BangLyz Song Inspired Oneshot...

By ILovePikachu02

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A fanfic dedicated to BTS and Lovelyz one shots and drabbles that will hopefully entertain you and make you f... More

Lip 2 Lip(TaeJeong)
Think About You(KeiMin)
Only You(SugAe)
She Is(2Jin)
Mr.Chu(BangLyz Part 1)(Lovelyz P.O.V)
Man In Love(BangLyz Part 2)(BTS P.O.V)
What Is Love(BangLyz Part 3)
Amazing(TaeJeong Part 1)
Bookmark(TaeJeong Part 2)
Blood,Sweat & Tears(YeinKook)
Love Is Not Over(SugAe)
Stop It(MiHope)
True Love(BangLyz)
Inferiority Complex(TaeJeong)
I Like That(2Jin Part 1)
All Of A Sudden(2Jin Part 2)
Real Story(RapSoul)
365 Fresh(MiHope)
Promise, I'll Be(KeiMin)
Rum Pum Pum Pum(BangLyz)
Touch My Body(SugAe)
Always In My Heart(TaeJeong)
Pretending To Be Happy(YeinKook Part 1)
Love Me The Same(YeinKook Part 2)
To My Boyfriend(BangLyz)
Bad Boy(YeinKook)
That XX(TaeJeong)
Fake Love(KeiMin)
In Heaven(MiHope)
Oh Yeah(SugAe Part 1)
Fool(SugAe Part 2)
Can't Hide It(KeiMin)
Baby Baby(MiHope)
Where Are You(2Jin)
House Of Cards(RapSoul Part 1)
The Eye(RapSoul Part 2)
Amusement Park(BangLyz)

Hello Tutorial(2Jin)

285 12 4
By ILovePikachu02


1)BangLyz has requested for 2Jin

2)jangdongwoo123 has requested for 2Jin

3)-minbaes has requested for 2Jin

4)ainur_hyewook has requested for 2Jin

Thank you for requesting and please do let me know how it is!

Any requests anyone has then just comment and I'll add it in for you :D

*Couldn't dedicate it to more than one person so I chose not to dedicate anyone for this chapter! ><


No I don't believe that

Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin looked at the eldest man, who sighed as he looked pretty nervous. The way he was swallowing his saliva and muttering words of confidence to himself even though he didn't look as confident as he was hoping to look.

''Relax a little, hyung!'' Taehyung laughed at the eldest's state, slapping his back as hard as he could.

''That doesn't help, you rascal!'' Jin growled at him.

''We get it! We get it!'' Jimin rolled his eyes. ''You need help!''

''Not really you guys but it's your girlfriends who can help me!'' Jin moved his focus onto the girls.

''Oppa don't sweat!'' Kei giggled as she fixed his jacket for him.

''Remember all that we practiced yesterday?'' Yein sprayed a few splashes of perfume onto Jin's neck.

''But what if it still doesn't work?!'' Jin started to panic once again.

''Don't behave like a girl, hyung!'' Jungkook groaned at his nervous elder.

''What's the main issue of panic, oppa?'' Sujeong titled her head, trying to figure how to help the guy. ''What's causing you to be really nervous?''

Actually I've been waiting, actually I've been waiting for a while

''I haven't done this in a long time!'' Jin groaned, playing with his fingers nervously.

''Stop that!'' Jimin slapped Jin's fingers, making him to stop immediately. ''So what if you haven't been in the dating game for a really long time? It's time to get back out there!''

''Plus we've set you up with a date of your choice!'' Taehyung flashed his smile.

''Who happens to be my cousin!'' Sujeong shrugged her shoulders at the possibility of everyone in the world, Jin picks her cousin as the choice of his date.

''You're going to meet her soon so relax!'' Jungkook reminded Jin. ''Take a deep breath and relax!''

''Besides we'll be there to help you and guide you!'' Taehyung held an ear piece in his hand before placing it inside Jin's ear. ''Like we planned so there's nothing to lose!''

''We'll guide you throughout the date and she'll bound to like you a lot!'' Jimin agreed.

''You have nothing to worry about, old man!'' Jungkook smiled with a thumbs up.

''I don't know...I still don't think this will work!'' Sujeong expressed her skepticism. ''I feel like this wouldn't be as easy as we planned it to be!''

''I'm not sure what to believe either.'' Yein thought about the situation. ''Will it really work?''

''Oh will it not?!'' Jin started to panic once again. ''I am older than all you youngersters by 3-6 years, maybe I shouldn't be asking advice from youngsters!''

The three couples all saw the eldest man panicking and looking like he was deep into his thoughts, probably thinking everything negativity about his upcoming date with the girl he had recently met and had his eyes on.

So natural

''Myungeun!'' Taehyung happily called out, making the younger girl to turn around to face him. ''This is Jin hyung!''

''Oh nice to meet you.'' Myungeun greeted him, she was being introduced to the many new faces upon her newly arrival in Seoul. ''Jin-shi!''

''Ah t-there's no need for formality.'' Jin cleared her throat, trying to muster his courage to overcome his shyness.

''Say Myungeun, are you free this Sunday?'' Taehyung bluntly questioned, causing Jin to be nervous with the direct question.

''Yes but why?'' Myungeun was curious.

''How do you feel about going on a date with Jin hyung? Taehyung flashed his teeth at the girl, not acknowledging that the older guy was giving him mini-glares for going straight into the question without beating around the bush for a bit but that's the Taehyung they all knew and well loved to be honest.

''O-Oh..this Sunday?'' Myungeun glanced at Taehyung before looking at Jin, who was looking nervous. ''It never hurts to try new things so why not! See you Sunday, Jin!''

Jin looked at Myungeun, giving him a smile before walking off which made his focus to completely go onto the straight-forward and blunt guy. ''Arghhh talk about being so blunt and straight-forward! Jeez Taehyung just cause it worked with Sujeong, that doesn't mean it will work with her!''

''Jin hyung!'' Jin proceed to look over at Taehyung, who interrupted his thoughts. ''Like I said the last time and now I'm going to say it once again, who has the girlfriend between us?''

''You...'' Jin sighed, knowing that it was best to follow an advice of someone, who actually has a love life.

''Then just trust us, old man!'' Jimin smiled proudly. ''Besides we'll be here to guide you!''

''But shouldn't the date be about Jin oppa?'' Kei asked.

''Just trust us in this, noona!'' Jungkook assured her then placed his hands onto Jin's shoulders. ''You got this, hyung now let's go! You got a date to meet!''

My facial acting was Ha Jung Woo level, not happy to see you at all

Jin took a deep breath as he walked ahead, looking to see his date, for the day, wasn't far from where he was and was waving at him with a smile on her face as she saw him walking closer. Jin could feel his nerves getting the best of him, mentally encouraging himself to focus and clearing his throat a couple of times beforehand to make sure his voice doesn't crack when speaking to the girl. He was fixated on making this date perfect since he was never lucky with matters of the heart and he had been out of the dating game for a long time that he doubted his skills, it wasn't until his friends and their girlfriends were kind enough to help him.

''Be sure to be cool, hyung!'' Jungkook reminded as he clicked his fingers. ''Girls like a bit of coolness in a guy.''

''Coolness? How do I do that?'' Jin gulped his saliva, not even sure of how he was going to act.

''Act like you're not that happy to see her!'' Jimin reminded.

''That's terrible advice, no no!'' Sujeong disagreed.

''I mean to say that a guy shouldn't look too eager for the date!'' Jimin explained, hearing a bit of ohs and ahs following his explanation. ''Girls don't like a guy when they're eager so it's best to refrain yourself especially on a first date!''

''That's when a girl and guy's first impressions count so make sure you ace it!'' Kei winked with a nod.

''So I should act a bit unhappy?'' Jin blinked his eyes, innocent to all the advice he was hearing.

''No no not like that!'' Taehyung shook his head. ''Follow my lead and Sujeong, let's demonstrate to him!''

Jin and the others watched TaeJeong stand in front of each other as if they were meeting each other for a first date. Jin paid attention to Taehyung's facial expressions, tone of voice and use of gestures to make sure he copies it well enough so he could impress Myungeun exactly like the way Taehyung impressed Sujeong, who was very impressed with him within the first date.

Hello, hello (hello) hello, hello, hello, hello (hello)​​​​​​​

''Hey!'' Jin had a very small smile, almost non-existent, on his face and gave the smallest wave.

''Hello!'' Myungeun greeted him back like how she greeted him in their first meeting with a wide smile.

''Alright hyung, start by thanking her for coming.'' Jimin spoke into the small mic to which Jin's earpiece had picked up the voice message and he knew what to say.

''Myungeun-shi, thank you for coming with me today!'' Jin followed, clearing his throat right after as a way to overcome his shyness.

''It's alright.'' Myungeun replied as they started to walk ahead. ''No need for formality, just Myungeun is fine.''

''Give her a little smile so you don't look completely miserable!'' Jungkook's advice was heard in the earpiece.

''Ask her where she wants to go for a date, oppa!'' Kei suggested into the small mic as she could see the lack of conversation going on.

'''Oppa, you need to speak to her!'' Sujeong spoke aftwards. ''Don't be shy, you can do this!''

''M-Myungeun, where would you like to go?'' Jin questioned, forcing himself to smile hence giving her a small forced smile.

''I haven't eaten so let's have lunch?'' Myungeun looked directly at Jin's eyes, causing the guy to look down in shyness and nod his head. ''Let's go! I know this great place that I think you'll like!''

I pretended to run my fingers through my hair because my extended hand felt awkward

The six others were behind the couple, following them carefully and making sure that Myungeun didn't notice a single thing. They knew that Jin was hopeless in love and they were willing to help the guy as much as following him and his date, just so the guy is successful in his date like he always wanted.

''Hold her hand, hyung!'' Taehyung advised. ''Girls like a bold man!''

''More like Sujeong likes a bold man!'' Yein teased, laughter could be heard after the comment was made.

''Yein!'' Sujeong squeaked ,which made Jin flinch as the high pitch peaked in his ear-drum.

''Come on, hyung!'' Taehyung reminded. ''Hold her hand! It's literally next to your hand, just grab it!''

Jin glanced towards his hand and saw that Myungeun's hand was next to his, causing him to stare at her hand for a few seconds as he gulped his saliva. He wished he was as bold as Taehyung at times but he was the complete opposite, timid and cautious in his behaviour but like Taehyung said, her hand is literally next to his and all he had to do was grab it. He let out a quick breath before he reached over to touch her hand but Myungeun moved her hand inside her handbag to get something. The poor girl had no idea that Jin was about to touch her hand whereas Jin silently groaned at the failed attempt and ruffled his hair instead, not wanting to make the unknown attempt obvious.

''The poor guy got rejected!'' Taehyung's laugher could be heard, causing Jin to mutter curses under his breath towards the loud guy who was laughing in his ear.

''Don't be so mean to him!'' Sujeong nagged. ''The poor guy's trying!''

''All you had to do was touch her hand, hyung!'' Jimin groaned, facepalmming.

''Hyung, you can still do this!'' Jungkook reminded. ''Why don't you start complimenting her looks?''

''Good call, maknae!'' Taehyung agreed, clapping his hands at the suggestion. ''Girls love it when guys compliment their looks!''

''Girls are a sucker for compliments so go on, hyung!'' Jimin encouraged the eldest.

But when I stand in front of you, why do I just smile like a fool?​​​​​​​

Jin cleared his throat, not even sure what to say to compliment Myungeun who was innocently walking alongside him, not even noticing the constant glances she was getting off him, who was finding it hard to come up with a compliment as his mind went blank due to his nerves.

''Oppa, talk about her hair!'' Kei suggested, causing Jin to sigh as he felt thankful that Kei had given him something to compliment her about.

''Your hair!'' Jin blurted out, causing Myungeun to look at him. ''It's...uhm...r-really n-nice!''

''Thank you!'' Myungeun gave him a wide smile for the compliment, causing Jin to look down in shyness. ''I like yours too!''

''Thank you!'' Jin cleared his throat, ruffling his hair in awkwardness.

''Don't be silent now!'' Jungkook spoke. ''Get to know her, hyung!''

''You got to pick up the pace, old man!'' Taehyung shook his head at the newbie's lack of skills.

''Say what you want to know about her!'' Jimin agreed with his friends. ''Speak old man, speak!''

'' like Sundays?'' Jin didn't know what to ask, already mentally groaning at himself for the stupid question.

''What kind of question is that?!'' Taehyung groaned at the question.

''That's what you want to know about her the most?!'' Jungkook knew this was a hopeless case.

''It's not a bad day, do you like Sundays?'' Myungeun retorded back the question.

''I don't mind it.'' Jin titled his head a little, feeling embarrassed over his stupid question.

I pretended we have similar taste, to be honest I didn't see that movie

''Oppa, ask her about her hobbies!'' Yein snatched the mic off the guys.

''We like a guy to be interested in our life so that's a good start!'' Sujeong agreed.

''It's a simple question so you can do it oppa!'' Kei encouraged him to be less shy and nervous.

''So...what are your hobbies?'' Jin asked, gulping his saliva afterwards to get rid of his nerves. ''I mean what do you like to do in your free time?''

''I like to sing and listen to music.'' Myungeun had a wide smile. ''I also like to cook and watch movies.''

''I like to sing too and also watch movies.'' Jin cleared his throat, he didn't really like those things that much but hey as long as he did it at times, it hopefully counts he thought.

''She likes movies?!'' Jimin spoke. ''Ask her what's her favourite movie!!!''

''W-What's your favourite movie?'' Jin asked the question he was told to ask.

''I've been really into this English movie called Love Actually.'' Myungeun recalled the time she watched the movie. ''It was really romantic and I really enjoyed it. I never knew Christmas could be so romantic!''

Jin pluckered his lips against each other for a quick second as he thought about what Myungeun said. He had absolutely no idea about the movie but he didn't wanted to look stupid in her eyes hence making him to nod at her answer.

You didn't even say the right movie title

''Yeah I really like the movie Love Eventually too!'' Jin had a small smile as he nodded along. ''It really is a nice and romantic movie, I really enjoyed it too!''

''Oppa it's Love Actually not Love Eventually!'' Sujeong giggled at the silly mistake, causing Jin to have his eyes wide open at the stupid mistake.

''Don't say anything though!'' Taehyung immediately spoke. ''Just pretend that you never made that mistake!''

''I'm getting really hungry, can we eat soon?'' Jungkook groaned.

''I'm getting really hungry, can we eat soon?'' Jin blabbered whatever he heard Jungkook just said, causing him to bite his tongue at the sudden rudeness. ''I-I'm sorry!''

''No no it's fine!'' Myungeun chuckled at Jin's cute reaction. ''We're here so let's go inside and eat. You'll really like the food!''

''Jeez hyung, think before you speak!'' Jimin groaned.

''Don't worry about your mistakes, so far everything in the date is going good!'' Yein praised.

''Just trust yourself, oppa!'' Sujeong agreed.

''Relax oppa!'' Kei noticed how tense Jin had been. ''You're a bit too tense so be more comfortable around her!''

I stood in front of the mirror and said I love you

After excusing himself to go to the bathroom, Jin met up with his younger friends who were guiding him onto the next steps. The three all crowded over Jin, who was against the wall and was listening to all the advice he was receiving from them. He wasn't as sure of what to say as he heard so many advices flying from all three of their mouths at a fast rate.

''Alright old man, now look at the mirror!'' Taehyung ordered, causing Jin to do so. ''Imagine the mirror is Myungeun and speak to her!''

''Say what you want to say but have been restricting yourself to do so!'' Jungkook followed.

''Ready, Set, Go!'' Jimin announced.

Jin cleared his throat as he stared onto his reflection, trying to picture the pretty girl he was on a date with which made his cheeks reflect a sudden burning heat.

''Hey he's blushing!'' Taehyung laughed, causing the other two to laugh along.

''Shut up!'' Jin glared at them before focusing back onto the mirror. ''Myungeun I've r-really enjoyed my time with you even though I've been pretty shy, I hope you know that I do like you and---''

''Sorry to disturb you hyung but I just realised you've been here for a pretty long time.'' Jungkook realised how long the guys were in the bathroom. ''Myungeun noona might be feeling pretty lonely right now.''

''Go get her tiger!'' Taehyung chuckled, pushing the guy to the door.

''Good luck, you're almost near the end so you can do this!'' Jimin nodded his head, encouraging the older man once again.

I know how to be cool and say hello but when I see you woo baby baby

Jin cleared his throat and fixed his hair quickly before he pulled the door open to get out of the bathroom area. He walked over to his date and saw that the food was already at the table however she didn't touch any of it at all. Was she perhaps waiting for him? He felt a bit bad if that was the case but his thoughts immediately disappeared once he saw Myungeun smiling at him as he made his way to his seat and sat down.

''Did you wait for me?'' Jin asked, making Myungeun to nod her head with that pretty smile of hers he always seen from her. ''I-I'm sorry for---''

''I didn't wait long so don't worry about it.'' Myungeun assured before she looked at the food. ''Shall we dig in?''

''Bon Appetite!'' Jin smiled as he looked at the delicious food in front of them.

As the two ate in silence, Myungeun glanced up to see Jin enjoying his food which caused her to smile in delight. She chuckled silently as she saw him eat so carelessly, something that Jin had totally forgot about since he had been controlling his behaviour around her in order to impress her until his attention and focus went onto the food instead of her which caused him to relax completely.

The six youngsters watched from a booth that was a few tables far from 2Jin's table and nodded their head with satisfaction as the date wasn't going as bad as they had expected. Some ate their food with full focus on Jin's actions and behaviours while others completely forgot about helping Jin and was more fixated on their time with their significant girlfriend to which Jin could hear all the romantic words being said, which caused him to cringe internally as he didn't wanted to hear any of it.

''Open wide my pretty Sujeong!'' Taehyung fed her a spoonful of his dish. ''Did you enjoy the dish, my baby?''

''It's really good! Try mine!'' Sujeong fed him back. ''Do you like it?''

''It tastes so much better just cause my baby fed it to me!'' Taehyung pinched Sujeong's cheeks.

''Can we focus back on Jin hyung?'' Jungkook didn't wanted to hear the cheesy words coming from Taehyung's mouth.

''Yeah we're here for Jin hyung so let's focus on that!'' Jimin replied, causing Jin to be thankful for the two as he was tired of hearing Taehyung.

I practiced up until hello, there was no problem till then

Jin cleared his throat loudly as a cue to get the guys to know that he needed help.

''Do you have a sore throat?'' Myungeun noticed he had been clearing his throat a couple of times throughout the date. ''We can get you some medicine if you want.''

''Ah no no.'' Jin uneasily replied, shaking his head. ''It's just a h-habit.''

''Hyung, ask her what kind of music does she like?'' Taehyung started off.

''Ask her about her favourite dish afterwards.'' Jungkook snatched the mic.

''What about speaking about yourself?!'' Jimin suggested. ''You need to say a few words about what you like too!''

Jin was getting irritated with his friends speaking so fast that he was losing focus on what to ask and who to listen to .

''One at a time!'' Jin groaned, causing Myungeun to look at him in confusion. ''I-I m-mean it's so nice today. We should fully explore our time together and do things one at a time isn't it?''

''That's a wonderful thought.'' Myungeun smiled brightly.

''Oppa you should talk about her outfit!'' Sujeong reminded. ''My cousin really takes her time in thinking what outfit she should wear for an occasion.''

''Her white dress is really pretty, her fashion skills is impressive.'' Yein complimented.

''I wonder where she got that dress from?'' Kei titled her head, staring at the dress.

''Kei sweetheart, if you wanted a dress like that then I can take you shopping.'' Jimin smiled, causing the girl to smile widely.

''Really Jiminie?!'' Kei gasped in happiness.

Jin was in no mood to hear the second couple's romance and potential words of cheesy after hearing the first couple's hence forcing himself to speak since he realised the atmosphere was too quiet.

''Your d-dress....'' Jin cleared his throat once again before glancing at her. ''It's really pretty, it suits you.''

''Thank you!'' Myungeun seemed content with the compliment. ''I like your shirt too.''

Even if you practice, some things don't work out

''Now talk about her handbag, it's really cute!'' Yein spoke into the mic.

''Handbag? That's a weird thing to talk about for a guy isn't it?'' Jungkook shook his head at the suggestion. ''I think compliment her more so she gets an idea that you like her.''

''Talk about movies you've seen recently since she really likes movies isn't it?'' Kei had an idea.

''How about learning what dishes she likes?!'' Jimin had another idea. ''You can surprise her by cooking them next time.''

''She spoke about music so who's her favourite artist?'' Taehyung thought music was the best topic. ''And what's her favourite song? What's her favourite album?''

''How about going to the cinema right after?'' Sujeong thought about where the two could go next.

Jin felt like he was about to lose it any second now, tightly shutting his eyes to stop getting so irritated yet his younger friends just kept talking on and on which made him feel like that's it, he couldn't take it anymore. He immediately stood up from where he was and stormed right up to the booth he knew his friends were in, who immediately paused as they saw Jin frowing at them, marching his way towards their table whereas Myungeun was watching the scene from her table, probably curious to know what was going on.

''Enough!'' Jin slammed his hand onto their table, frustrated with all the nonsense chatter. ''I can't take all this anymore! All I wanted was just help but all I got was ''say this hyung, say that oppa.'' Argh I shouldn't have done this in the first place!''

For you to say it first that you like me or whatever else

''Hi Myungeun!'' The six decided to speak to the girl standing behind Jin rather than face his anger.

Jin had his eyes slightly open, cursing himself under his breath since he had exposed himself in front of the date and it was too late to retract anything. He sighed heavily before turning around to face his date, expecting her to be angry and look shocked but all he saw was Myungeun just looking at him with no sight of anger, annoyance nor confusion.

''I-I'm sorry!'' Jin let out a deep breath, looking down in disappointment. ''I really wanted the date to go well and I haven't been on a date for a long time so I thought I could ask them for help failed. I understand if you don't want to go on a date with me anymore and would like to end the date now.''

Myungeun glanced over at the six individuals looking quite guilty for ruining the elder man's date with their eagerness before she looked back at Jin looking so defeated and kinda devastated with the result of the date.

''It's not his fault Myungeun!'' Taehyung tried to intervene.

''Stop it!'' Jin shook his head, expecting Myungeun to reject him. ''What's done is done so we can't change anything.''

I already know it's written on your face, you're awkward but so cute

Everyone watched Myungeun stand in front of Jin with her arms crossed and her sight focused only on him. Jin gulped his saliva, not knowing what to expect but whatever it was, he assumed that he was going to have a bad feeling about it all. This was the only time Myungeun had not smiled at him throughout their entire date, this doesn't seem like a good sign at all.

''So you took their help to impress me?'' Myungeun questioned to which Jin nodded his head, which was hung down low.

Everyone suddenly looked at Myungeun strangely as they heard the girl let out a few laughter and chuckles, confused with why she had that reaction whereas Myungeun controlled herself once she was done and let out a bright smile towards Jin, who didn't understand what was going on.

''It was truly enjoyable.'' Myungeun spoke out. ''I've been noticing for a long time. I just wanted to see how far things would go until you reveal all this to me.''

''You knew from the start?'' Jin asked, surprised that it was that obvious.

''There was a number of things that helped me.'' Myungeun confessed. ''When I see Taehyung oppa and the others following us from the start and in a huge group, things pretty much became self explanatory.''

''I knew following them like this wasn't a good idea.'' Sujeong shook her head.

I just need to act like I always do like now

''You've been either looking behind us or on the ground.'' Myungeun replied, causing Jin sigh. ''I don't mind the fact that you're shy, it's fine! I never had a problem with it, it was nothing new to me anyways!''

''Hyung just wanted us to help him so he becomes less shy and awkward with things that's all.'' Jungkook explained.

''Jin you're a shy and awkward guy, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing.'' Myungeun shrugged her shoulders at the guy. ''Just cause you see them as a bad thing, it doesn't really mean they are your flaws. That's just how you are and I'd rather go on a date with the real Jin, who honestly I find his shy and awkward personality ever so cute.''

Jin happily smiled as he heard the explanation from Myungeun's mouth, feeling happy that there was finally a girl that didn't really have any issues with his shyness or awkward behaviour. ''I-I'm sorry for---''

''Don't apologise, I can understand why you would take this route.'' Myungeun assured.

''You can always go with hyung on another date and this time we won't guide him or follow him!'' Jimin grinned.

''I think I'd like that, wouldn't you Jin?'' Myungeun looked over at Jin, who decided to muster up his courage.

''Myungeun I would like to take you for another date but this time there will be no one but you and me!'' Jin looked at her in the eyes for a short while before looking down due to feeling coy. ''Please give me another chance.''

''Who says we can't go now?'' Myungeun asked to which Jin smiled at her.

''Let's go!'' Jin spoke and was about to walk ahead when Myungeun stopped him.

''There's just a little bit of a change left to do before we go.'' Myungeun reached over to his ear and took his earpiece out, another thing that was obvious to her. ''I don't think you need this anymore.''

''We'll take that off your hands!'' Yein smiled as she grabbed the earpiece off Myungeun's hand.

''You two enjoy your date!'' Kei gave them a thumbs up.

''Now we can go!'' Myungeun smiled, walking ahead along with Jin for another date.

Jin couldn't have felt more relaxed and comfortable with the pressure of being perfect suddenly taken off his shoulders as Myungeun didn't see his awkwardness or shyness as a bad thing at all plus the chatters from that earpiece was gone, he couldn't have felt more thankful than he currently was for that thing to be away from him. Jin decided that he'll be the way he is cause that's how a date should be in the first place, why pretend to be someone who you aren't?


Author-Nim=Thank you very much for reading the 40th drabble of the BangLyz drabbles series dedicated to 2Jin!

This chapter was inspired by the song ''Hello Tutorial'' by Zion T. ft Seulgi Kang

Please do vote and comment any requests

Thank you very much for reading, voting and commenting <3

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