Hopeless Love

By catfacekathryn

175 45 20

A Hopeless Love From Two Different Races A Sphinx and a Mermaid Brought Together By Love and by Hatred Good... More

1-How I got There
2-He Finds Me
4-Super Crazy Council Meeting
5-Settling into Camp
6-I Really Like Scavenging
7-I Make it Rain
8-Suprise Visitor
9-Reunited at Last
10-Ari is a Juggernaut
11-I Meet Ari's Girlfriend
12-Awesome Event in a Murderous Tent
13-Really Pretty Origin Story
16- Married
17-A Shift in Things
18-Death of a Mother
19-A New Alpha
20-More Reunions
21-Another Council Meeting
22-Marriage Makes Mom Happy
23-Kids Make Me Happy
24-Death Makes No One Happy

3-I Totally Got Their Names Wrong

11 3 2
By catfacekathryn

     Symp-no Sebastian led me towards the rivers. I was nervous. I mean, I was going to meet people that I had been watching for weeks. Maybe even months. I lost track after a while. I wasn't even exactly sure how old I was, though I recently I had been going with fifteen. These people might think I was watching them to plan an attack or something. They might hate me or love me. The fact that I didn't know how they would feel made me nervous to no discernable end.
     We got close enough to walk into one of the two open ends between the rivers. I peered over the edge of the river at the bright salt water fish. Most were 4-6 feet long so I knew they were mermaids. Only the beastias of mermaids were that big.
     I was jarred from my thoughts by someone shaking my shoulders. I yelped and jumped in surprise, reflexively changing into my beastia. Sym- no Sebastian caught me. Jeez I kept mixing up his name. I shook my head and changed back, forgetting that I was held by Sebastian. Yea I did it, I cheered in my mind because I got his name right. That was before he fell over from my sudden weight gain after going back to my humanaria. He pulled me closer and turned his back to the ground so I wouldn't get hurt. When I opened my eyes my legs were on either side of his. I blushed and rolled off, landing criss-cross.
     He helped me up and started introducing others to me. He started with the blonde woman. I had figured out a while ago that she was a Candy Basslet. He asked me what she was and what I called her.
     "She is a Candy Basslet. I call her Willow," I told him. I pointed out the others. "The redhead is Phoenix, a Queen Angelfish. That energetic little boy with the big white eyes is Boop Boop both ways. The grey guy is Shadow. I think he is a mola mola, but I'm not 100% sure. And you," I said, turning to Sebastian, "you are Symphony, the Symphysodon Discus Fish." I shuffled as they looked at me. I was getting really nervous because of all the attention when Sebastian started talking again.
     "Ok well. You got all the fish species right. The Candy Basslet is my mother and the alpha, Moriah Gratonad. The redhead is Melissa Huron. The little boy is Alex Drafin. The 'grey guy'", he stopped because he was laughing too hard to continue, "is Justin Krash. And I am Sebastian Gratonad." After he stopped talking I started thinking.
     Wow I really messed up their names. That was the most major fail I have ever made. I bit my lips. I read in one of the few medical books available that biting the skin off your lips was a sign of developing anxiety issues. I did that constantly. I can't remember the last time my lips were smooth and unbitten. Probably because it was never.
      It had taken a while to get here so it was almost dark. They led me to a tent. These people seem really nice. They weren't afraid of me when I said they names I had for them. They weren't creeped out visibly by my watching them. They are giving me a place to sleep. Although they could be planning to kill me later on. They would've done that as soon as they found me though. No one would have found out. This place is so isolated and literally everyone in my old town shunned me and no one else would try to find me. They don't care enough. In fact everyone else I have had contact with chased me out.
     I realized that they had been talking to me when I saw the slightly frustrated look on Sebastian's face. "What were you saying," I asked.
     He sighed. "I was saying that you can stay here until tomorrow. We will decide whether to let you stay at the weekly council meeting tomorrow. We will bring food and some uh...some new clothes. Yours are kind of..." he trailed off.
     "Filthy, tattered, and stained," I guessed. He nodded. I looked down at my clothes. They really are bad. I can feel little rocks beneath my boots. I didn't notice before, I never paid to much attention to my clothing, just my surroundings. My possessions didn't matter, the journey was all that mattered to me. When did my shorts get so many tears. And this shirt used to be white. How did it get so...brown. It is like camouflage. My hands and knees and elbows are pretty scratched up too. Wow. I must look like a savage. Or like the trash I am. Just kidding I bet I look hardcore with all my little scars and scrapes. Like I fought a bear. Not that I would ever actually do that though. Bears are terrifying.
      Sebastian sighed again and I realized I was gone into my own world. I pointed to the tent and then to the sun setting in the south, giving way to the silvery moon. I nodded and smiled apologetically. He shook his head as he walked away. I watched until he was gone before entering the tent. I put my threadbare bag on the ground. I looked around in it for my cotton stuffed pillow, though it was squished very flat by now, and my blanket I'd had since I was five. I had left when I was five and I had stopped growing then too. Tears didn't come to my eyes anymore when I thought about Grimalkin. It was just a useless town full of prejudice and I was glad to have left before the town's sickness got to me. I kicked off my boots and socks and laid on the ground. I put the pillow under my head and the faded green blanket over me. The blanket had once been emerald green. But after a decade or so of use and sun it was now like the grass stains on my shorts. I drifted into a beautiful dream.
     I was walking through a field. I came to a stop when I saw a boy in the distance. It was Symphony. I rushed to his side and stood next to him with my eyes closed for a long time. I felt hands on my shoulders and opened my eyes. A pair of bloody crimson eyes stared at me. He pulled me over a cliff with him and we hit the water. I could swim with ease here. We swam for hours. It was perfect. I went to sleep next to him, the sun filtering through the surface in ripples. I closed my eyes and welcomed the comforting darkness of sleep.


Hello land sharks. So I realize this is like a week early and twice as long as the normal chapter but I was bored and I wrote this intending it to be next weeks chapter. But then I decided you would enjoy a double update, really almost a triple update with this one being so long. Anyways go boredom and impatience. See you all next week for real this time. Love you all and appreciate your supports. 0)

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