The Tutor And The Punk

By Vperder

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Kagamine Len is your everyday school nerd at Vocaloid H.Q Academy. He never had any interest in girls until... More

How I met her/Rin secret! (Edited)
Rin's Side. [NOT EDITED]
Tutoring. [NOT EDITED]
Rin's Past & Len's Past [NOT EDITED]
New partner! [NOT EDITED]
Enemies To Friends? [NOT EDIT]
New Friend!
Reveled once more.
Festival Miracles part 1
Writers block
New pets!
Festival miracles part 2
Blue Star one-shot
Memories & Doubt
Ranking? (Not a chapter)
The new kid/project
REI IS WHO?!?!?!
The past.

Revealed!?! [NOT EDITED]

107 4 7
By Vperder

Len's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blasting at my ear. I look over at the my alarm and read the time. 8:07 am. CRAP! I'M LATE! I spring out of my bed and quickly get ready. I quickly put my cloths on and put my hair up in an extremely messy ponytail. I'll fix it when I get to school. I started sprinting towards the door when I heard a voice in my head. I stopped in shock. 

------------- Telepathically talking (Italic bold is Blue Moon) -------------  

"Blue Moon, Blue Moon, come in. Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you. Who are you though? I can hear you, but I can't see you. Also, how do you know who I am?"

"Wow wow wow, one question at a time. For starters, its me, Black Star. I'm telepathically talking to you. I don't know your real identity, I only know how to contact you."  

"Wait, BLACK STAR?! Hi! How are you doing? O.M.GOODNESSS, this is so cool! Hey do you think we can talk just like this. We can be best buddies!"

"1, You have no idea how much I am face-palming right now. 2, Telepathically talking to each other is only for superhero purposes." 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know." 

"Its ok. Anyways, I have to tell you something. Meet me at the top of Tokyo Tower at 8:00 pm. Got that?" 

"Got it. I have to go now. Bye!" 


------- End telepathic talk --------

Len's P.O.V

Well......that was cool. Anyways, I need to get school! 

--- At school ---

I sprint through the hallways and into the classroom. Once I'm in the classroom, I'm greeted with disappointed and loving stares from the girls. The guys, pssh, they ain't give a crap. I look at Rin, who is sleeping on her desk, and smiled. The teacher; however, wasn't very cheerful. Ms. Meiko stared daggers at me, but I still smiled. 

"Kagamine..........YOUR LATE!" Ms. Meiko shrieked with pure anger. 

"Sorry, I was having a nightmare and it caused me to oversleep." I lied. Ms. Meiko must have bought it though, because when I looked back at her, she had eyes full of pity on. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Just go sit down. Your excused..........for today." Ms. Meiko replied. 

I simply nod and head over to my desk. I look around the classroom and see the girls looking at me with sad faces on. I looked at Rin and smiled. I slowly reached over and pet her soft hair. I didn't care if people were looking. Time flies alright, because before I knew it, it was time for lunch/recess. Yes, our school has recess. I quietly shook Rin awake before leaving. She silently stretched and rubbed her eyes. She looked at me, then let out a small giggle.

"I like your ponytail." she giggled, pointing out my messy ponytail. 

"Come, sit." she said as she patted her lap. 

I looked at her, confused. She kept on patting her legs. I hesitantly walked a little closer to her, then sat on her lap. Suddenly, I felt Rin undoing my ponytail. She started brushing my hair after that. It felt weird, but soon, I was actually enjoying it. Lastly, she put my hair back up into it's normal ponytail style. After she was done, I re-positioned myself so that I was now I was still sitting on her lap, just my whole body was facing her. She looked confused, but soon understood. Sure enough, she gave me what I wanted. She gentally pushed her lips onto mine and stroked my hair. I kissed back a little roughly though. I was practically eating her lips now. We pulled away, due to our need of air. I look back at Rin who was blushing like a tomato. I smirked and lifted her chin back at me. She smirked and kissed me again. We were soon interrupted by the sound of someone slowly clapping. We broke away and looked to see who it was. It was, of course, none other than Miku and Neru. 

"Wow, you guys are so lucky to have love like that. Kaito just pecks my forehead and leaves. Sometimes I even wonder if he still likes me." Miku said. folding her hands together and looking at the ceiling.  

"Don't worry, he's probably just busy." Rin replied. 

"Anyways, did you come up with the list, Rin?" Neru butted in. 

"Oh yeah. Its right here." I replied, handing Neru the list of songs.   

Neru scanned the crumply piece of paper, looking over every inch of it. Her eyes were practically one with the paper when she got to her part of the list. Her smile decreased a bit when she saw her songs. I could already tell why. I feel kinda guilty now. She was probably expecting more. She looked up at me with an unsatisfied face. I just stared blankly at her.

"Why do I only have like, 2 songs." Neru whined.

"Sorry, I didn't know any songs that you have sung. You can add more if you like." I explained to her with a teasing smirk.

Neru replied with a leer look on her face. Soon she just rolled her eyes and resumed to her normal grin. I looked back at Len who seemed to be in a world of his own. I looked back at Neru with a mischievous grin.  She looked at Len then back at me, getting the message. I slowly loosened out of Len's grip and looked back at him. He didn't move an inch. He truly was in fathomless thought. I scurried towards the cleaning closet (A/N: The cleaning closet is in the classroom that they are in. Every classroom has one.) and pulled out a bucket. I flung it towards Neru and she easily caught it. She ran out of the classroom and into the girls bathroom. About a minuet later, I see Neru come out with the bucket filled with warm water. I ran towards her and helped her out carrying it to the classroom. Once we got to the classroom, we took a small peak at Len. He was still just standing there doing nothing. He wasn't even blinking. I went up to him and waved a hand in front of his face. Still nothing. I ran back to Neru, and we both positioned ourselves in front of Len with the bucket of water.

"Ok, on the count of three. 1.......2.........3!" I yelled.

And with that we threw the water at Len. His eyes shot open as the water collided with his face. We laughed as he coughed and rubbed his eyes. We stopped laughing when we saw him looking at us with an enraged look on his face. We had a mini staring contest until he spoke up. Actually more like he screamed.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?!?!?! MY CLOTHS ARE COMPLETELY SOAKED!!!!!" Len screamed with pure anger.

"Calm down Len. We'll get you some new cloths. Plus, it was your fault for spacing out on us." I said, handing him my yellow sweater.

He ripped it out of my hands and started drying himself with it. We just watched him as he did his own little drying dance with my favorite, yellow sweater. I chuckled a bit though. I'll be able to wash it anyways. Neru and I watched Len and tried holding in our laughs. Once he was done, he looked at us with a slightly confused face on.

"So, that's how you dry yourself when you come out of the shower." I teased, laughing along with Neru.

Len just blushed and turned away with a little "Hmp!" escaping his lips. We just laughed harder, until I felt a light squish on my bottom. I turned around immediately, only to see Len standing there with a small grin on his face while he had one hand on his chin and the other one on his hip. He looked at me then giggled a bit.

"Nice and firm bottom. Perfect for the track team." Len said, closing his eyes and nodding his head.

I think its about time I mentioned this to you. Even though Len is an enormous nerd, he somehow made it to the track team. Everyone is fond of him there. We joked around a bit, until the bell rang, signaling recess was over. Me and Len scurried to our seats, while Neru handed Len the list of songs, then ran back to her own classroom. Len scanned the paper, his smile widening, then looked at me and nodded. I smiled back at him, then looked at the hallway as kids filled the hallways. Soon, Ms. Meiko came in and stared class. I just stared off into space.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After school (I know, I'm so lazy. XD) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Len's P.O.V

Once school let out, I said my goodbyes to Rin and my other friends and started walking home. You know, I haven't really hung out with my other friends as much as I used to. I should probably do that. I stop in front of my house and walk in. I see Saki sleeping on the couch peacefully. I walk over, sit next to her, then start to gently pet her. She starts purring, with causes me to chuckle a bit. I get up and walk to my room. I change into a simple shirt and shorts. I go and lay down on my bed and take a "small" nap.

----- After the "nap"-----

I wake up and start fluttering my eyes open. I take a small look around the room, then glance at my clock. 7:54. I look around the room a bit more, then remember something. I HAVE TO MEET WITH BLACK STAR AT THE TOP OF TOKYO TOWER!!!! I have 6 minuets to get there. I rush down stairs and grab my pen. I quickly transform, then rush to Tokyo Tower.

------- Tokyo Tower -------

Len's P.O.V

I get to the top and see Black Star waiting for me. I smile and approach her.

"So, what is it you wanted to tell me?" I ask, eager to know.

"Well, I know we just meet yesterday, but I desperately need to do this!" she said with a quiver in her voice.

"Do what?"

"Reveal my identity to you. I know its super early, but I've just never had a partner before, so I thought it wouldn't be so awkward working together if we knew who each other was." she explained, staring strait into my eyes.

I thought about it for a bit, but then just decided to give in. She did have a point there. I looked back at her, then slightly nodded.

"Fine. On the count of 3. 1..........2...........3!" And with that, we both de-transformed at the same time.

We kept our eyes shut until the de-transformation was complete. Once it was over, we opened our eyes. Our eyes shot open and our mouths dropped to the ground.




End chapter.

Hey guys, Vperder here, I'm really sorry for not updating sooner. I was feeling lonely, so I got sad. When I get sad, I don't do anything. This chapter is dedicated to

@Mallowchan-symphony. She (or he) is a really awesome person who just put me such a happy mood. I was happy enough to finish this. So again, thank you @Mallowchan-symphony, your awesome! Until next post, this is Vperder V-ING out! Bye!  


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