I'm Apart of the Band


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Life is rough for 17 year old Shana Miller until one lucky day One Direction dines in the restaurant she's wo... More

Chapter: One
Chapter: Two
Chapter: Three
Chapter: Five
Chapter: Six
Chapter: Seven
Chapter: Eight
Chapter: Nine
Chapter: Ten
Chapter: Eleven
Chapter: Twelve
Chapter: Thirteen
Chapter: Fourteen
Chapter: Fifteen
Chapter: Sixteen
Chapter: Seventeen
Chapter: Eighteen
Chapter: Nineteen
Chapter: Twenty
Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter: Twenty-Two
Chapter: Twenty-Three
Chapter: Twenty-Four
Chapter: Twenty-Five
Chapter: Twenty-Six
Chapter: Twenty-Seven
Chapter: Twenty-Eight
Chapter: Twenty-Nine
Chapter: Thirty
Chapter: Thirty-One
Chapter: Thirty-Two
Chapter: Thirty-Four
Chapter: Thirty-Five
Chapter: Thirty-Six
Chapter: Thirty-Seven
Chapter: Thirty-Eight
Chapter: Thirty-Nine
The End.

Chapter: Four

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“Piper! Piper!” The minute I got inside my apartment, I screamed and dashed to my sisters room. “Piper!”

My thirteen year old sister, sat on her bed with her homework in her lap. People always described her as the younger version of me with our matching messy, wavy mahogany brown hair that reached the middle of our back, olive green eyes and tanned skin yet our personalities were completely different. Piper was a witty sensitive bookworm and I was just the older sister, that did anything to protect and provide for her.

“What’s wrong?” She asked nervously. Piper and I had too many things go wrong in our life, it killed me that my sister’s first thought was that something was wrong.

“I have something exciting to tell you!” I sat on her bed beside her. Her face was unmoving. Jeez, Piper it was okay to show some emotion. “You will not believe who I met at work today.”


“One Direction! They came in to eat lunch and I was their waitress.”

“That’s not funny, Shana,” Piper scowled at me and continued on writing down math problems.

“I’m being serious. I met them today, Piper and look!” I showed her my hand where Harry wrote down his number.

“What’s that?”

“That’s Harry Styles’ phone number. He gave it to me.”

“Why would Harry Styles give you his number?”

“Because, he told me to call him after he asked me to go to their concert tonight.”

“Do you understand how stupid you sound, right now?”

“Piper! I am telling the truth. He asked me go to the concert tonight and he said I could bring you with me. It’s at seven. When we get to the venue, I will call him and he will send Paul to us, so he can show us to our spots.”

“Where’s the venue?” Piper crossed her arms. I froze. Where was the venue?

“I don’t know,” I whispered.

“Exactly. You can go play your trick on someone else, now,” Piper rolled her eyes.

“Wait! I will text him and ask,” I pulled out my phone. Piper let out an sigh but I ignored her.

Hey, Harry. It’s Shana. I forgot to ask where the venue was for the concert tonight? Thanks. Xx

I texted him and smirked at Piper. This will prove it to her. Minutes started to pass and eventually twenty minutes had gone since I texted him.

“Did you get a text back yet?”

“No. But he’s Harry Styles, he’s probably busy.”

“Or. You didn’t text Harry Styles,” She laughed. I huffed, she will just not budge. All of a sudden my phone vibrated and Piper’s curious eyes shot to it and then to me.

Hey, Shana. Sorry about the wait. I was rehearsing. The venue is the Key Arena in Seattle. Happy that you can make it. See you soon

~ Harry x

I tossed my phone to Piper and she read the message.

“Was that Harry Styles?”

“Yes, Piper! Finally!”

“Oh my god.”

“Yes! I know!”

“Harry Styles…”

“Now that you believe me. We have two hours and twenty-six minutes to get there and both of us look like crap and have nothing in our closet that looks good enough to go to a concert in.”

“And what’s your plan?”

“You and I, are going shopping.”

“With what money?” Piper snorted. Her comment was an honest one. We never had money. Especially to spend on clothes. It was just the two of us at the moment. No parents. No any other family members. Shopping for clothes was rare. This was why, the biggest smile I could humanly create spread across my face.

“This money,” I pulled out the $150, plus the few other tips I got from other customers.

“Where did you get that?” Piper’s eyes widened at the cash in my hand.

“Harry. Lovely tipper, that boy!” I shoved the money back in my pocket, “Get ready! Make yourself look pretty!” I shouted as I slammed the door shut to the bathroom. I quickly scrubbed my old make up off and applied a fresh face. I played with my tangled mess of hair, trying to tame it to look decent as possible. When I was pleased, I met Piper outside where we drove to the nearest mall.

“Dress or jeans?” Piper debated in the fitting room. 

“Jeans for sure,” I shared my opinion and we both walked out of the mall, completely new girls. I wore a white leather jacket, a lacey purple tank and black jeans and knee high boots. Piper wore blue jeans, converse sneakers and a pretty cream colored blouse that flowed beautifully behind her.

When we got to the venue, there were girls of all ages crowding the sidewalk.

“We won’t be able to get in without tickets, Shay,” Piper looked scared once we were outside. She didn’t enjoys tight spaces, especially with many people.

“I’ll call Harry,” I pulled out my phone again and dialed the number on my hand.

“Shana?” Harry’s deep voice asked.

“Hey. Piper and I are here.”

“Great. I’ll send, Paul. Look for him. It’s kind of crazy out there,” Harry told me.

“I will. See you inside.”

“See you!” He said back and we hung up.

“You know what Paul looks like, right?”

“Of course,” She rolled her eyes. Every directioner knows what Paul looked like. After a couple minutes of looking over heads, the screaming started.

“Paul! Paul!” Girls yelled. He was easy to spot in his bright yellow jacket.

“Paul!” I called out. I probably sound like any other girl. “Paul!” He turned around and locked eyes with me Quickly, Paul grabbed my arm and I snatcher Piper’s hand and we were pulled through the crowd of fans. 

Why do they get to go in? Who are they? I heard several annoyed voices as we were headed inside. It was a lot calmer once we were in the venue. Paul let go and Piper and I followed him towards the front. He lead us to the front of the floor seats were all I could here was Paul’s name being called.

“Here you ladies are,” He said sweetly.

“Thanks, Paul,” I thanked him.

“Yeah, thank you, Paul.” Piper did as well.

“Have a fun night, you two!” He smiled and disappeared into a swarm of girls.

“I can’t believe this is happening.” Piper screeched. 

“Neither can I,” I agreed. All in one day, I met One Direction, got Harry Styles number and is now sitting front row at the concert without expecting any of this to happen.

All of a sudden, the lights dimmed and my body shook from the screams. Here comes the boys…

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