Back To You ( taekook X reade...

By churroooooooo

35.9K 994 413

falling for a stranger, good gracious -wayv More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Four

801 23 24
By churroooooooo

TaeHyung: Are you sure we were just friends?

Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?

TaeHyung: Were we really just friends? I mean, just friends. No more?

Y/n: Um..No...we were more than friends...

His eyes widen.

Y/n: You see...we were best friends.

TaeHyung: Are you sure? You're not lying, right?

Y/n: No, why would I lie? That's all I can tell you. Why do you ask?

TaeHyung: Nothing, it's just whenever I look at you or touch you, ( he was a bit hesitant) I just, It just feels right. Like this was how it was meant to be. I don't  know how to explain it. I just feel different around you.

Y/n: Um, I don't know. Maybe it was because we were friends( I tried making up the best excuse that I could come up with). We were a bit tight. ( I gave a nervous laugh).

TaeHyung: Maybe...

Y/n: I'm going to copy these papers.

I go up to leave but he called me back.

Y/n: Yes?

TaeHyung: The copier is right there.

He pointed near my desk. I gave him a nervous smile as he chuckled.

Y/n: Thank you. 

I quickly walk over to my desk. I could feel my face burning up and my heart pumping like crazy. Is he looking t me? Why did he ask those questions? Does he remember? I slowly looked up to see his eyes on me. I quickly look away and tried to keep my mind off of him. We didn't talk the rest of the day.


Finally, It's time to go home. I grab my purse and headed out. After about 20 minutes I arrived home. I opened the door to hear the tv turned on. They should be asleep by now.  I'm going to kick their butts. I slowly crept toward the living room. As I was about to scare them I saw them sleeping peacefully on the sofa. They must have fallen asleep waiting for me.

Y/n: Jungkook? ( I slowly shook him). Jungkook?

He opened his eyes and smiled at me.

JungKook: You're home.

I smiled back.

Y/n: Yea, what are you guys doing here? You should be sleeping in the bedrooms. Were you waiting for me?

He nodded.

Y/n: Here, let's go sleep.

I lifted Taekwon up and carried him to his room. I tucked him into bed and kiss his cute little forehead.

Y/n: Goodnight.

I walked out of his room and into mine. I took a shower and got ready for bed. I turned off the lights and got into bed thinking about what happened today. What if Taehyung regains his memory? What will that do to us? He is married and I, I'm engaged. I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear Jungkook come in.

JungKook: Are you ok? 

Y/n: Yah, you scared me. When did you get here?

Jungkook: Awhile ago. You seem to be in deep thoughts.

Y/n: Jungkook-shii?

JungKook: Hum...

Y/n: I...

JungKook: Did something happened?

Y/n: It's just, Taehyung is the new CEO and...I'm his secretary.

JungKook: I know.

Y/n: You do? How?

JungKook: Your dad told me.

Y/n: Do you think it'll be a problem? I mean, what if he remembers the past?

JungKook: Don't worry, there is only a slight chance and even if he does, he's married now and we'll soon be married too. He won't be able to do anything. 

Y/n: You think so? What if he hates us for not telling him? 

JungKook: Yah! Y/n, don't worry. Don't you trust me?

Y/n: I do, it's just...

JungKook: Shh...Let's sleep.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

Y/n: Jungkook?

JungKook: Yes.

Y/n: What are you doing? 

JungKook: Trying to sleep.

Y/n: You know this is not your bed.

JungKook: I know but it'll be ours soon. Let's just sleep.


Y/n: Go sleep in your room.

JungKook: We're going to get married. We need to get used to this.

Y/n: What if I don't want to. ( I teased).

He pulled me closer and stroke my head.

JungKook: Let's just sleep. 

He kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.


Today I decided to wear a simple black dress with boots and a few accessory. Before I went to work I decided to drop by my shop. When I walked in the sweet smell of freshly brewed coffee hit my nose along with oven-baked goodies. I miss the warmth and coziness.

Worker: Ms.Park? what are you doing here?

Y/n: Am I not welcome in my own shop anymore?( I teased).

Worker: No no, it's not that. I just thought you weren't coming to work for a few months. 

Y/n: I'm not coming to work. I just miss this place so I thought I could drop by.

Worker: How's Mr.Jeon and little Tae doing? They haven't been coming around as much as they use to.

Y/n: They're doing fine. Can I get one macchiato and two doughnuts?

Worker: Coming right up.

After a few minutes of waiting. 

Worker: Here you go. 

Y/n: Thank You. 

Worker: Come back soon.

Y/n: I'll try. 

I walked out the shop and droved to the company. These past few days have gone by peacefully. Luckily Taehyung hasn't been asking questions. We haven't been talking much but I swear, sometimes I can feel him staring at me, not just a glance but like a stare that lasts at least a good 3 minutes. Ding! The elevator door opened and I got on. As the door was about to close I heard someone yelling for me to wait. When I looked up I saw Taehyung running toward me. I quickly stopped the elevator as he got on panting.

TaeHyung: Hii!

Y/n: Hi?

TaeHyung: I'm running a bit late, aren't I?

He scanned me from head to toes. Then he grabs my coffee and gulped it down. 

TaeHyung: I ran all the way here. Thanks.

I just looked at him. What is wrong with him? 

Y/n: Are you ok?

TaeHyung: Yeah, I'm fine. 

He just smiled at me. I scanned his body. He looked a mess. His hair was a mess. His clothes were in a mess. His tie wasn't even fixed right.  He saw me scanning and tried to fix himself. He handed me his tie.

TaeHyung: Help me.

Y/n: You don't know how to fix your tie?

TaeHyung: No..I mean yes. 

Y/n: Then do it yourself. 

I looked away.

TaeHyung: Help me? 

I chuckled. 

TaeHyung: What? 

Y/n: Nothing.

He gave me this rectangle smile.

TaeHyung: What's so funny.

Y/n: Nothing you just remind me of Jungkook.

His smiled faded.

TaeHyung: Oh.

Y/n: There, It's done.

TaeHyung: Thank You.

We walked ou the elevator and went on our way to our office when someone stopped us.

???: Excuse me, the president wants to see you both in his office.

Y/n: I'll go right after...

???: He said it's an emergency and that he needs to see you right away.

Y/n: Um, Ok. we'll head there now.

I looked at Taehyung who just smile.

TaeHyung: Let's go.

We knocked on the door.

???: Come in.

We walked in to see my dad sitting in his seat with a bunch of paperwork scatter all over.

TaeHyung: You called us?

Mr.Park: Um, yes.

Y/n: Is everything ok?

Mr.Park: Y/n, Taehyung we need you guys to go on a business trip.

Y/n: What? The two of us? Just the two of us? 

Mr.Park: I believe so why? is there a problem?

Y/n: Appa...

Taehyung: No problem at all, sir. When do we leave and to where?

Mr.park: You will be going overseas to California. It will be for a few days, no more than a week. 

Y/n: A week! Appa! I have a son to take care of. What about JungKook?

Mr.Park: Y/n, Jungkook can take care of himself and also your son. 

Y/n: But, Appa...

Mr.Park: No buts, Y/n this is very important for us. If we seal this deal then you won't have to work here anymore.

Y/n: Really? 

He nodded.

Y/n: When do we leave?

Mr.Park: Tomorow. I have booked a flight for 5 am. You can go.

We bow and headed to our office.

I took off my boots, as always. I can't stand wearing shoes all day. I just don't feel comfortable. Especially today, I don't feel so well.  I felt a bit dizzy.

TaeHyung: Why don't you ever wear your shoes?

Y/n: I just don't like to.

TaeHyung: O-k.

I put my legs on the desk and lay back trying to relax.I closed my eyes thinking about little Taekwon. I wonder how he is doing. Has he eaten? I miss him. Suddenly I felt a finger trace my foot. I opened my eyes o see Taehyung staring at my foot.

Y/n: What?

I try to pull my foot away but he held onto it.

TaeHyung: What happened to your foot? Why is there a big scar?

Y/n: Oh, this. I stepped on broken glass while I was outside running.

TaeHyung: You weren't wearing your shoes, were you?

 I gave a slight chuckled.

 Y/n: No?

Suddenly Taehyung grabs his head and rolled on the ground. I didn't know what to do. Is he ok? What's happening?

Y/n: Taehyung-ah?? TaeHyung!?! Are you ok? 

I kneel on the floor trying to help him. He grabbed my shoulder, tears filled his eyes.

TaeHyung: I remember...

Hey Guys,

Hope you enjoy.

What do you think will happen? Wil Taehyung remember?

Until Next Time


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