Raising Kamden

By Mayoi_Brown

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Nolan Foster and Annaliese Dixon are from different worlds. Two measly teenagers who are going to high school... More

Author's Note
Prologue: Sweet Beginnings
Chapter 1: I am Helping
Chapter 3: Cliques, Popularity, High School
Chapter 4: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 5: Playwright a Lie
Chapter 6: My Heart Has Room for More to Love
Epilogue: Forever Yours

Chapter 2: Parenthood

23 1 0
By Mayoi_Brown

"Welcome to the Dixon Manor, Mr. Foster, and Young Miss Kamden." Mr. Bertie humbly says as he bows in front in Nolan. Nolan is surprised by this behavior. He is not used to someone bowing down to him. Nolan better soon gets used to it, this will be his life now. 

"Um...Thank you for letting me and my um...my...daughter stays. We appreciate it. I will try not to stay long."

Bertie raises from his bow and smiles at Nolan," Mr. Foster, stay as long as you need. Master Dixon said this himself. He would like to meet you when he comes back from his trip."

"Master Dixon?" Nolan asks in confusion.

"That is my father," Anna explains.

"Oh. Thank you again. I appreciate it a lot." Nolan attempts a small smile.

Bertie takes up Nolan's bags and calls for the maids. The maids hurry up to Bertie and bow, that is when Bertie had them take Nolan's stuff. Bertie instructs them to place Nolan's stuff and Kamden's stuff in their respective rooms. The maids take the bags and runoff.

Bertie turns back to Nolan and bows again," Mr. Foster, I will leave you in the care of Anna. She will take you and Young Miss Kamden on a tour of the Dixon Manor. I hope you will enjoy your stay."

"Thank you." Nolan attempts a little bow himself. Bertie makes his way into the kitchen so he can prepare dinner.

"Ok. Now that Bertie is gone, let's start our tour shall we!" Anna jumps grabs Kamden's baby carrier. She takes it from Nolan and places the carrier on the floor then, she takes out Kamden from the carrier.

"W-what are you doing?" he says.

"The carrier is too heavy to carry around. Why not we just take Kamden with us?"

For the next 2 hours, Anna shows Nolan and Kamden (Kamden doesn't understand it) around the Dixon Manor. It is a very nice place I would have to say. They have a tennis court, swimming pool, arcade room, and lounge area (separate from the living room). The place has an old England house type of feel. As Nolan went through the tour, he started to feel more calm about the place. Despite how big and expensive everything looks, the place had a homey feel. A homey feeling that he has never had in a long time. Nolan is already starting to like it here.

Later on that day, after a good shower and yummy food in his stomach, Nolan watches Kamden as she sleeps in her crib that she is "borrowing" until Anna buys a new one (According to her, she wants to buy Kamden a whole new crib. In fact, she wants to design Kamden a whole new nursery). Unlike Nolan, Kamden goes with the flow and settles in quickly. It was almost like she has been living in the manor since her birth. Kamden was the same way when she came to Nolan's apartment. It is apparent that Kamden is an easy-going girl or maybe it is the fact that she is a baby and probably doesn't understand anything. Either way, Kamden's behavior makes it easy for Nolan. At least he is not stressing about if she will be alright in a new environment. A small smile grows on his face as he watches her.

Suddenly, Anna knocks on the door and announces it is her. Nolan's smiles fade as he tells her to come in. Anna tries to be as quiet as she can while making her way to the crib. She comes beside Nolan and they both watch Kamden as she slept. They have a small conversation about how cute Kamden was because she is very adorable.

I want to say that something important happened with their time spent in the nursery, but sadly nothing didn't happen. It was an awkward time between Nolan and Anna however, they hung in there for baby Kamden.

Ok...I am lying. Something did happen that you might want to keep in mind for the rest of this story. Ever wonder why Nolan is putting so much on the line for Kamden. Kamden is supposed to be his parent's responsibility so why? It was a bit of time after their small conversation about how cute Kamden was until Anna asks about why does he do this for Kamden. The same question that I have just asked.

It took Nolan a bit to think about it until he comes up with his answer," My parents have always been so stupid and reckless. It was fine before I turned 13 they were...somewhat there. Once I turned 13, they started leaving more, coming back home drunk, not being responsible, and forget the bills. It was lonely and cold living by myself. The school wasn't easy either because I had no friends. I can't lie that I wanted to be noticed and accepted. I guess it was hard for me to set this dream in motion. I came to terms I might be forever alone and unhappy. Heck, I wouldn't be able to afford college, so my dream to be a computer engineer was gone before I knew it. Then when my parents came back home with Kamden, my life turned a complete 180."

Anna asks," How is Kamden so special to you? I wanna know."

Nolan didn't expect Anna to care for his silly little story, but he continues," Even though she didn't know me, she gave her biggest smile when I first met her. Kamden was the first person to smile when she saw my face. She was the first to love me when no one else did. Even though she is just a mere baby, I can tell that she loves me with all her heart. It may be stupid and I know I don't have what it takes to raise a child, however, Kamden is too important for me to let go of her. I will sacrifice for her. Kamden's birth mother's dying wish was for my family to take care of her, so I will do it. For someone to have the faith to place her only child into the care of another family, she must trust that we will be able to provide and raise Kamden. I don't want to make it seem like a regretful decision. " After his story, Nolan holds on to Kamden's small hand. A small smile starts to grow.

Anna's heart starts to beat a million times a minute. In front of her is a man she has always wanted and had a crush on since ninth grade. Now, she can see why she was so in love with him. She probably loves Nolan more now after that story.

"I think you are amazing, Nolan. I want to be the second person who falls in love with you." Anna murmured under her breath, although, Nolan doesn't hear her say it.

"Well...good night Anna," Nolan says and heads out the nursery, leaving Anna and Kamden behind.

Anna sighed and looked around the nursery. It was plain and didn't have a lot of stuff in it, but she is sure that after her decorating skills it would look nice. Almost Pinterest worthy. Anna looks at sleeping Kamden one more time. Anna's love for Nolan grew within her heart.

"I see I have myself beat Kammy. I hope his heart can hold me as well." she sighs and walks out the room herself.

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