark's face, and Mark stumbled back a little, furrowing his brows.

"What the fuck? Phil?" Phil shrugged, and Mark just shook his head and looked around, it was literally the video that happened was going on all over again.

"̵W̸e̸ ̷c̴a̵n̷'̴t̶ ̷s̵e̶t̷t̷l̷e̷ ̷a̴ ̴f̵u̶c̴k̶i̵n̴g̵ ̶a̵r̶g̷u̴m̵e̵n̶t̷ ̵w̷i̶t̸h̸o̷u̸t̷ ̵t̸h̸e̶s̴e̶ ̶a̴s̴s̸h̵o̷l̶e̸s̴ ̸s̴h̴o̷w̶i̷n̶g̶ ̷u̵p̵ ̷a̴n̴d̵ ̷n̵o̴w̵ ̸w̵e̴ ̸h̸a̸v̷e̵ ̵Y̷O̸U̵ ̷A̶N̴D̷ ̵T̷H̸E̷ ̶S̸L̵U̸T̷ ̸B̷A̸G̷ ̵O̷V̴E̶R̴ ̵T̸H̶E̵R̵E̵.̷"̶ Anti pointed off to (Y/N) eating popcorn with TJsid(If that's how it's supposed to be said or some shit).

"(Y/-(Y/N)?" Mark asked.

"What is she doing outside of her cage?" Dark snapped, and Pamic attack walked over.

"Escaping." She puckered her lips. "Tom opened the cage."

"TOM?!" Tom put his hands up, and then fucking WILFORD RUNS IN.

"CELINEEEEE!" Wilford ran over to Pam and hugged her, Pamic screaming like a banchee for the moment, and Mark took this chance to just grab you and leave.

That was eventful.

(Wilford coming to visit; canon:)

Wilford knocked the back of his head against the door, and soon enough Mark answered it, holding the black haired infant in his arm. Mark paused, the breath in his throat hitching before he glanced over his shoulder and back at Wil.

"..W... Wilford?"

"Hello Markimoo!" Wilford chipped, walking into the house as Mark watched him, and then shutting the door, bouncing little Tim in his arm. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Well I can't come to visit my little Nephew?" Wilford walked over, looking at the child that sticks his little hands into his mouth.

"You aren't even my brother." Mark says. "You aren't Thomas."

"Well I CAN be."

"I would rather you wouldn't be." 

Wilford scoffed, and Mark glanced at the stairs but even if he didn't look away Timothy was already out of his arms. Mark yelped a bit and turned around to see Wilford twirling around with the baby casually, as the infant laughs and giggles as he wiggled his small arms around, Wilford then stopped and looked at Mark.

"Wow, he looks H̶e̸ ̷l̸o̶o̵k̴s̸ ̴j̵u̸s̴t̶ ̸l̶i̷k̷e̴ ̷m̴e̷.̴."

"Oh don't even start with that." Mark says, walking over and trying to take his son back, but Wilford puckers his lips, twirling like a ballerina away from Mark's grip. "God dammit Wilford."

"This is your fault for making me so flexible and hot damn STUNNING."

"Damn fucking right!"

Wilford turned around to see Abe, holding the infant in his arms as Timothy looked over Wil's shoulder in complete confusion to see his father, confused on why there was two of him. Abe held a gun up, the gun aiming directly at Wil as Mark began to panic running over and taking his son back as he stumbled back and away.

"You're really still trying to chase me, are you Abe?" Wil put his hands on his hips and Abe squinted his eyes.

"I have nothing else better to do."

"No, no you do not." Wil looks at Mark and gives a smirk. "I'll see you later, little Tim!"

Tim opened and closed his hand over and over to say goodbye to uncle Wil.

(Timothy heads back from school; canon:)

Timothy, age of five skipped away from school to get back home. It was odd to him, it was around the first days he was given a privileged to walk across the block to the car, since his mother and father were trying to make sure he wasn't going to have problems walking on his own, back home or to completely different places, it was a step by step process. Timothy paused and looked over, before he jumped.

"Heyo!" Timothy looked up at the pink mustached man and smiled. 

"Uncle Warfstache!" Timothy commented. "Hey!" Wil crouched down in front of the little boy that adjusted the bag on his shoulder, in which he tilted his head. "What'cha doin'?"

"I wanna take ya on a adventure, for today."

"Really? What about my mom, and dad? Dad doesn't like me hanging out with you."

Wilford put his finger to his lips, licking and sucking on it for a split second before raising brows, and pointing his hand at Tim. "Don't you worry about that, little son!" Wilford says, then picking Timothy up and with a blink Wilford threw the little boy up, and as he was thrown up he was falling and landed onto a trampoline in a never ending bounce.

Tim squealed a bit, and caught himself onto his feet, without any shoes on and just wearing socks as Wil back flipped off and landed on the hard floor, onto his feet though. Tim bounced off, and Wil caught the small boy and set him down before motioning his hand out. 

"This, this is my abode." Wil said softly, looking down at the precious boy as Timothy looks up as his eyes lighten up with pure innocence, he had no idea. "This is the place I stay, sometimes it isn't mine, but.. Most of the time it is, I pay the bills." Wil reached over to the table and grabbed the martini, walking through the door and Tim followed after.

Timothy walked in and didn't expect the terrible smell of a rancid.. God who knows, but Timothy felt the urge to follow it. He walked up the stairs, letting Wilford dance to the jazz in his messy kitchen, and the stench grew stronger, and he found the room. He coughed a bit before he opened the door and then saw the thin figure on the bed. He stared, slowly walking closer as the possible diseases began to fill his nostrils, and he got onto the mattress.

He looked at the corpse, very thin hairs, the same color as his mother's but they didn't seem to have any features.

...You shouldn't have come here.

A chill ran down the child's back as he heard the thick sounds of his voice, who's voice? God, who knows, but it was going to be the voice that haunts him forever. Timothy looked over and looked directly into the pitch black of the eyes, red blue and back...

He made this place, for broken things

Go back to sleep

Thank you for reading my whole story, hopefully you did anyways.

I'm gonna miss this story, since it was one of my favorites to write, but I'll be writing a story on Wilford Warfstache.

So check that out.

Look at my account for the other two x-readers, just go past all my trash mhm.

1) The one you're reading right now ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ
2) (Wilford x Criminal Female Reader!)
3) (Google x Game Creator Reader!)
4) (The Host x Schizophrenic Reader!)
5) Darkiplier x Nyctophobic Reader!)


I wanted to add this in.. For those of you who actually have these issues of Depression and Suicidal thoughts, remember you're not alone. I have plenty of friends with issues that involve depression, and if you want I'm able to talk about it through PM or in the comments, don't be afraid to talk about it.

Whatever you have to say will be interesting to me, and I will care.

  ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ Yeboi TrashyEdge

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