Dragon Ball Hifz (LN)

By Baveed

872 12 1

The light novel series filled with action, adventure, and fiction... Join the group with Mato, Lettu and frie... More

The Dojo
The Ancient Book
Results! The Un-teachable Students?
Unwanted Guests
A Desperate Assault!
My Turn!
Lettu Vs Hasifufus!
Hasifufus Finished?!
Narmaks Reward
Unexpected Evil
Hated Strength!
Rage Of Hatred
Corrupted Students
Fused Battle!
Brave Sacrifice
From The Other World!
Great Potential
Whats For Free Time?!
Planet Keman
Hasifufus Not Defeated! The Last Crystal Ball!
Welcome Back Lettu!
Back To Earth
Its Fun Time!
Back To Earth! Welcome Back Everyone!
Party Interrupted?!
3rd In Command Of The Zero Force!
Stronger Than Hasifufus!
Holding Back?
Super Bount!!!
The End Of Saifullah
Lettu's Story, Khiftum's Wish!
New Plans Set
Growing Stronger!
A Battle Between Two Powerful Warriors! Mato Vs Lettu!
Khiftum's Demise
The Ultimate Showdown!
Lettu Vs The Emperor
The Emperor Vs Mato
Super Bount 2/ Super Jameel 2
The Final Fight!

The Journey Begins

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By Baveed

Mato and Khiftum are in the woods.
Mato: "Good thing my energy came back quickly! Anyways, can you take those two guys to jail for me?" Khiftum: "S... Sure yeah."
Khiftum took the two guys and left.
Mato: "If I can master that form... The form I went against Ifran and Amir... Then Lettu... he's sure to come back. I need to continue training! But I just don't know how to tap in to it... 1 week and 3 days doesn't seem enough though."
Mato trained for a few more days.
Meanwhile, Khiftum continued meditating.

1 week and 3 days passed and the spaceship was built by Asad and it was time to go to the planet.
Asad and a few students helped get the spaceship ready.
Mato: "Whoa! It's a really REALLY big spaceship!"

Asad: "Yep. It has a bunch of stuff. There is a gravity room too. It can help your training. Just be careful with it. The maximum you can increase it is 100 times Earth's normal gravity. And there is unlimited electricity power. But the water should last about 11 months. Should be more than enough. Make sure you save it. And just be glad you have a scientist that supports you. Also, there is food supply for one year."
Mato: "Wait, why one ye- oh yeah, 6 months to go and come back."
Asad: "Yep. Also, The food won't get ruined because it's in a capsule. That's the invention I'm known for. You know how it works right? It looks like a pill, but it's not. It's small. About a few inches. But if you push the button, 3 dishes with food should pop out! After that, it's no use. There are 720 capsules with food inside. Its in the kitchen drawers of the spaceship. Okay Mato, everything is ready. You're set to go. Remember, make sure not to die. You and Khiftum have to stay alive. To start it, you need to press the start button. The rest is all automatic. And yup... the planets actually really far away and this spaceships the fastest thing in the world that you can use to get there." Mato: "Damnit... Oh well, guess it can't be helped. Bye! Oh wait. Before I go, here is the key to the dojo. Teach the class Asad while I'm gone."
Asad takes the key from Mato.
Asad: "Ok Mato!"
Khiftum and Mato: "Bye!"
Students: "Bye! Come back safe!"
Mato and Khiftum entered the spaceship.
Khiftum presses the start button.
The spaceships speaker suddenly started going on.
Speaker: "Preparing for take off in
10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ,5..."
Mato took one last look outside at the world and at all his friends.
Mato thinking: "I'm lucky to have so many people helping and supporting me everyday. Everyone... I won't let you down!"
Speaker: "4, 3, 2, 1... Taking off"
The spaceship took off and Mato saw everyone waving. He smiled and then sat down. Khiftum: "Well... six months is pretty long so what do you wanna do?" Mato: "Hahaha... I have a lot in mind. For the next months, I'm gonna train. Perfecting that form is the only thing on my mind right now! They took one last look at Earth.

The ultimate journey begins! Will They make it to the planet? Will They bring Lettu back? Find out next on Dragon Ball Hifz! What's For Free Time?!

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