She Designed The Life She Lov...

By AnumitaRoyChowdhary

295 25 12

When she was convinced that her life had nowhere to develop further, fate flipped another page of the book n... More

Author's Note
The Return
The Warning!
A Closer Look
Author's Note

Friend Or Foe?

34 3 3
By AnumitaRoyChowdhary


Anushree  held Reha's hand in a gentle grip. It was such a beautiful and tranquil feeling, being with her best friend after so many years, they were so much emerged in their own world that they failed to notice two figures approaching them among do the busy and merry crowd of students " Hi Reha! You did not introduce your new friend with us. Or I must say, new student." a deep yet hoarse voice interrupted their sweet interaction, they both turned towards the source of the unusual voice. There stood a boy, lean and bony structured, his height, almost reaching the good ones as Anushree's, his complexion dark and eyes observant and intense, making the Anushree wonder if  he usually had such intense stare or was it because he was observing her "Uh...Anushree,  this is Nitesh, Nitesh Tomar ." Reha introduced the boy to her and before the two girls knew it,  the said boy was already extending his right hand for a handshake which Anushree hesitantly took. His hand felt strong and rather bony against her soft and chubby ones "And this is....Aditya Kumar." Reha introduced another guy standing next to Nitesh. Anushree's eyes diverted towards the boy who was surprisingly tall and quite well built. He was fair in complexion and had a slight redness on his skin, his pink lips were curved into a smug smirk as he observed her back, his eyes somehow seemed to judge her through her healthy appearance "Hm, nice to meet you." he simply said Arrogant and proud, too proud. Anushree thought, her observant nature kicking in "Please excuse us." and with thousands words, she was dragged away from them by Reha, Anushree did not fail to notice the bitterness in Reha's voice while introducing Aditya and Nitesh to her, which was strange since Reha, had so far introduced Anushree to other students in a very normal and friendly manner. But those two boys were apparently different case. As they made their way towards the assembly ground, Anushree met a few more new as well as old friends, some of who, she even failed to recognise at once. Her heart fluttered with content and joy, she felt waves of relief washing over her soul. Finally, life seemed to be looking up at her.
But somehow, Reha's attitude towards Aditya bothered her, a curious child that she was, she finally gave up her silence and ignorance by the time it was lunch and asked her best friend sitting beside her "Reha....Um..I saw today, when you were introducing me to Nitesh and Aditya. Is there something wrong with them?" her question startled Reha initially before the girl regained her composure,  too quick for expectations and comprehension, she silently eyes the two boys standing at a distance and enjoying their lunch, lost in their own world "Hm..." she seemed to be in a daze, making Anushree frown "Anu, they might appear to be polite, friendly and all good. But I know better." Reha's voice sounded vicious and grave, awakening Anushree's interests even more somehow, Reha's eyes narrowed as she continued to silently watch them for a few more seconds before finally diverting her gaze back to Anushree, with softened eyes she continued  "For now, all I can say is to stay away from them. Especially that Aditya,  he is not to be trusted." Anushree nodded slightly at her best friend's words, she trusted Reha more than anyone, more than herself even, she trusted her best friend blindly, because she knew that she could. Thus, she maintained a good distance from the two, for weeks that followed.
The class was in a fun mood. It was a free period after all. Anushree and Reha were busy with them sent too when all of a sudden, a hand slapped on the surface of their bench, the exceptionally  fair and red hand made it obvious who it was, at least Anushree had become quiet familiar to that person, she could even recognise his voice even among thousands "Aditya?" she took his name in the form of an almost inaudible whisper before she raised her eyes only to catch the sight of a smirking Aditya with Nitesh beside him "You know my name?" he questioned smugly as if he owned the whole class, making Anushree furrow her eyebrows in confusion, she could bet that Reha rolled her eyes at his absurd and apparently meaningless question "Huh, of course you do, who doesn't." he continued, somehow making  Anushree even more conscious yet curious "But do you know the importance of of my name?" he asked, his voice and head both lowering, directed towards her, making her raise an eyebrow questionigly. She had no idea what exactly what going on, especial inside his head, finding no other option,  she decided to play along, clearing her throat, she replied "No?" though Anushree's English was pretty good, she preferred to  speak in Hindi. Moreover, Aditya's English wasn't the best after all. Anushree brief, awkward silence was followed by a chuckle by both the boys standings in front of them before he continued "Sun. The meaning of my name is the Sun." Anushree felt a strong urge to roll her eyes at his meaningless words, but she chose to restrain herself from doing so. She did not want to appear rude. Thus, instead, she let out a frustrated sigh, intentionally loud enough for him to hear. Aditya cleared his throat,  asking for her attention wordlessly, making both, Anushree and Reha look up, at him "And you know, Sun is important.  I am the Sun. I am important." Aditya spoke in English this time, it as  quite clear already that he did not have the best English. Even though the urge to throw a  sarcastic comment was strong, Anushree only let out a  low chuckle dripping with sarcasm " Well then,  so you believe that you are important.  Now tell me Mr. Sun that what is your importance.  What duties do you perform, how are you important?" Anushree was the one to speak in English this time, leaving him dumbfounded "Let's go brother, there's no use of us here." with those words, Nitesh dragged away a baffled Aditya from them. Reha burst out into a direct of laughter as soon as they were far enough  "Th-that was hilarious. Haha hahaha. .." Reha failed to contain her laughter. Bit Anushree wasn't laughing along. Instead, she had a frown on her face, the boy always confused her, why was he there at the first place? She failed to keep herself away from the tinge of guilt that she felt pinching her heart. Was it too much? It wasn't,  no?
Anushree could not decide what to make of him, he had done nothing wrong  her till date, unlike to the notorious description Reha had gives about him. She was left confused, failing to decide whether he is a friend, sweet and silly, or a foe, cryptic and sly behind the mask of innocence.
Hola,  I am back. Sorry for the late update. But  college have been keeping me busy. Well, people waiting for Fated Desire. I will be back with it sooner than expected. I am working on a new chapter of the book already.

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