His Million Watt Smile

De Live2sing

4.6K 97 66


His Million Watt Smile
His Million Watt Smile: Part 2
His Million Watt Smile: Part 3
His Million Watt Smile: Part 5
His Million Watt Smile: Part 6
His Million Watt Smile: Part 7
His Million Watt Smile: Part 8
His Million Watt Smile: Part 9
His Million Watt Smile: ON HOLD!! :(

His Million Watt Smile: Part 4

413 7 4
De Live2sing

Hey sorry it's been like forever since I've made a post! I'm going to try and make one more cause I'm going on vacation! Leaving for the beach this Saturday!!! Mmmm I can already smell that ocean breeze (and not the fabreeze kind!) Then next week I'm having surgery on my leg so I'm going to be stuck sitting anyway so I'll be all yours!!! :) how exciting!! Well I put a video with this is King of Anything I just wanted you to know what I was talkin about when I say it later... oops! Zip my lips! *unzip* thanks for reading by the way! *zip back again* mngoy! *unzip* enjoy I mean!!!


On the car ride home we just let the radio play. Silence was something we both needed. It would help us to process the afternoon. He pulled up to my house and my mind dreaded the thought of walking in the door, what was I going to tell Lyle? I hopped out of Sean's car and without looking I told him thanks for the afternoon. I walked quickly up the walk knowing that not having Sean there would make telling Lyle what happened at least twenty times easier. I held my breath as I listened for him to pull out of the driveway instead I heard his car door slam as he came running up behind me.

I cringed and turned to face him. "You know usually when someone says 'thanks' it is code for bye" I grumbled at him. He smirked, most likely at my expression.

"Yeah and most of the time when I take people out on my boat they aren't supposed to have a crazy attack" Oo sting! "so we're even." He said jokingly. I raised my eyes to the sky and sighed at the clouds. I was tempted to dramatically curse the heavens, what did I do to deserve this? He smiled and all I could think about was the advantage I was going to have over Lyle. If Lyle started to freak I could just have Sean smile at him and blind him. I laughed satisfied with my own personal joke. I realized I had just laughed out loud when I looked up and saw Sean frowning at me like I was having another "crazy attack."

"What?" I glared at him. Didn't he ever laugh just to laugh? He sure smiled a lot, more than I would've guessed on first sight. He stood there grinning at me as if the question answered itself- which it did. I threw my hands up in defeat and turned to sulk up the walk way. I could almost hear his grin widen as he watched me walk up the stairs. I reached for the key and my heart jumped to warn me to take it easy. I obediently took a moment to compose myself so I could tell Lyle what happened before he guessed something was wrong. I put a big fake grin on my face and put the key in the lock and twisted it. The door swung open and I walked in and let out a sigh of relief realizing I had been holding my breath. Lyle wasn't home I silently reminded myself he was out with Sandra.

"So what's the verdict?" Sean asked walking up behind me. My hand flew to my heart.

"Don't scare me like that!" I looked at him and he chuckled. I had honestly forgotten for a moment that he was with me. "and he's not home by the way." I said plainly as my heart recovered from the resent scare. The way it was thumping in my chest could only translate into 'I told you so.' I frowned at his grinning face "I thought emo guys were supposed to cut themselves and hate the world." I grumbled. He chuckled at shook his head.

"So, your brothers not home... what about your parents." He said examining the room as if it was suddenly interesting.

"They aren't here." I said shaking my head wondering what he was getting at. He looked right into my eyes, his stare was so intense that I blushed and looked away smiling coyly. Jeeze why did I blush when I was around him, it was a stupid thing to do. He walked forward and stood in front of me so the tips of his shoes were touching mine. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, making me realize how cold I was. For some reason, in that moment, all I could think about doing was touching him.

"Well, I never got to play my guitar for you." He said calmly. I looked up at his face realizing just how much taller he was than me.

"Um, sure you can play." I breathed. I was sure I sounded ridiculous, but it was his fault I sounded that way anyway. Sean leaned close to my face as I held my breath in anticipation. He smirked knowing he had found the crack in my armor and he turned to walk out the door. That left me to collapse on the couch strategically place behind me. I put my head in my hands and shook my head at myself. I did my best to ignore my ever beating heart. "You're really starting to annoy me you know." I muttered in the direction of my heart. I sighed at my heart that refused to respond and pulled myself off the couch. I walked to kitchen and pulled out a jar of jiff peanut butter and a spoon. I walked back into the living room which was painted a humble baby blue- my parents' favorite colour. I sat on the brown couch and began eating the peanut butter with the spoon.

I looked up and saw Sean was back and staring at me like I was some disgusting animal. "What?" I asked he shook his head "What?!" I demanded again.

"That is just wrong. Peanut butter belongs in-between two pieces of bread."

"Well mine belongs on a spoon." I stated matter-of-factly. He continued to stare at me like I had bugs crawling all over my face "It's my comfort food!" and god knows I need comfort right now.

"Why do you need comfort?" It was like he could read my mind sometimes I swear.

"I don't know." I shrugged off his question as I watched him unpack his guitar. I hadn't noticed he had it a second ago. It was a classic Martin acoustic, brown and shiny. My eyes ran up and down the guitar, how could he play one of those? He plucked at the strings tuning it and smiled at me.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm pretty amazing." He said answering an unspoken question. The corners of my mouth turned up as he played another song I assumed was his. I beamed at him as he played causing him to laugh while he sang. He dramatically strummed the guitar and held out the last note. "So, what did you think?" he asked.

"Are you kidding me? Do you have to ask? That was amazing! Why haven't you done a demo?" anyone with a brain would want to sign him. His voice was pure and so was his talent.

"Can't afford it" he said shrugging i figured I'd probably struck a nerve "Hey by the way, you never told me what you play." He said smoothly changing the subject.

"Hey by the way" I said mimicking him "you never guessed." I was pleased my joke had made him smile. I just couldn't get enough of his pearly whites.

"You look like a violin person." He said examining me. I shook my head "cello?" he guessed.

"Nope." I smiled this game was kind of fun.

"Um..." he looked around the room spotting something "Piano." He said. I shook my head no. "Yes you do, I'm sure of it. You play the piano." He walked over to the little table in our entry way and picked up my "classical piano" book. Dang it, I was caught. Usually Lyle puts away my book after lessons to keep me from losing it. He looked over at me and knew he was correct. "Show me."

"Show you what?" I asked playing dumb.

"Play something for me." He challenged walking over and handing me the book. I put down my peanut butter and dusted off my hands and grumbled sulkily all the way to my Dad's study. He followed me watching me closely like I was going to run as quickly as I could in the other direction. I won't lie I had considered it. I sat down at the large grand piano we had sitting in the corner.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked cracking my knuckles. He shook his head and I smiled "I don't think you are. Maybe we should come back later." I stood up acting like I was about to walk away. He came closer and rested his elbow on the piano. With his other arm he slowly pushed me back down onto the piano bench.

"Play, I'm ready" I sighed and readied myself. "Well?" he asked. Jeeze he was push. I started with a C and moved into the famous twinkle twinkle little star. He frowned at me and I could help but double over in laughter at his face. "Play something real." He begged "I want to hear you play and sing. Play something you can sing with." He said adding to the conditions. I was beginning to get angry.

"Fine!" I said angrily "This one's just for *you*" pleased with the song I had chosen in my head. I angrily banged out the intro of King of Anything by Sara Bareilles. I could have played one of my own but I wanted to get a point across. I made sure to emphasize any of the lyrics that applied to him. I expected to see him at least make a sour face or get angry or something but instead he stood there smiling the shadows away. "I can't take this." I said in defeat after the song had finished "Why are you smiling?"

"Because you're amazing." I felt my face go red, oh wait... he probably meant the piano playing.

"It's not that great." I said hoping he would say I was amazing again. I just wanted to be sure he had actually said it and I wasn't hearing things.

"Yes you were." He said sitting down next to me "Even though you were trying to insult me." I scanned his eyes and his face trying to make sure he wasn't just taking pity on me. He sounded like he meant it.

"Thanks" I said blushing again. He ran a finger over the hot part of my cheek and snorted.

"Sophia said you didn't blush." He said quietly. My heart gave an extra jolt. He had asked Soph about me? I guess she could have randomly mentioned that I don't blush, but I was being hopeful: so sue me. He cupped his hand around my cheek and I reached up to grab his wrist. I held my breath as we sat staring at each other waiting for the other to move. I heard the front door click open and sighed.

"That's probably Lyle." I whispered. For the first time ever I wished my brother would turn around and leave.

"He can wait" Sean whispered back clearly not understanding. Lyle took it into his own hands to raise me whenever my parents left... meaning boyfriend assessment was up to him. Boyfriend? What was I thinking?

"No he can't" I said back letting go of his wrist. I stood up and offered to help him up and he declined, pushing it away. Why did he look ticked at me? Be mad at Lyle I silently screamed at him in my head. He huffed out of the room and I stomped after him. Why was he throwing a fit? He walked into the living room and brushed past a wide eyed Lyle. I forgot he hadn't seen Sean yet, I remembered the first time I saw Sean, how scared I was. Lyle looked like he was thinking what I first thought. "Sean?!" I screamed after him. He whisked out the front door without looking back. "Wait!" I screamed running after him "Stop it!" I was so flustered. He stopped and I ran up to him keeping a safe distance. He hadn't turned around to face me yet. "Where are you going?" I gasped inhaling the damp air of the evening.

"Somewhere where life can wait." He said turning around slowly looking around.

"There is nowhere on earth that life can wait for you." I growled. This wasn't a big deal why was he ruining the good day?

"My bad, I meant to say I was going to find some*one* who could wait." And with that he turned around and started to stomp off to his car. This wasn't a big deal!

"Wait!" I screamed chasing after him.

"Why?" he screamed suddenly stopping to face me. I crashed into him full speed. We both went tumbling to the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut as I hit the ground. I felt a whoosh of air leave my lungs. I sat up coughing trying to breathe again. My eyes widened as I realized I had just tackled Sean. I looked over and saw him sitting up rubbing his head.

"You should really think about joining the football team." He smiled at me. I breathed a shaky sigh of relief. He was smiling at me. I laughed and he joined in. He rolled over on his side and propped his head up with hand so he could stare at me. "So kid what now?" he asked.

My heart swelled up in my chest making it hard for me to breath. "I love Casablanca that's my favorite movie." I told him because he called me kid. He grinned lopsidedly at me. "You could come meet Lyle?" I suggested. "He's probably a little shaken." Sean looked toward the house and pushed himself off the ground. He offered me a hand I gladly took it and I realized my shoulder was throbbing.

"Thanks" I mumbled. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and put his hand on my head pushing it into his chest. I closed my eyes as we walked back to the house feeling completely safe in his arms. This just felt right. He kissed the top of my head causing my heart to violently jump in my chest. My content smile dropped from my face as I remembered I still had to try and get Lyle to like him.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So how awful is it? Be brutally honest! Hey I'm 772 on the "what's hot" list! That was my facebook status and everyone was like huh? You'd never think I'd be proud of seven hundred and seventy-second place ;) but of course I am absolutely thrilled. Sorry to sound superficial but I'm excited! Thanks so much for reading! Keep commenting! :)

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