Everlasting Shadows {A Mctudo...

By katieisawriterr

3.5K 199 203

Her steps were slowing down, Will's voice becoming farther and farther away. A silhouette came walking toward... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note

Chapter 21

60 3 0
By katieisawriterr


Kat was sure the Mortal Sword would fall from her shaking hands. The weight was almost impossible for her to bare, as was the weight of many eyes on hers. Will's gaze on her was anything but a judgemental stare down, but something of pride. The pain on the other hand....If she resisted she would relinquish it's pain. "Katherine Mcnamara are you part of Damon's plans in any way?" Jana asked. This one was easy. Of course she wasn't. "No, nor do I want to be part of any of his diabolical plans" her voice was strange to her own ears. It sounded as if she was amazed at his plans.

The Mortal Sword got the deepest parts of your beloved secrets, tearing them apart for everyone to judge and learn. "Do you like his plans?" she dared to ask. Kat bit her lip so hard it hurt. The crowd took notice of this, she swept her gaze over everyone, taking in all of their scrutiny faces. "They are pretty..nice..but he's evil. He wants the Mortal Cup in his hands and to rule us all because he doesn't like Clave. I don't blame him!" Kat choked back any more words before she said something that would surely have everyone hate her. Even more. Jana bit back a surprised smile, bashfully hiding her face from the crowd. "I assure you the Clave has changed for the better sweetheart" Jana clasped her hands together, facing the crowd. She looked at Will and he was smiling at her. Kat laughed out loud "The Clave has its ways of manhandling things." "It surely does but under my authority, things will slowly be changing" Jana said in a soothing voice. Kat's face scrunched up in emotion.

No one in the crowd seemed pleased with their amusement, their cruel faces quickly ceased the mood into a bitter horror. "Kat may I ask, If you remember, where is Damon's castle?" Jana's eyes went over the crowd, gaining her authority in a business like expression. "Somewhere in London" she blurted. Kat dug through her mind for any memories of where exactly it was. She was never told where it was. Just London.

"That gives us a tremendous start on our plans!" she cheered. The crowd roared in joy. In the crowd, Kat noticed a group of Shadowhunters that stood out to her more than anyone else. One girl had wavy black hair, a boy with blond hair, and what looked like the girl's brother, a boy with curly black hair. The black haired boy met her eye and she noticed his blue eyes. They looked like an ocean. He quickly averted his eyes, showing little to none interest in her. "May I help in the war?" Kat asked. It wasn't her turn to talk but she did anyway's. Jana beamed at her "Anyone is welcome. You are done here" she took the Mortal Sword from her sore hands. Her dark eyes watched her as she stepped down. Her graying black hair swayed as she turned. It was over. 

Walking into the New York Institute was harder than expected. With Will's hand in hers, it made it more comforting. When they neared the kitchen Emily and Jason rushed into them as if they were expecting them to show up. Even Jason gave Will a hug. He looked grateful for the simple gesture. Emily, who's eyes swam in sad tears gave Kat a hug next, gripping onto her very tightly. "Kat I love Carl" she whispered into her ear. She felt a tug at her heart, like a fish hook catching it. The grasp hooked her heart painfully."He's in the Clave prison." When she let those words slip out she deeply regretted saying so.

While the boys left the room she explained everything to her. Emily looked like she was about to burst into tears any given moment. Emily held them back like the strong woman she was, bitting her outer bottom lip. When she was finished Emily shot away from Kat, probably rushing to her room so she could let out all her emotions without anyone to watch. Kat decided it was best to leave her alone, so she went to her room.

Her room was exactly how she left it, neat and fresh. Her bookshelf had a few books missing and she guessed that Jason was borrowing a few. They kept a secret between each other, Jason admired books and loved to read. He was ashamed of it and Katherine simply wasn't. It was a trait not many Shadowhunters beheld, they were supposed to have the drive to train and destroy all evil. Anything mundane-ish was foreign to the Nephilim way. Like Kat's love for baking. She wanted to be like a mundane one day on a cooking show when she was little. The dream was diminished by Carl's parents, telling her she had other things to worry about. The door to her room creaked open. She expected Jason but it was Will. His face was glowing. He looked comfortable and happy to be back.

"Kat I walked by Emily's room. I heard her crying..." Will situated himself on her bed. He looked smug inviting himself onto Kat's bed. His eyes watched her as she thought for a moment. "I know I know I told her about Carl" Kat gasped the secret out "She's in love." Will shot up from the bed, a blanket falling down in the process. He picked it up and threw it across the room "Bloody hell, why?!" He went through his hair in frustration. "Why? It's like asking why I'm in love with you--" she stopped. "I mean that's not hard to explain but just because he's like this doesn't mean she can't love him! She's probably loved him forever but I've been in her way all this time!" she finished and she was shouting now. "None of this is your fault. It's Carl's fault for being so blinded by his love for you!" Will kept his voice low and calm. "Love can make you do stupid things" he mumbled. Kat smiled "Yes it can." She thought of the fortune cookie and it brought happy thoughts. She wanted to capture each and every memory of Will here in a locket on her neck. "God I can't tell you what I want from you" Will said huskily. Kat shivered "What do you want?" she teased. His hands came onto her body and they moved everywhere as if he could trace her into a mold for him to keep. It brought shivers up her spine, shivering. "Carl will be fine..." Will murmured against her neck. "Everything will be okay, I promise...." he whispered down arm, kissing her shoulders and going up her neck. Kat sighed "I hope..." She closed her eyes while Will rocked side to side, relaxing her buzzing nerves. 

"We'll be okay..." he whispered. 

We'll be okay. 

AN: Sorry I haven't updated in so long!!! Also I wrote the first part a long time ago and more near the end I wrote today so the characters might be out of line?   Anyways I hope your winter break was fab, I go back Monday YUCK.

for you Logan 

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