The Smallest Wolf

By LSOP51700

215K 4.6K 379

Serafina is the smallest wolf in the Silver Lake pack. Born the daughter of an omega, and being the smallest... More

characters and their wolves
A Moment of Peace
Runts and Alphas
Bargaining 1
Perfect For Me
The Big Bad Alpha Has Fallen...In Love
Shadows of the Past Can Haunt Us Forever
Medicine and Marking
Officialy His PT.1
Officially His Pt. 2
Voting (Sera)
Voting (Lucas/Luke)
Voting (Jax)
Voting (May)
Voting (Kane)
Voting (Bash)
Voting (Kelly)
Voting (Mace)
New Home
New Home (Pt. 2)
The Other Side of the Coin

Bargaining 2

13.4K 309 2
By LSOP51700

      The rogue stopped and turned so I was facing the forest. Even so, I knew who it was when I felt Clara stir beneath the surface. I heard three sets of whimpers and a growl before anyone spoke. "Sarah is currently pleading for her life. I suggest you four do the same, before we paint the ground red with your blood." Luke growled. I heard a growl of agreement and shivers ran through my spine.

     The girls stammered incoherent words and apologies, begging to keep their lives. The rogue laughed and dropped me. I cried out around the makeshift gag. "I really was hoping to avoid any killing. I have a fun time planned after all." he said turning.
"Release my mate and leave." I heard a deep voice growl. I could feel Maces wolf simmering, ready to shift in a moment.

      "I believe she'll be going with me. My men and I will show her a very good time." I heard a ripping sound and an animalistic growl before I saw the rogue fall, a black wolf tearing into him. Luke rushed over to me and gathered me to him. I whimpered as he pressed against my ribs. "Close your eyes, Sera." He commanded. I did as told and heard a horrible breaking sound. When I opened them I saw the wolf holding the rogues severed head. Luke pulled the gag from my mouth and I coughed, choking back tears.
      "Shhhh. It's okay, he's dead. He can't hurt you. Those girls will be found and punished. Can you move?" I shook my head no and the wolf whimpered. He layed on his belly and crawled to me. He gently nudged my hand and looked into my eyes. "Ride on my back, ill take you to the pack doctor." I heard Mace in my head. I slowly nodded and Luke untied my hands and feet. He helped me onto Maces back. I gripped his fur tightly, but he didn't seem to mind. "I'm s," "Dont you dare apologise for this Sera. None of this was your fault." Luke sounded angry. My mouth closed automatically, knowing he wouldn't listen.
         He walked beside Mace and I, making sure I wouldn't fall of. When we finally arrived, the healer was already at the door waiting for us. "I'm going to go report this to my father. He'll want a full recount of the events. Will you be okay?" Luke asked quietly. I nodded and he walked away. The healer helped me off Mace's back and Mace nodded, walking towards a changing room. "Can you walk?" The elderly man asked worriedly. I nodded and walked into the sterile smelling room.
        The healer checked my vitals as Mace walked in, wearing a white shirt, jeans, and boots. I yelped as the healer pressed on my ribs. Mace growled and glared at the healer. "The good news is that nothing is broken. Although I am worried about her mental state. I would like to stay these events haven't frightened her, but I would be lying. To much stress, to many frightening events at once." Mace and the healer had stepped out of the room, while I sat on the bed, hugging my elbows. 

         I was still trembling, the events replaying through my mind. "What did I do too her?" "Why would she do this to me?" "It's all my fault, I'm the reason Alpha banished her." A few moments later, they both walked back in.
         "Just take is easy for a few days. No strenuous activity, no tremendous violence. Try to keep her calm and at peace." Mace nodded at the healers advice and knelt in front of me. "Are you ready to go?" He asked. I barely nodded my head, and he picked me up bridal style. Clara, my wolf, brushed my mind trying to comfort me. He carried me through the pack house to Alphas office. He didn't even knock, he just pushed the door open. Luna gasped when she saw my state.

           "Oh Sera." She said, voice breaking. Mace gently lowered me onto the love seat Alpha had in his office. She sat next to me and pulled me to her, stroking my hair, telling me that everything would be okay. "How did a rogue get into your territory in the first place?!" Mace roared at Alpha. No one spoke like that too Alpha, ever.
          Mace must have seen me cling tighter to Luna, and he immediately rushed over to me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop from whimpering and retreating further into the back of the seat. He looked sadly at me, and I could feel his sadness through the bond. "Lets talk outside." Alpha suggested. Mace nodded and stood up slowly. They walked or the door and he looked back at me once more before following Alpha.

SORRY!!!I know the beginning is a little fast paced, but I'm working on it. The next chapter will be in Maces POV from where this chapter ended. Bye!

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