Hamilsquad Oneshots

By Raven_kit

68.5K 724 1.1K

These are oneshots and separate hamilsquad stories from Tumblr. I will tag all of the tumblr users at the end... More

The Porn Videos
Let Us Know
Games or Sex?
Art of Seduction
Little Red and the Big Bad Wolf
Loving Five
She Had a Way With Words
One Night In
Poly!Hamilsquad x Fem!Reader
Springs in the Summer
Wearing Stockings
College Life
Sick Days
The Act of Empathy
Tailor Made

You Were Here All Along

5.8K 74 112
By Raven_kit

"They need to be smart. I can’t be dating an idiot. I want them to be able to stay up late with me wondering about the universe and what it holds. They need to be able to hold their end on an intelligent conversation.” Alex decided, Herc scribbling down smart on his notepad.

“They have to be funny. I can’t date someone without a sense of humor. They can’t be rude jokes though, they need to understand the line between funny and offensive. I just want to be able to never stop laughing with them.” John explained, Herc writing down funny underneath smart.

“I want them to be passionate. I don’t care what they are passionate about, but it needs to be something they would stand for and that they love. I want them to just go on for hours about this thing and watch their face light up with happiness.” Lafayette smiled at the thought, Herc once again writing down what he had said on the notepad.

“I want them to be affectionate. I love being able to just cuddle someone for hours on end and I want them to be okay with that. They need to also not focus on one of us with their love, but equal with their cuddles and affections.” Hercules said, finishing off the list on his notepad.

“So, what are we looking for?” John asked, trying to peek around Hercules to see the list he had wrote.

“We want to date someone who is smart, funny, passionate and loving.” Herc read off, the boys around him smiling and nodding their heads.

“Whatcha guys up to?” You asked, walking into the small kitchen where they were gathered.

“OH MY GOD!” Alex screamed, not knowing you had walked into the kitchen.

“Sorry.” You apologized, watching Alex catch his breath from the scare.

“He’s so jumpy.” John laughed, watching Alex still look around with panic on his face.

“What’re you doing here, (Y/N)?” Hercules asked, only to receive a dirty look from you.

“Did you forget what tonight is?” You asked, glaring at the four boys that sat around the table.

“Shit! It’s movie night!” Laf yelled in realization as the other boy’s eyes widened.

“We’ll set up right now! Alex will keep you company!” John shouted, running out of the room with Herc and Laf right behind him.

“Damn. Sorry we forgot, (Y/N).” Alex apologized, moving a stool out for you to sit next to him.

“Don’t worry about it, you guys get busy. It’s not really that big of a deal.” You shrugged.

“Even if we do get busy, we shouldn’t have forgotten movie night.” Alex mumbled, slouching slightly in his seat.

“If I say I forgive you guys, can we go on like it never happened?” You asked lightly, placing your hand gently on his slumped shoulder.

“I guess that could work…” Alex said looking up to see you smiling brightly at him.

For just a second he forgot you were his best friend and saw you as something more, much more. Before he knew it, you had taken him into a conversation about Professor Washington’s newest assignment for class. He had never realized just how smart you were. Wait, smart? He reprimanded himself for thinking you were just smart. You were a genius and it simply amazed him.

As you passionately explained in great detail what you would do for the assignment, Alex got lost in his thoughts. He didn’t know why he hadn’t seen it sooner? You were perfect for not only him, but his boyfriends too. The new partner that they had been looking for had been right in front of them the whole time.

“Alex, are you even listening to me?” You asked, slightly annoyed with Alex as he sat there with jaw hanging wide open.

“Sorry, I just caught up in my thoughts. I heard the beginning, but could you say the rest of it again?” Alex asked, a small blush dancing across his cheeks.

“Maybe later, the boys just said they were done setting up. We gotta go help them decide the movie.” You stood up quickly, offering your hand to Alex to help him stand up.

“Thanks.” Alex said barely above a whisper, his cheeks having heated up more at the touch of your hand on his.

“Of course!” You grinned, deciding to ignore the obvious blush on the cheeks. You walked to the living room with Alex right behind you.

“What took you two so long?” Hercules asked as the two walked through the door.

“I had to wake Alex from his daydreaming.” You said, nodding your head back to the man that had entered after you.

“What were you daydreaming of, mon amour?” Laf asked, the curiosity easy to see on his face.

“I…uh…well…” Alex stuttered, the blush that had finally faded from his cheeks making a bold return.

“He was probably fantasizing being far away from us and writing to his heart’s content.” You giggled, saving Alex from having to come up with some ridiculous excuse.

“I doubt it. He was probably daydreaming about being on a private island with us three.” John smirked suggestively as he wiggled his eyebrows.

“Or maybe he was dreaming about that private island with Professor Washington.” You smirked back, the three boys laughing loudly at the joke while Alex’s blush somehow grew bigger.

John continued to laugh while you said a couple more playful jabs to Alex about his love for Professor Washington. His laugh faded as he instead became entranced by how playful you were with his boyfriends. You fit in so well with them and made them all laugh so hard. How had he been so blind?

It was obvious now what Alex had been daydreaming about, it was you. Alex and John made eye contact, travelling a silent message. They both agreed that you fit their dream partner almost perfectly. They just had to wait for the other two to realize it on their own.

“Can we just vote on the movie now?” Alex asked, having enough with being embarrassed by his friend and boyfriends for the night.

“Sounds like a good idea to me!” Herc’s voice boomed through the room. “Everyone pull out the movie you want us to watch tonight and then we will decide from there.”

“You know this always causes a lot of arguments, maybe we should try something different.” You suggested, watching the other three boys shove each other over as they reached for their favorite movies.

“Nah, it’s funny to see everyone argue, besides we always stop it before we get hurtful or too intense.” Herc shrugged, laughing at the struggle the others were having as the fought to grab their movie of choice. “Now grab your pick so we can debate!” Herc pushed you forward gently.

You quickly dodged the boys rough housing and grabbed one of your favorite movies of all time, ‘Peter Pan’. You knew the boys were going to complain because they all thought it was some overrated kids movie, but had any of them ever taken the time to sit down and watch it? No, so they didn’t have any room to judge it.

“Okay, so I have-” Alex started only to be cut of by John.

“Boo! It sounds boring!!” John yelled, before looking around the room with his puppy dog eyes. “Can we, please, start watching the movie of my choice?” The boys hummed small agreements to his question, so that they wouldn’t have to deal with an overheated debate with Alex and John.

“No way! I want to argue my movie and you guys are going to listen!” You protested, jumping up from the couch and standing in front of the four. “Peter Pan”

“That movie is so overrated!” Laf cried, quickly being silenced by your sharp glare.

“As I was saying, Peter Pan. It is simply amazing in every single way, it is a classic. The art in the movie is beautiful, just wait till you see Neverland! This has been my favorite since I was a child and it will never change, why should it? It is a story that makes you want to run away and discover places you’ve never been. Discover your own Neverland. Besides, who are you to judge a movie you have never seen?” You ranted on passionately, almost out of breath.

From on the couch, Lafayette watched you with pure adoration. He had seen when Alex had gone into his full on rants and trust me he thought those were adorable, but you? Right now you were baring your heart to him and it was simply irresistable. The way that your eyes lit up at their protests against the movie. He had never realized how much fire and passion you had.

In fact, now that he thought about it, why had he never noticed you in the first place? You were almost always with them. Each moment that had with you was so amazing. You were always sharing new ideas and the passion you had for them. As he thought about this it made him finally understand what they had been missing. It was like a new beautiful light had started to shine down on his life. From the look in his eyes, Alex and John knew that he had fallen for you just as hard as they had.

“Let’s watch it!” Laf smiled, interrupting the second half of your rant that you had started.

“Are you serious?” You asked in shock.

“Of course I am! Go put the disk in.” Laf encouraged, watching you skip with joy to the tv.

Lafayette, John and Alex exchanged looks, knowing what they had to do. They all scooted as far away as possible from a very confused Hercules. He looked at them sadly, not knowing why they would leave him to watch the movies without their usual cuddling.

“Cuddles?” Herc asked, looking at the boys in confusion with his bulky arms wide open.

“No.” Alex said simply as the Laf and John shook their heads no.

“What am I supposed to do during the movie without someone to hold?” Hercules asked, not knowing what to do now with his hands.

“Why don’t you snuggle, (Y/N)?” Laf suggested, trying to act nonchalantly about it.

“Fine, I will.” Herc huffed, but he didn’t really know what he was complaining about. You were one of the best people he knew to snuggle with.

“Get ready for the best movie you will ever see.” You announced plopping down on the empty space on the couch.

“Snuggle me?” Hercules asked you, looking at you with some of the saddest eyes you had ever seen.

“Aw, of course Herc!” You exclaimed, quickly moving in a position where you would both be comfortable.

Hercules wrapped his arms around you, pulling your back tightly to his chest so the two of you were spooning. For some reason he found his drifting to your face as the movie began. He could feel you snuggling closer to him within the first 10 minutes of the movie. He didn’t realized he had missed the whole beginning until he heard a snicker from the other end of the couch.

He looked up to see his 3 boyfriends smirking at him and giggling like little kids. Of course they had set this up, but he was glad they had. He had been the last to realize it, but you were the perfect addition they had been looking for. You had fit each of their requirements and he was very impressed with how good you were at cuddling. If he thought about it, you were never one to say no to cuddling with any of them.

“Alex.” You whisper to the boy on your other side. “Come snuggle with us, please.” You begged, opening your arms for him to join you and Herc.

“If you insist.” Alex couldn’t help the smile on his face as he quickly jumped on top of the two of you.

“I can’t miss out on this opportunity of cuddling!” John yelled, moving on the couch so you were now spooning him. He loved being the baby spoon.

“You can’t exclude me!” Lafayette protested, smashing himself on top of all four of you. His long arms wrapped around all of you easily as he snuggled his face in between Herc’s and your shoulders.

As you continued to watch the movie, you could feel four pair of eyes on you. They watching your face carefully, making it very hard to focus on the movie. They were hiding something from you, it was painfully obvious.

“Why are you all looking at me?” You asked, not taking your eyes off of the bright screen.

“H-how did you know we were looking at you?” Laf stuttered, making John facepalm slightly at his slip up.

“It’s obvious.” You grabbed the remote and paused the movie before looking at each of the boys. “What are you hiding from me?”

“We’ve been looking for a new partner lately. Alex wants them to be intelligent, John wants them to be smart, Laf wants them to be passionate and I wanted them to be affectionate. We’ve been blind for so long to not see the perfect person for us was here all along.” Herc said, looking nervously for your reaction.

“I’m so happy for you guys! Who is it?” You asked, forcing out a grin.

It had been painfully obvious how much you had been crushing on these boys for the past year, but you would support them in whatever made them happy. Even if that happiness did not include you.

“It’s you. We want you to be our new partner, (Y/N).” John said, your eyes widening in shock at his words.

“M-me?” You choked out, not believing the words that had just left John’s mouth.

“You are amazing, mon ange. We have been so dumb not to realize that you are so much more than a friend to us.” Laf smiled gently, the boys watching you carefully.

“I would love that so much!” You exclaimed, pulling them all into a group hug. “I can’t believe you never noticed the crush I’ve had on you boys for years!”

“We can be very oblivious sometimes.” Alex laughed, pressing kisses to everyone’s head.

“More like all the time.” You scoffed, hearing them all protest at your statement.

“Now that this is out of the way, let’s enjoy this movie.” Herc smiled, waiting for everyone to readjust in their cuddling before he started the movie again.

You didn’t know how you could be so lucky to suddenly have four amazing boyfriends. You couldn’t keep the wide grin off of your face. To say you were happy was an understatement. You knew that maybe it was too early to say that you were falling in love with them, but it was the truth. You had been falling in love with them the moment you had met them a year ago in the library that was on campus. Lucky for you, you weren’t the only one feeling this way. They were falling for you just as hard. 

~~ Tumblr dude is imagine-the-fluff ~~

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