The Alpha's Rebel Mate

By hayhay15

45.2K 1.1K 142

Tyler, or as her mom calls her Bug, goes from place to place because of her mom's job. Tyler hates to be told... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Authors Note
I'm sorry

Chapter 3

6.7K 231 24
By hayhay15


"Your not a pure blood are you?" He asks once he finds the Celtic moon and wolf paw tattooed on my right shoulder.


"No , I'm not a pure blood." I said while laying on my back and playing 2048 on my phone. I''ve beat the game three times, but I'm still addicted to it.

"Sit up. I wanna see it." Hunter tries pushing my in sitting position. Stupid alpha, thinks that he can control everything.

"No and I swear to God if you touch me one more time you will regret it." I guess he doesn't appreciate being threatened because a huge growl leaves his mouth.

"If you threaten me one more time I ell punish you and I will guarantee that you will not like it." I just laugh which makes him even more mad.

"What you gonna hit me. Buddy you better look at my history because I will take you down."

Hunter pulled me up and slams me against the wall putting a huge hole in my wall. "Your gonna regret that little mate." His eyes turn red and a growl leaves his lips. His grip on me tightens and he looks strait at me with his canines showing. " Your not dealing with Hunter any more. I suggest you submit right now before I do something you won't like." His wolf said in my ear.

A huge bang of my door being slammed open stops Hunter's wolf. I look up to see my mom standing there. "Really, you two. I am trying to work. Seriously Tyler, if you want to piss of your mate do it somewhere else."

" Really Mom, your not even gonna stop him?" I ask giving her my seriously face.

" Did you forget that your father is a wolf. Get used to it because the rate you are going you are going to have tons of "punishments". Welcome to the life of wolves." She said before slamming my door and then another slam from across the hall.

"Let go of me, Hunter." I try pushing Hunter off of me, but he is like a stone wall.

A laugh emits from Hunter. "Oh little mate, I'm still his wolf. You still need to be punished, but first let me see your mark."

"No," I said trying to push him off of me again.

"Mate you better learn to do as I say real fast." Hunter's wolf said before he flips me around. The sound of my shirt ripping was all I heard.

"You son of a b*tch. Why would you rip my shirt. You are gonna pay." The next thing I know Hunter's hand connects with my ass. I squirm in his hand trying to turn around to beat his wolf ass. "I will spank you again unless you stop moving."

I stop before I dig a hole that I wouldn't be able to climb out of. Hunter's finger traces the tattoo. "I've never had to give a member one of these. Did it hurt?" His voice sounded like his wolf was gone.

"More than you think." I said. The alpha of your pack gives you the mark. First he. bites you in th place of his choosing. The bite leaves the scent of your pack on you and gives you the scent of the pack, so if you get in trouble in another pack the alpha. knows who to cantact. Then the mark is tattooed of your skin , but the elders want the mark to be there forever so the mark is branded ove too. When wolves shift the first time any tattoo the person previously had on their body fades. After the shift the wolf can get more tattoos without them going away it's just the first shift.

Hunter pulls me out of my thoughts with his lips kissing the mark. For some reason if bring a ton of emotions to the surface. I rest my forehead on the wall willing the emotions to go back to where they hide.

"Okay little mate, let's go over the rules. This is your punishment.". Hunter said stepping back.

"You really think I will follow them?" I ask grabbing my phone off of my bed. I open up snapchat and look at the 10 from my cousin and friends back home. the first one was sent by Jake a senior at the local school back home . He said smack cam and then a taco smashed into Erin's face , then all you hear is Jake scream and Erin swear. I burst out. laughing. Hunter saw it but he didn't look like he thought it was funny. "What's your problem?" I ask as I open the next picture. The next one was of Jake again but it was a picture of him and he had a bloody nose and a black eye and the caption said don't mess with Erin.

"That isn't funny that is your Alpha Princess. You shouldn't laugh."

"Trust me she has done way way worse. You don't need to defend her." I said.

The next picture was from Erin and it was her with taco all over her and the caption 

Jake is going to die. I go to open the next snachat , but my phone is ripped out of my hands.

" The rules, Tyler."

"Fine. Tell me the rules so I can break them."

"No swearing.

No threatning

No fights

Do what you are told


Respect other people especially me

I will add more on if you misbehave."

" Your rules are a load of bull shit." Oh, look not even a second later I broke the rules. Haha, suck it Hunter.

Hunters eyes turn red again and he sakes his head disapprovingly. "You know Mate, just for that I'm keeping your phone. You will get it back when I see that you learned your lesson."

I laugh so hard that I fall off of my bed. "You really think that is going to bother me? I don't give a f*cling shit about my phone." Hunter gets up and walks out of my room. I grab a can of Coke and chug half of it. I look at the door and notice something black sitting on my floor. Hmm I wonder what that is. I pick up the object and see it is Hunter's phone. Well, if he wants to take my phone then I will just take his. As soon as I put his phone in my pocket Hunter slams my door open.

"Here is your phone." Hunter holds his hand out with my phone in it. I skeptically grab it. He then walks to the left side of my bed and grabs my guitar case with my guitar in it.

"I swear to f*cking God I will murder you if you take my guitar away from me." He just walks out of my room and out of the house to his car. He opens his trunk and puts my guitar in. "You will get it back when you have learned your lesson."

Hunter gets in his car and says, "See you later mate." He pulls out of the driveway and speeds down the road.

I stomp back inside and barge into my mom's room. "Really! You told him to take my guitar away from me!" I scream and clench my fists together.

" Yes, you should know that when an alpha asks you something you answer him."  I stomp it and walk into the living room. The anger is consuming me and I clench my fists even tighter. I reach beack and punch a hole in the wall where the way starts. I grab my phone and Hunter's.

I tak the outter box off of his white Samsung Galaxy 3 and grab a hammer from the tool box. I smash the phone for five minutes strait. I click on the call button of my phone and dial my dad's number.




"Hey Honey, what's up." My dad's gruff voice comes out of the speakers of my phone.

" Hey daddy I want to come home." I tell him, hoping he will come get me.

"What's wrong? Is you mom okay?"

"Yeah mom is okay I just want to go home. I don't like it here. Can you come get me?"

"Does your mom know that you want to leave? You know it would be easier for her to bring you."

" Mom doesn't know can't you just send Uncle Jeff to come get me or even ask Erin to get William to come and get me."

"Okay honey I'll ask I'll call you back in a little bit."

"Okay daddy, I love you."

"I love you too, Honey." I hung up the phone and went back inside and turned on one of my favorite songs. This Is War by 30 Seconds to Mars.

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