A Persona User? In Highschool...

By PhantomSystem

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[DISCONTINUED] Lucis Ferron was now in the world of Highschool DxD with the powers of Han Jee Han from The Ga... More

Chapter 1: So yeah this happened
Chapter 2: School huh? Great.
Chapter 3: Meeting The Occult Research Club
Chapter 4: Seeking the Truth or at least some part of it.
Chapter 5: Being scolded and calling forth what is within
Chapter 6: Persona and a Pervert
Chapter 7: A Night with a Strong Priestess
Chapter 8: The Elder Dragon Valphalk and Interrogating the Goth Lolita
Chapter 9: ???
A/N: Voting
Chapter 9.5: A Door Leading To Ones Dark Self
Chapter 10: Meeting a Fucked up Exorcist
Chapter 11: Finding out the Truth
Chapter 11.5: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 13: The Student Council and a Quick Meeting
Chapter 13.5: Looking back at what happened
Special Chapter: Santa is Real! And He's a Girl!?
Chapter 14: What does it take to get a Familiar? A lot apparently
A/N Voting Ends
Chapter 15: Going up Against a Rank: B Divine Being
Chapter 16: An Pleasant Day Along With An Unpleasant Encounter
Chapter 17: What Does It Mean To Be Strong
A/N: Happy 2018, plans and Sneak peak at whats to come
Chapter 18: A Deal For My Freedom... Or So I Thought
Chapter 19: 60 Days of Hell
Chapter 20: Friend vs Friend
Chapter 21: Dragon vs Dragon
Chapter 22: Know Loss
Chapter 23: Facing Calamity Itself
A/N: So... I Think I'm gonna remake this story.
Extra Chapter

Chapter 12: A Choice

4.6K 77 22
By PhantomSystem

A/N: I recently got out of my writers block and when I did a burst of ideas come to my mind, so I made 4 chapters in one day. It bungled up my schedule so I'm posting 4 chapters early to compensate for that. I work on a tight schedule, and I intend to follow it. Anyways enjoy. Regular scheduled posting will continue.


~The Next Day~

I was in my living room sitting on my couch listening to some of P3's soundtrack with my headphones while keeping tabs on Issei using my map.

I skipped school today so that I can do this. I don't feel like seeing any of them after what happened yesterday. Again, I felt a slight pain go through my left eye. 'Is there something wrong with my eye?'

I ignored the pain and return my attention back to my map. He's currently in a restaurant with a blue dot I tagged. 'Must be Asia.' I thought. Back then, I didn't waste any time tagging her as soon as I confirmed that it was her. My map is so useful.

"Hey partner." I heard a voice in my head. "Val? Haven't heard from you in while. Were you sleeping?" I asked my SG. While I'll admit having him is useful to hide my true power, I never really got the chance to use him yet.

"Of course, what else can I do. Anyways what are you doing?" The dragon of valor asked me. "I'm currently keeping tabs on Issei, the wielder of the Red Dragon Emperor." I said while watching my map.

Looks like they're making their way to the fountain where they'll encounter raynare. Issei's can defend himself long enough for Gremory to save him.

"Is draig still dormant?" The dragon asked curiously. "Seems like it. But I'm sure he'll awaken after the event that'll take place later tonight." I said while I had a mischievous look in my face.

"Oh, looks like it's starting." I said while I say a red dot appeared next to Issei and Asia. After a while another blue dot appeared, this one had a tag. 'Gremory'. They stayed there for a while and then disappeared.

'They must've gone back to the ORC.' I quickly move my map to the ORC school house was and saw all 5 tagged blue dots, Excluding gasper, in the club room. After a while 2 blue dots disappeared only leaving 3 blue dots left. 'Issei, Kiba, and koneko.'

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

I heard my phone rang in my pocket, I took it out and see who was calling. I took of my headphone and answered the call.

"Issei?" I asked curiously making sure he doesn't find out I was spying on him. "What is it?"

"It's Asia. We're going to save her and I need your help." He said with sheer determination in his voice.

"We? Never mind. Just tell me where you are and I'll meet you there." I said to Issei.

Yes everything is going according to plan.

~Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Lucis riding motored cuirassier~

I'm currently with Issei, Kiba and koneko. Issei was currently explaining the situation with what's going on. Raynare is going to steal Asia's SG, which will kill her in the process if we don't stop them.

"Alright, I got it. Here's the plan, you 3 make your way to the church while I stay behind and deal with the stragglers and any reinforcements." I said. They seemed reluctant at first but nodded anyways.

The 3 were heading towards the church while I was heading my way towards my killer. I looked at my map and saw a gold dot along with a red and a blue dot. I increased my speed and ran towards my target.

After I reached my target, I jumped up in the air above the trees and used mabufudyne on the ground below, freezing every thing in place. I landed on the ice covered field and saw a frozen mittelt and a blue haired woman.


Name: Kalawarner

Profession: Fallen angel

Race: Fallen Angel

Title: None

Fame: None

Level: 22

HP: 250/250
MP: 200/200

They both looked at me in horror as they figured out that I was the one who who froze a large portion of the forest. Understandable, it's not everyday you get to see some more powerful than you.

"I-I-Imp-p-possible." I heard a scruffy old voice behind me. I turned around and looked at him dead in the eyes.

"Dohnaseek." I said in a somewhat demonically monstrous voice, no longer resembling a humans voice.

They all paled as I let out a tiny bit of my deathly aura. "Do you remember me?" I asked him, he couldn't respond. Was it because he was half frozen? I snap my fingers and the ice surrounding him shattered. He was now on all 4 looking at the ground. I walked towards him.

"You killed me, so it's only fair if I do the same to you but worse right?" I said while I activated my Evil Smile skill which instils fear on my foes.

'Let's have some fun shall we?'


Me and Akeno were heading our way to the church as soon as we found out that Issei and the others went there against my orders. We were making our way there till the forest suddenly froze, me and Akeno jump just in time to avoid being frozen.

"What!? What happened?" I said as landed on the now frozen forest. I looked at Akeno seeing as she had a worried expression. "I think I know who could have done this, buchou." She said as she looked over in a certain direction.

I turn my head towards where she was facing and I saw Lucis standing in front of a fallen angel who on the ground on all fours. We saw Lucis had a horrifying smile on his face.

"You killed me so it's only fair if I did the same to you but worse right?" His cold and deathly tone sent a chill to our spines. His voice sounded monstrous, It wasn't recognizable anymore. He held up his hand and created... a Light spear?! A light spear coated with fire and electricity. 'Such power. Did he also froze the forest?' I thought.

He walked over to the fallen and kicked him in the face making him land a few feet away on his back, and just then Lucis appeared in front of his and stabbed him in the stomach... over and over and over again, burning and electrocuting the fallen angel at same time. All we heard was the pained screams of the fallen who was choking on his blood while Lucis had psychotic smile in his face and was laughing maniacally.


We then noticed the 2 other fallen angels frozen, as they watched in horror as they're comrade is being 'killed', if that's what you want call it anyways, right in front of their eyes.

After a few minutes of screams, Lucis facing the lifeless body, he finished it of by incinerating it before he turned towards the two remaining fallens angels. They flinched and cowered knowing that they would be next, they were shivering not because of the cold, but because of the fear.

"P-p-ple-e-ease, h-have m-me-ercy." The blue haired one quietly begged with tears falling from her fear induced eyes as Lucis slowly walked towards them, smiling and giggling at their desperate plea.

This has gone long enough. We emerged from our hiding spots to confront him. "Ferron-kun, stop this at once!" I commanded him. He ignored me and continued walking towards the fallen angels.

"Ferr-" before I could finish I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking back it was Akeno, she was shaking her head. "Don't Rias. Just watch." Watch? Just watch and let him do that to them? The fallen angels may be the enemy, but they shouldn't be gruesomely tortured for it.

I looked back to Lucis seeing as he stop in front of them. He snapped his fingers and the ice disappeared, not only the ice covering them, but the ice covering the entire forest disappeared. 'So he did do this.'

The 2 Fallen looked up at him in horror, thinking what he'll do next. Finally he placed his palm towards them, they instantly paled and held each other. Thinking the worst, I closed my eyes and looked away.

There was nothing, no noise, no screams. Nothing. I opened my eyes looking at Lucis with his normal stoic face again, healing the fallen angels. 'What? Why did he do that?'

"Y-you're not gonna kill us?" The blonde haired fallen asked him. She seemed surprised how she's still alive. "I only wanted to kill dohnaseek, you 2 are free to go." He said calmly with his voice which returned back to normal.

I was shocked that he didn't kill them. I looked at Akeno who seemed to have a relieved expression and held a soft smile. Was she really that worried about him. I looked back at Lucis who was helping the 2 fallen get up.

"You 2 are coming with me. There one more of you I need." Lucis said and headed straight for the church, the 2 obediently followed him. "Wait, we're coming too." I said making look back at us. He looked at me in particular with cold eyes.

"Then follow." He said in a cold tone and continued making his was towards the church with us following behind him.


We just finished dealing with freed and now we're running in an underground corridor. We saw light at end meaning we were closing on our destination.

We entered the room and immediately greeted by a room full of rouge priest. They were looking ready to kill us.

"Asia!" I heard issei screamed, I looked over to his direction and the nun bound to a cross with her Sacred Gear being forcibly extracted by the fallen angel that killed Issei.

The female fallen angel seemed to have taken notice of us and ordered all the rouge priest to kill us which they happily followed. Me and koneko immediately engaged the rouge priest. "Issei-kun leav-" I stopped mid sentence as I saw Issei taking on 4 priest at once.

"Sonic Punch!" I heard issei yell out and punched one of the rouge priest sending him flying towards the other 2 priest. "Gigantic Fist!" Issei yelled again as he was punching a rouge priest, this time, it sent him towards a wall, cracking it. I didn't realize he's that strong.

Me and koneko just looked at him in awe then quickly realizing that there were still enemies. We quickly took care of them all out. Then we heard laughter, we saw it was coming from the female fallen angel holding what it seems like a ring.

"Hahahahaha! I did I finally did it. I've finally obtained twilight healing." She said as she slipped on the ring on her finger. She then immediately left once she had her prize.

"Dammit!" I heard issei yelled as she held on to the nun's lifeless body. But it wasn't lifeless, she was still moving. Issei was happy to she that's she's still alive. But she was weak, like she'll die at any moment.

Just then Issei had a face like he just remembered something. He quickly got up with the nun in his hands and started running back upstairs. "Issei, where are you going?" I asked as me and koneko followed him. "To Lucis." He said. I was confused as to why Lucis, could it be that he can heal her? Even in the state she's in?

We've reached the surface again only to see Lucis holding the the female fallen angel that stole the nuns Sacred Gear by the neck. We saw buchou and Akeno-san, along with 2 other fallen angels who looked terrified.

'What in the world is going on?'


I was heading towards the church where Issei and the others are with two fallen angel and two Devils in tow. When I saw raynare at the entrance of the church I used my speed to instantly appear in front of her and grabbed her by the neck with my right hand, since it's not my dominant hand. It wasn't enough to choke her but enough for her to not get away.

"Aaa-aaah" she tried saying something as she tried to make me let go, but with my vice like grasp she couldn't utter out a single word out. I noticed she had a ring on her finger. That must be Asia's Sacred Gear, which means issei was too late. But no matter, it's all going according to plan.

"Ferron-kun!" I heard someone shout my name and saw Gremory and the others finally caught up to me. "Raynare!" Kalawarner said as she looked at the person I was NOT choking, but grabbing by the neck. Raynare seemed surprised to see them unharmed. She then looked at me as I looked at her with cold eyes.

"Raynare let me explain the situation of what you've done." I declared as she has no other choice but to listen. I noticed that Akeno and mittelt knows what I'm talking about as Gremory and Kalawarner listened as well.

I explained everything to raynare about her actions could've brought about another war and ultimately ending in their extinction. After The explanation I saw Raynare and Kalawarner's faces paled as they found out what they have truly done. Mittelt's face wasn't fairing any better having to be reminded of it again.

Just then I heard footsteps coming from the altar. I saw Issei holding and nearly dead Asia along with Kiba and koneko. They stared at me for a while till I asked "What happened Issei?"

"That bitch took Asia's Sacred Gear!" He exclaimed, I then looked back at raynare with colder eyes, if that's even possible, she paled even more thinking what's about to happen next.

I reached out my hand towards her and opened my palm. "The Sacred Gear. Now." I said demandingly as she reluctantly took of the ring and placed it in my hand. I then let go of her making her fall to the ground. Kalawarner and Mittelt went to her side as she was holding her neck and coughing.

"Stand." I ordered Raynare as she slowly got up with her head down. "I am going to let you live." She then looked looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" "What!?"

I then heard 2 different what's. The soft and quiet one was from Raynare and the loud one was from Issei. I signaled Issei to be quiet for a moment as I wasn't finished, he then went back to comforting Asia but still clearly anxious. I then look back at the surprised raynare and began to explain.

"I am going to let you live, so that you can send a message to your leader. The head of the fallen angels." I said as I handed her a letter. She looked at it for a second before taking it. "B-but, I might just get killed on the spot for disobeying direct orders." She said while looking down at the letter. While it's true I heard from mittelt that they're original objectives was to observe Issei and not kill him, and not go rouge to steal Twilight healing, I still had a risky plan.

I took out a skill card from from my inventory and handed to her. "Take it and say: Learn." She reluctantly took that card and did as instructed. "Learn."

Everyone looks in awe as the card turned into blue particles as it was entering through raynare chest. She had wide eye and her mouth was slightly open. "Salvation." She said as everyone knew what she said.

"That's right. Salvation. My ultimate healing spell. You can now use it." I said as everyone had a mixture of shocked or surprised faces. "Why would you give her that!?" I looked over to my right and saw it was Gremory.

"So that she doesn't get killed on the spot when she delivers my message." I said to her coldly. "But she's a fallen angel!" She retorted. At this point I was getting pissed. "I don't care. It belonged to me and I choose who I can bestow it upon."

She couldn't say anything back. What? Just because I'm her servant means that all my stuff belongs to her? How fucking selfish can she get? I then turned my attention back to Raynare.

"Salvation is a healing spell that can heal any wound and cure any ailment instantly. It can also restore your stamina if exhausted." I said as she looked at me again with wide eyes.

I then placed a seal on her arm. She looked at it confused. "I placed a seal on you. If you fail to do as I said it will detonate and kill you." I said then she paled again. I then placed seals on both kalawarner and mittelt. "The same goes for you 2."

The 3 were now scared as they looked at their seals. "Now go." I ordered them they looked at me and nodded. They all walked out of the church and then flew away.

I mentally let out a sigh of relief. Well that was tiring. But I got what I needed to do and did what's needed to be done.

"Asia? Asia? Asia!?" I heard issei scream at Asia's now lifeless body. Issei was crying and I walked towards her and kneeled on one foot and placed the ring on her finger. Issei then looked at me again like he remembered something.

All according to plan.

"Lucis, you said you have revival items right? Stuff that can bring people back to life?" He asked me desperately. I felt that the others was surprised when they heard him say that.

I nodded and took out the 'Revival Balm' from my inventory. It had a golden circular container with a clear cover, in it was gold like cream. It didn't look like this back in the game, then again it didn't even have a object model so... I then gave it to Issei and stood back up.

"Take a good amount and smear it on her heart." I said as he opened it and took a large amount... 'I said a good amount' ... and smeared it directly on her heart. Did I mention she's naked by the way? No? Well, now you know.

After a few second a golden light coming from the cream on her heart began to envelope her body. After it died down Asia's eyes began to slowly flutter open.

"Mmmm. Issei-san?" She said as she looked at Issei who had tears coming from his eyes. She was alive.

"Asia!" Issei said as he held Asia tight while continuing to cry. Everyone was still surprised at what there were seeing. This was the first time they saw someone come back to life without being reincarnated into anything.

I kneeled over to Asia and she looked at me. I took out another skill card from my inventory surprising her. I handed her the card. "Take it and say: Learn." I said as she looked at me confused. Everyone knew what was going to happen next. I was going to teach her a new skill.

She kept looking at it till Issei said something. "It's okay Asia. You can trust him." He said to her as she looked at me then looked at the card and then took it. "Learn." She said as the card once again turned into blue particles and entered through Asia's chest. Her eyes then widened as she said "Samarecarm."

I then took out another skill cards and handed it to her. She took it and learned it as well. "Salvation." She said as everyone's eye widen as she said the exact same name of the ultimate healing spell I gave to raynare.

"Yes, you've now learned both Salvation and Samarecarm." I said while getting up. "Salvation, as I said before is my ultimate healing spell capable of healing any injuries and cure any ailments immediately." I said as I saw Asia seemed surprised while everyone already knew.

"But what about Samarecarm?" Asia asked innocently. "It's a spell that can revive a person." I said nonchalantly as everyone screamed "WHAT!?" I covered my ears at how loud they were. Even koneko who is usually quiet spoke up louder than usual.

I just ignored them and faced Gremory with a cold gaze. "Well Gremory." I began as all eyes were on me. "Seeing as your an opportunist, why don't you make her apart of your peerage and become a devil?" I said while she seemed slightly confused.

"I mean, seeing as Asia-san has the Sacred Gear Twilight healing and both of my ultimate healing spells, wouldn't she make a great healer? So why not turn her into bishop, hmm? Since you like powerful beings so much here's one right here." I said while gesturing at Asia as Gremory started sweating a little. I was cornering her again.

If she turns her into a Devil she'll just prove that she's an opportunist and that'll hurt her pride, but if she doesn't she'll lose a powerful healer that also capable of reviving the dead. "So Gremory, what will you do?" I asked while coldly staring at her. She can't make up her mind and she's already clenching her fist.

I was about to taunt her again till something... unexpected happened.

"I'll do it." I turned around and saw Asia with Issei's school jacket around her body. What did she say? "What?" I asked blankly.

"I'll do it. I'll become a Devil and become apart of your peerage." She said confidently like she's already made up her mind. Well that was unexpected. She just bungled up my plans.

"Are you sure Asia?" Issei also seemed surprised by Asia's choice. "Yes, Issei-san you saved me and your friend over there gave me such wonderful new magic. I want to repay everything you both for what you two have done and given for me. So please let me apart of your peerage." She said while bowing.

'No. This wasn't how it's suppose to go down.' I thought as I turned away and pinch the bridge of my nose. 'Dammit!' I mentally shouted.

I looked at Gremory who seemed surprised by this, this must be a first where she didn't have to wait for a human to die to make them join their peerage. She regained her composure and then walked over to Asia and showed her a bishop piece.

"Are you really sure about this?" Gremory asked the now partially naked nun. Why are even asking? Why don't you just forcibly ram it in her, huh?

"Yes, I am." She said. I'll admit, I praise her for her courage and her decision to repay us, but she's still foolish to give up her humanity just like that. Or was there some other reason?

Gremory then placed the bishop piece near Asia and it glowed red. It floated up and entered Asia through her chest. After that I could feel a different energy surge within her.


Name: Asia Argento

Profession: Exiled Nun, Healer, Devil and Bishop of Rias Gremory's Peerage

Race: Reincarnated Devil

Tittle: Asia the Witch and Former Holy Maiden

Fame: Traitor of the Church

Level: 10

HP: 180/180
MP: 900/900

Her HP's nothing to look at, but her MP just jumped a huge margin compared to before. So that's the power of an Evil Piece.

"Asia Argento, I Rias Gremory from from the house of Gremory, hereby make you my bishop. You shall serve under me as a member of my peerage." Hmm, why didn't you tell her that she belongs to you for the rest of her life or till she dies? Un-honest as ever.

I scoffed at them and left. As I was heading out the church when Gremory spoke up. "Ferron-kun? Where are you going?" She asked. "I'm going home. I only came here because Issei asked me to." I said as I continued walking out.

"Will you... will you be coming to the club tomorrow?" Gremory asked a little worried. "No." Was my reply. Once I was out side the church, I took out my saber bike and rode it home. I didn't wait for anyone to say anything and just kept on riding.

Word count: 4139

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