By GlampireBytez93

168K 3.7K 858

"Harry, we shouldn't be doing this. It's so. . . taboo." Stella has always hated her adopted brother Harry an... More

Twenty One.
Twenty Two.
Twenty Three.
Twenty Four.
Twenty Five.
Twenty Six.
Twenty Seven.
Twenty Eight.
Twenty Nine.
Thirty One.
Thirty Two.
Thirty Three.
Thirty Four.
Thirty Five.
Thirty Six.
Thirty Seven.


4.8K 105 20
By GlampireBytez93

"They Don't Know About Us" - One Direction.

I wake up in a giddy mood from all of last night's activities. I'm showered and dressed with my makeup and hair already done when I pass through the bedroom and see Harry still fast asleep in the bed next to the one I slept in. His bare chest is on display, his full lips parted, his long hair a glossy brown halo around him, and his long lashes casting a shadow on his cheeks.

"Wake up!" I yell, jumping into the bed.

Harry jolts up, startled at first, but then throws a pillow at me, rolling his eyes.

"Get ready, loser. We're going to be tourists today. The last time we were in Key West was like seven or eight years ago."

A half hour later, I'm dragging Harry out the front door of the hotel. It's hot outside but the sun feels good against my skin. The cloudless blue sky, the ocean, and white sand beach perks up my mood even more.

"I want to drive." I inform Harry as we get closer to our rental car. It's a little black Kia, nothing fancy like our vehicles back home but it will work.

"No way, not happening."

"Well, I have the keys, so. . ." I pull them from my purse and jingle them in front of his face.

He snatches them from my hands. "Now, you don't."

A half hour of bickering back and forth in the car later, were at a marina, getting ready to board a sail boat. It's huge and bright red with patterned sails. This was Harry's choice since he was the one driving, but my turn to choose will be next.

The tour guide or captain of the ship, whoever the old white haired man with the mic is, reads off rules and different things that we'll experience. He announces that we'll see dolphins and other animals, and that we'll be out on the ocean for about four hours. I look over at Harry and narrow my eyes at him. He shrugs his shoulders, and then grabs my hand, entwining his fingers with mine.

"What are you doing?" I try pulling my hand out of his iron grasp.

"Holding your hand, obviously." He answers as we walk up a narrow ramp to get on the ship.


"No one knows us here." He leans in close. "No one knows we're adopted siblings." He pulls me to a bench near the far edge of the ship. "So, the real question is why not?"

My hand feels strange being swallowed up by his. He rubs the top with his thumb in little circles, and I stare out at the endless ocean, trying to make up my mind about this whole situation. His skin is warm and soft on mine, and a smile creeps over my face. Maybe he's right. Why can't he hold my hand?

Soon after, the ship is filled with around twenty or so people. I'm sure it could fit more, but this is enough to where it's not as crowded. We start out slow, but pick up speed the farther out that we get. I sit with my legs crossed next to Harry as we stare out at the crystal clear water that matches the cloudless blue sky. My hand is still in his and rests on my thigh.

About an hour or so into the experience, we stand up with the rest of the passengers to gaze at the Dolphins that are playing in the waves. I cover my mouth with my hand at the cuteness and closeness of them.

"They're adorable!" I squeak.

Harry laughs at my outburst and stands behind me to watch the Dolphins. He releases my hand, and admittedly it feels empty without his grasp. He wraps his arms around my midsection, locking his hands together just under my navel. I twist around as much as I can in his tight hold to look him in the eyes. Just like the hand holding, I can't decide right away how I feel about how we're standing.

"What? I can't hold you?" Harry asks.

"I don't know. I guess you can." My mind starts to wonder back to last night when he had me pushed up against the wall. A heat rush hits me, and I try to suppress it. I return my attention to the Dolphins that are still following along with the waves from the ship.

Harry brings one hand up to my chin and guides my face so that I'm looking in his eyes again. I notice the tiny gold specks in the green of his irises, and his long lashes. He moves in slowly and presses his lips against mine, and I kiss him back before I can wrap my mind around what's happening. We're interrupted by a chorus of "awww"s from the other passengers on the boat. I break away from Harry, red faced, and wiggle out of his arms as quick as I can.

"Don't be shy." A middle aged woman in sunglasses says to me. "Young love is so sweet."


Normally, I don't mind being the center of attention. Actually, I love it, but now I wish I could just be invisible. I've never seen any of these people, and I know they don't know about Harry and I, but their stares make me feel exposed. I smile awkwardly at them, hoping they'll return their attention to anything else.

"Yeah, don't be shy, Stella." Harry adds. He pulls me back into his arms and rest his head on my shoulder as we watch the ocean pass by us.

Two hours filled with hand holding and short kisses later, the sail boat excursion is over. We're back inside the rental car, me being in the driver's seat this time. Car rides with Harry are the worst because I'm trapped in a small space with all the awkward feelings and lusting looks. All the sexual tension and unsaid words.

Harry scrolls on his phone for a couple of minutes before suggesting that we go to a little sea food shack that's close to our hotel. I agree with him because my stomach is growling embarrassingly loud and a headache is developing. We arrive there in fifteen minutes flat, even though the drive should have taken twenty five. I've always been a little heavy on the gas pedal.

We get inside and seated quickly and scour over the menu. Right now, I could eat almost anything. We order our food and get served it a short time after. Harry reaches across the table and holds my hand, but I pull it out of his grasp. We eat in silence, and I start to think that Harry is questioning what we have going on between us. He has to feel some kind of guilt or regret or disgust about this. Doesn't he?

By the time were walking into our suite, I'm feeling like death. My head is spinning, and my stomach is woozy. I use the wall for support as I slip off my shoes and head to the couch, falling down onto it.

"You good?" Harry asks. He squints his eyes as he studies me.

"Yeah, I think so. I just need a few."

Harry nods and heads through the suite somewhere. When he returns a couple of minutes later, he's changed from his skinny jeans and button up into blue athletic shorts and a white tank top. I burry my head in my crossed arms that rest on my knees, trying to make the room stop spinning. I feel the couch sink down beside me as he sets down next to me.

"Hey," he says, and I look up. "You look flushed. I'll be right back." He leaves and returns with a cloth from the bathroom, handing it to me. In his other hand, he holds out two pills. "It's a cold wash cloth, press it to your forehead. It will help. And take these. It's ibuprofen."

I do what he says and thank him. He stays beside me, wrapping an arm around me, and pulling my body close to his. At first, I want to resist him, but then I give in and rest against him with my head on his chest. I focus on the steady beats of his heart and his scent that has become so familiar to me. He rubs his hand in soothing motions up and and down my arm and back. Wow, who knew Harry could throw out his arrogance to be sweet?

The longer I stay in Harry's arms, the more tired I get, despite it not even being that late. It was an eventful day. I feel myself drifting off with my last thought being about how sore I might be in the morning from sleeping on this couch. I'm not motivated enough to get up, though, and let go of consciousness.

((Thanks so much for reading! Be sure to add this story to your library and/or reading list so you won't miss any updates. Also, I might start doing some give aways, maybe gifting songs on iTunes for readers and voters. Anyways, please vote if you liked this chapter, thaaaaanks❣️❣️))

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