Please Don't Leave (Markiplie...

By Aubree2004

21.9K 932 529

Yeboi picture is from Shuploc on Deviantart. You are a girl who had ran away from your home town without a tr... More

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day 12 (Time Skip My boi)
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 16 (Midnight)
Day 17
Day 18
A Diary to be Kept ('Cause ye)
Day 25
Day 26
Day 27
Day 28
Day 29 (One)
Day 29 (Two)
Day ??
Day 32
Day 35 (One)
Day 35 (Two)
Day 36
Day 37
Day 39
Day 40
Day 50
Day 51
Day 52
Day 56
Day 57
Day 58
Day 59
Day 70
Day 71
Day 75
Day 78
Day 80
Day 81
Day 88
The End.

Day 74

225 10 9
By Aubree2004

(A couple days forward.)

Mark has been getting his own merch to be able to fit babies, so when ours comes it'll fit ours. I've been sitting in bed for close to all day, every day, and I feel absolutely useless because of it. I glance at my phone, reading the comments over and over again on the video Ethan posted.

"I'm so Happy for him!" Is most of the comments, along with "Congrats" or "It's gonna be so cute!".

There are a few that are actually a bit rude, but I can understand why. One stands out from them all, which is the hate comment among them all, and I don't know why I'm letting it get to me. I close the phone before I reread it to myself, and I sigh softly, looking at the ceiling. There's a thump downstairs, and I notice it completely. I sit up a little more. 

"Mark?" I call out, and I tilt my head down and focus on hearing. 


"Mark!" I yell louder, and still silence.

Maybe he went outside, and the thump was the door?

I open my phone and I tap on his contact, and I bring it to my ear. He picks up.


"Mark, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Sorry I'm just outside. I'm heading to the store for uh, Baby bottles? How old do they gotta be for those?"

"Mark, you're preparing too early. It'll be another eight months until it shows up. We don't even know what it's gonna be yet."

"I know, but I wanna be sure. I'm actually at the store now."

"The hell? Did you speed there?" I say, confused since downstairs that would've been him shutting the door, but apparently he's already at the store which is about fifteen minutes away.

"What do you mean? I left around ten minutes ago, or something. Is something wrong?" 

I pause for a moment and get out of bed, and towards the door. I lock the door, as this is one of the few rooms with a lock. "Uh, I heard something downstairs. It can't be Chica, she's sleeping on the floor in the bedroom." I say, looking over at Chica. "Maybe someone's broke in--" I pause.

I completely fucking forgot! Chris broke out of prison.


"I'm on my way home, hide in the closet." He says. "Bring Chica in there with you, alright?" Mark says.

"Alright.. Can you stay on the phone with me? Just stay quiet, like.. Police shit." I say, and I get Chica up, and I move into the closet with her, getting under and hidden into a lot of everything.

"Of course, just stay quiet. I'm on my way." He reassures me once again, and I hear the stomping up the steps.

Yeah, That's definitely Chris.

"...I love you Mark." I whisper into the phone.

"Don't say that like you're going to die, I won't let that happen. I love you to though." Mark says, sounding a bit panicked.

(ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ This is the face of my face not regretting anything)

"...Okay..." I whisper softly, and there's just silence for a moment.

I try to calm myself down, holding back the pain of a close anxiety attack.

I fucking hate Chris, I know I will always. In all honestly I wouldn't care this much about my safety if it wasn't for this pregnancy, It'd be selfish of me If I just let him kill me.

I hear the door knob to the bedroom turn, then the lock stops it.

"(Y/N)? Open the door." I hear Chris say, now i can directly know that it's him. "..Open the fucking door!" He yells, and he hits the door, and I nuzzle my face into Chica's fur, shushing her so she doesn't bark.

There's a ringing in my ears, and a few whispers.

"Fuck not now..." I whisper, and suddenly Chris starts talking.

"He led me here, He said he'd give me everything, and he is giving me everything." Chris sounds like a complete maniac, but I'm pretty sure I know what he's talking about, who he's talking about. "If I do this, I can have everything I want." Chris says. "Let me have this, (Y/N). Let me be happy."

I'm about to scream at him, about how much he doesn't deserve it, but that'd get me caught.

You know, You wanted something scary.

I start mumbling my reply.

"I didn't ask for this, all I said is that you're absolutely pathetic.. In which you are if you are using Chris to do this..." I mumble under my breath, not letting the phone hear.

I jump a little to the sound of the door plummeting to the ground, and Chica barks loudly.

"Chica no!" I hiss, but so far he already knows where I am. 

The closet door opens, and Chica leaps out, attacking Chris clearly by the screams and growls, and suddenly a thump.

"You piece of fucking SHIT!" 

I stand up, for once not letting myself be to scared to do anything, I run out of the closet and clock Chris in the jaw, dropping the phone, Mark could hear everything from now.

I gasp to myself, as he stumbles back, bring his hand to his cheek, holding a gun in the other hand and kicking Chica off, Chica hitting the wall and becoming unconscious, or just too weak to get up. I run over to Chica, and I try picking her up, but she's to heavy, but I'm not just gonna leave her there. 

Chris stomps over and grabs me by the back of my shirt and throws me to the ground. I immediately wrap my arms around my stomach and turn away, hoping that at least this will protect, or try to keep him away from harming that, as he hits his foot into my back, and I of course, in pain, scream.

"You fucking selfish pig--" He hisses out cuss words, before stopping and taking deep breaths, panting.

I would get up and get away, but I'm in the middle of a panic attack, breathing hardly and gripping my sides.

"(Y/N)!" I faintly hear someone downstairs.

"Fuck.." Chris hisses.

There's foot steps running up the stairs, and I hear a quiet click from his pistol, i'm assuming. 


"Shut up you hag!" Chris yells, and aims at the door way. 

There's a pause, and something comes through the door, and Chris shoots, it was an object. 

"Fuck!" Chris yips, having just been deceived by smart brave boy, your truly runs in and clock Chris into the jaw just as I did, but worse and much harder seeing as Chris actually falls to the ground.

I decide not to look over, as I wheeze a little, I hear Mark just pretty much breaking his whole face, But I'm not worried if Mark might actually kill him, I'm more worried about the kid.

Mark hisses insults, and throws hits for the next ten minutes, before there's a pause. I feel someone touch my shoulder and soon wrap their arms around me, and pull me to their chest, clearly Mark as I listen to his heart beat, and he shushes me, as I wrap my arms around Mark other then myself.

"It's okay, He can't hurt you anymore.." Mark says, and I look over his shoulder at Chris. 

There's blood soaking into the carpet, Chris's face is turned away from me, but that doesn't hardly matter as it hardly even looks like he has one left. Other then that, it doesn't even look like he's moving.

"D-Did you... Kill him?" I ask, gripping onto Marks shirt as my voice is shaky as well as my body.

"I did the same thing to him as I did to Dark.. I'm sure he is dead..." Mark says, he doesn't seem like he regrets it either, despite the fact on how pure of a man he is, he's definitely not going to heaven now.

"...I-I won't tell anyone." I say. "...I-I've done it to..." I admit, and he hugs me a bit tighter.

"Stop talking please, just breathe."

I do as he wishes of me, and he takes me over to Chica a bit slowly, and he feels her pulse, and he starts to breathe a little heavily, as He takes Chica and drags her a bit closer, and he holds us both.

After a bit I calm down, and I wrap my arms around the dog.

"We should get her to a doctor.. I can be dropped off afterwards at the doctor, even though I don't think I'm injured." I say, quietly looking up at Mark who pets the top of her head softly.

"...Yeah..." Mark says, and I look at his hands, they are covered in blood, and I already know why, so I don't ask. "...Did he hurt you? The baby?" Mark looks down at me. I look up at him and I shake my head.

"I...I hope not... I tried so hard to not let him..." I say, and I look down, starting to worry if my efforts weren't good enough.

Mark nuzzles his face into my hair. "...I-I really love you... I can't bare the thought of losing you..." Mark says, hugging me a little tighter. 

"...I love you too, Mark..." I say, and I nuzzle myself closer.

After a bit he leaves me to wash his hands off, and He picks up Chica, and looks at me. "Are you good to walk? I'll carry you both if I have too."

"Don't do that.." I say, as I stumble a bit standing up onto my feet. My legs shake a little, before I sigh softly. "I can walk, don't worry."

Mark frowns a little. "Lean on me if you have to, I'm always here for you."

"I know." I say, and I start walking a bit slowly through the door.

Down the stairs I almost fall a few times, but I manage out the front door and to the Van.

Mark gets Chica to the veterinarian, in which they ask, and Mark tells them all they need to know, that she attacked a criminal, and that's it. They mention a small dot of blood on his face, but he says that was from the criminal, in which he wasn't lying.

If he got away?...Yeah, Yeah he did.

They bring Chica in, and Mark tells them he'll be back after a bit, and he runs back to the van and in. 

"I hope she's okay." I say, keeping a good posture in the passenger seat.

"She will be. She better be." Mark says, taking an odd tone as I look over at him.

I mean, I know he just killed someone, of course he isn't happy. I reach over and take his hand, he glances at me for a moment, before looking back forward, and beginning to drive.

(FuckMate ლ(́◉◞౪◟◉‵ლ)

I sit in the bed, now in the hospital as my back feels numb, as the doctor stitches my back from the cuts that Chris's shoe caused. Mark sits in his chair, staring at my face, and I just stare at his. I can tell he's thinking about everything he's done today, he was just trying to get things for the baby, and then this happened. He killed a man, for many good reasons, yeah but in Mark's mind nobody truly deserves execution, or do they? Right now whatever's in his mind I can't tell.

The doctor finishes, and hands me a new shirt, a less blood covered one.

"My apologies for what happened. I hope he's caught." 

I look up, and nod at the Doctor. "...Yeah, I hope he is too..." I say, and I look back at Mark as the Doctor leaves the room. 

Me and Mark just stare for a moment, before Mark sighs a bit, looking down at the ground and putting his face into his hands. "Fuck.." He says to himself.

"It wasn't your fault Mark."

"No, It is... All of it... I could've stopped when I noticed he was out, but I couldn't stop myself... I was so... Pissed..." Mark says, and he draws his fingers into his hair, gripping a little.

I reach my arms over. "Can you come over here? So I can hug you?" I ask, and he looks up at me, and slowly stands up and walks over, sitting beside me. 

I reach my arms around him and hug him a bit tightly, and he hugs me back.

"...It's okay Mark, no one will know. I promise you." I say, and I look up at him.

"Everyone's gonna find out, I don't know what to do with the body."

"...We should bury it in the back yard, or like..." I pause. "...I'm sounding creepy, aren't I?...I mean, I've... Also, killed someone." 

"I know.. You told me... How long ago? Who was it?" Mark looks down at me, as I stare. 

I bite my lip a little. "...R-Remember when I came back? From my Dad?" I say, and Mark stares.

He then lets out a soft sigh, and nuzzles his face into my hair. "...Thank you for letting me know..." Mark says, and I close my eyes.

"...No problem..."

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